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Everything posted by jcbones

  1. Or, you could use native functions echo nl2br($text); nl2br()
  2. header() must be used before any output to the browser. So it must go at the very top of the script.
  3. Then put it in a sub-directory, and .htaccess it as "deny all". Then no-one can access it via browser. If they get it any other way, then you have much more to worry about.
  4. jcbones


    The good thing about PHP is that it can be done multiple ways. <?php $sw = strtotime('2010W30'); echo date('m-d-Y',$sw) . '<br/>' . date('m-d-Y',strtotime('+6 days',$sw)); ?>
  5. Try it using this query $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT(followed_post) FROM subscriptions WHERE username = '$username'";
  6. $offset = (isset($_GET['start'])) ? (int)$_GET["start"] : 0; $rowsPerPage = (isset($_GET['count'])) ? (int)$_GET["count"] : 10; $next = "<li><a href=\"all.php?start=" . ($offset + $rowsPerPage) . "&count={$rowsPerPage}\" target=\"_replace\">View More</a></li>";
  7. I hate using @, but this is as good of a case as any. else { if(!@mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers)) { echo 'There was an error sending the email, please try again.'; } else { echo "Your email has been sent! <a href='view.php?id=".$id."'>Return to the listing.</a>"; } } You may not even have to use the @ symbol for this to suppress the error.
  8. $result = mysql_query($q) or die('<br />Query string: ' . $q . '<br />Produced error: ' . mysql_error() . '<br />'); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result) or die(mysql_error()); if($row['count'] == 3){ die("You have already attacked this person 3 times this hour."); }
  9. I didn't see a form on that page, so try your Post or Session data like this. $gender= (isset($_POST["gender"])) ? $_POST['gender'] : $_SESSION['gender']; $genderPref= (isset($_POST["genderPref"])) ? $_POST['genderPref'] : $_SESSION['genderPref']; $ageMin= (isset($_POST["ageMin"])) ? $_POST['ageMin'] : $_SESSION['ageMin']; $ageMax= (isset($_POST["ageMax"])) ? $_POST['ageMax'] : $_SESSION['ageMax']; $today = date("Y"); $year1 = $today-$ageMin; $year2 = $today-$ageMax; $_SESSION['gender'] = $gender; // store session data $_SESSION['genderPref'] = $genderPref; // store session data $_SESSION['ageMin'] = $ageMin; // store session data $_SESSION['ageMax'] = $ageMax; // store session data //$_SESSION['today'] = $today; // store session data (NOT NEEDED, as date('Y') will return today. //$_SESSION['year1'] = $year1; // store session data (NOT NEEDED, Let the calcs work. //$_SESSION['year2'] = $year2; // store session data (NOT NEEDED, Let the calcs work.
  10. > equals "greater than" < equals "less than" The point always points at the lower value. if($number_messages < 200) { echo "The maximum message amount is 200."; //IF $number_messages is LESS THAN 200, print this message. }
  11. Is your database column a date or timestamp column? If so. SELECT * FROM table WHERE MONTH(datecolumn) < MONTH(NOW()) AND YEAR(datecolumn) = YEAR(NOW());
  12. I would be more than happy to tell you. But, you have confused me so much on what you want, I don't know what "right" is.
  13. Try: //Change: window.setInterval(autoSave, 20000); // 20 seconds //To: window.setInterval("autoSave()", 20000); // 20 seconds //Change: var params = "?status=" + status; //To var params = "status="+status; After all of that, open the page in firefox, and select 'Tools->Error Console'. Watch the error console for any errors the script might throw.
  14. This line: $z = @mysql_fetch_row($z); Would make the array; $z[0] = 5; //the id. $z[1] = 'Team'; //team name.
  15. Maybe adding a drop down for the time, or rather 3 drop downs "hour" "minute" "am/pm" And for the date, I use the jQuery datepicker
  16. I think you need to use setInterval(). <script type="text/javscript"> var seconds = 5; var interval = seconds * 1000; setInterval('ajaxFunction', interval); //AJAX Function </script>
  17. From looking at your code, the Team id would be. Either: $row['team']; OR, $z[0];
  18. Try: //*Edit*// if(isset($_REQUEST['update_listing'])) { list($month, $day, $year) = explode('/', $_REQUEST['date']); if(strlen($month<2)){$month = "0".$month;} if(strlen($day<2)){$day = "0".$day;} if(strlen($year<4)){$year = "20".substr($year,-2);} $date = $year."-".$month."-".$day; Also, you are getting header errors, make sure your file has no spaces above, or in front of, the "<?php", or after the "?>" in your index file, and your included file.
  19. I think if you changed the line: mysqli_query($dbc, $query); to mysqli_query($dbc, $query) or die(mysqli_error($dbc)); You would find that there is an error in: $query = "UPDATE userDB SET currentdate = '$currentdate', bodyweight = '$bodyweight', bmi = '$bmi', bloodpressure = '$bloodpressure', hdl = '$hdl', ldl = '$ldl' "." totalcholesterol = '$totalcholesterol', triglycerides = '$triglycerides', glucoselevels = '$glucoselevels', bodycomposition = '$bodycomposition', waist = '$waist', hip = '$hip' WHERE user_id = '" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "'"; HERE: ldl = '$ldl' "." totalcholesterol = '$totalcholesterol' Should be changed to: ldl = '$ldl', totalcholesterol = '$totalcholesterol'
  20. '".$siteCode." <- MISSING a single quote('); Full Line: $dbQuery = mysql_query("INSERT INTO user_signup(event_id, firstname, lastname, email, phone, state, sitecode, ip_address, date) VALUES (".$event.", '".$fistName."', '".$lastName."', '".$email."', '".$phone."', '".$state."', '".$siteCode."', '".$ipAddress."', ".time().")", $dbConn);
  21. You need to take the array one step further: Setting an input element into an array, makes the $_POST array into a multidimensional array. //dump the array to the page to get a look at how it is built. echo '<pre>'; print_r($_POST); echo '</pre>'; //To get the values from the checkboxes. foreach($_POST['cp_checkbox_help'] as $value) { echo '<br />' . $value; }
  22. I added some de-bugging into this script. PS. save this as index2.php, so you don't overwrite what is already there, and user's won't see the de-bugging. <?php include("includes/connections.php"); $datetoday = date("Y-m-d"); $futuredate = "2074-12-12"; $pastdate = "2000-12-12"; //************COMP UPDATE*****************// if(isset($_REQUEST['listing_id'])) { if(isset($_REQUEST['delete'])) { mysql_query("DELETE FROM listing WHERE listing_id = ".$_REQUEST['listing_id']."") or die('Delete Error: ' . mysql_error()); header("Location:index.php#".$_REQUEST['listing_id'].""); } } //*Edit*// if(isset($_REQUEST['update_listing'])) { list($month, $day, $year) = explode('/', $_REQUEST['date']); if(strlen($month<2)){$month = "0".$month;} if(strlen($day<2)){$day = "0".$day;} $date = "20".$year."-".$month."-".$day; mysql_query("UPDATE listing SET date='".$date."', bands='".$_REQUEST['bands']."', venue='".$_REQUEST['venue']."',venue_url='".$_REQUEST['venue_url']."',age_id='".$_REQUEST['age_id']."',cost='".$_REQUEST['cost']."',door_cost='".$_REQUEST['door_cost']."',venue_start='".$_REQUEST['venue_start']."',music_start='".$_REQUEST['music_start']."',comments='".$_REQUEST['comments']."' WHERE listing_id = ".$_SESSION['listing_id']."") or die('Update Error ' . mysql_error()); unset ($_SESSION['listing_id']); } /*ADD COMP*/ if(isset($_REQUEST['add_listing'])) { list($month, $day, $year) = explode('/', $_REQUEST['date']); if(strlen($month<2)){$month = "0".$month;} if(strlen($day<2)){$day = "0".$day;} $date = "20".$year."-".$month."-".$day; if($_REQUEST['venue_start']=='HH:MM') $venue_start=""; else $venue_start=$_REQUEST['venue_start']; if($_REQUEST['music_start']=='HH:MM') $music_start=""; else $music_start=$_REQUEST['music_start']; mysql_query("INSERT INTO listing (date, bands, venue, venue_url, age_id, cost, door_cost, venue_start, music_start, comments, approved) VALUES ('".$date."', '".$_REQUEST['bands']."', '".$_REQUEST['venue']."', '".$_REQUEST['venue_url']."', '".$_REQUEST['age_id']."', '".$_REQUEST['cost']."', '".$_REQUEST['door_cost']."', '".$venue_start."', '".$music_start."', '".$_REQUEST['comments']."', '0')") or die('Insert error: ' . mysql_error()); unset ($_SESSION['listing_id']); header("Location:index.php?thanks"); } //*************END COMP UPDATE***************// //Include header include("includes/header.php"); //Top Bar info/Nav $pagetitle = "Portland, Salem, Eugene Metal Show Listings"; $to = "admin@portlandmetal.net"; $subject = "New show"; $body = ""; echo "<div class='titlebox'>".$pagetitle.""; echo "</div><div class='contentbox'>"; if(isset($_REQUEST['thanks'])) { echo "<div class='thanksbox'>"; echo "Thanks for submitting a show. If you don't see it listed here within 24 hours, please contact me at admin@portlandmetal.net (we have experienced a lot of issues with the code and need to troubleshoot!)."; echo "</div>"; mail($to, $subject, $body); } //*************************************************RACE REGISTRATION FUNCTION************************* if(isset($_REQUEST['upcoming'])) { $listingstring = "SELECT listing_id, date, bands, venue, venue_url, age_id, cost, door_cost, venue_start, music_start, comments FROM listing WHERE approved = '1' AND date BETWEEN '".$datetoday."' AND '".$futuredate."' ORDER by approved, date"; } else if(isset($_REQUEST['archives'])) { $listingstring = "SELECT listing_id, date, bands, venue, venue_url, age_id, cost, door_cost, venue_start, music_start, comments FROM listing WHERE approved = '1' AND date BETWEEN '".$pastdate."' AND '".$datetoday."' ORDER by approved, date DESC"; } else { $listingstring = "SELECT listing_id, date, bands, venue, venue_url, age_id, cost, door_cost, venue_start, music_start, comments FROM listing WHERE approved = '1' AND date BETWEEN '".$datetoday."' AND '".$futuredate."' ORDER by approved, date"; } $listingquery = mysql_query($listingstring) or die('Error in: ' . $listingstring . ' <br />' . mysql_error()); ?> <form method="POST" action="index.php"> <div class="graybox margin"> <?php if(isset($_REQUEST['upcoming'])) { echo "<strong>Current Upcoming Shows</strong> <a href='index.php?archives'>See Archives</a><br /><br />"; } else if(isset($_REQUEST['archives'])) { echo "<strong>Past Shows</strong> <a href='index.php?upcoming'>See Upcoming Listings</a><br /><br /><br />"; } else { echo "<strong>Current Upcoming Shows</strong> <a href='index.php?archives'>See Archives</a><br /><br />"; } ?> <table width="100%" cellpadding="8px"> <?php while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($listingquery)) { $bands = $row['bands']; if(strlen($bands)>200) { $bands = substr($bands, 0, 200)."..."; } //IF THE USER SELECTED TO EDIT A RACE// if(isset($_REQUEST['details'])) { if($_REQUEST['listing_id']==$row['listing_id']) { $_SESSION['listing_id']=$row['listing_id']; ?> <tr> <td width="90%" colspan="7" class="listing_details"> <a name="details"></a> <h2><?php echo $row['bands'];?></h2> <h3><?php echo date("l, F jS Y",strtotime($row['date']));?></h3> <strong><a href="<?php echo $row['venue_url'];?>" target="blank"><?php echo $row['venue'];?></a></strong> <?php if($row['age_id']==1) echo "All Ages";?> <?php if($row['age_id']==2) echo "18+";?> <?php if($row['age_id']==3) echo "21+";?><br /> <?php if(empty($row['cost'])) { echo "$".$row['door_cost']." at the door"; } else if(empty($row['door_cost'])) { echo "$".$row['cost']; } else { echo "$".$row['cost'].", $".$row['door_cost']." at the door"; } echo "<br />"; if($row['venue_start']=="00:00:00") echo date("g:i a",strtotime($row['music_start'])); else if($row['music_start']=="00:00:00") echo date("g:i a",strtotime($row['venue_start'])); else echo "Doors Open at ".date("g:i a",strtotime($row['venue_start'])).", Music Starts at ".date("g:i a",strtotime($row['music_start'])); ?><br /> <?php if(empty($row['comments'])){} else{ echo "<br /><strong>Additional Comments</strong><br />"; echo $row['comments']; }?> <br /> <input type="hidden" name="listing_id" value="<?php $row['listing_id']?>" /> <?php if(isset($_REQUEST['archives'])) { echo "<input type='hidden' name='archives'/>"; } ?> </td> <td width="10%" class="listing_details"> <input type="submit" name="cancel_listing" value="Close Details" /> </td> </tr> <?php } else{ echo "<tr>"; echo "<td width='8%'><a name='".$row['listing_id']."'></a>".date("M j (D)",strtotime($row['date']))."</td>"; echo "<td width='8%'><strong>".$bands."</strong></td>"; echo "<td width='8%'>".date("g:i a",strtotime($row['venue_start']))."</td>"; if(empty($row['cost'])) { echo "<td width='16%'>$".$row['door_cost']." at the door</td>"; } else if(empty($row['door_cost'])) { echo "<td width='16%'>$".$row['cost']."</td>"; } else { echo "<td width='16%'>$".$row['cost'].", $".$row['door_cost']." at the door</td>"; } echo "<td width='16%'><a href='".$row['venue_url']."' target='blank'>".$row['venue']."</a></td>"; echo "<td width='8%'>"; if($row['age_id']=='1')echo "All Ages"; else if($row['age_id']=='2')echo "18+"; else if($row['age_id']=='3')echo "21+"; echo "</td>"; echo "<td width='26%'>"; echo "</td>"; echo "<input type='hidden' value='".$row['listing_id']."' name='listing_id'>"; if(isset($_REQUEST['archives'])) { echo "<td width='10%'> <a href='index.php?archives&listing_id=".$row['listing_id']."&details=1#details'>Details</a></td>"; } else{ echo "<td width='10%'> <a href='index.php?listing_id=".$row['listing_id']."&details=1#details'>Details</a></td>"; } echo "</tr>"; } } else{ echo "<tr>"; echo "<td width='8%'><a name='".$row['listing_id']."'></a>".date("M j (D)",strtotime($row['date']))."</td>"; echo "<td width='24%'><strong>".$bands."</strong></td>"; if($row['venue_start']=="00:00:00") echo "<td width='8%'>".date("g:i a",strtotime($row['music_start']))."</td>"; else if($row['music_start']=="00:00:00") echo "<td width='8%'>".date("g:i a",strtotime($row['venue_start']))."</td>"; else echo "<td width='8%'>".date("g:i a",strtotime($row['venue_start']))."</td>"; if(empty($row['cost'])) { echo "<td width='16%'>$".$row['door_cost']." at the door</td>"; } else if(empty($row['door_cost'])) { echo "<td width='16%'>$".$row['cost']."</td>"; } else { echo "<td width='16%'>$".$row['cost'].", $".$row['door_cost']." at the door</td>"; } echo "<td width='16%'><a href='".$row['venue_url']."' target='blank'>".$row['venue']."</a></td>"; echo "<td width='8%'>"; if($row['age_id']=='1')echo "All Ages"; else if($row['age_id']=='2')echo "18+"; else if($row['age_id']=='3')echo "21+"; echo "</td>"; echo "<td width='16%'>"; echo "</td>"; echo "<input type='hidden' value='".$row['listing_id']."' name='listing_id'>"; if(isset($_REQUEST['archives'])) { echo "<td width='20%'> <a href='index.php?archives&listing_id=".$row['listing_id']."&details=1#details'>Details</a></td>"; } else{ echo "<td width='20%'> <a href='index.php?listing_id=".$row['listing_id']."&details=1#details'>Details</a></td>"; } echo "</tr>"; echo "</tr>"; } } echo "</table>"; echo "<a name='new_listing'></a>"; if(isset($_REQUEST['new_listing'])) { $_SESSION['listing_id']=$row['listing_id']; ?> <div class="addnewcontainer"><div class="addnewtitle"></div></div> <div class="add_listing_public"> <label for="date">Date: </label><input name="date" type='text' value="MM/DD/YY"/><br /> <label for="bands">Bands: </label><input style="width:350px" name="bands" type="text"/><br /> <label for="venue">Venue: </label><input style="width:300px;" name="venue" type="text" /><br /> <label for="venue_url">Website: </label><input style="width:300px;" name="venue_url" type="text" value="http://" /><br /> <label for="age_id">Age: </label> <select name="age_id"> <option value="1">All Ages</option> <option value="2">18+</option> <option value="3">21+</option> </select><br /> <label for="cost">Cost: $</label><input style="width:3em;" name="cost" type="text" /><br /> <label for="door_cost">Door Cost: $</label><input style="width:3em;" name="door_cost" type="text" /><br /> <label for="venue_start">Venue Start: </label><input name="venue_start" type="text" value="HH:MM" /> <span class='notes'>(Military Time)</span><br /> <label for="music_start">Music Start: </label><input name="music_start" type="text" value="HH:MM"/> <span class='notes'>(Military Time)</span><br /> <label for="comments">Comments: </label><br /> <textarea cols="60" rows="4" name="comments" type="text" /></textarea><br /> <input type="submit" name="add_listing" value="Add" /> <input type="submit" name="cancel_listing" value="Cancel" /> <?php } ?> <br /> <?php if(isset($_REQUEST['new_listing'])) echo""; else{?> <div class="listshow">Know about a show? Submit one! <br /> It's free and fast (no account required):<br /> <br /> <input type="submit" name="new_listing" value="Submit New Show" /></div> <?php } ?> </div></div> </div> </form> <?php //*************************************************END RACE REGISTRATION FUNCTION************************* echo"</div>"; //INCLUDE FOOTER include("includes/footer.php"); ?>
  23. And to use Mchl's function in a loop to show multiple numbers. $result = 1; for($i = 0; $i < 100; $i++) { $result = nextNumber($result); echo $result . '<br />'; }
  24. Any variable declared in an included page, is available on any other page in the include structure. Try this: Test1.php <?php include('Test2.php'); echo $test; ?> Test2.php <?php include('Test3.php'); ?> Test3.php <?php $test = 'This is only a Test'; ?> Now run "Test1.php".
  25. I assumed (that gets you in trouble), that your users table, and the userstats table is tied together with "id". I tried to incorporate all of your request in this script. It may or may not work as I didn't test it. But, that is all you can expect for free <?php session_start(); include_once('../inc/connect.php'); $today = date("Y-m-d"); $sort = $_GET['sort']; $delete = $_GET['delete']; $dir = $_GET['dir']; $id = (isset($_GET['id']) && preg_match('~^[0-9]+$~',$_GET['id'])) ? $_GET['id'] : false; $submit = $_POST['submit']; switch($dir) { case 'ASC': $dir = 'DESC'; break; case 'DESC'; $dir = 'ASC'; break; default: $dir = 'ASC'; } switch($sort) { case 'username': $sorted = 'u.username'; break; case 'email': $sorted = 'u.email'; break; case 'type': $sorted = 'u.type'; break; case 'referrer': $sorted = 'u.referrer'; break; case 'level': $sorted = 's.level'; break; case 'exp': $sorted = 's.exp'; break; case 'credits': $sorted = 's.credits'; break; default: $sorted = 'u.id'; } //Assuming the tables user and userstats are tied together with the id. $sql = "SELECT u.*,s.level,s.exp,s.credits FROM users as u, userstats as s WHERE u.id = s.id ORDER BY $sorted $dir"; if ($delete==true && $id !== false){ //Assuming that users and userstats are tied together with the id. mysql_query("DELETE FROM users WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1"); mysql_query("DELETE FROM userstats WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1"); } if ($ban==true){ } // head echo " <html> <head> <title>Users</title> <style> a:link{ text-decoration: none; color: #519904; } a:visited{ text-decoration: none; color: #519904; } a:hover{ text-decoration: none; color: #4296ce; } #joined{ position: absolute; width: 200px; top: 35px; left: 465px; } </style> </head> <body> "; echo "<h2 align='center'>Members</h2><br /><table border='1' align='center'> <tr> <th bgcolor='#cccccc'><a href='users.php?sort=id&dir=" . $dir . "'>ID</a></th> <th bgcolor='#cccccc'><a href='users.php?sort=username&dir=" . $dir . "'>Username</a></th> <th bgcolor='#cccccc'><a href='users.php?sort=email&dir=" . $dir . "'>Email</a></th> <th bgcolor='#cccccc'><a href='users.php?sort=type&dir=" . $dir . "'>Type</a></th> <th bgcolor='#cccccc'><a href='users.php?sort=referrer&dir=" . $dir . "'>Referrer</a></th> <!-- Level, Exp, and Credits are in the table called userstats --> <th bgcolor='#cccccc'><a href='users.php?sort=level&dir=" . $dir . "'>Level</a></th> <th bgcolor='#cccccc'><a href='users.php?sort=exp&dir=" . $dir . "'>Exp</a></th> <th bgcolor='#cccccc'><a href='users.php?sort=credits&dir=" . $dir . "'>Credits</a></th> </tr><form>"; $result = mysql_query($sql); $recentmembers = 0; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $joined = $row['joindate']; if ($joined==$today){ $recentmembers += 1; } echo "<tr>"; echo "<td align='center' width='40'>" .$row['id']. "</td>"; echo "<td align='center' width='130'><input type='text' name='username' value='" .$row['username']. "'></td>"; echo "<td align='center' width='230'><input type='text' name='email' value='" .$row['email']. "' size='35'></td>"; echo "<td align='center' width='10'><input type='text' name='member' value='" .$row['member']. "' size='2'></td>"; echo "<td align='center' width='175'><input type='text' name='referrer' value='" .$row['referrer']. "' size='25'></td>"; echo "<td align='center' width='10'><input type='text' name='level' value='" .$row['level']. "' size='2'></td>"; echo "<td align='center' width='10'><input type='text' name='exp' value='" .$row['exp']. "' size='10'></td>"; echo "<td align='center' width='10'><input type='text' name='credits' value='" .$row['credits']. "' size='20'></td>"; echo "<td align='center' width='10'><a href='users.php?delete=true&id=" .$row['id']. "' onclick=\"return confirm('Are you sure you wish to Delete this user?');\">Delete</a></td>"; echo "</tr>"; } echo "</table><br /><center><input type='submit' name='submit' value='Submit Changes'><input type='reset' name='reset' value='Reset'></form></center>"; echo "<br /><div id='joined'>Joined Today: ".$recentmembers."</div>"; // Footer echo " </body> </html> "; // Change User's Information if (isset($submit)){ // UPDATE USERS INFORMATION FOR ONLY THE ROWS THAT HAVE BEEN MODIFIED } ?>
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