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Everything posted by afaaro

  1. I have 11 news then i want to display like first column need only one news second column need 5 news third column need the rest of 5 news I tried this but no luck, it shows first column and second column and the rest outside column $rows = array( 'Title1', 'Title2', 'Title3', 'Title4', 'Title5', 'Title6', 'Title7', 'Title8', 'Title9', 'Title10', 'Title11', ); $total_rows = count($rows); $total_cols = $total_rows - 1;// remove first one for the first column $left_column = ceil($total_cols / 2); $right_column = $total_cols - $left_column; $i = 0; foreach ($rows as $row) { $i++; if ($i == 1) { $class = "primary_post"; echo "<div class='col-md-4 main'>"; } elseif ($i <= $left_column) { $class = "other_post"; echo "<div class='col-md-4 left'>"; } elseif ($i == $right_column) { $class = "other_post"; echo "<div class='col-md-4 right'>"; } else { $class = "other_post"; } echo "<div class='card {$class}'>$i</div>"; if ($i == 1 || $i == $left_column || $i == $right_column) { echo "</div>"; } else { echo ""; } } echo "</div>";
  2. now this is how am getting News — News Category — sub categories Diinta — Diinta category and this is how i want News — News Category —— sub categories Diinta — Diinta category
  3. function test_categories(){ $array = array(); $result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".CONTENT_CATEGORIES); while($data = dbarray($result)){ $array[$data['type']]['parent'][] = $data; } return $array; } function admin_list($level = FALSE){ global $class; echo "<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' class='table table-responsive tbl-border center'>"; foreach(test_categories() as $category_type => $parents){ echo "<tr class='$class'><th>".$category_type."</th></tr>"; if(is_array($parents) && !empty($parents)){ foreach($parents as $parent => $children){ if(is_array($children) && !empty($children)){ foreach($children as $child){ $indent = str_repeat("--", $level); $class = bgclass(); echo "<tr class='$class'><td>".$indent="--".$child['name']."</td></tr>"; } } } } } echo "</table>"; } admin_list(); but i need to show subcategories like this and how Categories -- subcategories ---- subcategories
  4. I have tried this one but its only displaying the top category not subcategory and child category function get_subcategories($catid=0){ $result = GetList("SELECT * FROM ".DB_PREFIX."mediaCategory WHERE category_parent=$catid"); $children = array(); foreach($result as $subcat){ $current_id = $subcat['category_id']; $has_sub = GetRow("SELECT * FROM ".DB_PREFIX."mediaCategory WHERE category_parent=$current_id"); //echo $subcat['category_name'].'-'.has_subcategories($subcat['category_id'])."<br>"; if($has_sub > 0) { $children[] = get_categories($catid); } else { $children[] = $subcat['category_id']; //$children[$current_id] = array_merge($children, get_categories($current_id)); } } return $children; } //echo print_p(get_subcategories(0)); $cat = get_subcategories(1); print_p($cat); foreach($cat as $row){ if($result = GetList("SELECT p.*,c.* FROM ".DB_PREFIX."mediaPost p JOIN ".DB_PREFIX."mediaCategory c ON p.post_category=c.category_id WHERE c.category_id='".$row."' ORDER BY p.post_created DESC")){ foreach($result as $data){ echo $data['post_name']." - ".$data['category_id']."<BR>"; } } }
  5. Is there any better way?
  6. Hello every one I need help help with tihs code, it works but is there an easy way to generate articles by categories and subcategories if($result = GetList("SELECT p.*,f.*,c1.* FROM ".DB_PREFIX."mediaCategory c1 LEFT JOIN ".DB_PREFIX."mediaCategory c2 ON c2.category_id=c1.category_parent LEFT JOIN ".DB_PREFIX."mediaCategory c3 ON c3.category_id=c2.category_parent LEFT JOIN ".DB_PREFIX."mediaCategory c4 ON c4.category_id=c3.category_parent LEFT JOIN ".DB_PREFIX."mediaCategory c5 ON c5.category_id=c4.category_parent LEFT JOIN ".DB_PREFIX."mediaCategory c6 ON c6.category_id=c5.category_parent LEFT JOIN ".DB_PREFIX."mediaPost p ON c1.category_id=p.post_category WHERE (c1.category_id=1 OR c1.category_parent=1 OR c2.category_parent=1 OR c3.category_parent=1 OR c4.category_parent=1 OR c5.category_parent=1 OR c6.category_parent=1) ORDER BY p.post_created LIMIT 10")){ echo "<ul class='grid'>"; foreach ($result as $row) { echo "<li class='ID-".$row['post_id']."'><span><h3>".$row['post_name'])."</h3></span></li>"; } echo "</ul>"; }
  7. Thank you so much Ch0cu3r You are really a star
  8. Thank you Ch0cu3r It works but if i want to add date like this it doesn't work getCatid(array('post_enabled'=>'1','post_featured'=>'0', 'post_created'=>'<=UNIX_TIMESTAMP(DATE_ADD(CURDATE(),INTERVAL 1 DAY))'));
  9. I need help querying array in function its not working function getCatid($params=false){ if(is_array($params)){ foreach ($params as $key => $value) { $inputdata = $value ? "$key" : $key; } }else{ $inputdata = "0"; } if($result = GetList("SELECT * FROM ".DB_PREFIX."mediaPost WHERE $inputdata ORDER BY p.post_created DESC LIMIT 20")){ foreach ($result as $data) { echo $data['post_name']."<br>"; } } } getCatid(array("post_enabled"=>"1", "post_featured"=>"0"));
  10. Hi Psycho Thank you for your support its working now using this way SELECT * FROM ".DB_PREFIX."mediaPost WHERE post_created <= UNIX_TIMESTAMP(DATE_ADD(CURDATE(),INTERVAL -1 DAY))
  11. It updated wrong date 2038-01-19 03:14:07
  12. how can i change without losing the date data when changing to datetime
  13. Its not working SELECT *.source FROM fusion38t7q_mediapost AS source JOIN ( SELECT MAX(DATE(post_created)) AS post_date FROM fusion38t7q_mediapost WHERE post_enabled = 1 ) as last ON DATE(source.post_created) = last.post_date WHERE post_enabled = 1
  14. post_created POSTTYPE is INT and I want to query only today's post and another query yesterdays posts
  15. Hi Psycho thank you for your reply my date type is integer will it work
  16. Hi Kicken, Thank you for your reply as you mentioned The post_created column needs to be of a DATE, DATETIME, or TIMESTAMP type for this to work Mine is integer does it still work or ?
  17. Hi Ansego sorry about late reply I have tried but it isn't working and this is the code I want to display only last 2 days ago posts if ($result = GetList("SELECT * FROM ".DB_PREFIX."mediaPost WHERE post_category=$cid AND post_enabled=1 AND post_created >= '".date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-2 day'))."' ORDER BY post_created DESC LIMIT 20")) { foreach ($result as $row) { echo "<br />"; echo "- ".$row['post_name']." - ".showdate('%d %B %Y',$row['post_created'])."<br>"; } }
  18. if (isset($_GET['cmd'])) { $cmd = $_GET['cmd']; } else { $cmd = ""; }
  19. try this one $cmd = (isset($_GET['cmd])) ? $_GET['cmd] : "" ;
  20. I have tried this one it only works for today if($data = dbarray(dbquery("SELECT post_created FROM ".POST." WHERE post_created >= ".strtotime('today')." ORDER BY post_created DESC"))){ echo $data['post_name']; }elseif($data = dbarray(dbquery("SELECT post_created FROM ".POST." WHERE post_created <= date_sub(CURDATE(),interval -1 day) ORDER BY post_created DESC"))){ echo $data['post_name']; }
  21. thank you for reply and Yes I have date so is it possible
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