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Everything posted by Zane

  1. do you have phpmyadmin installed? It's pretty straight forward once you set that up.
  2. There's plenty of ways to do this..and nobody should have to write it all out for you. Have you tried anything out yourself yet..show us some code..or post in the freelance section
  3. going on on a long shot here, but maybe you could use the sleep function to do what you're looking for
  4. Looks like you have a mod_rewrite problem
  5. This is kinda old, but thought there's probably someone that hasn't seen it. Puts National Geographic to shame.
  6. Zane

    Add a space

    uh.....mmm idk...wherever you want to match a space. what's one of the texts that you're trying to match
  7. Zane

    Add a space

    spaces are matched with \s have you not tried that.
  8. echo ""; print_r($table_list); echo "";
  9. put this in your HEAD tag http://www.chinesecomputing.com/internet/web.html
  10. Yes, it's called Variable Variables
  11. call $blah like this ${"bla" . $x} for ($x = 1; $x{ echo (function foobar($woof, ${"bla" . $x}) == $something) ? "laskjflasjf ${"bla" . $x}" : "${"bla" . $x}"; }
  12. I'm no Mac Guru, but from what I've seen of it..it acts almost like Linux. Perhaps the command ls or ll or even dir would work
  13. Correct. But really, it was only tweeked to change the background color of the topic...in a list of topics. As for approved posts and such. I don't see that happening too soon (much less at all). The karma system has always failed here...for reasons already mentioned Sure it would be great if users knew which post was the most helpful, but ... honestly...we're not Google. I can already see the hundreds of leechers that would show up just to read what they want to read. And also, what if the approved answer post in a topic isn't what the user is looking for. I know from experience that I'm usually looking for similar symptoms of a problem when reading a post rather than just scrolling to the last one. If one gets their answer from someone else's "Approval" marking then great, but I'd guarantee you that they'll be missing out on something vital in that thread. (or maybe not, but still)
  14. Are you saying that the PHP is not being parsed....in that area? It should work just fine...the code you have. If you can echo the $message then you should definitely be able to do it as you are already. The problem may lie in your Javascript show_confirm() function. Have you tried using a simple alert($message) Show us your show_confirm() function
  15. Zane

    Help please

    no problem. glad to help. now if your question is completely solved...could you please click the Topic Solved button and the lower left corner of the screen. (above Quick Reply)
  16. Why don't you just make the guests' rank weight lower than a regular user. For instance....a guest's vote is worth 33.3% of a regular vote...meaning it takes 3 different guests to actually make a solid vote. And you can always ceil() the current rank of the user to keep it from showing as a decimal number. \ Edit: Actually I meant floor()
  17. Zane

    Help please

    $get_results = " SELECT * FROM articles WHERE ( img LIKE '%".$search_string."%' OR title LIKE '%".$search_string."%' OR pool LIKE '%".$search_string."%' ) AND type = 'image' ORDER by date DESC LIMIT ".$num.",50"; Did you try parentheses
  18. Now that's the kind of explanation I was looking for. Although I don't exactly know the solution off the top of my head, but....to be honest....you have way too many variables and IFs for me to figure this one out. You need to go through your script (maybe even rewrite it) and follow it's procedure. Then you'll surely come across your error
  19. Do you mean like.....instantly? If you want it to appear instantly, I'd look into AJAX, otherwise it'll be a simple if statement llke was written above...requiring a refresh of the page
  20. Ok, so I went and played the game and the only question I can think of is Did you make this yourself? If you wrote this program yourself you should obviously know that it's just a few unwanted echo's The one in front of Congradulations is from this line if ($_POST['Submit']){ echo "$bet"; if ($bet > $max){ echo "Your bet exceeds the set max bet."; I played the game and all it was doing "odd" was putting my placed bet before the message One thing I can't understand is why when you loose..it's scripted to say pounds..you oughta fix that. if ($dice + $dice2 echo "Unlucky you lost £$bet.";
  21. Are you shittin me? Still? 8 pages of the same question. You can't crack a one-way encrypted. no way no how. and if you do somehow accomplish this task you'd probably have already went through years and years of your life trying. Daniel has explained it time and time again (in math equations that I have no clue how to read really) and no one has had it seep in. Seriously, here is my password to this site *removed* decrypt it log in as me and go nuts The End. I'm gonna lock this thread now.
  22. Zane

    Twitter sucks

    Good god. I still didn't read all that (and I just went back for seconds too). Yeah I've never been to keen on twittin' or diggin' or bloggin' either. But Twitter takes the cake on retards coming together. I hate texting and hell..I don't even have a cell phone. Nevertheless, texting is taking over the world and twitter is there to make it even more shinier.
  23. This is straight from the source of the site you posted <br /> $(function() {<br /> $(&#039;.wrap&#039;).hover(function() {<br /> $(this).children(&#039;.front&#039;).stop().animate({ "top" : &#039;50px&#039;}, 300); <br /> }, function() {<br /> $(this).children(&#039;.front&#039;).stop().animate({ "top" : &#039;0&#039;}, 250); <br /> });<br /> });<br /> This is called jQuery....essentially a language written from javascript statements.
  24. I can't exactly understand your question. If I have to play blackjack or something to figure it out then...I've given up. Explain in steps what you're doing to produce this error and you'll get better answers.
  25. Self-installers are nothing more than a PHP script. If you're wanting to host these "web stores" on your server, then hopefully This is true. Depending on the size of these web stores, you're going to need plenty of space to host them. The setup file your talking about should install the database tables, setup any domains the user may want, and a few other things. Usually a PHP based software, such as SMF for instance, ss already set to run as soon as you upload the files. It is only when you do an HTTP Request for the setup.php file that is there that the software REALLY works...otherwise you'll just have a page telling you either...it isn't installed yet....or it'll show database errors. SOAP is not an issue at all. Neither is XML...unless you just feel like using it. It's all about creating that one package and replicating it as instances. You may want to install each webstore to a different (new) folder. Or you may just want to have only one webstore installed and have the users' store information loaded dynamically to that one instance. If you didn't really get what I said..then yeah, I would hire a developer, post something in the freelance board about it.
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