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    Florida, USA

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  1. Well, see I'm trying to get HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR and those types of HTTP's from the website using the file_get_contents().. :/ Cant do that no way possible?
  2. Thats what I thought.. What about getting HTTP details?
  3. Okay, so I know how to get an IP address using $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], however, I need to get an IP a little different. How would I get the IP of the visitor on a remote site loading MY site using file_get_contents()? It just returns that remote websites server IP... :/ Thanks!
  4. Yeah i know. But, how do I get vars like.. $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] || $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED'] || $_SERVER['HTTP_FORWARDED_FOR'] || $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'] || $_SERVER['HTTP_VIA'] || $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT_VIA'] from my customers website visitor?
  5. Okay, so I'm trying to make a service to detect proxies. Heres what I need to know.. This is how I have it set up: 1. I have a file on mysite.com/check.php 2. My clients create a page to load my check.php file on THEIR website using file_get_contents(); Like: file_get_contents("http://mysite.com/check.php?ip=$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']"); 3. My system checks for a proxy using HTTP vars, how would I get them?? Like.. if I echo $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; out on the page on MY end, it will echo the servers IP to check is using step #2 with file_get_contents(); Can anyone please help me? I am willing to pay a little, if needed :/ Thanks in advance!
  6. jwilson122


    Hey, so which framework would you recommend me using? Which do you use? Should I make my own MVC instead of using something premade? Edit: oh and I've never used a framework before in my life
  7. Hey, I have a question about doing a % in PHP.. So say a user in my database has a cash amount of $20.00. Their referrer is going to get 20% of that. How would I calculate that in PHP?
  8. Its posting it fine.. The array is posting out: => [countries] and it is inside the form, and I have it wrapped with a if isset statement. I've done it before, worked fine. Not exactly sure why its not working.
  9. Hey, I'm having a issue with using a listbox.. Am I doing something wrong?? Heres my HTML: <select style="height:100px;width:250px;" name="countries[]" multiple> <option value="US">United States</option> <option value="UK">United Kingdom</option> <option value="CA">Canada</option> <option value="AU">Australia</option> </select> and my PHP: $countries = $_POST['countries']; $countries = implode(' | ', $countries); I'm trying to set it up so I can insert the data as: US | UK | CA. But, when I submit the form, I get these errors: Thanks in advance!
  10. Nvm I found mysql_stat() Uptime: 4384 Threads: 1 Questions: 1105 Slow queries: 0 Opens: 36 Flush tables: 1 Open tables: 28 Queries per second avg: 0.252
  11. Hey, I was wondering.. Is there any php functions or any way I can get some information from MySQL? I want to be able to echo out the uptime for MySQL, and some other things.. I've seen it done before so I know its possible lol.
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