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  1. The quickest way I do a redirect is on the page i want to direct away from I use: header("location: ./index");
  2. On the page that displays what you wrote in your textbox. Are you saving the textarea data in a database?
  3. while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { if ($row['fname'] == '') { echo "<li>".$row['company']." - FName</li>"; } elseif ($row['address'] == '') { echo "<li>".$row['company']." - Address</li>"; else { echo "none"; } }
  4. Thanks, haven't seen the end() function before.
  5. Well; if you aren't creative enough to program a self destruct sequence within your code, if the footer has been changed. It makes me wonder how effective your CMS is. You can within your classes somwhere, or a file thats included everywhere; check the md5 of the footer, and if it doesnt match a certain number it can kill the script with die();. People will then have to sit there and search to see where they can reverse that. You can also hardcode it into your templating engine, if you are using one in your cms.
  6. As stated that is incorrect: proper way of fixing that error, i say is: or $file = "file.with.dot.txt"; $extension = explode('.',$file); $extension = $extension[count($extension) - 1];
  7. ... and you can store a session in a file or in the database.
  8. If you email me tomorrow; I have a function at the office that converts it from "excel" time, to a timestamp if you want.
  9. <? $days = (date("L") == 1) ? 366 : 365; ?>
  10. I learned to design websites without the use of Frameworks back in the day; but as I learned more, and did more sites; I ended up having a respository of classes that I would need; and essential classes, that made my life as a coder easier. I then tried cakePHP and other frameworks, figuring out that; throught out my years of programing, i ended up creating my own personal framework that hasn't failed me yet Frameworks make coding somewhat a little faster for the traditional coder, and can prove to be quite efficient. For example I am currently working on a site that is built of a Moodle Build. Within their framework they have the function get_records($table, $searchfield, $serachvalue, [$limit]); which takes care of querying the database, returning the value, and then run a foreach on all the rows, and returns them into an object. Its saves me ton of time and I dont have to repeat the same code over and over again.
  11. Hey, Your issue is simple: Instead of $plugin->author. its $plugin.author $pluging.description in the tpl file.
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