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Posts posted by Zane

  1. all of that information should already be stored in your apache log files.  With the exception of hostname though.


    I do agree with xyph though.  Google Analytics is where it's at.  They even have a feature now that will show you a live feed of who is doing what on your website... live!

  2. What would be the easiest way to go about this?  Making a function, testing if the child is an array and recalling the function from within the function, until it hits a key value that isn't an array, then walking backwards?



    Ideally, you'd use a foreach loop. and a string variable ... as well as a recursive function


    $multdimarray = array();
    $stringVar = null;
    function createString($arr, &$str) {
    foreach($arr $k => $v) {
    	 if(is_array($v)) {
    		  $str .= $k . "/";
    		  createString($v, $str);
    	 } else {
    		  $str .= $v;
    // Then call it
    $mystring($multidimarray, $stringVar);
    //    $stringVar will have your stuff.

  3. 2. Pagination.  Especially with the prefinished solid floors.  There's just too many to comfortably scroll through.

    I was thinking the same thing. Though, I'd like to implement one of those infinite scrolling pagination techniques.


    3. Check your capitalization with the Sundries.  With the first item in the first location, you have CHERRy.  Why not run all of the data through strtoupper if that's the look you're going for?

    Yeah, that's worth a try.  The sundries have the oddest way of inputting their data.  My client asked if he could just copy and paste from excel.. and do multiplication with the numbers at the end to generate a total price.  Unfortunately, the client seems to copy and paste more than is needed causing the prices to be ridiculous.  I may end up posting a thread on that since I've been having difficulties figuring out how to deal with new lines/returns, what have you...  some in of CR/LF things I'm not used to working with.


    4. The footer is hard to read.  The gray font blends in with the wood grain.

    Yeah. I suppose I could put a background color on that.


    Preciate' the feedback.

  4. Why not, instead of autoincrement, you just use an MD5 substring, using the current time and the users username as the parameters to be hashed.  When you insert a new row, check for errors of duplication, and if there is a duplicate, hash it again with a salt... repeat.


    Because seeing as you want this "global" id within the scope of your database, checking for duplication is the secret.

  5. I know it looks stuck together like duct tape and band-aids, but my main problem here is that I have way too much information to show.  I have spoken with the client already and he wants to keep all of that information on one page, yet he also wants me to make the page more user-friendly.  Also, I plan on integrating payment processing with credit cards, without the use of a third party payment gateway.


    I need some help.  Some advice.


    I already have an idea of what a critique may look like, but feel free to critique away; you won't hurt my feelings.


    Also, I have already mentioned to the client that he needs a better logo, but he already has business cards with that plain sans-serif font.


    Without further ado, here it is



    Thank you

  6. You need to implement the solved background in the following pages

    - Themes/default/css/index.css

    - Themes/default/MessageIndex.template.php

    - Themes/default/Recent.template.php


    On an added note, you must give a solved both CSS clasess

    class = 'windowbg solvedbg";


    I'm moving this to Third Party software since this is more of a coding question rather than a comment or suggestion.



  7. Personally, if I were using your system and wanted screenshots, I would just use PrintScreen of alt+PrintScreen as Dan suggested.  I would then use mspaint and save it as a jpg or whatever I need.


    If only you could find a Snipping Tool equivalent for XP, you'd be set.  The snipping tool in Vista/7 is awesome.

  8. If you go to the bottom of the search page



    You will see a plus sign to search by board.  Click the plus sign and at the bottom of that you will see "Check all" already checked.  Uncheck it and you will be able to filter by boards.  Unfortunately, you will still have to enter a search term.  I recommend, putting something arbitrary like the word "as" or "the" or "am"...


    EDIT: Also, I forgot to mention that you will need to enter your username in the "by user" field.  If you have had your display name changed, then you will have to search for both the old name and the new.

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