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  1. I am working on a site in Wordpress & using [Folding Pages] plugin for my sidebar navigation widget. Works well, but I'd like to customize this plugin's PHP (see below) to ONLY list the child pages of my services page (ID=13) on every single page. Once a child page is clicked, it should expand to the child-child pages as it does now. View example of site in progress, see left hand side-bar navigation. Obviously unfinished... http://inktrigue.com/wp/?page_id=13 I feel like it's not too complicated, but I'm super new w/PHP. Any ideas? Thanks...!! <?php /* Plugin Name: Folding Pages Widget Plugin URI: http://navyroad.com/wordpress-plugins/nrs-folding-pages-widget/ Description: Provides a hierarchical list of pages for your sidebar. Author: Chris Carson Version: 1.0 Author URI: http://navyroad.com Credits: Thanks to Andy Skelton. Based on code by Erwin Harte (http://is-here.com/projects/wordpress/pages) Calvin Yu (http://blog.codeeg.com/) */ function nrs_folding_pages($args){ extract($args); //var_dump($args); $sort_opts = nrs_folding_pages_get_sort_opts(); $options = get_option("nrs_folding_pages"); $title = (empty($options["title"])) ? null : $options["title"]; $sort_column = (array_key_exists($options["sort_column"],$sort_opts)) ? $options["sort_column"] : key($sort_opts); global $notfound; global $post; //returns a numerically indexed array... $pages = get_pages("sort_column=$sort_column"); //a new associative array indexed by ID... $nodes = array(); foreach ($pages as $page) $nodes[$page->ID] = $page; //an array to hold the parent ids in the current tree... $parent_ids = array(); if (is_page() and ($notfound != '1')) { $curr_page_id = $post->ID; while ($curr_page_id) { array_unshift($parent_ids, $curr_page_id ); $curr_page_id = $nodes[$curr_page_id]->post_parent; } } //add the top-level parent id, which is 0... array_unshift($parent_ids, 0 ); //output... echo $before_widget; echo $before_title . $title . $after_title; nrs_display_tree($parent_ids, $nodes, 0); echo $after_widget; } function nrs_display_tree($parent_ids, $nodes, $curr_id) { global $post; if ($curr_id) { $node = $nodes[$curr_id]; $title = wp_specialchars($node->post_title); $link = get_page_link($curr_id); $class = "page_item"; if ($curr_id == $post->ID) $class .= " current_page_item"; echo "<li class=\"$class\"><a href=\"$link\" title=\"$title\">$node->post_title</a>"; } if (in_array($curr_id, $parent_ids)) { $num_children = 0; foreach ($nodes as $node) { if ($node->post_parent == $curr_id) { if (! $num_children) echo "\n<ul>"; nrs_display_tree($parent_ids, $nodes, $node->ID); $num_children++; } } if ($num_children) echo "</ul>\n"; } if ($curr_id) echo "</li>\n"; } function nrs_folding_pages_get_sort_opts() { return array( "post_title"=>"Title", "menu_order"=>"Page Order"); } function nrs_folding_pages_control() { $sort_opts = nrs_folding_pages_get_sort_opts(); $options = get_option("nrs_folding_pages"); if ( $_POST['nrs_folding_pages_submit'] ) { $options['title'] = strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST['nrs_folding_pages_title'])); $options['sort_column'] = (array_key_exists($_POST['nrs_folding_pages_sort_column'], $sort_opts)) ? $_POST['nrs_folding_pages_sort_column'] : key($sort_opts); update_option('nrs_folding_pages', $options); } $sort_column = (array_key_exists($options["sort_column"],$sort_opts)) ? $options["sort_column"] : key($sort_opts); $title = wp_specialchars($options['title']); ?> <input type="hidden" id="nrs_folding_pages_submit" name="nrs_folding_pages_submit" value="1" /> <p><label for="nrs_folding_pages_title"><?php _e('Title:'); ?> <input style="width: 250px;" id="nrs_folding_pages_title" name="nrs_folding_pages_title" type="text" value="<?php echo $title; ?>" /></label></p> <p><label for="nrs_folding_pages_sort_column"> <?php _e('Sort:'); ?> <select id="nrs_folding_pages_sort_column" name="nrs_folding_pages_sort_column"> <?php foreach ($sort_opts as $val=>$label){ echo "<option value=\"$val\""; if ($sort_column == $val) echo " selected"; echo ">$label</option>"; } ?> </select> </label></p> <?php } function nrs_folding_pages_init() { register_sidebar_widget("NRS Folding Pages", "nrs_folding_pages"); register_widget_control("NRS Folding Pages", "nrs_folding_pages_control"); } add_action("plugins_loaded", "nrs_folding_pages_init"); ?>
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