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Everything posted by Zane

  1. I believe he wants to INSERT on SELECT. pretty much setting a SELECT query as a variable and using that to INSERT. show your table layout...all of it and then describe what you're doing.
  2. Well, you gotta think though...you'd have to be using a lot of bandwidth and showing up on the top of the charts of usage for them to even notice you. I do agree though that we should be able to know our limits...other than unlimited. But still, unless you are using your server to host 4GB files or 100s of 100 Meg files then most likely no one will say anything to you. If you were to write a script that was a massive server loading hog, then I'd imagine they'd be pissed seeing as how you're screwing with other customers as well.
  3. gonna have to show more code than that.. obviously it happens when you put it in the database....so.....show that code preferably
  4. I have a sneaking suspicion that this has the same thing to do with my problem. I tried to add a footer to the bottom #footer { height: 40px; background-color: black; color:white; position:absolute; bottom:0; width:100%; } But again, it attaches it self the ...relative bottom? I mean...it's on the bottom of what is visible..until you scroll down the page and it is placed absolutely where it was in the first place....leaving white space...or whatever else it behind it Any ideas?
  5. thank you for the input. Although, I tried everything you said to the T...to no avail. In fact it works exactly the same way as it did before I made the changes you suggested.
  6. I still can't figure out what is causing this uneeded scrollbar. I know for sure that it is cause by me setting #body's height to 100%, but I really need it to be 100%. I have tried max-height, min-height...height:auto...everything. All I'm trying to do is get my #body div to continue vertically to the bottom of the page....only showing a scrollbar when it is necessary. I'm pulling my hair out.. EDIT: Actually, it doesn't even matter if #body's height is set or not..#body still continues vertically so long as html and body have 100%. body, html { padding:0px; margin:0; font-family: "helvetica",Arial,sans-serif; background-color: #3F4956; background-color: #273E63; background-color: #3E3939; height:100%; } body { background:url(images/tree.jpg) no-repeat right top; } #body { font-family: "Lucida Sans Unicode", "Lucida Grande", sans-serif; margin: 0px; color:black; font-size:smaller; background:url(images/stripes.png); min-height:100%; background-color: #F7F9FB; background-color: #D0D8DF; background-color: #2F3953; border: solid #324F7E; border: solid #665E5E; border: solid #494949; border-width:0px 15px; float:left; width:55%; -moz-border-radius: 0 0 .8em .8em; } Yet I still get the scrollbar EDIT 2: Scratch that...I forgot that I had min-height set on #body...I took it out...and the vertical continuation collapsed.
  7. well I'll be damned well someone's bound to see it besides me thanks for the insight.
  8. but that's where my problem is....in FF3 i should've mentioned that so you're saying that the scrollbar is locked in for you (you can't scroll down......to nothing)
  9. I working on my site right now. Everything seems to be just fine except for some odd reason..the scrollbar wants to let me scroll down to nothing. There is nothing to scroll down to here is a picture My site is at http://zanedockery.com so you can see for yourself what I'm talking about. I know it has something to do with the CSS but I have no clue where it is at. Any ideas..anyone ever had this problem before?
  10. So...you're being subjective eh?..lol Yeah I realize the left side is being "wasted", but I can use it to my advantage later. That white space is going to be there always just in case I need to to fullfill some oddball feature that I can't but into the normal "blog reel" type thing. So I did that on purpose. I fixed the validation error but the CSS errors are rediculous. What's a person to do when he's using -moz-border anyway or filter:alpha(opacity=x) I'm glad you guys like the color scheme, because I've about give up on changing it. Actually I'll probably make a color shifter/CSS theme shifter to implement into it later on. I've been trying to add a footer, but whenever I add it to the bottom of the page (absolutely positioned, mind you) For some reason the scrollbar is activated to scroll down just a tab and the footer moves up to show the body's background color below the footer. But that's for another thread. Unless of course you know exactly what I'm talking about and have a direct solid one-sentence answer for it then sure...knock yourself out
  11. I started messing around with my site for the hell of it...and also I need to start up my portfolio anyway. I don't have any content up really, just a "first post". I have no links. I'm only asking for a critique on the layout. What do you think of the colors? Is it too dark? I seem to think it is a little too dark but I've been playing around with color schemes for hours. Any critiques or suggestions? http://www.zanedockery.com
  12. use commas when you are going to add a function to your echo statement....e.g. echo "", print_r($rowArray), "";
  13. use a comma instead of a concat.... (period) before src="images/checkmark.gif" />' : '' . '' after src="images/checkmark.gif" />' : '' , '' Actually...here's the whole thing echo ' ' . $pick3_1 , (in_array($pick3_1, $winners_3)) ? '' : '' , '';
  14. I think what Daniel is getting is that you don't use XHTML when you could just as easily use HTML to get the job done and over with. It's about the same concept as rich spoiled kids buying the most expensive item to do something rather than just getting a generic one. For instance, say you wanted to rake your yard..simple enough....rake it! On the other hand, a person could also simply shell out a couple hundred dollars at Lowe's and buy an air compressor, attach a hose to it and REALLY clean the yard. So now everytime you want to rake the yard you pull out the air compressor. For the sake of argument let's say you have no carpentry skills and no other reason to own an air compressor. So now you're the only jackass using a $500 air compressor to rake his yard while Joe the carpenter down the road is stuck using simple tools like a nail and hammer, when he could easily borrow your air compressor and rent a nail gun. Leaving you with your air compressor having no other use than to lend out to people. I may have went a little overboard on the analogy. But in conclusion...if you're using XHTML and you have no reason whatsoever to even need XHTML...then the answer is, you don't need it. It only makes your site more "expensive" and you'll have to code around the people who can't view the page just because you think it is cool to use the newest technology.
  15. i bet you it is a software issue. try uninstalling your nvidia or ATI softwre (whatever it may be) and then reinstall it. better yet.....go get the latest update of the software from the vendor's website.
  16. look at output buffering
  17. I hardly ever find myself using any of the file read/write functions. I probably use the directory functions more than the file functions...like glob. But really, it won't hurt you to learn how to use those functions if you don't know PHP well. You don't want to dive straight into databases. There are tons of PHP errors and notices and fatal warnings that you need to get used to before you can get comfortable mingling SQL in there too. I'd say file reading/writing is a good practice. You can at least make flat file databases if anything. You can also use RegEx to filter through it even more.
  18. while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)) ;
  19. what do you suppose that means? maybe it's in the incorrect format try 2009-03-01
  20. use extract to do what you are trying to do extract($_POST);
  21. make sure the date field is of a date datatype wow...say that 10 times fast
  22. put the sub ULs into LIs </pre> <ul class="s-bar"> Mail Compose Mail View Inbox Track Messages Edit Folders and add this to the top of your CSS ul { margin:0px; padding:0px;}
  23. If that's the way you want it to work then yes.. using LIKE--------------- someone searches the word "the".. it will match -the -theme -breathe -thesaurus etc etc etc another way is to use SELECT * FROM table WHERE IN("searchphrase")
  24. This is the most I can give you, because I still don't know what you are doing although now I do know what your HTML looks like so.... use this to your advantage...it is probably what you are looking for foreach($_POST as $k=>$v) { if(is_array($v)) { echo "Contents of " . $k . " \n"; foreach($v as $theKey=>$theValue) echo $theKey . " -> " . $theValue . " \n"; echo " \n"; } }
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