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Everything posted by Zane

  1. This topic has been moved to MySQL Help. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=340261.0
  2. 5 day average? As in, every five days? You could accomplish this through a single SQL query, no need for arrays or any PHP functions. Something like this select ticker, avg(close) as close_avg from eod_data where `date` >= current_date() - 5 group by ticker order by close_avg
  3. $menuDisplay .= '</pre> <ul class="nav">' . $postLinkLabel. '</ul> <br>';}//EXTERNAL FILE displayed using Why exactly are you giving the LI element a class of nav, when the manual entries don't have that class. Furthermore, your css for the nav class is a little greedy as it will affect ANYTHING with the class of nav If you only want to affect the UL class nav, then do that. ul.nav { .... CSS .... } Also, that is unnecessary. You should use a newline character instead... for source code readability. In order to use the newline (\n), you'll have to surround it in double quotes though. $menuDisplay .= '</pre> <ul class="nav">' . $postLinkLabel. "</ul And there is also and unneeded } at the end of that string.
  4. This topic has been moved to PHP Regex. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=339842.0
  5. What in the.. how does that person even remember that username. I mean, once he clears his cookies and all, .... That username is just absurd.
  6. Wow, that is a hardcore achievement.. Congratulations and best of luck to you against the world.
  7. I don't see you define $row_color anywhere.
  8. What does your table schema look like? The answer is all in the query you perform, once you run mysql_fetch_array through a loop, you can have that populate a multidimensional array with all the results.
  9. If you want to know for which page a comment is for, then put the page number on the same line as the comment. Easy as that. Wow, I didn't realize there was another page.. so I guess you went the db route.
  10. write a function that will disable all checkboxes and then enable the selected one. Then call that function onClick or onChange of every checkbox
  11. $img probably doesn't work because you only create it at a condition. you should create the $img before any if statements if you want to use it multiple times. And I'm sure there's another easier fix for it, but I really don't want to look through all that code. You should post snippets of what you're talking about below all that.
  12. Zane

    Firefox 6?

    That's insane... so they have a nightly upgrade now? wtf.
  13. Zane

    Firefox 6?

    Wow... 6 already. I was surprised when 5 came out. Maybe they're trying to make it 10 so they can psychologically compete with IE10. So users won't assume IE10 is better than FF6 because the number is higher. lol.
  14. Download malwarebytes, hell, it's even worth buying. Also CCleaner is a great tool for getting bugs out. Regardless of what you have though, something will always go wrong.. it's Moore's Law. If you REALLLY want to have a secure computer, go back to 56k as it will take so much longer for the trojans, worms and viruses to attach themselves to your system. But that's pretty eccentric of a solution.
  15. Zane

    Custom Font

    hmmm.. and your sure that it has the same filename? Or better yet, post your code.. just the font style part.
  16. Zane

    Custom Font

    you have to refresh your cache Ctrl + F5
  17. Zane


    Oooh Oooh, I want one! dockeryz at gmail
  18. This is exactly like saying, I washed all the dishes but I forgot to use soap and water they're still dirty. Not only does there have to NOT be output before the <?php tag, but there cannot be any output before header functions
  19. Your error Notice how, in your code, that you don't even open your PHP tag until just after all your HTML? All that HTML is output.. in other words, the browser sees the HTML before your header() funciton call.... as well as all the cookies and such. In order to alleviate these errors, you needn't put HTML before the <?php tag... simple as that.
  20. Zane

    Custom Font

    <br /> @font-face {<br /> font-family: "Custom Font"; /* This is what you name your custom font */<br /> src: url(custom-font.ttf); /* This is where you put the path to your font */<br /> }<br /> .customtext {<br /> font-family: "Custom Font"; /* This is how you apply the font. */<br /> color:red;<br /> }<br />
  21. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=95562.0 Explains it all.
  22. '2003-11-14', '', '2011-06-28', '2011-06-30', '2010-03-11', '5169' The column is set to allow NULL values, not blank ones.. your query needs to look like this... well at least the snippet you provided does. '2003-11-14', NULL, '2011-06-28', '2011-06-30', '2010-03-11', '5169' Notice how NULL has no quotes around it. I also believe you could get away with nothing there at all, but I'm not sure. '2003-11-14', , '2011-06-28', '2011-06-30', '2010-03-11', '5169'
  23. what does echoing $OPENED_DATE show?
  24. It sure would be neat, not to mention, helpful if you told us what the error message says. EDIT: ok, I see it now.
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