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  1. Ow wrong site: http://ictjobsforyou.eu
  2. Hi On my site: http://itjobsforyou.eu I want to have multiple header pictures, depending on which menu is selected. I'm trying to do this with javascript, on page load calling document.getElementById("header").style.backgroundImage = url (blablabla) ... But i'm navigating on the site and clicking around, before changing to the header I want, it looks like he sometimes jumps back to the original header ( set with css ). ( You can try it on the site ) Someone knows a way to solve this? Thanks , Niels
  3. Hello, After some tryout my list is OK in firefox , safari... Except in IE (offcourse...). After some searching I still haven't found any solution. In internet explorer i can't get placed a background on my (horizontal menu) list. Site: http://120787.testvds.com/Drupal/ ugly background is just a test ;-) ) CSS: ul.navigation li{ display:block; float:left; position:relative; padding:0 1px 0 0; background-image: url(http://www.tizag.com/pics/cssT/smallPic.jpg); } HTML: <div class="page-content header-wrapper"> <div class="shadow-left"> <div class="shadow-right clearfix"> <ul class="navigation"><li class="menu-199 active-trail first active page "><a title="Home" href="/Drupal/nl/node/40" class="fadeThis sf-with-ul"> <span class="title">Home</span> <span class="pointer"></span> <span class="hover" style="opacity: 0;"> </span> </a></li> <li class="menu-152 page "><a title="Over Anankei" href="/Drupal/nl/node/17" class="fadeThis sf-with-ul"> <span class="title">Over Anankei</span> <span class="pointer"></span> <span class="hover" style="opacity: 0;"> </span> </a></li> <li class="menu-154 page "><a title="Onze diensten" href="/Drupal/nl/node/19" class="fadeThis sf-with-ul"> <span class="title">Onze diensten</span> <span class="pointer"></span> <span class="hover" style="opacity: 0;"> </span> </a><ul class="level-2" style="opacity: 0; margin-left: 20px; display: none; visibility: visible;"><li class="page page-test 1" ><a title="test 1" href="/Drupal/nl/node/39" class="fadeThis"> <span class="title">test 1</span> <span class="pointer"></span> <span class="hover" style="opacity: 0;"> </span> </a></li><li class="page page-test 2" ><a title="test 2" href="/Drupal/nl/node/43" class="fadeThis"> <span class="title">test 2</span> <span class="pointer"></span> <span class="hover" style="opacity: 0;"> </span> </a></li></ul></li> <li class="menu-158 page "><a title="nieuws" href="/Drupal/nl/node/23" class="fadeThis sf-with-ul"> <span class="title">nieuws</span> <span class="pointer"></span> <span class="hover" style="opacity: 0;"> </span> </a></li> <li class="menu-161 last page "><a title="itjobs" href="/Drupal/nl/node/26" class="fadeThis sf-with-ul"> <span class="title">itjobs</span> <span class="pointer"></span> <span class="hover" style="opacity: 0;"> </span> </a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> Can anyone help me?
  4. Hello, Finally got my project working in apache (XAMPP for windows), even with my perl upload script. Now this was juist my test-place, when i moved my site to the server where it has to be (IIS), my upload script didnt worked anymore, after installing Perl on the server, my 405 method not allowed error went away, my shebang line is OK. I just really doesn't have an id what can be wrong now... My firebug gives no more errors, but it doesn't start uploading... Anyone has an idee what this can be ?
  5. Hello, This problem is driving me crazy: I'm making a form with some input fields, and with an upload ( with progressbar ), i have an seperate form to arrange the upload stuff. When i place the form with the upload outside the other form, everything works correct. But when I place the upload form in the other, my javascript code can't find document.getElementById("formid")... javascript code: form.PHP: function submitForms(){ if(document.form0.file0.value == ""){ alert("CV verplicht"); } else { checkRadiobuttons(document.form); document.form.submit(); } } function callFunctions(){ document.getElementById('moreUploadsLink').style.display = 'block'; var formcount = "form" + (upload_number-1); uploadForm(formcount, '4d46e2a1bf27bad15d63790e447bcc46' + formcount); } upload_form.js: function uploadForm(form, sid) { //var theForm = $(form); var theForm = document.getElementById(form); ==> Error : theForm is null ( not when upload form is outside other form. ) PHP CODE: <form action="<?php print $url; ?>" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="form" id="form"> ($url = gezonden.php (the new php page, doesn't matter for this ) (REMOVED TABLE) (REMOVED TABLE) (REMOVED TABLE) <div id="divavailability"> <table border='0' cellspacing='5' cellpadding='0'> <tr> <td> Beschikbaarheid:</td> <td> <input type='text' name='availability' id='availability'/></td> <td> (DD/MM/JJJJ) </td> <td width="18%"> </td> <td width="18%"> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <div> <div id="uploadforms" style="width: 43em;padding: .5em;"> ==> THIS FORM IS CAUSING THE TROUBLES <form METHOD="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="form0" id="form0" action="upload.cgi?sID=4d46e2a1bf27bad15d63790e447bcc46form0" target="form0_iframe" class="forms"> <div class="progressBox"> <div style="" class="progressBar" id="4d46e2a1bf27bad15d63790e447bcc46form0_progress"> </div> </div> <div class="fileName" id="4d46e2a1bf27bad15d63790e447bcc46form0_fileName"> </div> <input type="file" name="file0" id="file0" class="inputfile" onchange="callFunctions();"/> </form> </div> <div id="moreUploadsLink" class="morelinks"><a href="javascript:addFileInput();">Attach file</a></div> <iframe name="form0_iframe" id="form0_iframe" src="blank.html" class="loader"></iframe> </div> TABLE REMOVED <!-- hidden input to place variable when radiobutton is empty --> <form method="POST" action="" name="formradio" id="formradio"> <input type="hidden" id="radiobuttonscheck" name="radiobuttonscheck" value=""/> </form> </form> <input type="button" value="Verzenden" id="btnSubmit" name="btnSubmit" src="images/knop_verzenden.png" onclick ="submitForms()"/> Anyone knows how to solve this ? Niels
  6. Hi, I'm trying to create an upload instance ( comparable with gmail attachment's uploader). For some kind of reason i can't get 2 div's and one input field correctly append to a form, and append that for to a div: I hope that someone can help me. Php code: <body> <div> <div id="uploadforms" style="border: 3px ridge #FF2312; height: 10em; padding: .5em;"> <form METHOD="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="form0" id="form0" action="upload.cgi?sID=4d46e2a1bf27bad15d63790e447bcc46form0" target="form0_iframe" style="border: 3px ridge #4B6192;"> <div class="progressBox"> <div style=""class="progressBar" id="4d46e2a1bf27bad15d63790e447bcc46form0_progress"> </div> </div> <div class="fileName" id="4d46e2a1bf27bad15d63790e447bcc46form0_fileName" style=" border: 3px ridge #4B6192;"> </div> <input type="file" name="file0" id="file0" onchange="callFunctions();"/> </form> </div> <div id="moreUploads" style="border: 2px solid #011F97; padding: .5em;"></div> <div id="moreUploadsLink" style="border: 2px solid #4ED823; padding: .5em;"><a href="javascript:addFileInput();">Attach file</a></div> <iframe name="form0_iframe" id="form0_iframe" src="blank.html" class="loader"></iframe> </div> </body> Javascript: <script type="text/javascript"> function callFunctions(){ document.getElementById('moreUploadsLink').style.display = 'block'; var formcount = "form" + (upload_number-1); uploadForm(formcount, '4d46e2a1bf27bad15d63790e447bcc46' + formcount); } var upload_number = 1; function addFileInput() { //var divke = document.createElement("div"); var form = document.createElement("form"); var formname = "form" + upload_number; form.setAttribute("id", formname); form.setAttribute("name", formname); form.setAttribute("target", (formname + "_iframe")); form.setAttribute("style", "border: 3px ridge #4B6192;"); var sid = "4d46e2a1bf27bad15d63790e447bcc46" + formname; form.setAttribute("action", "upload.cgi?sID=" + sid); form.setAttribute("enctype", "multipart/form-data" ); form.setAttribute("method", "POST"); var divprogressbox = document.createElement("div"); divprogressbox.setAttribute("class", "progressBox"); var divprogressbar = document.createElement("div"); divprogressbar.setAttribute("id", sid + "_progress"); divprogressbar.setAttribute("class", "progressBar"); divprogressbox.appendChild(divprogressbar); form.appendChild(divprogressbox); var divfile = document.createElement("div"); divfile.setAttribute("id", sid + "_fileName"); divfile.setAttribute("class", "fileName"); form.appendChild(divfile); var inputfile = document.createElement("input"); inputfile.setAttribute("type", "file"); inputfile.setAttribute("id", "file" + upload_number); inputfile.setAttribute("name", "file" + upload_number); inputfile.setAttribute("class", "fileName"); inputfile.setAttribute("onchange", "callFunctions();"); form.appendChild(inputfile); var iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); iframe.setAttribute("id", "form" + upload_number + "_iframe"); iframe.setAttribute("name", "form" + upload_number + "_iframe"); iframe.setAttribute("class","loader"); iframe.setAttribute("src", "blank.html"); document.getElementById("uploadforms").appendChild(form); document.getElementById("uploadforms").appendChild(iframe); upload_number++; } </script> In attachment you can see what goes wrong, normally the new added input field (file) and the new progress bar should be in the blue border, under the first input file. You can see he adds the border, but without the input in it. Niels [attachment deleted by admin]
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