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Posts posted by chintansshah

  1. Hello,


    Please check following things.

    1. File uploaded/created properly

    2. Where you saved your $outputfile, give server path.

    3. chmod, check path also

    4. is_writable, please give a file path also.


    For, debugging mode, please put exit(); after chmod and run the script and check if file has 777 permission or not.


  2. it gives below output.


    no crontab for root - using an empty one


    Select an editor.  To change later, run 'select-editor'.

      1. /usr/bin/vim.tiny

      2. /bin/ed

      3. /bin/nano        <---- easiest

      4. /usr/bin/vim.basic


  3. Please find JS and php code to implement.


    function delete_submit(prdt_id)
    document.getElementByID('prdt_id').value = prdt_id;
    //After form tag open declare hidden variable
    <input type='hidden' name='product_id' id ='prd_id' value=''>
    /// below is generate by overview loop
    <a href="#" onclick="delete_submit(6)">Delete</a>
    <a href="#" onclick="delete_submit(24)">Delete</a>
    <a href="#" onclick="delete_submit(25)">Delete</a>


    I hope you must clear with implementation logic.

  4. Can you tell me what you get in $_POST['disloc']?


    No data found then problem with your input.


    Please try query without WHERE, if you get correct output what you expect then you have problem with inputs.


    $query = "SELECT * FROM  books ORDER BY suburbz ASC";
    $results = mysql_query($query);

  5. Create one form with following elements

    1. Name

    2. Email

    3. Mobile

    4. Save(button)


    After filling, user will submit the form at same time you send a SMS with random text-code(like T30SEP, etc....) to that cell number via SMS gateways... that random code should be linked with data which user has inserted. After received a SMS, user should insert a code to text box at that time you should check if entered txt is same what you have sent, if correct then you approved that user for free passes....


  6. Hi,


    This is a very typical problem and I am sure you will get 5-10% junky registrations.


    1. You cannot compare ip, because in organisational level mutiple pcs have single out-ip, so after very first registration others people stopped to say "already register"

    2. People can use multiple email

    3. People can use multiple phone numbers.


    The idle solutions is, after registration ask user's mobile number and send a "temp code" in SMS, which user should entered on the screen after received SMS.


    So, you can check if code entered correctly then you approved that user. 


  7. In mysql, use max() function to get highest value of particular column.


    This is the way you can optimise your query also.


    $getreceiptnum = mysql_query("SELECT max(receiptnum) FROM accounting WHERE agency = '$agency' ") or die(mysql_error());

  8. Hey,


    I checked the file but it haven't any fault in file.


    I think you should change your logic to import by source command.


    $con = mysql_connect('localhost','user','pass');
    $db = mysql_select_db('dbname',$con);
    $val = file_get_contents('file.txt');
    $query = explode('-- --------------------------------------------------------',$val);
    foreach( $query as $k=>$v)


    This worked. let me know still you are facing problems.

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