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  1. I have a select that allows a user to select an album. I then run a query to check the post of the select to make sure it's a real album number. So what I do is run the query then use in_array to see if the entered number is a good album number My problem is the first one doesn't return an array and when I use print_r I only get one value I can't get this one to work, why won't the in_array work? I thought $aid_rows = mysqli_fetch_array($ar, MYSQLI_ASSOC) would give me an array // Check for an album id if (empty($_POST['aid'])) { $errors [] = '<h5 style="color: red;">* You forgot to select an album.</h5>'; } elseif (is_numeric($_POST['aid'])) { $aid_entry = (int)(trim($_POST['aid'])); $aq ="SELECT aid FROM cpg15x_albums"; $ar = mysqli_query($dbc3, $aq);// or die("Error: ".mysqli_error($dbc3)); $aid_rows = mysqli_fetch_array($ar, MYSQLI_ASSOC); if (in_array($aid_entry, $aid_rows)) { $aid = $aid_entry; } else {$errors[] = '<h5 style="color: red;">* Album number error.</h5>';} } else {$errors[] = '<h5 style="color: red;">* Album string error.</h5>';} My new one that works but I have to use a while loop // Check for an album id if (empty($_POST['aid'])) { $errors [] = '<h5 style="color: red;">* You forgot to select an album.</h5>'; } elseif (is_numeric($_POST['aid'])) { $aid_entry = (int)(trim($_POST['aid'])); $aq ="SELECT aid FROM cpg15x_albums"; $ar = mysqli_query($dbc3, $aq);// or die("Error: ".mysqli_error($dbc3)); $aid_rows = mysqli_fetch_array($ar, MYSQLI_ASSOC); $aids = array(); while ($aid_rows = mysqli_fetch_array($ar, MYSQLI_ASSOC)) { $aids[] = $aid_rows['aid']; } if (in_array($aid_entry, $aids)) { $aid = $aid_entry; } else {$errors[] = '<h5 style="color: red;">* Album number error.</h5>';} } else {$errors[] = '<h5 style="color: red;">* Album string error.</h5>';}
  2. This code should be pretty self explanatory, but I'm struggling bad to get it to work. I want to check if the "propview" element is blank, if so, replace it with "No Contingencies". Simple right? $details_array = array( "propview" => JText::_('COM_IPROPERTY_PROPVIEW' ), "beds" => JText::_('COM_IPROPERTY_BEDS' ), "baths" => JText::_('COM_IPROPERTY_BATHS' ), "sqft" => (!$this->settings->measurement_units) ? JText::_('COM_IPROPERTY_SQFT' ) : JText::_('COM_IPROPERTY_SQM' ), "lotsize" => JText::_('COM_IPROPERTY_LOT_SIZE' ), "lot_acres" => JText::_('COM_IPROPERTY_LOT_ACRES' ), "yearbuilt" => JText::_('COM_IPROPERTY_YEAR_BUILT' ), "heat" => JText::_('COM_IPROPERTY_HEAT' ), "garage_type" => JText::_('COM_IPROPERTY_GARAGE_TYPE' ), "roof" => JText::_('COM_IPROPERTY_ROOF' )); if(empty($details_array["propview"])) { $details_array = array( "propview" => "No Contingencies" ); } It either doesn't do anything or it wipes out the entire array. Maybe the logic should be embedded in the original array, but I haven't found any examples that show that ever being done.
  3. Trying to make a game where the user plays the computer, the user does not get to place ships and the computer does not try to sink the human's ships. on submit, the game is supposed to tell the user hit or miss or you sank my ship the board is supposed to remember where the user clicked each time until the game is over the computer randomly places 5 boats, I have the computer placing the boats, and I have some fire buttons, but its not connecting, and its not supposed to show where the boats are ( user is not supposed to see that part) <?php session_start() ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html lang="EN" dir="ltr" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <title>Battleship</title> <style type = "text/css"> #footer {font-size: small; text-align:center; clear:right; padding-bottom:20px; } body { background-image:url("infor.jpg"); color: white;text-align:center } p { color: yellow; text-align:center;} </style> </head> <body> <?php if(isset($_POST['start_game']) || isset($_POST['myGuess'])){ if (isset($_POST["counter"])){ $counter = $_POST["counter"]; } else { $counter = 0; } // end if $counter++; //store new data in counter $_SESSION["counter"] = $counter; if(isset($_POST['start_game']) || isset($_POST['myGuess'])){ if (isset($_POST["counter"])){ $counter = $_POST["counter"]; } else { $counter = 0; } // end if $counter++; //store new data in counter $_SESSION["counter"] = $counter; if(isset($_POST['choice'])){ if($_POST['choice']=="correct") print "<br>I got it! it took me $counter tries. <br>"; } $myGuess=rand($lowest,$highest); //This is used for debugging - keeping track of what each value is when the submit button is pressed // if(isset($_POST['choice'])){ //print_r($_POST); //} $form = "showOptions"; }else{ $form = "showStart"; } if($form == "showOptions"){ ?> <h2> <form method="post" action="" name="target"> <input type="Submit" value="Submit" align="MIDDLE"> </form> </h2> <form action="" method="post" > <table border="1" align="center"> <?PHP $step = $_POST['step']; if ($step > 2) { $step = 0; } else { $step += 1; }//end if if($step == 1) { for ($i = a; $i < k; $i++){ echo "<tr><td width='20' align='right'>$i</td>"; for ($j = 1; $j < 11; $j++){ echo "<td><input type='submit' value='fire' name='$i$j'></td>"; } // end for loop echo "</tr>"; } // end for loop echo "<tr><td></td>"; for ($j = 1; $j < 11; $j++){ echo "<td>$j</td>"; } echo "</tr></table>"; // result of fire } else { echo "Result "; for ($i = a; $i < k; $i++){ echo "<tr><td width='10' align='right'>$i</td>"; for ($j = 1; $j < 11; $j++){ echo "<td><input type='checkbox' checked='checked' disabled='disabled' name='$i$j'></td>"; } // end for loop echo "</tr>"; } // end for loop echo "<tr><td></td>"; for ($j = 1; $j < 11; $j++){ echo "<td>$j</td>"; } echo "</tr></table><br><input type='submit' name='' value='shoot'>"; }//end if ?> <input type="hidden" name="step" value="<?php echo "$step";?>" /> </form> </center> <?php if ($step == 0) { for ($i = a; $i < k; $i++){ echo "<tr><td width='10' align='right'>$i</td>"; for ($j = 1; $j < 11; $j++){ echo "<td><input type='submit' value='fire' name='$i$j'></td>"; } // end for loop echo "</tr>"; } // end for loop echo "<tr><td></td>"; for ($j = 1; $j < 11; $j++){ echo "<td>$j</td>"; } echo "</tr></table>"; //player fireing } else if($step == 1) { for ($i = a; $i < k; $i++){ echo "<tr><td width='10' align='right'>$i</td>"; for ($j = 1; $j < 11; $j++){ echo "<td><input type='submit' value='fire' name='$i$j'></td>"; } // end for loop echo "</tr>"; } // end for loop echo "<tr><td></td>"; for ($j = 1; $j < 11; $j++){ echo "<td>$j</td>"; } echo "</tr></table>"; // result of fire } else { echo "Result "; for ($i = a; $i < k; $i++){ echo "<tr><td width='10' align='right'>$i</td>"; for ($j = 1; $j < 11; $j++){ echo "<td><input type='checkbox' checked='checked' disabled='disabled' name='$i$j'></td>"; } // end for loop echo "</tr>"; } // end for loop echo "<tr><td></td>"; for ($j = 1; $j < 11; $j++){ echo "<td>$j</td>"; } } echo "</tr></table><br><input type='submit' name='' value='shoot'>"; }//end if ?> <input type="hidden" name="step" value="<?php echo "$step";?>" /> <h2>The number of squares for each ship is determined by the type of the ship. <BR /> The ships cannot overlap (i.e., only one ship can occupy any given square in the grid). <BR /> In each round, the Human clicks the target square which is to be shot at. <BR /> The Computer announces whether or not the square is occupied by a ship, <BR /> and if it is a hit they mark this on their own primary grid. <BR /> When all of the squares of a ship have been hit, the ship is sunk, <BR /> and the Computer owner announces this (e.g. You sunk my battleship!!). <BR /> If all of a player's ships have been sunk, the game is over and their opponent wins. </h2> <h2><?php echo "<br> <a href='battleshipmajorstart.php'>Reset Game</a>" ?></h2> <?php error_reporting( E_ALL ); // $ships['Ship Name'] = size (int); $ships = array( 'Carrier' => 5, 'Battleship' => 4, 'Destroyer' => 3, 'Submarine' => 3, 'Patrol Boat' => 2 ); // $grid[x-coord][y-coord] $grid = array(); // Loop through ships for placement foreach( $ships as $name => $size ) { // Begin an infinite loop ( dangerous, but we can break it when // the ship is happily placed ) while ( TRUE ) { // Determine direction of ship // x- horizontal, y- vertical $axis = ( mt_rand(0,1) == 1 ? 'x' : 'y' ); // Maximum values on grid $max = array( 'x' => 10, 'y' => 10 ); // Subtract $size from the max value to compensate for ship size $max[ $axis ] -= $size; // Generate random placement $x = mt_rand( 1, $max['x'] ); $y = mt_rand( 1, $max['y'] ); // Check to see if the grid is empty by checking $size squares in $axis direction for ( $i = 0; $i < $size; $i++ ) { //Create a temporary holder for our coordinates $curr = array( 'x' => $x, 'y' => $y ); ////Add current grid position to the direction we're going $curr[ $axis ] += $i; // Check to see if the grids populated if ( isset( $grid[ $curr['x'] ][ $curr['y'] ] ) ) //If it is, start at the beginning of the while loop and find new coordinates continue 2; } // If the for loop didn't run into a collision, then we know the grid space is empty //and we can break out of the infinite loop! break; } //Now that we have a position for the ship, write it into the grid! for ( $i = 0; $i < $size; $i++ ) { // Create a temporary holder for our coordinates $curr = array( 'x' => $x, 'y' => $y ); // Add current grid position to the direction we're going $curr[ $axis ] += $i; // Add the first letter of the ships name to the grid ( just for example purposes ) $grid[ $curr['x'] ][ $curr['y'] ] = substr( $name, 0, 1 ); } } //Display the grid echo '<table width="300" height="300" border="1" align="center">'; for ( $row = 1; $row <= 10; $row++ ) { echo '<tr>'; for( $col = 1; $col <= 10; $col++ ) { echo '<td width="30" align="center">'; echo ( isset($grid[$row][$col]) ? $grid[$row][$col] : ' ' ); echo '</td>'; } echo '</tr>'; } echo '</table>'; ?> <?php } else{ ?> When play begins, The Computer secretly arranges Her ships on Her primary grid. <BR /> Each ship occupies a number of consecutive squares on the grid, <BR />arranged either horizontally or vertically. <BR /> <BR /> The number of squares for each ship is determined by the type of the ship. <BR /> The ships cannot overlap (i.e., only one ship can occupy any given square in the grid). <BR /> In each round, the Human clicks the target square which is to be shot at. <BR /> The Computer announces whether or not the square is occupied by a ship, <BR /> and if it is a "hit" they mark this on their own primary grid. <BR /> The attacking player notes the hit or miss on their own "tracking" grid, in order to build up a picture of the opponent's fleet. <BR /> When all of the squares of a ship have been hit, the ship is sunk, <BR /> and the ship's owner announces this (e.g. "You sunk my battleship!"). <BR /> If all of a player's ships have been sunk, the game is over and their opponent wins. <form method="post" action="" name="choice"> <input name="start_game" id="start_game" value="Start Game" type="submit" src="game.png" name="image" width="100" height="150"><br> </form> <?php } ?> <p id="footer">Copyright © 2013 DeAnna Riddlespur & Gene Lau & Matthew Semple</p> </body> </html>
  4. Some of the search results have snippets and some do not so I need an if statement inserted for the cases there aren't any. Seems that when I try to insert an if statement it gets picked up as html. What would be the best way to insert an if here? $Blekko = array ("<a href=\"{$item->url}\"> {$item->url_title}</a> <p> {if (snippet == '') { $item->'No snippet' } $item->snippet}</p>") }
  5. I am supposed to have an array so that when you choose a customer and one of the information items, its displays, well its almost there here is my php and html, when you run it it hast cust_num or cust_city or cust_state instead of the data itself so help please <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html lang="EN" dir="ltr" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <title>Didja Know?r</title> </head> <body> <h1>Didja Know?</h1> <?php //create arrays $cust_num = array ( "DeAnna" => 069, "Joshua" => 088, "Eden" => 087, "Aubrey" => 2009 ); $cust_addr = array ( "DeAnna" => 102, "Joshua" => 113, "Eden" => 104, "Aubrey" => 420 ); $cust_city = array ( "DeAnna" => "Atlanta", "Joshua" => "Columbus", "Eden" => "Smyrna", "Aubrey" => "Vinnings" ); $cust_email = array ( "DeAnna" => "deanna@gmail.com", "Joshua" => "josh@gmail.com", "Eden" => "eden@gmail.com", "Aubrey" => "Aubrey@gmail.com" ); //set up master array $distance = array ( "DeAnna" => $cust_num, "Joshua" => $cust_addr, "Eden" => $cust_city, "Aubrey" => $cust_email ); $cust_name = filter_input(INPUT_POST, "cust_name"); $cust_info = filter_input(INPUT_POST, "cust_info"); $result = $distance[$cust_name][$cust_info]; print "<h3>$cust_name and $cust_info is $result .</h3>"; ?> </body> </html> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html lang="EN" dir="ltr" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <title>DIDJA KNOW</title> </head> <body> <h1>DIDJA KNOW</h1> <form action = "http://localhost/Assignments php class/assign7.php" method = "post"> <table border = "1"> <tr> <th>Customer Name</th> <th>Customer Info</th> </tr> <!-- note each option value is a string --> <tr> <td> <select name = "cust_name"> <option value = "DeAnna">DeAnna</option> <option value = "Joshua">Joshua</option> <option value = "Eden">Eden</option> <option value = "Aubrey">Aubrey</option> </select> </td> <td> <select name = "cust_info"> <option value = "cust_num">Customer Number</option> <option value = "cust_addr">Address</option> <option value = "cust_city">City</option> <option value = "cust_email">email</option> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan = "2"> <input type = "submit" value = "Didja Know This?" /> </td> </tr> </table> </form> </body> </html>
  6. I have a function that builds an array an works great. Form <?php $name = 'logWeather'; $options = array( 'Fair', 'Windy', 'Rainy','Stormy'); $selected = $logWeather; echo dropdown( $name, $options, $selected ); ?> Function <?php function dropdown( $name, array $options, $selected) { /*** begin the select ***/ $dropdown = '<select name="'.$name.'" id="'.$name.'">'."\n"; $selected = $selected; /*** loop over the options ***/ foreach( $options as $key=>$option ) { /*** assign a selected value ***/ $select = $selected==$key ? ' selected' : null; /*** add each option to the dropdown ***/ $dropdown .= '<option value="'.$key.'"'.$select.'>'.$option.'</option>'."\n"; } /*** close the select ***/ $dropdown .= '</select>'."\n"; /*** and return the completed dropdown ***/ return $dropdown; } ?> This works perfectly to edit a dropdown built from an array, but I am trying to add in a little more functionality. How can I add in a hidden value and a displayed value ex in html <select name="logSeaCondition"> <option value="1">0-1 feet</option> <option value="4">2-4 feet</option> <option value="7">5-7 feet</option> <option value="10">8-10 feet</option> <option value="13">11-13 feet</option> <option value="16">14-16 feet</option> <option value="19">17-19 feet</option> <option value="21">20+ feet</option> </select> Can I possibly pass in an associative array and use value as key and echo the item in the array?
  7. I am writting a document management application which is running a very large if statement, similar to if(($filetype == jpeg)||(filetype == gif)){ $type = "Image"; }elseif... and so on it's about 180 lines. The Problem is I can do it in an array as well, an array will be less code. but is it faster? I am talking large amounts my software knows 600 different extensions with 380 different icons assigned to the file type. I need to know for performance which is faster? and array or an if and ifelse? If I could get assistance that would be good. I would test it myself but rewritting as array for no reason if an if statement is the faster of the two. Thanks.
  8. I get the result from the other website and make it as array. And the output result like this, how can I store the result by each row to each field in the MySQL?
  9. The below mysqli query will always pull one result. However, after looking at my code I feel there must be a better way to simplify the status dropdown html section. As you can see I have a bunch of if statements and an array. Can anyone help me to make this simplier? $query = mysqli_query($mysqli, "SELECT * From referrals WHERE id = '".$edit."';"); while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($query)) { $editstatus = $row['status']; } if($editstatus == "N") { $estatus = "N/A"; } if($editstatus == "I") { $estatus = "Installation Comp"; } if($editstatus == "SI") { $estatus = "Site Inspection"; } if($editstatus == "S") { $estatus = "Sold"; } if($editstatus == "C") { $estatus = "Cancelled"; } if($editstatus == "P") { $estatus = "Press/Follow-Up"; } if($editstatus == "W") { $estatus = "Being Installed"; } $bstatus[] = "N/A"; $bstatus[] = "Installation Comp"; $bstatus[] = "Site Inspection"; $bstatus[] = "Sold"; $bstatus[] = "Cancelled"; $bstatus[] = "Press/Follow-Up"; $bstatus[] = "Being Installed"; ?> <div class="status"><label for="edit_status">Edit Status</label> <select id="edit_status" name="edit_status"> <?php foreach($bstatus as $cstatus) { if($cstatus == "N/A") { $dstatus = "N"; } if($cstatus == "Installation Comp") { $dstatus = "I"; } if($cstatus == "SI") { $dstatus = "Site Inspection"; } if($cstatus == "Sold") { $dstatus = "S"; } if($cstatus == "Cancelled") { $dstatus = "C"; } if($cstatus == "Press/Follow-Up") { $dstatus = "P"; } if($cstatus == "Being Installed") { $dstatus = "W"; } ?> <option <?php if($cstatus == $estatus) { echo "selected=\"selected\""; } ?> value="<?php echo $dstatus; ?>"><?php echo $cstatus ?></option> <?php } ?> </select> </div> As I mentioned, after looking at this code I know there has to be a better way to do this. Any help would be greatly apprecited
  10. I am doing a MySQL query in which the WERE clause contains an array that would have up to 100's of clauses. Basically I have a DB of words. When people enter letters to search for words containing those letters, and only those letters, it will at that to the query. For Example: * The code below is extremely abbreviated but you should get the point. <?php /* Say someone enters "abc" So I have it setup that $word = 'a' , OR `word` = 'b' , OR `word` = 'c' , OR `word` = 'ab' , OR `word` = 'ac' , OR `word` = 'ba' , OR `word` = 'ca' , OR `word` = 'cb' , OR `word` = 'abc' , OR `word` = 'cba' , OR `word` = 'bca' */ $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `words` WHERE `word` = ".$words." ORDER BY `word` DESC"); ?> Well this turns out to be quick with "abc" but if you enter abcdefg the combinations would be thousands and brutally slow! Is there a way to speed things up with a better, more optimized query? Thanks for your help!
  11. Hey guys, I was just wondering if anyone on here has some guidance for someone trying to build a comment time stamp (30 seconds ago, 1 minute ago, 1 month ago, 1 year ago, etc.) that takes the different day count of every month + leap year into consideration. I'm not asking for you guys to give me straight code or anything. I just need some guidance on finding the proper/best method of going about this. I'm guessing placing everything in arrays is a must? Thanks!
  12. Hi, I'm trying to make an array containing values that are unique (i.e. the values are not repeated within the array). There seems to be a mistake somewhere in my code below because only one value (the first element of the array) is being stored in the $randommodulearray array. I would appreciate it if someone could explain why. Cheers. Also, just to confirm, $module == 'all'. if (($module == 'all') || ($module == 'sem1') || ($module == 'sem2')) { $modulearray = array("1"=>"Endocrine","2"=>"Renal","3"=>"Genetics","4"=>"GI","5"=>"Neuro","6"=>"EPISTATS"); $randommodulearray = array(); switch ($module) { case 'all': $numberofmodules = '6'; $min = '1'; $max = '6'; break; case 'sem1': $numberofmodules = '3'; $min = '3'; $max = '6'; break; case 'sem2': $numberofmodules = '3'; $min = '1'; $max = '3'; break; } do { $optionmodule = rand($min,$max); $checkmodule = $modulearray[$optionmodule]; if (in_array($checkmodule, $randommodulearray)) { do { echo 'lol'; $optionmodule = rand($min,$max); $checkmodule = $modulearray[$optionmodule]; } while (!in_array($checkmodule, $randommodulearray)); $randommodulearray[] = $checkmodule; } else { $randommodulearray[] = $checkmodule; } } while (count($randommodulearray) == $numberofmodules); // i.e. until they are 6 elements in array }
  13. given: [Category] => Array ( [num] => 245 [name] => Local Entertainment [parent] => 101 [url] => Entertainment/cat_index_chicago_entertainment [city] => Chicago [children] => Array ( ) [alpha] => Array ( ) [city_key] => chicago ) [Categories] => Array ( [0] => 245 [1] => 340 ) [Filename] => collaboraction-13th-annual-sketchbook-review-doing-that-crazy-chicago-storefront-theater-thing [City] => chicago [Link] => /publish/Entertainment/cat_index_chicago_entertainment/collaboraction-13th-annual-sketchbook-review-doing-that-crazy-chicago-storefront-theater-thing.php [AuthorId] => 56055 [Byline] => Amy Munice [Images] => Array ( [***image1***] => Array ( [_erased] => 0 [caption] => The tale of young Werther, unlucky in love--"The Sorrows of Young Werther" [url] => /df65/51b7592a96cdf-collaboraction-13th-annual-sketchbook-review-doing-that-crazy-chicago-storefront-theater-thing-1.jpg [_vertical] => 1 ) [***image2***] => Array ( [_erased] => 0 [caption] => In "WeatherVane" the line blur between hunter and prey [url] => /df65/51b7592a96cdf-collaboraction-13th-annual-sketchbook-review-doing-that-crazy-chicago-storefront-theater-thing-2.jpg [_vertical] => ) [***image3***] => Array ( [_erased] => 0 [caption] => "Theater McGuiver" giving resourcefulness a good grin [url] => /df65/51b7592a96cdf-collaboraction-13th-annual-sketchbook-review-doing-that-crazy-chicago-storefront-theater-thing-3.jpg [_vertical] => ) [***image4***] => Array ( [_erased] => 0 [caption] => "Snapshot" - watching life unfold in moments [url] => /df65/51b7592a96cdf-collaboraction-13th-annual-sketchbook-review-doing-that-crazy-chicago-storefront-theater-thing-4.jpg [_vertical] => ) [***image5***] => Array ( [_erased] => 0 [caption] => "Shuffle Off" tells the tale of someone looking for the perfect life ending song [url] => /df65/51b7592a96cdf-collaboraction-13th-annual-sketchbook-review-doing-that-crazy-chicago-storefront-theater-thing-5.jpg [_vertical] => ) [***image6***] => Array ( [_erased] => 0 [caption] => "Price Point" proves even the lost American Dream can find a voice in song [url] => /df65/51b7592a96cdf-collaboraction-13th-annual-sketchbook-review-doing-that-crazy-chicago-storefront-theater-thing-6.jpg [_vertical] => ) [***image7***] => Array ( [_erased] => 0 [caption] => "Native American Princess" tells the story of elusive romantic dreams [url] => /df65/51b7592a96cdf-collaboraction-13th-annual-sketchbook-review-doing-that-crazy-chicago-storefront-theater-thing-7.jpg [_vertical] => 1 ) [***image8***] => Array ( [_erased] => 0 [caption] => Tinkerbell in a trashed Wonderland-- "The Most Delicious Little House for Beginners.." [url] => /df65/51b7592a96cdf-collaboraction-13th-annual-sketchbook-review-doing-that-crazy-chicago-storefront-theater-thing-8.jpg [_vertical] => 1 ) [***image9***] => Array ( [_erased] => 0 [caption] => "Hospital" gives us good laughs at the horror of a hospital stay [url] => /df65/51b7592a96cdf-collaboraction-13th-annual-sketchbook-review-doing-that-crazy-chicago-storefront-theater-thing-9.jpg [_vertical] => ) [***image10***] => Array ( [_erased] => 0 [caption] => A short sci-fi on dreams in "Everything is Permitted" [url] => /df65/51b7592a96cdf-collaboraction-13th-annual-sketchbook-review-doing-that-crazy-chicago-storefront-theater-thing-10.jpg [_vertical] => ) [***image11***] => Array ( [_erased] => 0 [caption] => [url] => /df65/51b7592a96cdf-collaboraction-13th-annual-sketchbook-review-doing-that-crazy-chicago-storefront-theater-thing-11.jpg [_vertical] => 1 ) [***image12***] => Array ( [_erased] => 0 [caption] => We meet a woman trapped for 300 years in "Darkness" [url] => /df65/51b7592a96cdf-collaboraction-13th-annual-sketchbook-review-doing-that-crazy-chicago-storefront-theater-thing-12.jpg [_vertical] => ) ) [SummaryImage] => /df65/51b7592a96cdf-collaboraction-13th-annual-sketchbook-review-doing-that-crazy-chicago-storefront-theater-thing-summary.jpg [FeatureImage] => /df65/51b7592a96cdf-collaboraction-13th-annual-sketchbook-review-doing-that-crazy-chicago-storefront-theater-thing-feature.jpg [Keywords] => [IsFeatured] => [IsFeaturedParent] => [IsFeaturedMain] => [IsGiftGuide] => [IsPublished] => 1 [Status] => Published [__WebRoot] => /home/admin/domains/lasplash.com/public_html/../public_html/ [__first:private] => 1 [__republish:private] => [Id] => 51b7592a96cdf [CreateDate] => 1370970410 [LastUpdated] => 1370972592 [IsLoaded] => 1 [UpdatedBy] => 56055 ) How would I output img url? The above is from print_r. I'd basically like to echo $content[image];
  14. I have a problem. I have this array. Example... [0] hi.jpg [1] bye.gif [2] blah.png [3] 0000.jpg If I enter a value to a field like "bye.gif". Or let's say I put this on the address bar... http://mysite.com/somepage.php?view=bye.gif I want to get the array index and put that into a variable. Like somehow I want to do a "$_GET['view']" maybe and get the array value and put it into a variable. Like... $imageVar = "index of $_GET['view']" So when run it's like... $imageVar = 1 Hope this doesnt sound like jibberish. i'm kind of a noob. D=
  15. i have a MySQL query that loops multiple times, but not always the same amount of times. Each loops gets data from a specific sales campaign. The loop to query the data works fine while($z<$customrows) { $query = "SELECT vicidial_users.user, vicidial_users.full_name, vicidial_log.list_id, COUNT(CASE WHEN (vicidial_log.status = 'SALE') THEN 1 ELSE null END) as sumcountSamnt, COUNT(CASE WHEN (vicidial_log.status = 'SALE' AND custom_$customID[$z].up_amt <> '') THEN 1 ELSE null END) as sumcountupAmnt, COUNT(CASE WHEN (vicidial_log.status = 'SALE' AND custom_$customID[$z].cc_num <> '') THEN 1 ELSE null END) as sumccverifiedcountAmnt, COUNT(CASE WHEN (vicidial_log.status = 'SALE' AND custom_$customID[$z].bank_act <> '') THEN 1 ELSE null END) as sumbankverifiedcountAmnt, SUM(CASE WHEN (vicidial_log.status = 'SALE' AND custom_$customID[$z].cc_num <> '') THEN custom_$customID[$z].s_amount ELSE null END) as sumccverifiedAmnt, SUM(CASE WHEN (vicidial_log.status = 'SALE' AND custom_$customID[$z].bank_act <> '') THEN custom_$customID[$z].s_amount ELSE null END) as sumbankverifiedAmnt, SUM(CASE WHEN (vicidial_log.status = 'SALE') THEN custom_$customID[$z].d_amt ELSE null END) as sumDamnt, SUM(CASE WHEN (vicidial_log.status = 'SALE') THEN custom_$customID[$z].up_amt ELSE null END) as sumUpamnt, SUM(CASE WHEN (vicidial_log.status = 'SALE') THEN custom_$customID[$z].md_amt ELSE null END) as sumMdamnt, SUM(CASE WHEN (vicidial_log.status = 'SALE') THEN custom_$customID[$z].s_amount ELSE null END) as sumSamnt FROM vicidial_log INNER JOIN vicidial_users ON (vicidial_log.user = vicidial_users.user) INNER JOIN custom_$customID[$z] ON (vicidial_log.lead_id = custom_$customID[$z].lead_id) WHERE call_date BETWEEN '$today 00:00:00' AND '$today 23:59:59' AND vicidial_log.user != 'VDAD' AND $customID[$z] != '39470562' AND vicidial_users.user_group != 'TX-Training' GROUP BY vicidial_log.user, vicidial_log.campaign_id "; $stmnt = mysql_query($query); $stmntnumRows = mysql_num_rows($query); while($stmntResult = mysql_fetch_assoc($stmnt)) { $salescountResult[] = $stmntResult["sumcountSamnt"]; $upResult[] = $stmntResult["sumcountupAmnt"]; $countverifiedccResult[] = $stmntResult["sumccverifiedcountAmnt"]; $amountverifiedccResult[] = $stmntResult["sumccverifiedAmnt"]; $countverifiedbankResult[] = $stmntResult["sumbankverifiedcountAmnt"]; $amountverifiedbankResult[] = $stmntResult["sumbankverifiedAmnt"]; $damounttotalResult[] = $stmntResult["sumDamnt"]; } $z++; } i can loop through and output the data of each iteration, no problem. I can sum the complete data values in an array for example there are 29 users and i can sum all the sales for all the user, but i cant seem to sum the total sales per user across all campaigns this is how i iterate the output for($i = 0; $i < count($customID); ++$i) { echo "hi "/*.$nameResult[$i]. " - "*/.$upResult[$i]./*;" - ".$salescountResult[$i].*/"<br>"; } im sure its something simple, but im just not seeing it. Thanks for your help
  16. How do I add this associate array: $media[$row["id"]]['cameraPicture'] = $row["cameraPicture"]; $media[$row["id"]]['photoAlbum'] = $row["photoAlbum"]; $media[$row["id"]]['videoData'] = $row["videoData"]; $media[$row["id"]]['audioData'] = $row["audioData"]; $media[$row["id"]]['textMessage'] = $row["textMessage"]; $media[$row["id"]]['callData'] = $row["callData"]; $media[$row["id"]]['activityData'] = $row["activityData"]; $media[$row["id"]]['latitudePos'] = $row["latitudePos"]; $media[$row["id"]]['longitudePos'] = $row["longitudePos"]; $media[$row["id"]]['currentDate'] = $row["currentDate"]; $media[$row["id"]]['currentTime'] = $row["currentTime"]; to this associate array? $media1[$row["id"]]['cameraPicture'] = $row["cameraPicture"]; $media1[$row["id"]]['photoAlbum'] = $row["photoAlbum"]; $media1[$row["id"]]['videoData'] = $row["videoData"]; $media1[$row["id"]]['audioData'] = $row["audioData"]; $media1[$row["id"]]['textMessage'] = $row["textMessage"]; $media1[$row["id"]]['callData'] = $row["callData"]; $media1[$row["id"]]['activityData'] = $row["activityData"]; $media1[$row["id"]]['latitudePos'] = $row["latitudePos"]; $media1[$row["id"]]['longitudePos'] = $row["longitudePos"]; $media1[$row["id"]]['currentDate'] = $row["currentDate"]; $media1[$row["id"]]['currentTime'] = $row["currentTime"];
  17. I'm trying to get some values from a specifc row of an array. My array has this sort of structure: $places = array( array("name" => "Cabot Cove", "area" => "12", "lat" => "-11.003", "lon" => "-151.2285", "pop" => "17"), array("name" => "Smallville", "area" => "32;", "lat" => "-19.910", "lon" => "-50.205", "pop" => "18"), array("name" => "Gotham City", "area" => "85", "lat" => "-39.9294", "lon" => "-40.199", "pop" => "14"), array("name" => "Springfield", "area" => "21.6", "lat" => "-43.9534", "lon" => "-24.2118", "pop" => "18"), ); If a variable $city is set to "Gotham CIty", for example the url of the page could be "/cities/script.php?city=Gotham+City", how do I look through the array and get the "lat" and "lon" values for just this one $city from the array?
  18. Hi, I am building a dashboard/report in work and I have it working at present (not fully) but I made the table structure static, in that if I wanted to make another one for another part of the business, I would need to redo the html table structure. I want to have it create the table itself based on the information in the array. I have included a sample of $data_array and also a screenshot of the current layout I have aswell as a sample of the HTML that is currently in use to generate the below table. I understand its probably going to be a loop job, however Im getting confused as normally you loop for each row, but in this case I need to loop for each TD. If there is any furthe info I can provide that would help, please let me know. Apologies if I have not explained what I am looking for very well. <table border="1" bordercolor="#000000" style="background-color:#FFFFFF" width="100%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td colspan="3" rowspan="3" class="unused"></td> <td class = "center main_heading" colspan="33">UK Retail</td> </tr> <tr> <td class = "center channel_heading" colspan="<?php echo $chat_width;?>" ><a href="uk_retail_hh.php?c=Chat">Chat</a></td> <td class = "center channel_heading" colspan="<?php echo $phone_width;?>"><a href="uk_retail_hh.php?c=Phone">Phone</a></td> <td class = "center channel_heading" colspan="<?php echo $email_width;?>"><a href="uk_retail_hh.php?c=Email">Email</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td class = "center site_heading chat_ORK" >ORK</td> <td class = "center site_heading chat_EDI" >EDI</td> <td class = "center site_heading chat_VCC" >VCC</td> <td class = "center site_heading chat_HYD" >HYD</td> <td class = "center site_heading chat_BCD" >BCD</td> <td class = "center site_heading chat_SUT" >SUT</td> <td class = "center site_heading" >ORK</td> <td class = "center site_heading" >EDI</td> <td class = "center site_heading" >VCC</td> <td class = "center site_heading" >CBU</td> <td class = "center site_heading" >CPT</td> <td class = "center site_heading" >DAK</td> <td class = "center site_heading" >JAM</td> <td class = "center site_heading" >MNL</td> <td class = "center site_heading" >ORK</td> <td class = "center site_heading" >EDI</td> <td class = "center site_heading" >VCC</td> <td class = "center site_heading" >HYD</td> <td class = "center site_heading" >BCD</td> <td class = "center site_heading" >SUT</td> <td class = "center site_heading" >DAK</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="3">Offered</td> <td class = "center Chat_ORK"><?php echo $data_array['Chat']['ORK1']['Incoming'] ?></td> <td class = "center Chat_EDI"><?php echo $data_array['Chat']['EDI3']['Incoming'] ?></td> <td class = "center Chat_VCC"><?php echo $data_array['Chat']['UKVCC']['Incoming'] ?></td> <td class = "center Chat_HYD"><?php echo $data_array['Chat']['HYD']['Incoming'] ?></td> <td class = "center Chat_BCD"><?php echo $data_array['Chat']['BCD']['Incoming'] ?></td> <td class = "center Chat_SUT"><?php echo $data_array['Chat']['SUT']['Incoming'] ?></td> <td class = "center Phone_ORK"><?php echo $data_array['Phone']['ORK1']['Incoming'] ?></td> <td class = "center Phone_EDI"><?php echo $data_array['Phone']['EDI3']['Incoming'] ?></td> <td class = "center Phone_VCC"><?php echo $data_array['Phone']['UKVCC']['Incoming'] ?></td> <td class = "center Phone_CBU"><?php echo $data_array['Phone']['CBU1']['Incoming'] ?></td> <td class = "center Phone_CPT"><?php echo $data_array['Phone']['CPT']['Incoming'] ?></td> <td class = "center Phone_DAK"><?php echo $data_array['Phone']['DAK']['Incoming'] ?></td> <td class = "center Phone_JAM"><?php echo $data_array['Phone']['JAM']['Incoming'] ?></td> <td class = "center Phone_MNL"><?php echo $data_array['Phone']['MNL']['Incoming'] ?></td> <td class = "center Email_ORK"><?php echo $data_array['Email']['ORK1']['Incoming'] ?></td> <td class = "center Email_EDI"><?php echo $data_array['Email']['EDI3']['Incoming'] ?></td> <td class = "center Email_VCC"><?php echo $data_array['Email']['UKVCC']['Incoming'] ?></td> <td class = "center Email_HYD"><?php echo $data_array['Email']['HYD']['Incoming'] ?></td> <td class = "center Email_BCD"><?php echo $data_array['Email']['BCD']['Incoming'] ?></td> <td class = "center Email_SUT"><?php echo $data_array['Email']['SUT']['Incoming'] ?></td> <td class = "center Email_DAK"><?php echo $data_array['Email']['DAK']['Incoming'] ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="3">Handled</td> <td class = "center Chat_ORK"><?php echo $data_array['Chat']['ORK1']['Handled_incoming'] ?></td> <td class = "center Chat_EDI"><?php echo $data_array['Chat']['EDI3']['Handled_incoming'] ?></td> <td class = "center Chat_VCC"><?php echo $data_array['Chat']['UKVCC']['Handled_incoming'] ?></td> <td class = "center Chat_HYD"><?php echo $data_array['Chat']['HYD']['Handled_incoming'] ?></td> <td class = "center Chat_BCD"><?php echo $data_array['Chat']['BCD']['Handled_incoming'] ?></td> <td class = "center Chat_SUT"><?php echo $data_array['Chat']['SUT']['Handled_incoming'] ?></td> <td class = "center Phone_ORK"><?php echo $data_array['Phone']['ORK1']['Handled_incoming'] ?></td> <td class = "center Phone_EDI"><?php echo $data_array['Phone']['EDI3']['Handled_incoming'] ?></td> <td class = "center Phone_VCC"><?php echo $data_array['Phone']['UKVCC']['Handled_incoming'] ?></td> <td class = "center Phone_CBU"><?php echo $data_array['Phone']['CBU1']['Handled_incoming'] ?></td> <td class = "center Phone_CPT"><?php echo $data_array['Phone']['CPT']['Handled_incoming'] ?></td> <td class = "center Phone_DAK"><?php echo $data_array['Phone']['DAK']['Handled_incoming'] ?></td> <td class = "center Phone_JAM"><?php echo $data_array['Phone']['JAM']['Handled_incoming'] ?></td> <td class = "center Phone_MNL"><?php echo $data_array['Phone']['MNL']['Handled_incoming'] ?></td> <td class = "center Email_ORK"><?php echo $data_array['Email']['ORK1']['Handled_incoming'] ?></td> <td class = "center Email_EDI"><?php echo $data_array['Email']['EDI3']['Handled_incoming'] ?></td> <td class = "center Email_VCC"><?php echo $data_array['Email']['UKVCC']['Handled_incoming'] ?></td> <td class = "center Email_HYD"><?php echo $data_array['Email']['HYD']['Handled_incoming'] ?></td> <td class = "center Email_BCD"><?php echo $data_array['Email']['BCD']['Handled_incoming'] ?></td> <td class = "center Email_SUT"><?php echo $data_array['Email']['SUT']['Handled_incoming'] ?></td> <td class = "center Email_DAK"><?php echo $data_array['Email']['DAK']['Handled_incoming'] ?></td> </tr> Array ( [Phone] => Array ( [CBU1] => Array ( [statistic_date] => 2013-05-20 [time] => 0 [site] => CBU1 [phone_skill] => Primary [OU] => UK [Incoming] => 1005 [Handled_incoming] => 902 [Aband_6] => 39 [Aband_210] => 39 [Aband_30] => 32 [Ans_60sec] => 810 [Ans_210sec] => 966 [Ans_30sec] => 683 [SL_60] => 0.8448 [SL_210] => 1.0000 [SL_30] => 0.7114 ) [DAK] => Array ( [statistic_date] => 2013-05-20 [time] => 0 [site] => DAK [phone_skill] => Primary [OU] => UK [Incoming] => 913 [Handled_incoming] => 876 [Aband_6] => 18 [Aband_210] => 18 [Aband_30] => 14 [Ans_60sec] => 807 [Ans_210sec] => 894 [Ans_30sec] => 730 [SL_60] => 0.9036 [SL_210] => 0.9989 [SL_30] => 0.8149 ) [JAM] => Array ( [statistic_date] => 2013-05-20 [time] => 0 [site] => JAM [phone_skill] => Primary [OU] => UK [Incoming] => 1171 [Handled_incoming] => 1377 [Aband_6] => 15 [Aband_210] => 15 [Aband_30] => 12 [Ans_60sec] => 1147 [Ans_210sec] => 1155 [Ans_30sec] => 1123 [SL_60] => 0.9923 [SL_210] => 0.9991 [SL_30] => 0.9693 ) [MNL] => Array ( [statistic_date] => 2013-05-20 [time] => 530 [site] => MNL [phone_skill] => Primary [OU] => UK [Incoming] => 1918 [Handled_incoming] => 1764 [Aband_6] => 24 [Aband_210] => 27 [Aband_30] => 16 [Ans_60sec] => 1711 [Ans_210sec] => 1891 [Ans_30sec] => 1459 [SL_60] => 0.9046 [SL_210] => 1.0000 [SL_30] => 0.7690 ) [ORK1] => Array ( [statistic_date] => 2013-05-20 [time] => 700 [site] => ORK1 [phone_skill] => Primary [OU] => UK [Incoming] => 133 [Handled_incoming] => 128 [Aband_6] => 3 [Aband_210] => 3 [Aband_30] => 2 [Ans_60sec] => 96 [Ans_210sec] => 130 [Ans_30sec] => 86 [SL_60] => 0.7444 [SL_210] => 1.0000 [SL_30] => 0.6617 ) [UKVCC] => Array ( [statistic_date] => 2013-05-20 [time] => 700 [site] => UKVCC [phone_skill] => CsPromotions [OU] => UK [Incoming] => 1264 [Handled_incoming] => 1191 [Aband_6] => 28 [Aband_210] => 30 [Aband_30] => 27 [Ans_60sec] => 1133 [Ans_210sec] => 1234 [Ans_30sec] => 1047 [SL_60] => 0.9185 [SL_210] => 1.0000 [SL_30] => 0.8497 ) [CPT] => Array ( [statistic_date] => 2013-05-20 [time] => 800 [site] => CPT [phone_skill] => Primary [OU] => UK [Incoming] => 624 [Handled_incoming] => 624 [Aband_6] => 16 [Aband_210] => 16 [Aband_30] => 13 [Ans_60sec] => 562 [Ans_210sec] => 608 [Ans_30sec] => 535 [SL_60] => 0.9263 [SL_210] => 1.0000 [SL_30] => 0.8782 ) [EDI3] => Array ( [statistic_date] => 2013-05-20 [time] => 900 [site] => EDI3 [phone_skill] => Primary [OU] => UK [Incoming] => 779 [Handled_incoming] => 775 [Aband_6] => 21 [Aband_210] => 22 [Aband_30] => 19 [Ans_60sec] => 724 [Ans_210sec] => 757 [Ans_30sec] => 708 [SL_60] => 0.9564 [SL_210] => 1.0000 [SL_30] => 0.9332 ) ) [Chat] => Array ( [BCD] => Array ( [statistic_date] => 2013-05-20 [time] => 0 [site] => BCD [phone_skill] => PrimaryChat [OU] => UK [Incoming] => 809 [Handled_incoming] => 777 [Aband_6] => 10 [Aband_210] => 11 [Aband_30] => 8 [Ans_60sec] => 765 [Ans_210sec] => 798 [Ans_30sec] => 687 [SL_60] => 0.9580 [SL_210] => 1.0000 [SL_30] => 0.8591 ) [HYD] => Array ( [statistic_date] => 2013-05-20 [time] => 0 [site] => HYD [phone_skill] => PrimaryChat [OU] => UK [Incoming] => 862 [Handled_incoming] => 954 [Aband_6] => 8 [Aband_210] => 10 [Aband_30] => 8 [Ans_60sec] => 818 [Ans_210sec] => 852 [Ans_30sec] => 765 [SL_60] => 0.9582 [SL_210] => 1.0000 [SL_30] => 0.8968 ) [ORK1] => Array ( [statistic_date] => 2013-05-20 [time] => 0 [site] => ORK1 [phone_skill] => PrimaryChat [OU] => UK [Incoming] => 314 [Handled_incoming] => 317 [Aband_6] => 3 [Aband_210] => 3 [Aband_30] => 3 [Ans_60sec] => 311 [Ans_210sec] => 311 [Ans_30sec] => 290 [SL_60] => 1.0000 [SL_210] => 1.0000 [SL_30] => 0.9331 ) [SUT] => Array ( [statistic_date] => 2013-05-20 [time] => 0 [site] => SUT [phone_skill] => PrimaryChat [OU] => UK [Incoming] => 1369 [Handled_incoming] => 1234 [Aband_6] => 21 [Aband_210] => 22 [Aband_30] => 19 [Ans_60sec] => 1299 [Ans_210sec] => 1347 [Ans_30sec] => 1181 [SL_60] => 0.9642 [SL_210] => 1.0000 [SL_30] => 0.8766 ) [UKVCC] => Array ( [statistic_date] => 2013-05-20 [time] => 0 [site] => UKVCC [phone_skill] => PrimaryChat [OU] => UK [Incoming] => 300 [Handled_incoming] => 300 [Aband_6] => 2 [Aband_210] => 2 [Aband_30] => 2 [Ans_60sec] => 298 [Ans_210sec] => 298 [Ans_30sec] => 263 [SL_60] => 1.0000 [SL_210] => 1.0000 [SL_30] => 0.8833 ) [EDI3] => Array ( [statistic_date] => 2013-05-20 [time] => 900 [site] => EDI3 [phone_skill] => PrimaryChat [OU] => UK [Incoming] => 273 [Handled_incoming] => 296 [Aband_6] => 2 [Aband_210] => 2 [Aband_30] => 2 [Ans_60sec] => 269 [Ans_210sec] => 271 [Ans_30sec] => 251 [SL_60] => 0.9927 [SL_210] => 1.0000 [SL_30] => 0.9267 ) ) [Email] => Array ( [BCD] => Array ( [statistic_date] => 2013-05-20 [time] => 0 [site] => BCD [phone_skill] => RetailEmail [OU] => UK [Incoming] => 1309 [Handled_incoming] => 1293 [Aband_6] => 0 [Aband_210] => 0 [Aband_30] => 0 [Ans_60sec] => 0 [Ans_210sec] => 0 [Ans_30sec] => 0 [SL_60] => 0.0000 [SL_210] => 0.0000 [SL_30] => 0.0000 ) [CPT] => Array ( [statistic_date] => 2013-05-20 [time] => 0 [site] => CPT [phone_skill] => CsPromotionsEmail [OU] => UK [Incoming] => 15 [Handled_incoming] => 49 [Aband_6] => 0 [Aband_210] => 0 [Aband_30] => 0 [Ans_60sec] => 0 [Ans_210sec] => 0 [Ans_30sec] => 0 [SL_60] => 0.0000 [SL_210] => 0.0000 [SL_30] => 0.0000 ) [DAK] => Array ( [statistic_date] => 2013-05-20 [time] => 0 [site] => DAK [phone_skill] => Email [OU] => UK [Incoming] => 1081 [Handled_incoming] => 1129 [Aband_6] => 0 [Aband_210] => 0 [Aband_30] => 0 [Ans_60sec] => 0 [Ans_210sec] => 0 [Ans_30sec] => 0 [SL_60] => 0.0000 [SL_210] => 0.0000 [SL_30] => 0.0000 ) [EDI3] => Array ( [statistic_date] => 2013-05-20 [time] => 0 [site] => EDI3 [phone_skill] => Email [OU] => UK [Incoming] => 709 [Handled_incoming] => 754 [Aband_6] => 0 [Aband_210] => 0 [Aband_30] => 0 [Ans_60sec] => 0 [Ans_210sec] => 0 [Ans_30sec] => 0 [SL_60] => 0.0000 [SL_210] => 0.0000 [SL_30] => 0.0000 ) [HYD] => Array ( [statistic_date] => 2013-05-20 [time] => 0 [site] => HYD [phone_skill] => RetailEmail [OU] => UK [Incoming] => 2012 [Handled_incoming] => 1766 [Aband_6] => 0 [Aband_210] => 0 [Aband_30] => 0 [Ans_60sec] => 0 [Ans_210sec] => 0 [Ans_30sec] => 0 [SL_60] => 0.0000 [SL_210] => 0.0000 [SL_30] => 0.0000 ) [ORK1] => Array ( [statistic_date] => 2013-05-20 [time] => 0 [site] => ORK1 [phone_skill] => Email [OU] => UK [Incoming] => 1320 [Handled_incoming] => 336 [Aband_6] => 0 [Aband_210] => 0 [Aband_30] => 0 [Ans_60sec] => 0 [Ans_210sec] => 0 [Ans_30sec] => 0 [SL_60] => 0.0000 [SL_210] => 0.0000 [SL_30] => 0.0000 ) [SUT] => Array ( [statistic_date] => 2013-05-20 [time] => 0 [site] => SUT [phone_skill] => CarriersEmail [OU] => UK [Incoming] => 3785 [Handled_incoming] => 3704 [Aband_6] => 0 [Aband_210] => 0 [Aband_30] => 0 [Ans_60sec] => 0 [Ans_210sec] => 0 [Ans_30sec] => 0 [SL_60] => 0.0000 [SL_210] => 0.0000 [SL_30] => 0.0000 ) [UKVCC] => Array ( [statistic_date] => 2013-05-20 [time] => 0 [site] => UKVCC [phone_skill] => CarriersEmail [OU] => UK [Incoming] => 746 [Handled_incoming] => 750 [Aband_6] => 0 [Aband_210] => 0 [Aband_30] => 0 [Ans_60sec] => 0 [Ans_210sec] => 0 [Ans_30sec] => 0 [SL_60] => 0.0000 [SL_210] => 0.0000 [SL_30] => 0.0000 ) ) )
  19. I am wondering how to replace several values in an array with a single variable. I have tried just simply creating a variable for all the values within the array (e.g. $variable = $round1.",".$round2.",".$round3) and substituiting that in however it doesn't work as the array understands the comma's literally and outputs them on the page. The original line of code is below. Thank you. $myData->addPoints(array($round1,$round2,$round3),"Frequency");
  20. Just a thought... Is it possible to unset a global variable/array from within a function? So basically I want to pass an array to a function to convert to a string then destroy the original array. I'd like to keep it all contained within the function to reduce any additional clear-up scripting required. Here's my example code below: $GLOBALARRAY = array("keyname1" => "value1", "keyname2" => "value2"); $newstring = convertArrayToString($GLOBALARRAY, true); function convertArrayToString($array, $unset = false) { $string = ''; //Loop for each array value foreach ($array as $key => $value) { $string = $string . $key . '=' . $value ';'; } if ($unset === true) { unset($GLOBALARRAY_WHICH_WAS_PASSED); } return $string; } My guess is that I need to either get the name of the passed array or pass by reference? Thanks for your thoughts. Matt
  21. Hi there, so I'm having a little trouble understanding looping and arrays or inputs. I'm a Pshell programmer and things are done MUCH differently lol So heres the script I've created. <?php $first=400; $second=300; for ($i = $first; $second < $i; $i++) { echo $i; } ?> What I'm trying to accomplish is taking the first Number and the second and get it to count or "loop" up to 400 from the lower number. Then have it output the result. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here though......
  22. Hello, I not to confident with arrays but I'm sure one could be used instead of all the code I've written below. Any help or direction is appreciated. My database records have unique id's. Each id has a frequency in days in which they are due on a repeating basis. I would like to limit the amount of due dates displayed. Currently I am showing 8. Is is possible to limit the due dates shown based on a future date? Example: Show tasks due within the next 100 days. Some tasks with shorter frequencies(10 days) would show 10 due dates but tasks with say a 90 day frequency would only show one date. Here is what I have come up with so far: // Get all the data from the "mss" table $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM mss ORDER BY id ASC") or die(mysql_error()); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ // Calculates when the task is next due // If there is a last completion date then show next due date from this completion date. $calc_date = $row['last_completed']; //If there is no date for last_completion, then use the start_date to find next due date if ($calc_date == '0000-00-00') { $calc_date = $row['start_date']; } $due = date('F d, Y', strtotime($calc_date .' + '.$row['frequency'].' days')); $due2 = date('F d, Y', strtotime($due .' + '.$row['frequency'].' days')); $due3 = date('F d, Y', strtotime($due2 .' + '.$row['frequency'].' days')); $due4 = date('F d, Y', strtotime($due3 .' + '.$row['frequency'].' days')); $due5 = date('F d, Y', strtotime($due4 .' + '.$row['frequency'].' days')); $due6 = date('F d, Y', strtotime($due5 .' + '.$row['frequency'].' days')); $due7 = date('F d, Y', strtotime($due6 .' + '.$row['frequency'].' days')); $due8 = date('F d, Y', strtotime($due7 .' + '.$row['frequency'].' days')); $line = $row['id']. " - <strong>Next Due Dates: ". $due ." | ". $due2 ." | ". $due3 ." | ". $due4 ." | ". $due5 ." | ". $due6 ." | ". $due7 ." | ". $due8 ."</strong> <br/><br/>"; echo "$line"; } ?> Thanks John
  23. I'm using a form to capture various information - assigning the form input to PHP variables and then replacing placeholders in an external file with the appropriate PHP variables from the form using str_replace array - But, for some reason it replaces the first variable (specifically *bizname) in the external file correctly and then replaces the others with NULL / Blanks, as if the other form data isn't being stored in the variables - Any ideas why the other variables are not being replaces with data? form capture php file <form id="form1" method="post" action=""> <div>What is the advertised name of your business?<input name="busName" type="text" value="Enter Business Name" size="40" maxlength="40" style="margin-left:10px;" /></div> <hr /> <div>Enter the NUMERIC street number for your business:<input name="busNume" type="text" value="Enter Numeric Address" size="40" maxlength="40" style="margin-left:10px;" /></div> <div>Please select street direction:<select name="streetDir" size="1" style="margin-left:10px;"> <option>N</option> <option>E</option> <option>S</option> <option>W</option> <option> </option> </select></div> <div>Please enter the name of your street location:<input name="busStreet" type="text" value="Enter Street Name" size="40" maxlength="40" style="margin-left:10px;" /></div> <div>Please select the street type:<select name="streetType" size="1" style="margin-left:10px;"> <option>RD</option> <option>ST</option> <option>AVE</option> </select></div> <div>Enter your city:<input name="busCity" type="text" value="Enter City Name" size="40" maxlength="40" style="margin-left:10px;" /></div> <div>Enter your state:<select name="busState" size="1" style="margin-left:10px;"> <option>AL</option> <option>AK</option> <option>AZ</option> </select></div> <div>Enter your zip code: <input name="busZip" type="text" value="" size="10" maxlength="5" style="margin-left:10px;" /> </div> <hr /> <input type="submit" value="submit" > </form> PHP CODE in form capture file <?php $busName = $_POST["busName"]; $busNume = $POST["busNume"]; $stDir = $POST["streetDir"]; $busStreet = $POST["busStreet"]; $stType = $POST["streetType"]; $busCity = $POST["busCity"]; $busState = $POST["busState"]; $busZip = $POST["busZip"]; ?> <?php if (!empty($_POST)) { $myFile = "template.php"; $file_contents = file_get_contents($myFile); $fh = fopen($myFile, 'w') or die("can't open file"); $varibs = array('*bizname','*hn','*dir','*street','*stt','*busCity','*busState','*busZip'); $details = array($busName,$busNume,$stDir,$busStreet,$stType,$busCity,$busState,$busZip); $file_contents = str_replace($varibs,$details,$file_contents); fwrite($fh, $file_contents); fclose($fh); } ?> Last but not least the template PHP file being opened and written into (Just the relevant part - everything else stripped out) <div id="bname" class="bdetail bold fs19" itemprop="name">*bizname</div> <span itemprop="address" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/PostalAddress"> <div id="baddr" class="bdetail" itemprop='streetAddress'>*hn *dir *street *stt</div> <div id="bregion" class="bdetail" itemprop='addressLocality'>*busCity, <span itemprop='addressRegion'>*busState</span>*busZip <span itemprop='postalCode'></span></div>
  24. I tried converting a javascript code of mine to PHP and I really do not know what I am doing wrong. It i supposed to get the day of the year and print out the corresponding quote to that day. Help? <?php $today = date("z") + 1; $Quote[0]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[1]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[2]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[3]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[4]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[5]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[6]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[7]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[8]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[9]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[10]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[11]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[12]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[13]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[14]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[15]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[16]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[17]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[18]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[19]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[20]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[21]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[22]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[23]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[24]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[25]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[26]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[27]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[28]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[29]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[30]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[31]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[32]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[33]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[34]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[35]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[36]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[37]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[38]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[39]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[40]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[41]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[42]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[43]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[44]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[45]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[46]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[47]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[48]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[49]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[50]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[51]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[52]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[53]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[54]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[55]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[56]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[57]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[58]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[59]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[60]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[61]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[62]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[63]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[64]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[65]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[66]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[67]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[68]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[69]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[70]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[71]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[72]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[73]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[74]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[75]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[76]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[77]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[78]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[79]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[80]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[81]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[82]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[83]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[84]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[85]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[86]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[87]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[88]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[89]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[90]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[91]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[92]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[93]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[94]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[95]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[96]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[97]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[98]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[99]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[100]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[101]='Quote goes here' $Quote[102]='Quote goes here' $Quote[103]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[104]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[105]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[106]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[107]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[108]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[109]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[110]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[111]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[112]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[113]='"People shouldn\'t be afraid of their government. Governments should be afraid of their people." - Alan Moore, V for Vendetta'; $Quote[114]='"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart." - Helen Keller'; $Quote[115]='"It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light." - Aristotle Onassis'; $Quote[116]='“The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you.” - B. B. King'; $Quote[117]='“Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.” - Seneca'; $Quote[118]='“Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear.” - James Neil Hollingworth'; $Quote[119]='“Those who wish to sing, always find a song.” - Swedish Proverb'; $Quote[120]='“The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire.” - Ferdinand Foch'; $Quote[121]='“He who is devoid of the power to forgive, is devoid of the power to love. ” - Martin Luther King Jr.'; $Quote[122]='“Consider the postage stamp: its usefulness consists in the ability to stick to one thing till it gets there.” - Josh Billings'; $Quote[123]='“Whoever said anybody has a right to give up? ” - Marian Wright Edelman'; $Quote[124]='“Enthusiasm is the mother of effort, and without it nothing great was ever achieved.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson'; $Quote[125]='“There are no traffic jams along the extra mile.” - Roger Staubach'; $Quote[126]='“The difference between try and triumph is a little umph. ” - Anonymous'; $Quote[127]='“Men exist for the sake of one another. Teach them then or bear with them.” - Marcus Aurelius Antoninus'; $Quote[128]='“It is in the shelter of each other that the people live.” - Irish Proverb'; $Quote[129]='“We\'re here for a reason. I believe a bit of the reason is to throw little torches out to lead people through the dark.” - Whoopi Goldberg'; $Quote[130]='“Who, being loved, is poor?” - Oscar Wilde'; $Quote[131]='“Love makes your soul crawl out from its hiding place.” - Zora Neale Hurst'; $Quote[132]='“Start with what is right rather than what is acceptable. ” - Peter F. Drucker'; $Quote[133]='“The last of the human freedoms is to choose one\'s attitudes.” - Viktor Frankl'; $Quote[134]='“I will offer a choice, not an echo.” - Barry M. Goldwater'; $Quote[135]='“Look at what you\'ve got and make the best of it. It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.” - Proverb'; $Quote[136]='“Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson'; $Quote[137]='"He who destroys a good book, kills reason itself" - John Milton'; $Quote[138]='“The greatest power is often simple patience.” - E. Joseph Cossman'; $Quote[139]='“Perhaps the most important thing we can undertake toward the reduction of fear is to make it easier for people to accept themselves, to like themselves.” - Bonaro W. Overstreet'; $Quote[140]='“Few things can help an individual more than to place responsibility on him, and to let him know that you trust him. ” - Booker T. Washington'; $Quote[141]='“Those who mind don\'t matter, and those who matter don\'t mind.” - Bernard M. Baruch'; $Quote[142]='"Life itself is only a vision, a dream. Nothing exists. Just empty space and you. And you, are but a thought." - Satan'; $Quote[143]='“Action springs not from thought, but from a readiness for responsibility.” - Dietrich Bonhoeffer'; $Quote[144]='“Put your ear down close to your soul and listen hard.” - Anne Sexton'; $Quote[145]='"Quoth the raven, nevermore." - Edgar Allen Poe'; $Quote[146]='“Man is so made that when anything fires his soul, impossibilities vanish.” - Jean de La Fontaine'; $Quote[147]='“The heart may be broken, and the soul remain unshaken.” - Napoleon Bonaparte'; $Quote[148]='"I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours." - Stephen Roberts'; $Quote[149]='“There are souls in this world which have the gift of finding joy everywhere and of leaving it behind them when they go.” - Fredrick Faber'; $Quote[150]='“It is common sense to take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something.” - Franklin D. Roosevelt'; $Quote[151]='“If you think you are too small to be effective, you have never been in the dark with a mosquito.” - Unknown'; $Quote[152]='“Just go out there and do what you\'ve got to do.” - Martina Navrátilová'; $Quote[153]='“Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson'; $Quote[154]='"Freedom is not a gift from Heaven. One must fight for it every day." - Simon Wiesenthal'; $Quote[155]='“Wisdom is knowing what to do next; virtue is doing it.” - David Star Jordan'; $Quote[156]='“No amount of ability is of the slightest avail without honor.” - Andrew Carnegie'; $Quote[157]='“Better keep yourself clean and bright. You are the window through which you must see the world.” - George Bernard Shaw'; $Quote[158]='“We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations.” - Charles Swindoll'; $Quote[159]='“Good actions give strength to ourselves and inspire good actions in others.” - Plato'; $Quote[160]='“Just don\'t give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there\'s love and inspiration, I don\'t think you can go wrong.” - Ella Jane Fitzgerald'; $Quote[161]='“If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.” - Adolf Hitler'; $Quote[162]='“Nothing is so strong as gentleness. Nothing is so gentle as real strength.” - Saint Francis de Sales'; $Quote[163]='“The real man smiles in trouble, gathers strength from distress, and grows brave by reflection.” - Thomas Paine'; $Quote[164]='“We either make ourselves miserable or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same.” - Carlos Casteneda'; $Quote[165]='“Were it not for hope the heart would break.” - Scottish Proverb'; $Quote[166]='“No winter lasts forever; no spring skips it\'s turn.” - Hal borland'; $Quote[167]='“Do not compare yourself to others. If you do so, you are insulting yourself.” - Adolf Hitler'; $Quote[168]='“Once you choose hope, anything\'s possible.” - Christopher Reeve'; $Quote[169]='“We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope.” - Martin Luther King Jr.'; $Quote[170]='“Strive to be first: first to nod, first to smile, first to compliment, and first to forgive.” - Anonymous'; $Quote[171]='“Work is either fun or drudgery. It depends on your attitude. I like fun.” - Colleen C. Barrett'; $Quote[172]='"A fool learns by his mistakes, a wise man learns from the mistakes of others." - The Librarian'; $Quote[173]='“ \'Stay\' is a charming word in a friend\'s vocabulary.” - Louisa May Alcott'; $Quote[174]='“We are all in the same boat in a stormy sea, and we owe each other a terrible loyalty.” - G. K. Chesterton'; $Quote[175]='“The best things in life are never rationed. Friendship, loyalty, love, do not require coupons.” - George T. Hewitt'; $Quote[176]='“It is better to be faithful than famous.” - Theodore Roosevelt'; $Quote[177]='“The test of courage comes when we are in the minority. The test of tolerance comes when we are in the majority.” - Ralph W. Sockman'; $Quote[178]='“Trust thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron string.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson'; $Quote[179]='“Life has meaning only if one barters it day by day for something other than itself.” - Antoine de Sainte-Exupery'; $Quote[180]='“No one is more cherished in this world than someone who lightens the burden of another.” - Unknown'; $Quote[181]='“I can live for two months on a good compliment.” - Mark Twain'; $Quote[182]='“No one\'s head aches when he is comforting another.” - Indian Proverb'; $Quote[183]='“Appreciation...acknowledges the presence of good wherever you shine the light of your thankful thoughts.” - Alan Cohen'; $Quote[184]='“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” - Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi'; $Quote[185]='“Be a good listener. Your ears will never get you in trouble.” - Frank Tyger'; $Quote[186]='“Dreams come in a size too big so that we may grow into them.” - Josie Bisset'; $Quote[187]='“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin'; $Quote[188]='“Gracefulness has been defined to be the outward expression of the inward harmony of the soul.” - William Hazlitt'; $Quote[189]='“What ever beauty may be, it has for its basis order, and for its essence unity.” - Father Andre'; $Quote[190]='“Example has more followers than reason.” - Christian Nestell Bovee'; $Quote[191]='“A mind is a fire to be kindled, not a vessel to be filled.” - Plutarch'; $Quote[192]='“To be good is noble, but to teach others how to be good is nobler--and less trouble.” - Mark Twain'; $Quote[193]='“When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you.” - African Proverb'; $Quote[194]='“We learn more by looking for the answer to a question and not finding it than we do from learning the answer itself.” - Lloyd Alexander'; $Quote[195]='“When spider webs unite they can tie up a lion.” - African Proverb'; $Quote[196]='“I am a part of all that I have met.” - Alfred Tennyson, 1st Baron Tennyson'; $Quote[197]='“Only a life lived for others is worth living.” - Albert Einstein'; $Quote[198]='“The wise man belongs to all countries, for the home of a great soul is the whole world.” - Democritus'; $Quote[199]='“Diversity is the one true thing we all have in common. Celebrate it every day.” - Unknown'; $Quote[200]='“As man draws nearer to the stars, why should he not also draw nearer to his neighbor?” - Lyndon B. Johnson'; $Quote[201]='“All doors open to courtesy. ” - Dr. Thomas Fuller'; $Quote[202]='“Character is the total of thousands of small daily strivings to live up to the best that is in us.” - A. G. Trudeau'; $Quote[203]='“With courage you will dare to take risks, have the strength to be compassionate, and the wisdom to be humble. Courage is the foundation of integrity.” - Keshavan Nair'; $Quote[204]='“No steam or gas drives anything until it is confined. No life ever grows great until it is focused, dedicated, disciplined.” - Harry Emerson Fosdick'; $Quote[205]='“Love yourself, accept yourself, forgive yourself, and be good to yourself, because without you the rest of us are without a source of many wonderful things.” - Dr. Leo Buscaglia'; $Quote[206]='“To love means loving the unlovable. To forgive means pardoning the unpardonable. Faith means believing the unbelievable. Hope means hoping when everything seems hopeless.” - G. K. Chesterton'; $Quote[207]='“When work, commitment, and pleasure all become one and you reach that deep well where passion lives, nothing is impossible.” - Nancy Coey'; $Quote[208]='“It was character that got us out of bed, commitment that moved us into action, and discipline that enabled us to follow through.” - Zig Ziglar'; $Quote[209]='“Reach high, for stars lie hidden in your soul. Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal.” - Pamela Vaull Starr'; $Quote[210]='“The road of life twists and turns and no two directions are ever the same. Yet our lessons come from the journey, not the destination.” - Don Williams Jr.'; $Quote[211]='“Humility leads to strength and not to weakness. It is the highest form of self-respect to admit mistakes and to make amends for them.” - John J. McCloy'; $Quote[212]='“Sense shines with a double luster when it is set in humility. An able and yet humble man is a jewel worth a kingdom.” - William Penn'; $Quote[213]='“Dream your dream. Follow your heart. Imagine. Listen to the wind. Drink sunsets. Be free. Let the wonder never cease. Believe. Wish on EVERY star. Create adventure. Be Kind.” - Debbie Coulter'; $Quote[214]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[215]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[216]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[217]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[218]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[219]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[220]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[221]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[222]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[223]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[224]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[225]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[226]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[227]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[228]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[229]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[230]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[231]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[232]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[233]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[234]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[235]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[236]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[237]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[238]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[239]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[240]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[241]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[242]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[243]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[244]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[245]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[246]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[247]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[248]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[249]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[250]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[251]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[252]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[253]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[254]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[255]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[256]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[257]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[258]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[259]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[260]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[261]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[262]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[263]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[264]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[265]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[266]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[267]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[268]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[269]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[270]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[271]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[272]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[273]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[274]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[275]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[276]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[277]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[278]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[279]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[280]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[281]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[282]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[283]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[284]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[285]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[286]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[287]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[288]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[289]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[290]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[291]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[292]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[293]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[294]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[295]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[296]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[297]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[298]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[299]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[300]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[301]='Quote goes here' $Quote[302]='Quote goes here' $Quote[303]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[304]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[305]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[306]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[307]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[308]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[309]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[310]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[311]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[312]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[313]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[314]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[315]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[316]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[317]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[318]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[319]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[320]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[321]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[322]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[323]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[324]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[325]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[326]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[327]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[328]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[329]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[330]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[331]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[332]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[333]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[334]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[335]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[336]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[337]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[338]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[339]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[340]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[341]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[342]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[343]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[344]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[345]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[346]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[347]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[348]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[349]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[350]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[351]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[352]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[353]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[354]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[355]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[356]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[357]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[358]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[359]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[360]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[361]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[362]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[363]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[364]='Quote goes here'; $Quote[365]='Quote goes here'; echo 'Quote Of The Day #' . $today . '<br>'; echo $Quote[$today]; ?>
  25. Hey guys, I am probably about to ask too much but I really do not know where to start so I am asking for help. I have a javascript code that stores an array of 366 quotes. One per day(including leap year so the code does not fail on the 366th day). I currently switched to a host that allows PHP. I would like to somehow convert the code from JS to PHP. Could anyone help? I really do not know where to start. Date.prototype.getDOY = function() {var onejan = new Date(this.getFullYear(),0,1); return Math.ceil((this - onejan) / 86400000);} var today = new Date(); var DOY = today.getDOY(); var Quote=new Array() Quote[0]='Quote goes here'; Quote[1]='Quote goes here'; Quote[2]='Quote goes here'; Quote[3]='Quote goes here'; Quote[4]='Quote goes here'; Quote[5]='Quote goes here'; Quote[6]='Quote goes here'; Quote[7]='Quote goes here'; Quote[8]='Quote goes here'; Quote[9]='Quote goes here'; Quote[10]='Quote goes here'; Quote[11]='Quote goes here'; Quote[12]='Quote goes here'; Quote[13]='Quote goes here'; Quote[14]='Quote goes here'; Quote[15]='Quote goes here'; Quote[16]='Quote goes here'; Quote[17]='Quote goes here'; Quote[18]='Quote goes here'; Quote[19]='Quote goes here'; Quote[20]='Quote goes here'; Quote[21]='Quote goes here'; Quote[22]='Quote goes here'; Quote[23]='Quote goes here'; Quote[24]='Quote goes here'; Quote[25]='Quote goes here'; Quote[26]='Quote goes here'; Quote[27]='Quote goes here'; Quote[28]='Quote goes here'; Quote[29]='Quote goes here'; Quote[30]='Quote goes here'; Quote[31]='Quote goes here'; Quote[32]='Quote goes here'; Quote[33]='Quote goes here'; Quote[34]='Quote goes here'; Quote[35]='Quote goes here'; Quote[36]='Quote goes here'; Quote[37]='Quote goes here'; Quote[38]='Quote goes here'; Quote[39]='Quote goes here'; Quote[40]='Quote goes here'; Quote[41]='Quote goes here'; Quote[42]='Quote goes here'; Quote[43]='Quote goes here'; Quote[44]='Quote goes here'; Quote[45]='Quote goes here'; Quote[46]='Quote goes here'; Quote[47]='Quote goes here'; Quote[48]='Quote goes here'; Quote[49]='Quote goes here'; Quote[50]='Quote goes here'; Quote[51]='Quote goes here'; Quote[52]='Quote goes here'; Quote[53]='Quote goes here'; Quote[54]='Quote goes here'; Quote[55]='Quote goes here'; Quote[56]='Quote goes here'; Quote[57]='Quote goes here'; Quote[58]='Quote goes here'; Quote[59]='Quote goes here'; Quote[60]='Quote goes here'; Quote[61]='Quote goes here'; Quote[62]='Quote goes here'; Quote[63]='Quote goes here'; Quote[64]='Quote goes here'; Quote[65]='Quote goes here'; Quote[66]='Quote goes here'; Quote[67]='Quote goes here'; Quote[68]='Quote goes here'; Quote[69]='Quote goes here'; Quote[70]='Quote goes here'; Quote[71]='Quote goes here'; Quote[72]='Quote goes here'; Quote[73]='Quote goes here'; Quote[74]='Quote goes here'; Quote[75]='Quote goes here'; Quote[76]='Quote goes here'; Quote[77]='Quote goes here'; Quote[78]='Quote goes here'; Quote[79]='Quote goes here'; Quote[80]='Quote goes here'; Quote[81]='Quote goes here'; Quote[82]='Quote goes here'; Quote[83]='Quote goes here'; Quote[84]='Quote goes here'; Quote[85]='Quote goes here'; Quote[86]='Quote goes here'; Quote[87]='Quote goes here'; Quote[88]='Quote goes here'; Quote[89]='Quote goes here'; Quote[90]='Quote goes here'; Quote[91]='Quote goes here'; Quote[92]='Quote goes here'; Quote[93]='Quote goes here'; Quote[94]='Quote goes here'; Quote[95]='Quote goes here'; Quote[96]='Quote goes here'; Quote[97]='Quote goes here'; Quote[98]='Quote goes here'; Quote[99]='Quote goes here'; Quote[100]='Quote goes here'; Quote[101]='Quote goes here' Quote[102]='Quote goes here' Quote[103]='Quote goes here'; Quote[104]='Quote goes here'; Quote[105]='Quote goes here'; Quote[106]='Quote goes here'; Quote[107]='Quote goes here'; Quote[108]='Quote goes here'; Quote[109]='Quote goes here'; Quote[110]='Quote goes here'; Quote[111]='Quote goes here'; Quote[112]='Quote goes here'; Quote[113]='"People shouldn\'t be afraid of their government. Governments should be afraid of their people." - Alan Moore, V for Vendetta'; Quote[114]='"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart." - Helen Keller'; Quote[115]='"It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light." - Aristotle Onassis'; Quote[116]='“The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you.” - B. B. King'; Quote[117]='“Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.” - Seneca'; Quote[118]='“Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear.” - James Neil Hollingworth'; Quote[119]='“Those who wish to sing, always find a song.” - Swedish Proverb'; Quote[120]='“The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire.” - Ferdinand Foch'; Quote[121]='“He who is devoid of the power to forgive, is devoid of the power to love. ” - Martin Luther King Jr.'; Quote[122]='“Consider the postage stamp: its usefulness consists in the ability to stick to one thing till it gets there.” - Josh Billings'; Quote[123]='“Whoever said anybody has a right to give up? ” - Marian Wright Edelman'; Quote[124]='“Enthusiasm is the mother of effort, and without it nothing great was ever achieved.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson'; Quote[125]='“There are no traffic jams along the extra mile.” - Roger Staubach'; Quote[126]='“The difference between try and triumph is a little umph. ” - Anonymous'; Quote[127]='“Men exist for the sake of one another. Teach them then or bear with them.” - Marcus Aurelius Antoninus'; Quote[128]='“It is in the shelter of each other that the people live.” - Irish Proverb'; Quote[129]='“We\'re here for a reason. I believe a bit of the reason is to throw little torches out to lead people through the dark.” - Whoopi Goldberg'; Quote[130]='“Who, being loved, is poor?” - Oscar Wilde'; Quote[131]='“Love makes your soul crawl out from its hiding place.” - Zora Neale Hurst'; Quote[132]='“Start with what is right rather than what is acceptable. ” - Peter F. Drucker'; Quote[133]='“The last of the human freedoms is to choose one\'s attitudes.” - Viktor Frankl'; Quote[134]='“I will offer a choice, not an echo.” - Barry M. Goldwater'; Quote[135]='“Look at what you\'ve got and make the best of it. It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.” - Proverb'; Quote[136]='“Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson'; Quote[137]='"He who destroys a good book, kills reason itself" - John Milton'; Quote[138]='“The greatest power is often simple patience.” - E. Joseph Cossman'; Quote[139]='“Perhaps the most important thing we can undertake toward the reduction of fear is to make it easier for people to accept themselves, to like themselves.” - Bonaro W. Overstreet'; Quote[140]='“Few things can help an individual more than to place responsibility on him, and to let him know that you trust him. ” - Booker T. Washington'; Quote[141]='“Those who mind don\'t matter, and those who matter don\'t mind.” - Bernard M. Baruch'; Quote[142]='"Life itself is only a vision, a dream. Nothing exists. Just empty space and you. And you, are but a thought." - Satan'; Quote[143]='“Action springs not from thought, but from a readiness for responsibility.” - Dietrich Bonhoeffer'; Quote[144]='“Put your ear down close to your soul and listen hard.” - Anne Sexton'; Quote[145]='"Quoth the raven, nevermore." - Edgar Allen Poe'; Quote[146]='“Man is so made that when anything fires his soul, impossibilities vanish.” - Jean de La Fontaine'; Quote[147]='“The heart may be broken, and the soul remain unshaken.” - Napoleon Bonaparte'; Quote[148]='"I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours." - Stephen Roberts'; Quote[149]='“There are souls in this world which have the gift of finding joy everywhere and of leaving it behind them when they go.” - Fredrick Faber'; Quote[150]='“It is common sense to take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something.” - Franklin D. Roosevelt'; Quote[151]='“If you think you are too small to be effective, you have never been in the dark with a mosquito.” - Unknown'; Quote[152]='“Just go out there and do what you\'ve got to do.” - Martina Navrátilová'; Quote[153]='“Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson'; Quote[154]='"Freedom is not a gift from Heaven. One must fight for it every day." - Simon Wiesenthal'; Quote[155]='“Wisdom is knowing what to do next; virtue is doing it.” - David Star Jordan'; Quote[156]='“No amount of ability is of the slightest avail without honor.” - Andrew Carnegie'; Quote[157]='“Better keep yourself clean and bright. You are the window through which you must see the world.” - George Bernard Shaw'; Quote[158]='“We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations.” - Charles Swindoll'; Quote[159]='“Good actions give strength to ourselves and inspire good actions in others.” - Plato'; Quote[160]='“Just don\'t give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there\'s love and inspiration, I don\'t think you can go wrong.” - Ella Jane Fitzgerald'; Quote[161]='“If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.” - Adolf Hitler'; Quote[162]='“Nothing is so strong as gentleness. Nothing is so gentle as real strength.” - Saint Francis de Sales'; Quote[163]='“The real man smiles in trouble, gathers strength from distress, and grows brave by reflection.” - Thomas Paine'; Quote[164]='“We either make ourselves miserable or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same.” - Carlos Casteneda'; Quote[165]='“Were it not for hope the heart would break.” - Scottish Proverb'; Quote[166]='“No winter lasts forever; no spring skips it\'s turn.” - Hal borland'; Quote[167]='“Do not compare yourself to others. If you do so, you are insulting yourself.” - Adolf Hitler'; Quote[168]='“Once you choose hope, anything\'s possible.” - Christopher Reeve'; Quote[169]='“We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope.” - Martin Luther King Jr.'; Quote[170]='“Strive to be first: first to nod, first to smile, first to compliment, and first to forgive.” - Anonymous'; Quote[171]='“Work is either fun or drudgery. It depends on your attitude. I like fun.” - Colleen C. Barrett'; Quote[172]='"A fool learns by his mistakes, a wise man learns from the mistakes of others." - The Librarian'; Quote[173]='“ \'Stay\' is a charming word in a friend\'s vocabulary.” - Louisa May Alcott'; Quote[174]='“We are all in the same boat in a stormy sea, and we owe each other a terrible loyalty.” - G. K. Chesterton'; Quote[175]='“The best things in life are never rationed. Friendship, loyalty, love, do not require coupons.” - George T. Hewitt'; Quote[176]='“It is better to be faithful than famous.” - Theodore Roosevelt'; Quote[177]='“The test of courage comes when we are in the minority. The test of tolerance comes when we are in the majority.” - Ralph W. Sockman'; Quote[178]='“Trust thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron string.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson'; Quote[179]='“Life has meaning only if one barters it day by day for something other than itself.” - Antoine de Sainte-Exupery'; Quote[180]='“No one is more cherished in this world than someone who lightens the burden of another.” - Unknown'; Quote[181]='“I can live for two months on a good compliment.” - Mark Twain'; Quote[182]='“No one\'s head aches when he is comforting another.” - Indian Proverb'; Quote[183]='“Appreciation...acknowledges the presence of good wherever you shine the light of your thankful thoughts.” - Alan Cohen'; Quote[184]='“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” - Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi'; Quote[185]='“Be a good listener. Your ears will never get you in trouble.” - Frank Tyger'; Quote[186]='“Dreams come in a size too big so that we may grow into them.” - Josie Bisset'; Quote[187]='“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin'; Quote[188]='“Gracefulness has been defined to be the outward expression of the inward harmony of the soul.” - William Hazlitt'; Quote[189]='“What ever beauty may be, it has for its basis order, and for its essence unity.” - Father Andre'; Quote[190]='“Example has more followers than reason.” - Christian Nestell Bovee'; Quote[191]='“A mind is a fire to be kindled, not a vessel to be filled.” - Plutarch'; Quote[192]='“To be good is noble, but to teach others how to be good is nobler--and less trouble.” - Mark Twain'; Quote[193]='“When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you.” - African Proverb'; Quote[194]='“We learn more by looking for the answer to a question and not finding it than we do from learning the answer itself.” - Lloyd Alexander'; Quote[195]='“When spider webs unite they can tie up a lion.” - African Proverb'; Quote[196]='“I am a part of all that I have met.” - Alfred Tennyson, 1st Baron Tennyson'; Quote[197]='“Only a life lived for others is worth living.” - Albert Einstein'; Quote[198]='“The wise man belongs to all countries, for the home of a great soul is the whole world.” - Democritus'; Quote[199]='“Diversity is the one true thing we all have in common. Celebrate it every day.” - Unknown'; Quote[200]='“As man draws nearer to the stars, why should he not also draw nearer to his neighbor?” - Lyndon B. Johnson'; Quote[201]='“All doors open to courtesy. ” - Dr. Thomas Fuller'; Quote[202]='“Character is the total of thousands of small daily strivings to live up to the best that is in us.” - A. G. Trudeau'; Quote[203]='“With courage you will dare to take risks, have the strength to be compassionate, and the wisdom to be humble. Courage is the foundation of integrity.” - Keshavan Nair'; Quote[204]='“No steam or gas drives anything until it is confined. No life ever grows great until it is focused, dedicated, disciplined.” - Harry Emerson Fosdick'; Quote[205]='“Love yourself, accept yourself, forgive yourself, and be good to yourself, because without you the rest of us are without a source of many wonderful things.” - Dr. Leo Buscaglia'; Quote[206]='“To love means loving the unlovable. To forgive means pardoning the unpardonable. Faith means believing the unbelievable. Hope means hoping when everything seems hopeless.” - G. K. Chesterton'; Quote[207]='“When work, commitment, and pleasure all become one and you reach that deep well where passion lives, nothing is impossible.” - Nancy Coey'; Quote[208]='“It was character that got us out of bed, commitment that moved us into action, and discipline that enabled us to follow through.” - Zig Ziglar'; Quote[209]='“Reach high, for stars lie hidden in your soul. Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal.” - Pamela Vaull Starr'; Quote[210]='“The road of life twists and turns and no two directions are ever the same. Yet our lessons come from the journey, not the destination.” - Don Williams Jr.'; Quote[211]='“Humility leads to strength and not to weakness. It is the highest form of self-respect to admit mistakes and to make amends for them.” - John J. McCloy'; Quote[212]='“Sense shines with a double luster when it is set in humility. An able and yet humble man is a jewel worth a kingdom.” - William Penn'; Quote[213]='“Dream your dream. Follow your heart. Imagine. Listen to the wind. Drink sunsets. Be free. Let the wonder never cease. Believe. Wish on EVERY star. Create adventure. Be Kind.” - Debbie Coulter'; Quote[214]='Quote goes here'; Quote[215]='Quote goes here'; Quote[216]='Quote goes here'; Quote[217]='Quote goes here'; Quote[218]='Quote goes here'; Quote[219]='Quote goes here'; Quote[220]='Quote goes here'; Quote[221]='Quote goes here'; Quote[222]='Quote goes here'; Quote[223]='Quote goes here'; Quote[224]='Quote goes here'; Quote[225]='Quote goes here'; Quote[226]='Quote goes here'; Quote[227]='Quote goes here'; Quote[228]='Quote goes here'; Quote[229]='Quote goes here'; Quote[230]='Quote goes here'; Quote[231]='Quote goes here'; Quote[232]='Quote goes here'; Quote[233]='Quote goes here'; Quote[234]='Quote goes here'; Quote[235]='Quote goes here'; Quote[236]='Quote goes here'; Quote[237]='Quote goes here'; Quote[238]='Quote goes here'; Quote[239]='Quote goes here'; Quote[240]='Quote goes here'; Quote[241]='Quote goes here'; Quote[242]='Quote goes here'; Quote[243]='Quote goes here'; Quote[244]='Quote goes here'; Quote[245]='Quote goes here'; Quote[246]='Quote goes here'; Quote[247]='Quote goes here'; Quote[248]='Quote goes here'; Quote[249]='Quote goes here'; Quote[250]='Quote goes here'; Quote[251]='Quote goes here'; Quote[252]='Quote goes here'; Quote[253]='Quote goes here'; Quote[254]='Quote goes here'; Quote[255]='Quote goes here'; Quote[256]='Quote goes here'; Quote[257]='Quote goes here'; Quote[258]='Quote goes here'; Quote[259]='Quote goes here'; Quote[260]='Quote goes here'; Quote[261]='Quote goes here'; Quote[262]='Quote goes here'; Quote[263]='Quote goes here'; Quote[264]='Quote goes here'; Quote[265]='Quote goes here'; Quote[266]='Quote goes here'; Quote[267]='Quote goes here'; Quote[268]='Quote goes here'; Quote[269]='Quote goes here'; Quote[270]='Quote goes here'; Quote[271]='Quote goes here'; Quote[272]='Quote goes here'; Quote[273]='Quote goes here'; Quote[274]='Quote goes here'; Quote[275]='Quote goes here'; Quote[276]='Quote goes here'; Quote[277]='Quote goes here'; Quote[278]='Quote goes here'; Quote[279]='Quote goes here'; Quote[280]='Quote goes here'; Quote[281]='Quote goes here'; Quote[282]='Quote goes here'; Quote[283]='Quote goes here'; Quote[284]='Quote goes here'; Quote[285]='Quote goes here'; Quote[286]='Quote goes here'; Quote[287]='Quote goes here'; Quote[288]='Quote goes here'; Quote[289]='Quote goes here'; Quote[290]='Quote goes here'; Quote[291]='Quote goes here'; Quote[292]='Quote goes here'; Quote[293]='Quote goes here'; Quote[294]='Quote goes here'; Quote[295]='Quote goes here'; Quote[296]='Quote goes here'; Quote[297]='Quote goes here'; Quote[298]='Quote goes here'; Quote[299]='Quote goes here'; Quote[300]='Quote goes here'; Quote[301]='Quote goes here' Quote[302]='Quote goes here' Quote[303]='Quote goes here'; Quote[304]='Quote goes here'; Quote[305]='Quote goes here'; Quote[306]='Quote goes here'; Quote[307]='Quote goes here'; Quote[308]='Quote goes here'; Quote[309]='Quote goes here'; Quote[310]='Quote goes here'; Quote[311]='Quote goes here'; Quote[312]='Quote goes here'; Quote[313]='Quote goes here'; Quote[314]='Quote goes here'; Quote[315]='Quote goes here'; Quote[316]='Quote goes here'; Quote[317]='Quote goes here'; Quote[318]='Quote goes here'; Quote[319]='Quote goes here'; Quote[320]='Quote goes here'; Quote[321]='Quote goes here'; Quote[322]='Quote goes here'; Quote[323]='Quote goes here'; Quote[324]='Quote goes here'; Quote[325]='Quote goes here'; Quote[326]='Quote goes here'; Quote[327]='Quote goes here'; Quote[328]='Quote goes here'; Quote[329]='Quote goes here'; Quote[330]='Quote goes here'; Quote[331]='Quote goes here'; Quote[332]='Quote goes here'; Quote[333]='Quote goes here'; Quote[334]='Quote goes here'; Quote[335]='Quote goes here'; Quote[336]='Quote goes here'; Quote[337]='Quote goes here'; Quote[338]='Quote goes here'; Quote[339]='Quote goes here'; Quote[340]='Quote goes here'; Quote[341]='Quote goes here'; Quote[342]='Quote goes here'; Quote[343]='Quote goes here'; Quote[344]='Quote goes here'; Quote[345]='Quote goes here'; Quote[346]='Quote goes here'; Quote[347]='Quote goes here'; Quote[348]='Quote goes here'; Quote[349]='Quote goes here'; Quote[350]='Quote goes here'; Quote[351]='Quote goes here'; Quote[352]='Quote goes here'; Quote[353]='Quote goes here'; Quote[354]='Quote goes here'; Quote[355]='Quote goes here'; Quote[356]='Quote goes here'; Quote[357]='Quote goes here'; Quote[358]='Quote goes here'; Quote[359]='Quote goes here'; Quote[360]='Quote goes here'; Quote[361]='Quote goes here'; Quote[362]='Quote goes here'; Quote[363]='Quote goes here'; Quote[364]='Quote goes here'; Quote[365]='Quote goes here'; function writeQuote() { document.getElementById("dayQuote").innerHTML = '<b>Quote Of The Day #'+DOY+'</b><br>'; document.getElementById("dayQuote").innerHTML += Quote[DOY]; }
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