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  1. If you are using Vertabelo for creating database models and you access your database with Propel library, you'll find the following instructions useful. Vertabelo is an online, free tool for visual database design. Once you create a model of your database in Vertabelo, you can generate a Propel schema file from it. To do this you'll have to use VertabeloPropel, a PHP script which converts a Vertabelo XML file into Propel's schema.xml file. The script is available on GitHub. Installing VertabeloPropel uses Composer to manage project dependencies. In your project directory create a file composer.json: { "require": { "vertabelo/vertabelo-propel": "*" } } Then run Composer install. composer install This will download VertabeloPropel into the vendor directory in your project directory. The script will be in vendor/bin/vertabelo-propel.php file or, for Windows, in vendor\bin\vertabelo-propel.php.bat. Using VertabeloPropel script 1. Create a database model with Vertabelo. 2. Download the model as an XML file and save it in your project directory (use an option "Export model as XML file" from Vertabelo's tool bar). 3. Generate Propel's schema.xml file. If you want to use the default settings (input file model.xml, output file schema.xml, database name test, default id method native), run in Windows vendor\bin\vertabelo-propel.php.bat in Mac/Linux vendor/bin/vertabelo-propel.php If you want to change the defaults, run in Windows vendor\bin\vertabelo-propel.php.bat -i model.xml -o schema.xml / --database-name bookshop ---default-id-method native in Mac/Linux vendor/bin/vertabelo-propel.php -i model.xml -o schema.xml --database-name bookshop --default-id-method native 4. The script generates Propel's schema.xml file. 5. Proceed with your normal Propel application development (or see "How to develop a PHP+MySQL application with Propel and Vertabelo"). Script options The script options are: --input-file (shortcut -i) location of Vertabelo XML file (default value "model.xml") --output-file (shortcut -o) location of output Propel schema.xml file (default value "schema.xml") --database-name name of the database (default value "test") --default-id-method database's defaultIdMethod. Allowed values are “native” or “none”, default value is "native". --help prints the help message --------------- The above information was originaly published on Vertabelo's blog.
  2. I am working on phpmyadmin. i want to create a system in which users will select 10 players from pool of players and gain points from those 10 players, just like fantasy football. So my first solution was tables: users(name,details,team[10],points gained) and players(name,details,points gained by individual player); but i am not sure how to get that team array in users table. so i searched for solutions, then somesone suggested about creating one more table team and some thing about foreign keys. But still i am confused how to do this? and 1 more question should i use phpmyadmin or mysql workbench to do this . right now i have both installed on system but i have never used mysql workbench. pls help. Thanks
  3. Hello to all php freaks. I post here because I have some problems with app design. I want to design simple statistical app. I find myself stuck at DB design. I would be very grateful if someone gives me even some hints or simple advice about my problem. i want to make app that actually looks like excel table where user can define how many rows and columns he needs, because not all people needs exact number of rows/columns, and of top of that i need to sum every row separately and every column separately. Statistic is kept at daily basis, and must be transparent, so i should store all those numbers somewhere for possible inspection later, but don't know where (except totals), i don't know where to start with this. Other things like login, choosing dates and etc. are no problem. so i would like to make app that can do this on picture and that can expand table with new rows and columns if necessary. thanks in advance
  4. Hey guys, I'm entering the amateurish level of programming right now, but have a challenging project ahead of me. Here is a brief scope of the problem: We are collecting a lot of data. It ends up being essentially 53 columns in the CSV. The first thing I noticed was that there were certain portions of the data that were very likely to repeat. This led to the following Schema (MySQL) to decrease redundancies: TABLE Markets (Relies on nothing) (Holds data about markets) TABLE Contacts (Relies on markets) (Contacts are associated with a market) TABLE Events (The events belong to both a market and a contact) TABLE Event Products (This only relies on an Event) Essentially my task is to automate the process since we'll be processing thousands of rows. So the script would probably need to behave like so: Import in markets Then import associated contacts (as well as the unique market id assigned by MySQL) Then import associated events (placing the unique market and contact id assigned by MySQL as well) Then import associated event products (placing the unique event id assigned by MySQL as well) As you can see this is probably really challenging. I've looked around a bit for some decent tutorials or reading. Sorry for the long winded post, here are my three questions: I cannot accurately estimate how long a project like this should take me, in your experience how long does a project like this take? Am I going about this the right way? (Even using PHPMyAdmin to import took a long time due to having to get the appropriate ids) Do you know of any good resources, or books for this? Thanks a million!
  5. Hello, I need help with a design of MySQL table. This is for a MLM script that has one matrix table that describes the actual matrix itself. I now need to create a table that would have the userid's of every user in different matrices and their relationship to each other. The problem I am encountering is that a depth of 10 levels could be 1000's of users in the matrix.... So, with that being said, what would be the best design for this? Thanks for any help!
  6. Hi, I have attached a partial of my database design schema, I can't think of a way to re-design it flexibly without using EAV, any suggestions?
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