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Posts posted by Zane

  1. The only convenience and iPad will give you for web development testing is the fact that it has Safari on it.  If you get a regular Android tablet, you have several options for browsers to use, including Safari.  Then again, you can do the same with an iPad.. download chrome, firefox, whatever.  


    The one thing that you will not get with an iPad is the ability to use Internet Explorer.


    IMO, and android tablet is the most economical choice as well as the most versatile.  If you didn't know by now, Apple prides itself in proprietary software and hardware, so unless you plan to cater to Apple only visitors, go with the Samsung.

  2. I'm, simply trying to learn about where the right direction lies.[...]If you can come up with a better way of getting the info I need with *no* budget, please feel free.

    I suppose I shouldn't have been so aggressive in my response. There are a lot of people who ask the same types of questions every day, but yours grabbed my attention because you actually had a logical order of things you wanted to happen. If no budget means that you are excluding books on this subject then I would turn to Google. You have already been answered as far as what kind of web-based technologies can accomplish your described goal. IPN.


    IPN (Instant Payment Notification) would be the right direction. You can google those three letters alone and get more than enough helpful results, not to mention the very first one, that is not an advertisement, brings you directly to Paypals IPN information page.


    You're also seeking tutelage on that technology, so append tutorial to IPN.

    IPN is the only way you will achieve such things. As jcbones pointed out, Paypal allows you to have data sent to three different scripts (or pages as jcbones put it). There lies your answer.


    Then of course is the handicap of "complete newb." That is a tough handicap to deal with when it comes to answering your questions effectively or with any integrity whatsoever. My advice is to take those three letters and dive head first into tutorials on the matter. Hello World examples and a lot of copying a pasting will get you started.


    I suggest you read this so you can wrap you head more around the idea.


    Just FYI, I don't hold the lofty position of moderator anywhere.

    I've never been called lofty until now. If that is the case, I didn't intend to come off as lofty. A small blue rectangle doesn't make me any different or special in any way. In my opinion it just expresses that I have been here for quite a while and have seen my fair share of questioning patterns all the while.


    Dig into all the IPN tutorials and examples you can find. Do not expect Paypal themselves to help you at all. It is not their job to do so and I doubt that any Paypal personnel that you do manage to communicate with will even know about development and logic. Paypal has their own personal IT team and they are not going to share it.


    P.S. Frontpage was also my weapon of choice back in the day. I was a table making maniac.

  3. I remember doing that exact thing (listing out processes) before I ever learned PHP. I had just reached a firm enough grasp on HTML, but still relied on WYSIWYGs. What I am getting at is that even though you claim

    Just as an aside, I'm not a developer and...

    doesn't mean you cannot learn it. Visualizing the processes like you have done in your OP is a good indicator that you have an analytic and systematic mindset


    Nevertheless, you still admit to not knowing anything about PHP nor programming nor HTML but rather only Dreamweaver. Listing out a set of processes like that... ?? Imagine you were an engineer and someone randomly came to you because they noticed you were not busy and asked you "How would I construct a machine that wakes me up in the morning, brushes my teeth, wipes my ass, and drives me to work?"


    I'll be honest, it's hard to "be gentle" with you about such a question. If you're looking for a kick in the right direction then just say so. Don't be that person that uses someone as a paintbrush for their ideas and doesn't pay the person. My only answer to you is to either create a post in the Freelancing section or buy a decent book on PHP and follow along with it, asking questions along the way as you need to. I recommend any PHP book by Julie Meloni, but then again, that's only PHP book I ever had...if you don't count this community/forum

  4. Isn't there a rule that the new guy buys the first round? Can we call jazzman1 and jcbones appointments a tie and get two first rounds out of it?

    Hell yeah..  I'll take two Guiness right now... fo free'  O0

  5. You know, spacing is everything when you want people to pay attention.


    I have taken the time here to indent your mess and make it easier for someone to look at.


    EDIT: I searched using Google for 

    Strict Standards: Declaration of should be compatible with



    and low and behold , this came up right away


  6. Quote

    post #4 in this thread has nothing to do with your problem. it's probably just a spammer testing if the account he created works


    I agree

    It has nothing to do with my problem.



    What happened to post #4?


    #4 Newbie
    Hi. Maybe you can try utting the xml tag in the first line of your file.


    I took the post away seeing as it did have nothing to do with anything.  What strikes me as more odd than post #4's existence is the fact that you felt the need to quote it as if to reminisce its irrelevance??

  7. elseif extends the beginning IF statement so that you can have more conditions...


    Otherwise, you would end up checking any and all conditions one by one which means that more than one can be true..


    With an elseif chain.... only one will be true.

  8. I would put the image filenames into a multi-dimensional array

    if($dirHandler = opendir($images_dir)){
        while(false !== ($file = readdir($dirHandler))){
            $files[] = $file;
    $images = array();
    foreach($files as $myFile){
        if($myFile == "." || $myFile == "..") continue;
        $name = explode(".", $myFile);
        $name[1] = strtolower($name[1]);
        if($name[1] == "jpg" || $name[1] == "jpeg"){
            echo "<div class='thumb'><a href='" . $images_dir . "/" . $myFile . "'><img src='" . $images_dir."/thumb/" . $myFile . "'></a></div>\n";
            //Grab year and place filename into multi-dim.
            list($y) = explode("-", $name[0]);
            $images[$y][] = $myFile;

    Then loop through images

    foreach($images as $newDiv) {
        echo '<div>';
        foreach($newDiv as $imgDiv) echo "<div><img src='{$imgDiv}' /></div>";
        echo '</div>';
  9. I would concat all the relevant fields into one string and use LIKE to match... 


    For instance

    searchTerm = "something cheap and awesome"

    SELECT itemID, itemName FROM items WHERE CONCAT('#', itemName, itemDesc, itemField, itemField2, itemField3) LIKE '%searchTerm%'

    it also wouldn't hurt to replace all your spaces and other non-alphanum charaacters with a percent sign %.

    Then replace duplicate % signs with one single % sign

    This way your query will look like this

    SELECT itemID, itemName FROM items WHERE CONCAT('#', itemName, itemDesc, itemField, itemField2, itemField3) LIKE '%something%cheap%and%awesome%'

    The biggest drawback is that the longer the searchTerm is, the harder it will be to find a perfect match.  You may have to reorganize your CONCAT to have the most relevant fields appear first...

  10. put the article id number within the rewrite as well.


    In other words,

    RewriteRule /articles/(.*)_article_name /view.php?article_id=$1 [L]

    The rule of thumb is that unless you are searching for rows that are similar and alike, never search using a string.  The purpose of indices is to keep an index.  If you know the index number there is not point in searching by the name of the article.  It would be like searching through a literal library for a book by its name and not its ISBN.

  11. I attempt to login into that user on the webpage, it doesn't go through, but if I go into my database and copy the column with the password that's been encrypted and paste it into the password field on the webpage, it works.



    This only is a dead giveaway, without even looking at your code, that you are not comparing the input password with the database stored password correctly.


    You say that in order to login successfully you have to use the HASHED (not encrypted) password stored in the database.  That can only mean that you are not hashing the input password before making the comparison.

  12. After further inspection of the code [that you] provided, I realize that you are outputting to the browser before your header call.

    Not to mention that fact that ginerjim pointed out

    You are throwing some js code in the middle of your php code. 

    I'll admit, overlooking the noscript tag was an ignorant thing to do, but forgetting to use the tag is pretty ironic.

    Surely you must have received a header redirect error? Straight from the manual it tells you:

    Remember that header() must be called before any actual output is sent, either by normal HTML tags, blank lines in a file, or from PHP. It is a very common error to read code with include, or require, functions, or another file access function, and have spaces or empty lines that are output before header() is called. The same problem exists when using a single PHP/HTML file.


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