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Everything posted by colmustard

  1. What I Like -Logo/Brand -Your work (portfolio items) -JS Rotator (although I think the shadow is to dark) -Interior Layout is very Clean and easy to read -Footer Design is superb What I don't Like -Home Page Box Titles ("Our Services", "Core Technologies", "What Other's Say?") I feel the design of these titles is slightly off, the background just doesn't fit with the box. I think if the shadow wasn't as tall and dark it would look more natural. -Services Page Lacks Content -Portfolio Layout may be to minimalistic -Lack of Social Media What's broken -Testimonial Page Footer doesn't hug the bottom of the page (Content issue I think) *Checked in Google Chrome 11.0.696.77
  2. The main idea behind the new design is to be less cluttered and easier to navigate, I just felt my old site was a little too bloated. I personally like the new design better but ofc it's more recent and I tend to grow tired of my older work. But to each his own right?
  3. Hey guys, I just released my new portfolio which I think is a much cleaner and easier to navigate upgrade from my last one. I havn't had much of a chance to test it out extensively so please let me know if you come across anything odd. I know for one thing that many of the animations won't work in all browsers because they are mostly in css3 and jquery. This is also the first site I've built on an mvc framework outside of a team environment so I wouldn't be surprised if I missed something, cheers! new site - http://mattrheault.com old site - http://mjrportfolio.com
  4. I really like your website. It's very easy to read and navigate. Just a few things I think you should change though. -The grey links in the page have the exact same styling as the bolded text, making it hard to differentiate between what is a link and what isn't. -Also, your selling something, You need to draw my attention! Right now the content of your homepage is information with a very very small buy now link at the bottom. How about some visually appealing images in there? Other than that I feel it is a very complete website, and what looks to be a great product
  5. Yeah just for clarification those envato banners were just place holders until I had more articles posted. I removed them since I just posted my 2nd article. Also Clarification on what you think would help with the navigation would be helpful. And yes I'll be happy to review your website
  6. Hello, I am releasing http://www.breakthenetwork.com within the next week or so, or whenever I have at least 5 kickoff articles to do so with. In the meantime, what still needs to be tweaked before official release?
  7. note - css3 transitions only seems to be working in chrome
  8. Hey guys I've been working on a new blogging network, it should look something like this when its done (but not exactly). http://mjrportfolio.com/btn/btn3.jpg I've never used this much css3 and jquery in any of my sites so I want to make sure I get all the kinks out of the way before I release it. Hopefully everything is down-gradable to an extent, but please let me know if you find anything that inhibits the users experience. http://mjrportfolio.com/btn/code/
  9. darken that grey tone a little bit, remove some of the yellow from that lime-green color, and add some very very subtle background gradients and I would say you have a professional looking website. Also its a very bad idea to just blatantly post your email on your website or to use the old html mailto function. Look into php mailing forms, this is much more secure as it keeps spam bots from finding your email and sending you cialis ads every 10 min. good work.
  10. jeez thundervike, don't take me not personally preferring wordpress as a standalone cms for the websites I create as a personal attack or anything... To create the functionality that I implemented in this site purely in wordpress would have taken MUCH MUCH longer than it would have using the system I have put in place, its not a flaw in wordpress, its just simply not what the platform is designed for. I apologize for offending you so badly in my own development decisions.
  11. interesting, I have seen people using wordpress as a standalone cms for non-blog websites, but I've just never seen the practicality in it as you can accomplish the same effects using another cms or framework that is built specifically for the functionality you are trying to create in a much more time efficient manner.
  12. yeah Wordpress is amazing, its so flexible now that I think about it, probably would have been the smarter route to use wordpress as the main cms here :( lol
  13. @thundervike I am using modxcms for the main part of the site so that the client can maintain all of his pages easily himself. On top of that I created a /blog directory and installed wordpress in there. This is to keep fresh content on his site and to bring in more traffic. Of course both cms's are using separate mysql databases if thats what your getting at? I used something called ditto to re-itterate changes he makes on one page of the site to appear on all pages, so thats a big part of why everything loads so slowly. The images he's been uploading through this system are waaaaaay to big I guess I will just have to have a sit down with the client and explain to him how to resize the images he uploads so that they don't end up being so huge and yeah im still pretty amateur at this, but you gotta get your experience somewhere
  14. thank you radar, this is very useful
  15. do you mean make the thumbnail required, or is there a way using php to simply create the thumbnail automatically (this would be best)
  16. yeah i normally don't, but I designed the system to be as easy for the client to manage the content as possible. He uploads the images to one place and it is displayed throughout the site. I do have an option in there for image thumbnails but it doesn't look like he's using it.
  17. http://www.tftyouth.com I would like some feedback on my newest client project. It is still in heavy development but complete enough for review. The site is built on modxcms, wordpress, and magento commerce. (the store is not live yet)
  18. Hi, I am able to fetch and display the data from the table, however I need a system where I can pick and choose which data to display. For example if a certain date is specified the loop needs to only pull out the data with the task_log_date that corresponds. Currently it just loops through everything in the database, this is great but I only want to pull out data that is related to the current date. Here is a snippet of my code. Any help is greatly appreciated! $today = date("m/d/y"); $thistime=0; $totaltime=0; $query = "SELECT * FROM task_log WHERE `task_log_creator` = ".$creator." AND `task_log_date` >= '".$today."' ORDER BY task_log_date"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die ("Error in query: $query. " . mysql_error()); // if records present if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { // iterate through resultset // print title with links to go to that Item while($row = mysql_fetch_object($result)) { echo '<tr>'; echo '<td>'. $row->task_log_id . '</td>'; echo '<td>'. $row->task_log_task . '</td>'; echo '<td>'. $row->task_log_name . '</td>'; $description = $row->task_log_description; echo '<td>'. nl2br($description) . '</td>'; echo '<td>'. $row->task_log_hours . '</td>'; echo '<td>'. $row->task_log_date . '</td>'; echo '<td>'. $row->task_log_related_url . '</td>'; echo '</tr> '; $thistime = $row->task_log_hours; $totaltime = $totaltime + $thistime; } echo '<tr>'; echo '<td> </td><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td>'; echo '<td class="total">'. $totaltime .'</td>'; echo '<td> </td><td> </td>'; echo '</tr>'; }
  19. Hello, I have this working js twitter feed on my site, but I am trying to generate the topsy retweet button through the .js file via an innerHTML call, but its not working. the innerHTML works if I put test or something in there, so there is something within this line of code that is breaking it. document.getElementById('retweet-button').innerHTML = '<div class="topsy_widget_data"><!--{"url":"'+url+'","title":"inConcert Web Solutions, Inc."}--></div>'; This is the entire script, I really appreciate any help //Twitter window.onload = function() { var ajax_load = "<img class='loader' src='/assets/templates/incon/twitterfeed/loader.gif' alt='Loading...' />"; var url = 'http://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline/inConcertWeb.json?callback=twitterCallback2&count=1'; var script = document.createElement('script'); $("#twitter_feed").html(ajax_load); script.setAttribute('src', url); document.body.appendChild(script); } function twitterCallback2(twitters) { var statusHTML = []; for (var i=0; i<twitters.length; i++){ var username = twitters[i].user.screen_name; var status = twitters[i].text.replace(/((https?|s?ftp|ssh)\:\/\/[^"\s\<\>]*[^.,;'">\:\s\<\>\)\]\!])/g, function(url) { return '<a href="'+url+'" target="_blank">'+url+'</a>'; }).replace(/\B@([_a-z0-9]+)/ig, function(reply) { return reply.charAt(0)+'<a href="http://twitter.com/'+reply.substring(1)+'">'+reply.substring(1)+'</a>'; }); statusHTML.push('<li class="twitter_date"><a href="http://twitter.com/'+username+'/statuses/'+twitters[i].id+'" target="_blank">'+relative_time(twitters[i].created_at)+'</a></li> <li><p>'+status+'</p></li>'); } document.getElementById('twitter_update_list').innerHTML = statusHTML.join(''); document.getElementById('retweet-button').innerHTML = '<div class="topsy_widget_data"><!--{"url":"'+url+'","title":"inConcert Web Solutions, Inc."}--></div>'; } function relative_time(time_value) { var values = time_value.split(" "); time_value = values[1] + " " + values[2] + " " + values[5] + " " + values[3]; var parsed_date = new Date(); parsed_date.setTime(Date.parse(time_value)); var months = new Array('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'); var m = parsed_date.getMonth(); var postedAt = ''; postedAt = months[m]; postedAt += " "+ parsed_date.getDate(); postedAt += "," postedAt += " "+ parsed_date.getFullYear(); return postedAt; }
  20. 0_0 but its cake... i mean common lol and yeah sometimes the right widget bar doesn't float correctly, I don't know what the issue is, I should probably just do an entire css re-write because I coded that site as I was still "learning" and now I just look back at my code with shame haha
  21. add col. mustard on xbox live and I'll prove it to you lol
  22. thanks for the critique guys this is really helpful, @premiso lol its actually funny that you mentioned my footer, my boss loved it and always jokes about it whenever we have to make an ie6 fix haha. @andrew I'm only 17 and don't have any clients or degrees yet, but I definitely see the point you are making! Thats something that I'm going to need to keep in mind in the future when I am really looking for work. thanks guys, its really useful having actual critiques for once rather than the usual "I like it, I don't like it" stuff!
  23. Hello, please let me know what you think of my site, it has been in constant development for the past year or so, and I am always looking for ways to improve it http://www.mjrportfolio.com
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