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  1. hyster's post in PHP CONTACT FORM URGENT HELP NEEDED was marked as the answer   
    u have to run a .php file from inside a webserver not from ur pc (unless u have a web server installed on ur pc)
  2. hyster's post in count in a while loop to last td in row was marked as the answer   
    changed css to use class's
    css is in a block at the top, (will be moved to a css file when im done)
    fixed the ' and " (I hope)
    $row['type'] holds 1 of 5 values which im going to use to change the bgcolor
    final </tr> I missed putting back in as I was experimenting having it at the start and end of the row :$
    $row['type'] still holding the last row value and not the row value (still too dumb to work out what im missing)
    applying for a bank loan to pay for the beer I owe mac_gyver
    <div style=' height:800px; overflow:auto;'> <table class='hovertable' cellspacing'0' cellpadding='0' border='1' > <thead> <?php $sql = "SELECT tank_list.name_i18n, tank_list.tank_id, tank_list.name, tank_list.type, tank_list.nation, tank_list.short_name_i18n, player_list.account_id, player_list.nickname, player_list.clan, garage_list.tank_id IS NOT NULL AS combination_exists FROM player_list CROSS JOIN tank_list LEFT JOIN garage_list ON player_list.account_id = garage_list.account_id AND tank_list.tank_id = garage_list.tank_id WHERE tank_list.level = '$tier' AND player_list.clan = '$clanname' ORDER BY FIELD(tank_list.type, 'lighttank', 'mediumTank', 'heavyTank', 'AT-SPG', 'SPG'), name ASC, tank_list.name ASC, tank_list.nation ASC, player_list.nickname ASC "; $result = $conn->query($sql); $rows = $result->fetch_all(MYSQLI_ASSOC); $data = array(); foreach ($rows as $row) { $data[$row['short_name_i18n']][$row['nickname']] = ($row['combination_exists'] == 1); } if(empty($data)){ echo "Please select again, no players found matching your search"; } else { $firstTank = reset($data); $players = array_keys($firstTank); $array = array_keys($firstTank); $count = count($array); echo '<tr><th width="170" ></th>'; for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { echo '<th><img src="./img/name/vrt'.$array[$i].'.png" title="'.$array[$i].'"></th>'; //echo "<td>".$array[$i] . "\n</td>"; } echo '</tr></thead></div><tbody>'; foreach($data as $tank_name=>$arr){ echo '<tr><td><div class="'.$row['type'].'">'.$tank_name. '</div><div class="right">' . array_sum($arr).'</div></td>'; // tank name as row label foreach($arr as $nickname=>$element){ // output the data for each cell if ($element == 1){ echo '<td><img src="./img/' . $element . '.png" height="20" width="20" title="' . $nickname . '"></td>'; }else{ echo "<td></td>"; } } echo '</tr>'; // may use this later //echo '<td><div class="right">'. array_sum($arr) .'</div></td></tr>'; } } ?> </tbody> </table></div>
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