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Everything posted by seanfacer@yahoo.co.uk

  1. HI i need to finish this by today and really need help . I have a php page that uses an iframe to show another php page on my server (graphs etc), It works in all browsers except i.e ? I can display the image if i set the source to www.google.com but not if its set to an page on my server ??? if i go to the page directly the image shows ??? dd_graphs.php page - <img class='print' src='http://dnsdash/dd_graphdata1.php' border='0' alt='GraphDisplay' width='$width' height ='$height'>--> <iframe src='http://dnsdash/dd_graphdata1.php'></iframe> dd_graphdata1.php <?php mysql_connect("localhost", "dnsdashboard", "sqldash"); mysql_select_db("dddom") or die ("Could not connect to database"); include ("./classes/GoogleChart.php"); include ("./src/common.php"); $session =implode("|",$_SESSION['GraphData']); $sessionarray = explode("|",$session); $graphdata['posted'] =$sessionarray['0'] ; $graphdata['report'] =$sessionarray['1']; $graphdata['reportType'] = $sessionarray['2']; // $graphdata['domaincharts'] = $sessionarray['3']; // $graphdata['growthcharts'] = $sessionarray['4']; $graphdata['graph'] = $sessionarray['3']; $graphdata['size'] = $sessionarray['4']; $graphdata['Graph_Title'] = $sessionarray['5']; // $graphdata['pieDimension'] = $sessionarray['8']; // $graphdata['Width'] = $sessionarray['9']; // $graphdata['Height'] = $sessionarray['10']; // $graphdata['Left_Margin'] = $sessionarray['11']; // $graphdata['Right_Margin'] = $sessionarray['12']; // $graphdata['Top_Margin'] = $sessionarray['13']; // $graphdata['Bottom_Margin'] = $sessionarray['14']; if ($_GET['save_graph'] == "true") { $graphdata['action'] = "Save"; } else { $graphdata['action'] = "Display"; } //global variables $clid = 3; $errorarray =array(); $errors =array(); $chartarray = array(); ///////////////////////////TOOOOO DOOOOOOOOOOOOO LIST///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // create a back fill for line graph // Data for manaaged domains by region is returning the same data every time // function selectBox creates a select dropdown box which you can add as many options to as you want and you can choose the starting value and how much to increment that value by // @param $name = name of the select box (used to later on post value) // @param $limit = limit you would like select box to reach // @param $increment = value you would like to increment by // @param $firstvalue = numerical value to start on function selectBox($name, $firstvalue, $limit, $increment,$defaultvalue) { $select ="selected"; $body = "<select name='$name' pos='relative' style='width:70px' class='Select' width='100px' id='$name' method='POST'> <option value='$defaultvalue'>0</option>"; for ($value = $firstvalue; $value <= $limit; $value += $increment) { $body .= "<option value= '$value' "; if (isset($_POST["$name"]) && ($_POST["$name"]) == $value) { $body .= $select; } else { $body .= ""; } $body .= ">$value</option>"; } $body .= "</select>"; return $body; } // function datarange() checks each value in an array to see if its within a range and returns a message; // @params $array = // @params $firstvalue =firstvalue in the range // @params $lastvalue = lastvalue in the range // function downloadImage($url) { $chart = imagecreatefrompng($url); header('Content-Type: image/png'); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"test.png\";\n\n"); imagepng($chart); imagedestroy($chart); } // function datarange() checksHow many datavalues in an array e.g 0-10 // @PARAMS $array = array to check // @PARAMS $firstvalue = first value in range // @PARAMS $lastvalue = last value in range function datarange($array,$firstvalue,$lastvalue) { $msg =1; foreach ($array as $value) { $range = range($firstvalue,$lastvalue); foreach ($range as $key) { if ($value == $key) { return $msg; } } } } // function checkrange() checks the data values being returned (eg you have 10 data values returned) value is within a range // @PARAMS $number = number you wish to check // @PARAMS $firstvalue = first value in range // @PARAMS $lastvalue = last value in range // @PARAMS $return = what you would like to return function checkrange($number,$firstvalue, $lastvalue,$msg) { $range = range($firstvalue,$lastvalue); foreach ($range as $key) { if ($number == $key) { return $msg; } } return false; } // function setMargin sets a $setMargin to qa default value if it is not set (post value); // @PARAMS $margin is the post value you wish to check // @ PARAMS $default = the deafult value you wish to set function setMargin($margin,$default) { if ($margin ==""){ $setMargin= $default; }elseif ($margin !=="") { $setMargin=$margin; } return $setMargin; } // SELECT STATEMENTS function growthQuery ($post,$value,$region) { global $clid; $queryJoin = db_select("dddom", "date, tldregion,tlddeleted,COUNT(*) as total", "dd_client_hist","left join dd_tlds on dd_client_hist.tldid = dd_tlds.tldid", "(clid = $clid) && (tldregion like '%$region%') group by date", "", ""); return $queryJoin; } // function displayValue() changes the values in the array as some values are to long to display on the graph and returns new array // @param $array = array you wish to check through and change // @param $text1 = text you wish to check for // @param $replacement1 = text you wish to change function displayValue($array,$text1,$replacement1,$text2,$replacement2,$text3,$replacement3,$text4,$replacement4,$text5,$replacement5) { $display = array(); foreach ($array as $key => $value) { // print_R($value); if ($value == $text1) { $newvalue=$replacement1; }elseif ($value == $text2) { $newvalue=$replacement2; }elseif ($value == $text3) { $newvalue=$replacement3; }elseif ($value == $text4) { $newvalue=$replacement4; }elseif ($value == $text5) { $newvalue=$replacement5; }else{ $newvalue=$value; } $display[] =$newvalue; } return $display; } function selected($submit,$post,$value) { if ((isset($submit)) && $post == $value) { $selected = "selected"; }else{ $selected= ""; } return $selected; } // function displayMonth takes an array of values and changes the data string of each array value into a calnder month and then returns a new array, You need tomake sure the data is in ana array first. // @ Param $array = the array you wish to check function displayMonth($array) { $calender =array(); foreach ($array as $key => $value) { // can change the way it shows the date but try keep it as short as possible for display purposes! $substring1 = substr($value,2,2); $substring2 = substr($value,5,2); switch ($substring2) { case "01"; $month = "Jan"; break; case "02"; $month = "Feb"; break; case "03"; $month = "Mar"; break; case "04"; $month = "Apr"; break; case "05"; $month = "May"; break; case "06"; $month = "Jun"; break; case "07"; $month = "Jul"; break; case "08"; $month = "Aug"; break; case "09"; $month = "Oct"; break; case "10"; $month = "Sep"; break; case "11"; $month = "Nov"; break; case "12"; $month = "Dec"; break; } $newvalue = $month . "-" . $substring1 . ""; $calender[] = $newvalue; } return $calender; } if(!empty($graphdata['action']) && ($graphdata['report'] ==="growth")) { switch ($graphdata['reportType']) { case "Grasia"; $queryJoin = growthQuery($graphdata['growthcharts'],"Grasia","Asia"); break; case "Grmiddle_east"; $queryJoin =growthQuery($graphdata['growthcharts'],"Grmiddle_east","Middle East"); break; case "Gramerica"; $queryJoin = growthQuery($graphdata['growthcharts'],"Gramerica","Americas"); case "Groceania"; $queryJoin = growthQuery($graphdata['growthcharts'],"Grasia","Asia"); break; case "Grgeneric"; $queryJoin = growthQuery($graphdata['growthcharts'],"Grgeneric","Generic"); break; case "Greuropean_union"; $queryJoin = growthQuery($graphdata['growthcharts'],"Greuropean_union","European Union"); break; case "Greurope - non EU"; $queryJoin = growthQuery($graphdata['growthcharts'],"Greurope - non EU","Europe - non EU"); break; } } if (!empty($graphdata['action']) && ($graphdata['report'] ==="domains")) { $queryJoin= db_select("dddom", "tldcountry, COUNT(*) as total", "dd_domains", "LEFT JOIN dd_tlds ON dd_tlds.tldexten = SUBSTRING(dd_domains.domname,LOCATE('.',dd_domains.domname ))", "(domdeleted != '1') and (tldregion = '{$graphdata['reportType']}') and (dommanstat = '10') and (clid = '$clid') GROUP by tldcountry ", "", ""); } if (!empty($graphdata['action']) && ($graphdata['report'] ==="general")) { switch ($graphdata['reportType']) { case "Region"; $queryJoin = db_select("dddom", "tldregion, COUNT(*) as total", "dd_domains", "LEFT JOIN dd_tlds ON dd_tlds.tldexten = SUBSTRING(dd_domains.domname,LOCATE('.',dd_domains.domname ))", "(domdeleted != '1') and (dommanstat = '10') AND (clid = $clid) GROUP by tldregion", "", ""); break; case "Division"; $queryJoin = db_select("dddom", "dd_divs.divname, COUNT(*) as total", "dd_domains", "LEFT JOIN dd_divs ON dd_divs.divid = dd_domains.divid", "(domdeleted != '1') and (dd_domains.clid = $clid) GROUP by dd_divs.divname", "", ""); break; case "M_Status"; $queryJoin = db_select("dddom", "paramname, COUNT(*) as total", "dd_domains", "LEFT JOIN dd_params ON dd_domains.dommanstat=dd_params.paramid", "(domdeleted != '1') AND (clid = $clid) GROUP by paramname;", "", ""); break; case "Country"; $queryJoin = db_select("dddom", "tldcountry, COUNT(*) as total", "dd_domains", "LEFT JOIN dd_tlds ON dd_tlds.tldexten = SUBSTRING(dd_domains.domname,LOCATE('.',dd_domains.domname ))", "(domdeleted != '1') and (dommanstat = '10') AND (clid = $clid) GROUP by tldcountry", "", ""); break; } } while ($row1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($queryJoin)) { // print_R($graphdata['report']); // print_R($graphdata['reportType']); // echo "<br>"; if ( $graphdata['report'] == "growth" && ($graphdata['graph'] !== "global_graph")) { $tldsarray[] = $row1['date']; } if ( ($graphdata['report'] == "growth") && ($graphdata['graph'] == "global_graph") ) { $tldsarray[] = $row1['tldcountry']; } if ( ($graphdata['report'] == "general" && $graphdata['reportType'] == "Region") ) { $tldsarray[] = $row1['tldregion']; } elseif($graphdata['report'] == "general" && $graphdata['reportType'] == "Division") { $tldsarray[] = $row1['divname']; } elseif($graphdata['report'] == "general" && $graphdata['reportType'] == "M_Status") { $tldsarray[] = ($row1['paramname']); } elseif ($graphdata['report'] =="general" && $graphdata['reportType'] =="Country") { // echo "<br>this is working"; $tldsarray[] =($row1['tldcountry']); } elseif ($graphdata['report'] == "domains" ) { $tldsarray[] =($row1['tldcountry']); } $totalsarray[] =($row1['total']); } $count = count($totalsarray); foreach($totalsarray as $value) { $range10= checkrange($value,0,10,"10"); $range20= checkrange($value,11,20,"20"); $range30= checkrange($value,21,30,"30"); $range40= checkrange($value,31,40,"40"); $range50= checkrange($value,41,50,"50"); $range100= checkrange($value,41,50,"50"); } $datarange10 = datarange($totalsarray,1,10); $datarange20 = datarange($totalsarray,11,20); $datarange30 = datarange($totalsarray,21,30); $datarange40 = datarange($totalsarray,31,40); $datarange50 = datarange($totalsarray,41,50); $datarange60 = datarange($totalsarray,51,60); $datarange70 = datarange($totalsarray,61,70); $datarange80 = datarange($totalsarray,71,80); $datarange90 = datarange($totalsarray,81,90); $datarange100 = datarange($totalsarray,91,100); if ($datarange10 =="1") { $multiple = 10; $modifiedchxr = "1,1,10"; } if ($datarange20 =="1") { $multiple = 5; $modifiedchxr = "1,1,20"; } if ($datarange30 =="1") { $multiple = 3.333333333; $modifiedchxr = "1,1,30"; } if ($datarange40=="1") { $multiple = 2.5; $modifiedchxr = "1,1,40"; } if ($datarange50 =="1") { $multiple = 2; $modifiedchxr = "1,1,50"; } if ($datarange60 =="1") { $multiple = 1.666666667; $modifiedchxr = "1,1,60"; } if ($datarange70 =="1") { $multiple = 1.428571429; $modifiedchxr = "1,1,70"; } if ($datarange80 =="1") { $multiple = 1.25; $modifiedchxr = "1,1,80"; } if ($datarange90 =="1") { $multiple = 1.111111111; $modifiedchxr = "1,1,90"; } if ($datarange100 =="1") { $multiple = 2; $modifiedchxr = "1,1,100"; } $chmalft = setMargin($graphdata['Left_Margin'],"75"); $chmargt = setMargin($graphdata['Right_Margin'],"75"); $chmatop = setMargin($graphdata['Top_Margin'],"75"); $chmabot = setMargin($graphdata['Bottom_Margin'],"75"); $count = count($totalsarray); $modifiedtotals = array(); foreach ($totalsarray as $key => $value) { $testvalue = ($multiple*($value)); $modifiedtotals[] = ($multiple*($value)); } // change this into a function $totalsstring = implode(",",$modifiedtotals); $startvalue = ((100/$count)/2); $increment = (100/$count); $incRoundedUp =ceil($increment); $divide = ( ($incRoundedUp) / (2*$startvalue) ); $finalanswer =( ($incRoundedUp) / ($divide) ); $Y_axes = array(); $Y_axes[0] .= $startvalue; $lastvalue = (100+($startvalue)); $i = $startvalue; $total = 0; $percentages= array(); foreach($totalsarray as $key => $value) { $total +=$value; } $percentile = array(); $graphvalue = array(); foreach($totalsarray as $key => $value) { $percentage = ((100/$total)*$value); $graphvalue[] .= substr($percentage, 0, 4); $percentile[] .= substr($percentage, 0, 4) . "%"; } $c=0; if ($count >=1) { while ($i <= $lastvalue ) { $c++; if ($c >= 110) { exit(); } $i = $i + $increment; $Y_axes[] .=$i; } } foreach($count as $key => $value) { if($value == "0") { unset($chdarray[$key]); } } $newvalue ="t:" . implode(",",$chdarray) . ""; foreach ($Y_axes as $key => $value) { if ($value > 100) unset($Y_axes[$key]); } // Setting graph VAriables // PIE CHARTS VARIABLES if (isset($graphdata['action'])) { $chco = "9FB9EA,1A59F5,042F85,000000,9FB9EA,1A59F5,042F85,000000,9FB9EA,1A59F5,042F85,000000,9FB9EA,1A59F5,042F85,000000"; $chd = "t:". implode(",", $totalsarray) . ""; $chdl2 = implode(",", $graphvalue) . ""; $chdl = implode("|", $percentile) . ""; $chdlp= "b"; $chf = "bg,lg,0,EFEFEF,0,BBBBBB,1"; $chl = implode("|", $tldsarray); if (isset($chmamod)) { $chma = $chmamod; echo "<br>yes<br>"; }else{ $chma= "125,125,60,60"; } $chxr = $modifiedchxr; $chxl="0:|". $chl . ""; $chxp = implode("|",$Y_axes); } $barchd="t:". implode(",", $modifiedtotals); if ($graphdata['report'] == "general" && $graphdata['reportType']=="M_Status") { $managed =displayValue($tldsarray,"Managed By Com Laude","Managed","Pending Transfer In","Trsfer in","Transferred Away","Trsfer Away","","","",""); $chl=implode("|",$managed); } if ($graphdata['reportType']=="Region") { $managed =displayValue($tldsarray,"European Union","E.U","Middle East","Mid-East","Europe - non EU","Eur-non EU"); $chl=implode("|",$managed); } $modtotals = implode(",",$modifiedtotals); // This creates the country key codes $chxl = explode("|",$chl); $count = array(); foreach($chxl as $value){ $query =db_select("dddom", "countrycode", "dd_countries", "", "(countryname like '%$value%')", "", "1"); $row1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($query); $variable = $row1['countrycode']; if (empty($variable)) { $count[] =0; }else{ $count[] =1; } $chld.= $variable; } $chdsub = substr($barchd,2); $chdarray = array(); $chdarray = explode(",",$chdsub); // This unsets the corresponding value in chd if there is no match found for the country foreach($count as $key => $value) { if($value == "0") { unset($chdarray[$key]); } } $newvalue ="t:" . implode(",",$chdarray) . ""; $y_axes=explode("|",$y_axes); $chxp="0," . implode(",",$y_axes) . ""; // Pie charts if ( $graphdata['graph'] == "p3" or $graphdata['graph'] == "p" ) { $chartarray['chtt'] = $graphdata['Graph_Title']; $chartarray['chco'] = "9FB9EA,1A59F5,042F85,000000,9FB9EA,1A59F5,042F85,000000,9FB9EA,1A59F5,042F85,000000,9FB9EA,1A59F5,042F85,000000"; $chartarray['chd'] = $chd; $chartarray['chdl'] = $chdl; $chartarray['chdlp'] ="b"; // $chartarray['chf'] ="bg,lg,0,EFEFEF,0,BBBBBB,1"; $chartarray['chl'] = $chl; $chartarray['cht'] = $graphdata['graph']; } if ( ( $graphdata['graph'] == "p3" or $graphdata['graph'] == "p") && ( $graphdata['report'] =="growth") ) { $chartarray['chd'] =$barchd; } // BARGRAPHS if ( $graphdata['graph'] == "bar_graph") { $chartarray['chtt'] = $graphdata['Graph_Title']; $chartarray['chbh'] = "a,0,0"; $chartarray['chco'] = "1E4CC0"; $chartarray['chd'] = $barchd; $chartarray['cht'] = "bhg"; $chartarray['chxl'] = "0:|". $chl . ""; $chartarray['chxp'] = $chxp; $chartarray['chxr'] = $modifiedchxr; $chartarray['chxt'] ="y,x"; } // line charts if ( $graphdata['graph'] == "line_graph") { $chartarray['chtt'] = $graphdata['Graph_Title']; $chartarray['chco'] = "3072F3"; $chartarray['chd'] ="t:0," . $chdl2 . "" ; $chartarray['cht'] = "lc"; $chartarray['chxt'] ="x,y"; $chartarray['chls'] ="1,-1,-1"; } // Global Graph if ( ($graphdata['graph'] == "global_graph") ) { $chartarray['chf']="bg,s,EAF7FE"; $chartarray['cht'] = "t"; $chartarray['chco'] = "FFFFFF,BBCCED,0000FF,000000"; $chartarray['chd'] = $newvalue; $chartarray['chld'] = $chld; $chartarray['chs'] = "440x220" ; $chartarray['chtm'] = "world"; } if ( ($graphdata['graph'] == "global_graph") && ( $graphdata['domaincharts'] == "European_union") or ( $graphdata['domaincharts'] == "Europe - non EU") ) { $chartarray['chtm'] = "europe"; } if ( ($graphdata['graph'] == "global_graph") && ($graphdata['report'] == "domains") && ( $graphdata['reportType'] == "Asia") ) { $chartarray['chtm'] = "asia"; } if ($graphdata['size']=="Small" && ($graphdata['graph'] !== "global_graph") ) { $chartarray['chma'] ="120,120,50,50"; $chartarray['chs'] ="360x360"; } if ($graphdata['size']=="Medium" && ($graphdata['graph'] !== "global_graph")) { $chartarray['chma'] ="75,75,25,25"; $chartarray['chs'] ="460x460"; } if ($graphdata['size']=="Large" && ($graphdata['graph'] !== "global_graph")) { $chartarray['chma'] ="50,50,0,0"; $chartarray['chs'] ="540x540"; } // if ($graphdata['size']=="Custom" && ($graphdata['graph'] !== "global_graph")) // { // $chartarray['chma'] ="" . $graphdata['Left_Margin'] . "," . $graphdata['Right_Margin'] . "," . $graphdata['Top_Margin'] . "," . $graphdata['Bottom_Margin'] . ""; // $chartarray['chs'] = "" . $graphdata['Height'] . "x" . $graphdata['Width'] .""; // } $dates =explode("|",$chl); $data = displayMonth($dates); if ($graphdata['report'] =="growth" && ( $graphdata['graph'] !=="global_graph") && ( $graphdata['graph'] !== "p3" or $graphdata['graph'] !== "p")) { $chartarray['chxl'] ="0:|" . implode("|",$data) . ""; } if (($graphdata['report'] =="growth") && ( $graphdata['graph'] =="pie_graph" or $graphdata['graph'] == "p3" or $graphdata['graph'] == "p")) { $chartarray['chl'] =implode("|",$data); } if($graphdata['report'] =="general" && $graphdata['reportType'] == "Country" && ($graphdata['graph'] == "bar_graph")) { $chartarray['chd'] ="t:" . implode(",",$modifiedtotals) . ""; } if($graphdata['graph'] == "line_graph") { $chartarray['chxl'] ="0:|0|" . $chl . "|1:|0|25|50|75|100"; } if($graphdata['graph'] == "line_graph" && ($graphdata['report'] == "growth")) { $chartarray['chxl'] ="0:|0|" . implode("|",$data) . "|1:|0|25|50|75|100"; } if (isset($graphdata['action']) ) { $temp= array(); foreach ($chartarray as $key => $value) { $temp[] .="$key=$value"; } $string = implode("&",$temp); $g= new GoogleChart; $g->getChart($chartarray); } // try save chart? // // if (($graphdata['action']) == "Save") // // { // // $g->saveChart(); // // print_R($g); // // } if (($graphdata['action']) == "Save") { $g->downloadImage(); print_R($g); } // // if(($graphdata['action']) == "Display" ) { $g->showImage(); print_r($g); } // print_r($_SESSION["GraphData"]); // print_r($graphdata); // echo "<br>string="; // print_R($string); // echo "<br>session == "; // print_R($_SESSION['Graphdata']); // echo "<br><br><br><br>graphdata==="; // print_R($graphdata); // echo "<br><br><br>chartarray=<br>"; // print_r($chartarray); // echo "<br>tlds array=="; // print_R($tldsarray); // $graphdata['report'] ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <title></title> ANY HELP WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED edit: added code blocks
  2. HI im having a problem displaying an image in an iframe or img tag on my php page if i set the source to google it displays fine in the iframe! but if i set the source to a page on my server it doesnt display. It displays in both fire fox and chrome!???? Any help would be greatly appreciated Thanks Sean
  3. Hi im a newbie php developer and am experiencing two problems at the moment. The first and most important is that google charts can not save over https i have copied a function that should save the file but i am clueless as to how it work s and where i am going wrong with it ??? any help with this would be greatly appreciated. Secondly every time i hit submit the page first posts data and then i have to submit again before it posts the data to google charts api ? Again any help would be greatly appreciated Thanks in advance ill add all the code here for you guys. Saving the google chart api function saveImage($chart_url,$path,$file_name) { if ( (!file_exists($path.$filename)) || (md5_file($path.$filename) != md5_file($chart_url)) ) { file_put_contents($path.$filename,file_get_contents($chat_url)); } return($filename); } function doSomething() { $local_image_path ="home/sean/img/charts/"; $imagename="some_chart_image.png"; $chart_url = $chartimage; $image = saveImage($chart_url ,$local_image_path,$image_name); echo "Image Saved"; } $body .= "<table class='formTABLE'> <tr> <TD class='FieldCaptionTD' align='right' colspan='2'> <input class='Button' method='post' action='' align='right' type='submit' name='save_file' value='Save'> <input class='Button' method='post' action='' align='right' type='submit' name='submit_button' value='Submit'> </center> </TD> </tr> </table>"; $body .= htmlmaintsplit(); ?> <img src="/home/sean/work/some_chart_image.png" alt="" /> How am i to use this now to save the graph i have created ??? Relating to the submit button problem - this is set after the submit button though i have tried placing the submit button beneath this code but still the same problem persists <form action='<?php echo $action?>' method='POST' name='bargraph' value='bargraph' chid='post_form' onsubmit="this.action = 'http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?chid=' + (new Date()).getMilliseconds(); return true;">
  4. Ive tried to create a function to create a dropdown select box but im getting alot of errors to do with the if statement saying the ($_POST[$name]) value is not set??? function selectBox($name, $firstvalue, $limit, $increment) { // echo "<br>"; // echo $name; // echo "<br>"; // print_r($_POST[$name]); // echo "<br>"; $select ="selected=\"selected\""; $body = "<select name='$name' id='$name' method='POST'> <option value=''>$name</option>"; for ($value = $firstvalue; $value <= $limit; $value += $increment) { $body .= "<option value= '$value' "; if ($_POST["$name"] === $value) { $body .= $select; } $body .= ">$value</option>"; } $body .= "</select>"; // echo $value; // echo $_POST[$name]; // echo $_POST['Width']; return $body; } Any help would be greatly appreciated
  5. HI guys I have vreated a site and am now trying to validate the ip address i have created a function but am failing to get it to work i need to add the errors to add to the errors array but instead it keeps resetting and leaving me with the last error that is returned any help would be greatly appreciated im a newbie so if i can understand the concept behind whats happening it will be of great benefit Thanks Sean heres the code // Function validateIpaddress($address,$record,$errors) // { // if ($address !=="" or $address !=="ip_address") // { // Print_r($address); // echo "<br><br>"; // $fullstoppos = strpos(($address), "."); // echo "strpos = $fullstoppos"; // $fullstoppos2 = strpos(($address), ".", $fullstoppos+1); // echo "strpos2 = $fullstoppos2"; // $fullstoppos3 = strpos(($address), ".", $fullstoppos2+1); // echo "strpos3 = $fullstoppos3"; // } // if ($fullstoppos !==4 && $fullstoppos2 !==9 && $fullstoppos3 !==14) // { // $errors[] = "<br><font color='red'>Please correct the following.Or contact your client manager for assitance.<br>* $record is a required field.An ip address is a 16 digit numerical value. </font>"; // } // } $errors = validateIpaddres($_POST['destinationPoint'],A/AAAA record, $errors)
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