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Everything posted by hackalive

  1. If the reverse is not importnat why upload at all, its just going to sit there and noone can see or download it ???? makes little sense ????
  2. what about getting the HTML as a PHP string? then inputting to a DB
  3. So basically you want some PHP which reads the file (eg excel) and gets its internal (stuff) and copy it to a DB, and presumably have something work in reverse so you can download it?
  4. if I set z-index: to a negative number the menu becomes on top but now you cent fill out the form that is below the main part of the menu, any ideas now?
  5. Is it really not saving the files in a DB, just the file names?
  6. hackalive


    So in PHP i have a top nave menu in one div and the rest of the page content below in another div. But the dropdown menue (drop down part) is going BEHIND the rest of the pages content, any ideas? I know I have sumbiited no source code but why could this be happening? Thanks in advance
  7. yeah I am putting together a site, that might interest you guys, i'll let you know when its finished (should be soon, within the next week or so)
  8. Google uses BigTable Wrong, for AdWords as I said Google use MySQL and they are using it more and more
  9. I always do per project, rearly per hour, I wouldnt make enough otherwise :-D what roopurt18 said is a good idea I guess
  10. MySQL it is used by Google for their AdWords system once they saw Oracle was tooo slow
  11. https://cms.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/?&cmd=_render-content&content_ID=developer/howto_api_overview www.x.com
  12. have you had a look at the PayPal APIs and Developer (merchant) documentation
  13. I believe you, just want to know ehy the other link says its possible, seems wierd
  14. according to this I can http://www.weberdev.com/get_example-3917.html
  15. okay so I have on index.php function errors($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) { switch ($errno) { case E_TEST_WARNING: echo "<b>DEPRECATED</b> [$errno] $errstr [$errfile on $errline]<br />\n"; break; } return true; } set_error_handler("errors"); trigger_error("IC_00_00_test",E_TEST_WARNING); but this is returning any ideas?
  16. okay thanks ignace, so how do I build them?
  17. ignace in regards to your response to the second question could you please clarify it. Can I have my own eg E_USER_AA? if so how, I am using my own error handler so I would like to know if I can do this
  18. Hi guys, two things, where can I get a complete list of possible error cases (eg E_USER_NOTICE) and secondaly how can I make my own for the custom error handler I have thanks in advance for any/all help
  19. Hi guys I am using $_SESSION for a login script now my login page has unset($_SESSION['login']); but is fails and never actually destroys it, any ideas?
  20. http://www.smarty.net/ its a template engine for PHP
  21. What about using "Smarty" templates?
  22. mikesta707 perfect thanks a lot, much appreciated
  23. mikesta707 thankyou for your help but $PhpTagCheck = '<PHP>'; $PhpTagCheck = strpos($contents, $PhpTagCheck); if($PhpTagCheck === true){ header("location: http://www.google.com"); } else { header("location: http://www.phpfreaks.com"); //NOT WORK } its still not working
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