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Everything posted by Jarid

  1. I am making a simple online html editor. I wrote a php script that prints the html that you typed in the form into a .html document. The problem is that php is replacing the parentheses with / \ /\ slashes. how do i stop this? <?php $text = $_REQUEST['HTML'] ; $test= "test.html"; $fh = fopen($test, 'w') or die("can't open file"); fwrite($fh, $text); fclose($fh); ?> Thank you
  2. Ahhh.... I found the problem. I messed up a line of my php. Thanks Anyway.
  3. I set up a form that you can type html code into. When you click submit it sends the form data to a php script that receives the data and then prints it. Basically im trying to accomplish something similar to this http://www.w3schools.com/html/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml_intro. I have tried to print the html code using echo and print_r. The problem is that it is not displaying correctly. For instance if i were to type in <body bgcolor="FFCC00"> Nothing would happen. Most of the html displays correctly. What is the reason behind this? Do i need to use a different command to print the form variable? Or do i need to save it as an html document then display it?
  4. Yep filtering out words and setting vars in javascript.
  5. The script expects to receive: Action Login ID In this case the action is set to modify so it also expects to receive another field with the same name as a db field. I am going to convert my variables to javascript refill the html form, and then submit it with a javascript. Thanks for the help, I'm a php noob.
  6. Ah Crap... The cgi script is a large membership management script....... And i have no idea how it works. Even worse it does not have an error log.... Here is what im thinking about doing. Using the script above to filter the $text. Next ill fill the form with the php variables then resubmit it using javascript. Since all of this happens in a hidden i frame its not really a big deal. Do you think this will work?
  7. i changed the html form to application/x-www-form-urlencoded no errors, but the cgi script still didn't receive and process the data. I had the cgi script export an example form for me and it had the form set to multipart/form-data... so it might require that for the modify data action. how do i change the php script for multipart/form-data?
  8. No errors in the php... But the pm.cgi script is not receiving it correctly. both of these are working without error $curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, 'http:johnstonstudentcenter.com/members/cgi/pm.cgi'); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, true); // Make basic post request curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true); // Set your post data $post_data['action'] = 'modified'; $post_data['login'] = '$login'; $post_data['ID'] = '$ID'; $post_data['Unused10'] = '$text'; $post_data['submit'] = ' Update '; curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data); curl_exec($curl); curl_close($curl); ?> and $curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, 'http:johnstonstudentcenter.com/members/cgi/pm.cgi'); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, true); // Make basic post request curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true); // Set your post data $data = array( 'action' => 'modified', 'login' => '$login', 'ID' => '$ID', 'Unused10' => '$text', 'submit' => ' Update ' ); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data); curl_exec($curl); curl_close($curl); ?> here is the original html form. <form action=filter.php method=post ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" target="_blank"> <input type=hidden name=action value=modified> <input type=hidden name=login value="%%login%%"> <input type=hidden name=ID value="%%ID%%"> <textarea cols=28 rows=4 name=Unused10 MAXLENGTH="500">%%Unused10%%</textarea> <input type=submit name=submit value=" Update "> </form> Any ideas? Quick note: the cgi script works correctly when the data is coming straight from this form.
  9. On the code that i posted or the code that you posed?
  10. <?php $action = $_GET['action'] ; $login = $_REQUEST['login'] ; $ID = $_REQUEST['ID'] ; $text = $_REQUEST['Unused10'] ; $submit = $_REQUEST['submit'] ; function filterBadWords($str){ // words to filter $badwords=array( "badword1", "badword2"); // replace filtered words with random spaces $replacements=array( "****", "***", "****" ); for($i=0;$i < sizeof($badwords);$i++){ srand((double)microtime()*1000000); $rand_key = (rand()%sizeof($replacements)); $str=eregi_replace($badwords[$i], $replacements[$rand_key], $str); } return $str; } $text = filterBadWords($text); print("Hello World"); print_r($action); print_r($login); print_r($ID); print_r($text); print_r($submit); $curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, 'http:johnstonstudentcenter.com/members/cgi/pm.cgi'); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, true); // Make basic post request curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true); // Set your post data $post_data['action'] = '$action'; $post_data['login'] = '$login'; $post_data['ID'] = '$ID'; $post_data['Unused10'] = '$text'; $post_data['submit'] = '$submit'; curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data); curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); ?> Alright here are the errors: Warning: curl_exec(): supplied argument is not a valid cURL handle resource in /home/content/72/4744872/html/members/cgi/filter.php on line 50 Warning: curl_close(): supplied argument is not a valid cURL handle resource in /home/content/72/4744872/html/members/cgi/filter.php on line 51 Im guessing that i didn't group these together correctly. $post_data['action'] = 'modified'; $post_data['login'] = '$login'; $post_data['ID'] = '$ID'; $post_data['Unused10'] = '$text'; $post_data['submit'] = ' Update '; I also tried johnny's way with the same errors
  11. Im going to try your way johnny it makes more sense then what i just came up with. Thanks for the reply
  12. The pm.cgi script takes post. <?php $action = $_GET['action'] ; $login = $_REQUEST['login'] ; $ID = $_REQUEST['ID'] ; $text = $_REQUEST['Unused10'] ; $submit = $_REQUEST['submit'] ; function filterBadWords($str){ // words to filter $badwords=array( "badword1", "badword2"); // replace filtered words with random spaces $replacements=array( "***", "***"); for($i=0;$i < sizeof($badwords);$i++){ srand((double)microtime()*1000000); $rand_key = (rand()%sizeof($replacements)); $str=eregi_replace($badwords[$i], $replacements[$rand_key], $str); } return $str; } $text = filterBadWords($text); print("Hello World"); print_r($action); print_r($login); print_r($ID); print_r($text); print_r($submit); $curl_connection = curl_init('http://johnstonstudentcenter.com/members/cgi/pm.cgi'); curl_setopt($curl_connection, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 30); curl_setopt($curl_connection, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)"); curl_setopt($curl_connection, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($curl_connection, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); curl_setopt($curl_connection, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); $post_data['action'] = 'modified'; $post_data['login'] = '$login'; $post_data['ID'] = '$ID'; $post_data['Unused10'] = '$text'; $post_data['submit'] = ' Update '; $result = curl_exec($curl_connection); curl_close($curl_connection); ?>
  13. I have looked up tutorials on Google. I am still confused. I built a php script that receives the data from my html form then filters out bad words. I am trying to get the script to resend the data to pm.cgi. The form was originally targeting pm.cgi but it needed filtered. This is why i am using php in the first place. Please help me pass these variables from the php script to the cgi script the same way that a html form would. Thank you. Here is my code, it prints correctly. I cannot get cURL to work. <?php $action = $_GET['action'] ; $login = $_REQUEST['login'] ; $ID = $_REQUEST['ID'] ; $text = $_REQUEST['Unused10'] ; $submit = $_REQUEST['submit'] ; function filterBadWords($str){ // words to filter $badwords=array( "badword1", "badword2"); // replace filtered words with random spaces $replacements=array( "****", "***", "****" ); for($i=0;$i < sizeof($badwords);$i++){ srand((double)microtime()*1000000); $rand_key = (rand()%sizeof($replacements)); $str=eregi_replace($badwords[$i], $replacements[$rand_key], $str); } return $str; } $text = filterBadWords($text); print_r($action); print_r($login); print_r($ID); print_r($text); print_r($submit); ?> I need to send the variables that i printed above to pm.cgi. Can you point me in the right direction? Thanks again!
  14. I wrote this html form: <form action=filterwords.php method=post ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" target="iFramestatus"> <input type=hidden name=action value=modified> <input type=hidden name=login value="%%login%%"> <input type=hidden name=ID value="%%ID%%"> <textarea cols=28 rows=4 name=Unused10>%%Unused10%%</textarea> <input type=submit name=submit value=" Update "> </form> Most of this form is filled out by my members area cgi script. I am trying to use filterwords.php to remove curse words from the textarea field "unused10" and then resubmit the data to my members area cgi script "pm.cgi" Here is my php script. <?php $action = $_REQUEST['action'] ; $login = $_REQUEST['login'] ; $ID = $_REQUEST['ID'] ; $text = $_REQUEST['Unused10'] ; $submit = $_REQUEST['submit'] ; function filterBadWords($str){ // words to filter $badwords=array( "[badword1]", "[badword2]"); // replace filtered words with random spaces $replacements=array( "[ ]", "[ ]", "[ ]" ); for($i=0;$i < sizeof($badwords);$i++){ srand((double)microtime()*1000000); $rand_key = (rand()%sizeof($replacements)); $str=eregi_replace($badwords[$i], $replacements[$rand_key], $str); } return $str; } $text = filterBadWords($text); ?> How do i send the modified data to pm.cgi? Did i use the filter script correctly? Thanks for the help
  15. The php script printed on the page it was included on. This does not happen if i replace $VALID_RATING_IDS = $RATETHESE; with $VALID_RATING_IDS = array("1", "2") Is there anyway i can include the array from PhpFileB.php into the script without it being printed on the page?
  16. I am trying to use the variable $RATETHESE to include an array into file A. The array is in file B. PhP File A include_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/PhpFileB.php'); global $RATETHESE; $VALID_RATING_IDS = $RATETHESE; Php File B $RATETHESE = "array("1", "2");" For some reason it is printing the array on the page, and the array is not being used to run the script. Did i do anything wrong?
  17. PhP File A include_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/PhpFileB.php'); global $Ratethese; $VALID_RATING_IDS = $RATETHESE; Php File B $RATETHESE = "array("1", "2");" For some reason it is printing the array on the page, and the array is not being used to run the script. Did i do anything wrong?
  18. Here is a section of php file A include_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/PhpfileB.php') $VALID_RATING_IDS = $Ratethese Here is all of php file B $Ratethese = "array("1", "2",);" I need the var $VALID_RATING_IDS to = $Ratethese from file B I am trying to include an array from php file B in php file A. Is this possible? How can i accomplish this?
  19. Thanks for the help hiprakhar your solution worked, now i just have to adapt it for a few more pages.
  20. I put <?php if (isset ($_GET['CiFrame'])) $Openme = $_GET['CiFrame']; else $Openme = '/NonMembersFeatured.php'; ?> In the body right above my iframe code <iframe name="CiFrame" width="727" height="805" src="<?php $Openme ?>" scrolling="auto" frameborder="0"></iframe> I uploaded the page to my server and opened it in my browser. The iframe did not open /NonMembersFeatured.php and when i right clicked and went to source code my iframe showed src="". Why is this not working?
  21. I don't understand how to apply the code you provided. I set $Openme as the var. I still don't understand how to check the url for CiFrame or use a default value if CiFrame is not specified in the url. Here is what i tried next, however it did not work. Any ideas? <?php if (isset ($_GET['CiFrame'])) $Openme = 'CiFrame'; else $Openme = '/NonMembersFeatured.php'; ?> Iframe Code <iframe name="CiFrame" width="727" height="805" src="<?php $Openme ?>" scrolling="auto" frameborder="0"></iframe> Thank You
  22. I am using this php code <?php echo $_GET['CiFrame']; ?> to check the url for the variable CiFrame, this allows me to link to a page through my page containing the iframe. Here is my iframe code. <iframe name="CiFrame" width="727" height="805" src="<?php echo $_GET['CiFrame']; ?>" scrolling="auto" frameborder="0"></iframe> The problem is that if the url does not contain a variable the iframe will not open a page. How can i set a default variable if one is not provided? Thank You
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