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Everything posted by hackalive

  1. This is what I have at this moment, and it is now replacing but only for the last value of $i, not the others in between (eg if <AL3> only shows <AL3> and not 1 and 2 which DO exists function article_content($page_layout){ $mysqli = db(); $uri = uri(); $theme = theme_id(); $qry_article_content = "SELECT * FROM `articles` WHERE `uri`='$uri' ORDER BY `position`"; $result_article_content = $mysqli->query($qry_article_content, MYSQLI_STORE_RESULT); while ($array_article_content = mysqli_fetch_array($result_article_content)){ $article_content = $array_article_content['content']; $article_priority = $array_article_content['priority']; $article_layout = $array_article_content['layout']; $article_position = $array_article_content['position']; $article_layout = articles_layout($article_layout); $split = preg_split("/[<AL]*[>][\s]*/", $article_content); for($i=0;$i<sizeof($split);$i++) { $article_content = str_replace("<AL$i>", $split{$i}, $article_layout); } } return $article_content; }
  2. code is actually $exploded = explode("<", $content); for($i=0;$i<sizeof($exploded);$i++) { $content = str_replace("<$i>", $exploded{$i}, $layout); }
  3. so I have a string which is ($layout) "<1><2><b><3></b>"; now I also have a DB with the following ($content) "<1>This should disply as 1<2>This should display as 2<3>This should be bold and display as three" I have the mysql code to get the above DB data but now I need to explode and replace so that "This should disply as 1" replaces <1> I have this code but it dosent work :-( $exploded = explode("<", $content); for($i=0;$i<strlen($exploded);$i++) { $content = str_replace("<$i>", $exploded{$i}, $layout); } any help much appreciated
  4. someone must have done this before
  5. Hi guys, so I have a DB which has a table called article, it has a field called group (which is an INT from 0 to 9) now I need when displaying content on PHP page for the articles to be in their groups, so all 0s to echo one after the other then the group 1 etc Any ideas on how to do this? I have already got the mysqli code to get all the articles now just need to do this sort and echo Thanks in advance for all and any help
  6. ANy where I can obtain a list of these OS specific commands?
  7. The question is how to obatin information such as hdd serial number, MAC address, CPU serial number etc from the server and place them in PHP variables that then can be used for licensing checks
  8. I need a solution that works on Windows and Linux (but Windows to start with)
  9. I should clarify I actually want it to go into a PHP variable not display to person browsing
  10. I would be interested in this too
  11. Hi guys, I am on the hunt for some code or method (that then I can write the code) that will allow me to do the following. When someone visits mysite.com (as an example) I want it to trigger some code on a server (OS non specific) that then retrieves and displays to the user on the webbrowser the servers hard drive serial number, etc Any help is much appreciated, thanks in advance
  12. well it is true WebKit does not wholy support HTML5, fact
  13. well webkit does not wholy support HTML5 and I would like a challenge
  14. Anyone know of any tutorials in relation to building your own web-browser rendering engine and then placing the GUI on it?? Any help appreciated
  15. Well it has 1TB and seems pretty ergonomic
  16. The battery only lasts about 2 hours :-( can always but spare batteries
  17. Yeah I like this one http://www.asus.com.au/product.aspx?P_ID=SGVGxYEAKu15BCwA as it has 1TB hard drive, good looking keyboard, 1GB RAM GPU, just not sure about the battery life
  18. salathe I was looking more for brand reccomendations like Asus which I was thinking, as I am going to buy it for him
  19. I have a mates son going to Univeristy in AUstralia soon to do a double degree in Computer Science and Computer Systems Engineering, what is the best notebook for this kind of couse and for a programmer, a Mac book Pro?
  20. I've decided I like Logitech the best (always have) so anyone used any of their keyboards listed here http://www.logitech.com/index.cfm/keyboards/keyboards/&cl=us,en and are there ones that I should stay away from becuase of personal experiences from you Thanks
  21. What are your opinions of the MS track and ball mouse, anyone used them, any good? http://members.arstechnica.com/x/archangelha/microsoft-trackball.JPG
  22. no gaming pure coding, thanks for the suggestiosn, I like the one where you walk and get exercise but a bit slow and impractial :-D
  23. Yes I am serious, does anyone have a preference to a keyboard/mouse, like the Crayola one :-D
  24. Didnt knwo where to put this so feel free to move it, what is the best keyboard (or what do you use) for programming PHP, and which mice do you also like to use? Hope to hear your opinions
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