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  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> <soap:Body> <CreateNewUser xmlns="www.mydomain.com/myservice/serviceEngine"> <UserName>not telling you</UserName> <Password>not telling you</Password> <User> <Username>steven</Username> <Password>897687978</Password> </User> </CreateNewUser> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope> Thats the soap request am trying to get php to generate but I'm struggling to get it to work. Basically I give it the WSDL then I call the CreateNewUser function I give it the following array as parameters for the function array(array('Username' => '', 'Password' =>'' , 'User' =>array( 'username' =>'steven', 'password' =>'897687978' ) ))
  2. Hi I heard php6 precompiles code. Is this true?
  3. I'm integrating two sites together for a friend. However the site I'm integrating to has a security token system within the the login form. It's only a hidden text field. I can use curl to programmatically post the username and password to their login script and it works. but how do I obtain the token? It gives an error saying "invalid authenticity token" I was thinking of downloading the page then searching the xhtml but how do I search for an input tag with a given name?
  4. How exactly does one use this SSL certificate once it's been installed onto the webserver? I know php has openssl bindings but there doesn't seem to be any info on it and most of the docs on php.net dont have examples.
  5. Is it even possible to set break points on the script that handles the post the form has posted interactively? ie I set a break point the handler script then use the form to make post then it stops at the break point
  6. session.use_only_cookies  boolean     session.use_only_cookies specifies whether the module will only use cookies to store the session id on the client side. Enabling this setting prevents attacks involved passing session ids in URLs. This setting was added in PHP 4.3.0. does this mean when ever we use sessions we should have this enabled. Even if u don't pass your session id alon with url? I am using php5 is still a problem?
  7. I have access to either of those two however I do not have appropriate rights to edit the php.ini file to inform php of the servers details.  Is there away to work around this?
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