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  1. Please note this is a DEV version, so I know there are security glitches. I am currently developing it. Okay, so I have this DB table reactions and I want to fetch all the records inside that match a certain topic_id column. I am using Doctrine DBAL I am using SQLite as a DB. So I wrote this code: public function displayComment() { $row = []; $query = $this->queryBuilder ->select('*') ->from('reactions') ->where('topic_id = '.$this->topicId) ->execute(); // echo $sql=$query->getSQL(); while($row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $row2[] = $row['id']; } return $row2; } I set $topic_id to always equal 1 for testing purposes. And the freaking thing display me 96 results, even tho there are only three in the DB! Array ( [0] => 35 [1] => 36 [2] => 34 [3] => 35 [4] => 36 [5] => 34 [6] => 35 [7] => 36 [8] => 34 [9] => 35 [10] => 36 [11] => 34 [12] => 35 [13] => 36 [14] => 34 [15] => 35 [16] => 36 [17] => 34 [18] => 35 [19] => 36 [20] => 34 [21] => 35 [22] => 36 [23] => 34 [24] => 35 [25] => 36 [26] => 34 [27] => 35 [28] => 36 [29] => 34 [30] => 35 [31] => 36 [32] => 34 [33] => 35 [34] => 36 [35] => 34 [36] => 35 [37] => 36 [38] => 34 [39] => 35 [40] => 36 [41] => 34 [42] => 35 [43] => 36 [44] => 34 [45] => 35 [46] => 36 [47] => 34 [48] => 35 [49] => 36 [50] => 34 [51] => 35 [52] => 36 [53] => 34 [54] => 35 [55] => 36 [56] => 34 [57] => 35 [58] => 36 [59] => 34 [60] => 35 [61] => 36 [62] => 34 [63] => 35 [64] => 36 [65] => 34 [66] => 35 [67] => 36 [68] => 34 [69] => 35 [70] => 36 [71] => 34 [72] => 35 [73] => 36 [74] => 34 [75] => 35 [76] => 36 [77] => 34 [78] => 35 [79] => 36 [80] => 34 [81] => 35 [82] => 36 [83] => 34 [84] => 35 [85] => 36 [86] => 34 [87] => 35 [88] => 36 [89] => 34 [90] => 35 [91] => 36 [92] => 34 [93] => 35 [94] => 36 [95] => 34 ) If I change the query to fetch the data from the posts table with the ID number of one, it works perfectly. I have no idea why it is being such a baby for the reactions table. Schema for the reactions table: BEGIN TRANSACTION; ---- -- Table structure for reactions ---- CREATE TABLE "reactions" ('id' INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, 'comment' TEXT, 'user_id' TEXT, 'topic_id' INTEGER, 'date_posted' INTEGER); ---- -- Data dump for reactions, a total of 3 rows ---- INSERT INTO "reactions" ("id","comment","user_id","topic_id","date_posted") VALUES ('34','qwdqdqdqwdqdqdqdqdqdqdqdqdqdqwdqdq','1','1','1447356567'); INSERT INTO "reactions" ("id","comment","user_id","topic_id","date_posted") VALUES ('35','qdwdqwdqwdqwdqwdqdqwdqwd','1','1','1447357049'); INSERT INTO "reactions" ("id","comment","user_id","topic_id","date_posted") VALUES ('36','qdwdqwdqwdqwdqwdqdqwdqwd','1','1','1447357054'); COMMIT; And now the whole Posts class: <?php class Posts { protected $db; protected $queryBuilder; // private $topicId = $_GET['id']; protected $topicId = 1; public function __construct($db) { $this->db = $db; $this->queryBuilder = $this->db->createQueryBuilder(); } public function listTopics() { $query = $this->queryBuilder ->select('posts_id, posts_title, posts_date, author_id') ->from('posts') ->where('posts_categories_id = 1') ->execute(); return $query->fetchAll(); } public function countComments() { $query = $this->queryBuilder ->select('comments_id') ->from('comments') ->where('comments_topic_id = 1') ->execute(); return $query->fetchAll(); } public function displaySingleTopic() { $query = $this->queryBuilder ->select('*') ->from('posts') ->where('posts_id = '.$_GET['id']) ->execute(); return $query->fetchAll(); } public function insertComment($comment_data) { extract($comment_data); $user_id = 1; $query = $this->queryBuilder ->insert('reactions') ->values( array( 'comment' => '?', 'user_id' => '?', 'topic_id' => '?', 'date_posted' => "STRFTIME('%s','now')" ) ) ->setParameter(0, $comment) ->setParameter(1, $user_id) ->setParameter(2, $this->topicId) ->execute(); } public function displayComment() { $row = []; $query = $this->queryBuilder ->select('*') ->from('reactions') ->where('topic_id = '.$this->topicId) ->execute(); // echo $sql=$query->getSQL(); while($row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $row2[] = $row['id']; } return $row2; } } single_topic.php where I am calling the method: <?php include 'html/header.php'; $profile = new Profile($conn); // Select all from a single post $post = new Posts($conn); // Turn the array keys into variables like ['title'] => $title extract($post->displaySingleTopic()[0]); $profile->author_id = $author_id; if(isset($_POST['comment'])) { $post->insertComment($_POST); } echo '<pre>'; print_r($post->displayComment()); ?> <!-- Post data --> <script> window.onload = function() { var height_of_topic = document.getElementById('general_topic').offsetHeight; document.getElementById('poster_info').style.height = height_of_topic+'px'; } </script> <article id="general_topic"> <h1 id="single_topic"><a href="post/{$posts_id}-$post_title" class="title_link"><?php echo $posts_title ?></a></h1> <section id="poster_info"> <ul> <li> <a href="profile.php?id=<?php echo $author_id?>"> <img src="<?php echo AVATAR_DIR.$profile->avatar();?>" width="140" height="130" /></li> </a> <li> <a href="profile.php?id=<?php echo $author_id?>"> <?php echo $profile->username(); ?> </a> </li> <li><?php echo $profile->country(); ?></li> <li><?php echo $profile->number_of_posts(); ?></li> </ul> </section> <!-- <hr></hr> --> <ul id="post_data"> <li id="post_date"> <a href="#"><?php print date('M d Y',$posts_date); ?></a> </li> <hr> <li id="post_category"> <a href="category/<?php //echo $categories_id ?>-<?php //echo clean_url($categories_name); ?>"><?php //print $categories_name ?></a> </li> <li id="post_comments"> <a href="/post/<?php //echo $posts_id ?>-<?php //echo $posts_title?>#comments_post_id<?php //echo $posts_id ?>"> <?php //echo $display_number_comments ?> </a> </li> </ul> <p> <?php echo nl2br($posts_contents); ?> </p> <!-- End of post data --> </article> <!-- Comment form --> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <form method="post" action="" id="comment_form" > <fieldset> <?php if(!$profile->isLoggedIn()) { ?> <label> Name:<span>*</span> <input type="text" class="long_input_field" name="commentator" id="text_name" maxlength="50" /> </label> <label> Website: <input type="text" class="long_input_field" name="website" id="text_name" maxlength="50" /> </label> <?php } ?> <label> What's your opinion...:<br /> </label> <textarea rows="10" cols="50" id="text_comment" name="comment"></textarea> <br> <input type="submit" name="commented" id="comments_button" value="Publish Comment" /> <!-- <input type="hidden" name="post_id" value="<?php //print $this_fuking_post; ?>" /> --> <label for="" class="secret"> Do not populate this field<input type="text" name="url" /></label> </fieldset> <!-- End of comment form --> <?php /* Start the foreach loop to display all comments related to the article. The function display_comments is in functions.php document. The function returns an array that holds absolutely all comments for that article. */ /* if(is_array(display_comments_data($post_id, $db ))) { foreach(display_comments_data($post_id, $db ) as $comment) {*/ ?> <div class="comment" id="comments_post_id<?php //print $comment['comments_post_id'] ?>"> <h3> <?php /*echo $comment['comments_commentator'];*/ ?> </h3> <h5><?php /*echo date('d F Y',$comment['comments_date']);*/ ?></h5> <p> <?php /*echo $comment['comments_comment'];*/ ?> </p> </div> <?php /* } }*/ ?> </form> <?php include 'html/footer.php'; ?> Thank you SO MUCH in advance! Please help!
  2. I'm starting in Doctrine 2.4 and I'm developing a system where I separate the core files and application files, as follows: /root |-- /Src |-- /App |-- /Model |-- ** (Application Entities) ** |-- /Core |-- /Model |-- ** (Core Entities) ** In the Doctrine documentation shows the following form to set 1 directory for Esntitys: $config = Setup::createAnnotationMetadataConfiguration(array(__DIR__. "/src"), $isDevMode); But when I have to configure more than one directory that will contain the Entitys of my application, how to proceed? Thanks in advance!
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