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Everything posted by Zane

  1. yeah, when it comes SQL queries, fenway will take a dump in your face.
  2. That is just crazy enough to work...that's my bad
  3. change it to this <br /> window.onLoad = function() {<br /> alert(&#039;Is it the AJAX function?&#039;);<br /> AjaxRequest(&#039;main&#039;,&#039;./includes/eventdisplay.php?id=0&#039;);<br /> AjaxRequest(&#039;menu&#039;,&#039;./includes/eventlist.php?id=0&#039;);<br /> alert("Yep, it&#039;s definitely the AJAX function");<br /> }<br /> and see if it does anything
  4. No reason to double post man... What exactly isn't working about it... it doesn't load at all?
  5. Not a bad point haku, I believe I have a change of heart on my theory now.
  6. <br /> window.onLoad = function() {<br /> AjaxRequest(&#039;main&#039;,&#039;./includes/eventdisplay.php?id=0&#039;);<br /> AjaxRequest(&#039;menu&#039;,&#039;./includes/eventlist.php?id=0&#039;);<br /> }<br />
  7. That code has no javascript in it....so you've answered your own question
  8. Jeez somebody just throw this dog a Zend flavored bone and be done with it.
  9. Glad you got it sorted out.
  10. How urgent is it?
  11. well this was my idea of it $textarea = explode("\n", $_POST['textarea']); foreach ($textarea as $value) { $clean_info = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($value)) $theQuery .= "INSERT INTO random_prompts (`prompt`) VALUES ('" . $clean_info . "')\n"; } $queryIt = mysql_query($theQuery) or die("Error:" . mysql_error() . " \n" . $theQuery); ?>
  12. id text pollId userId createDate 1 test 1 1 1232507071 2 test 2 1 1 1232507071 3 test 3 1 1 1232507071 Because in your query, you have told it to order by id descending....meaning...it will put the third one at the top of that list there. also..... $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query); echo print_r($row); This is not a loop, so it will only grab the first row and stop......That is why How do you fix it...like this while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) { echo print_r($row); }
  13. Please start marking your threads solved
  14. It is used in what is called a Class class Dog { public $name = "Roger"; public $color = "brown"; function bark() { echo "Woof"; } function growl() { echo "GRRRRrrr"; } function showName() { echo $this->name; } } $myDog = new Dog(); $myDog->bark(); $myDog->growl(); $myDog->showName(); //This echoes Roger $myDog->name = "Jesus"; $myDog->showName(); // This echoes Jesus echo $myDog->color;
  15. was it Phixr.com
  16. unlink
  17. maybe the div that contains the png has a background color of its own is why it's not being transparent.
  18. mail($to, $subject, stripslashes($message), "From: Club Name")
  19. The easiest possible way in the world I can think of would be to use javascript. <br /> window.onload = function{<br /> password = &#039;123abc&#039;;<br /> check = prompt(&#039;What is the password&#039;, &#039;&#039;);<br /> if(check != password) {<br /> document.write("Wrong Password!");<br /> }<br /> }<br />
  20. well first....why do you have three variables for the email address? $row['email'] is the email address. $email is the email address. $to is also the email address. personally I'd just stick with $row['email'], but anyway This should do ya if(mail($to, $subject, $message, "From: Club Name")){ echo "Success sending to: $name - $to "; }else{ echo "Error: Failed sending to :$name - No email address recorded. ";
  21. Easy, select it out the database de-base64 it unserialize it. this would be the array you use to view the fields. if you added more or edited them....all you have to do is code it such that it changes that array. and then package it all up again. simple as that. and update the database
  22. Click the picture [attachment deleted by admin]
  23. check it http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,58799.0.html
  24. Well hell, run $_POST['textarea'] through nl2br and then, explode by " " then you can do a str_replace in your foreach to strip out the \n's and then whatever....mysql_real_escape and all that good secure stuff.
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