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Found 19 results

  1. I have an iframe in a html or php site (tried both) and it works fine on Firefox and my mobile browsers. But Chrome behaves badly. The iframed php page contains a form and when I send it the whole iframe disapears. But it reapears when "painting it with my mouse". no cliks needed. just some mouseover/hovering. The whole iframe don't appear at once but small part of it. Therefor the "painting expirience". It is annoying because the visitor don't kmow to do this. Sorry, but i dont know how to explain this any better. the form is a domain lookup form (whois).
  2. I have a php file in a iframe from where I take a form result to the parent with following jquery code. In the example there is both appendTo to a <p> and an input element. Anyway works fine on desktop browsers as far as I have tested, but not on my phone . <script> $('#order').click(function() { var free = $('#iframeid').contents().find('#free').text(); $("<span>"+free+" </span>").appendTo("#g"); $('.g').val($('.g').val() + vapaa); }); </script> <button id="order">'order domain</button> <p> <div id="wrap"> <p id="g"></p><p> <input type="text" class="g" id="inputbox" name="input" placeholder="www.example.com" width="100px"/> </div> Any other solutions? I managed only to make these. Preferable I use input text element. The span was just for a test. Thanks.
  3. Hi guys, I am trying to make an iframe that contains another website so my users can login to the external website and view a partiicular html table on the external website. Once the user is on that page, I want them to be able to click a button hovering over the iframe that will copy all the html code and send back to my php. With this source code I will use the information in my website. One problem, I think the external website has disabled iframes from getting past the login page. Does anyone have a good idea where to start for this project? Thanks in advance!
  4. Hello, I am trying to make the buy product button on all single product pages to open in a popup iframe or simular! I am new to java, php and such and I am looking for how to achieve this? I have been researching this for over a month and nothing seems to work. I am affiliated with Amazon so I need my woocommerce buy product buttons to open a new smaller popup window in front of my site! I have already had it set to open as _blank, But I really need all my external product button links to open as a popup! Is this possible? I have tried editing cart.php and I know nothing about java. Please help!! Thank you in advance, Dee
  5. Hello, I'm finishing a content manager, but I have a little problem with a iframe. Let me explain: I have a url stored in a table in a database, which is the path to a page called "galeria.php", which is a dynamic gallery. This gallery is loaded on the site when the user clicks on a submenu button called "portfolio". The iframe loads the gallery when clicked the "portfolio" button. So far so good. Loads exactly when and how I want. The problem is that when we are not on the "portfolio" page, the iframe keeps the occupation of space, even having no content. This causes on the website, unnecessary scroll. In practice what I ask, is how to do that when the iframe has no content, it becomes "hidden" or not take up space on the page. Thank you
  6. I am building admin control panel for a website. The admin cp has 3 columns(div): 1st column/div - left menu items (left column) 2nd column/div - content display area (which is in center) 3rd column/div - right menu items (right column) This is how it works; when a link is clicked from 1st column/div, the page linked will be opened in the 2nd column/div and in the similar way when a link is clicked from 3rd column/div, the page linked will be opened in the 2nd column/div. I used iframe in 2nd column/div to achieve this i.e, open links in the same page without refreshing the page. The problem I have: When the page opened in 2nd column/div has the height greater than the height mentioned in the iframe, scroll bar appears inside the div. What I want: I want to display the linked page either from 1st column/div or 3rd column/div in 2nd column/div with its full height without the scroll bar appearing inside the div. The browser window (all columns combined) should get the scroll bar instead, using which I shall be able to scroll down. The left and right columns/div should go upwards/downwards when I use the scroll bar displaying the page linked/opened totally in 2nd column/div. ****In simple I want a facebook like design which should have menu items on either side of the browser window, clicking the links should open the page linked in center and if the linked page has more data that cannot be displayed in that div, it should expand the center div downwards to display the data (not dynamically, statically).**** Please get me this solved or suggest me another way to achieve this. Thanks in advance. admin.php styles.css view.php
  7. I am using javascript:void(window.open('http://server1/test/test_update.php?matter="&Fields!matter.Value + "', '_blank', 'fullscreen=yes, scrollbars=auto'));" to launch a report from a SSRS 2008 report that is being viewed within an iFrame. This is done in the Jump to URL. <iframe name='myIframe' id='myIframe' src='http://sqlreports/ReportServer?Report&rs:Command=Render&rc:LinkTarget=_blank&rc:Stylesheet=my_htmlviewer' scrolling='auto' frameborder='0' width='100%' onload='resize_iframe()' ></iframe> the resize_iframe() function just makes the iFrame full screen to whatever the window is made. Before adding the @rc:LinkTarget=_blank to the iFrame, the links did not work. Now, when I click on the link to launch the PHP page I get two windows that open. One opens and renders the page properly: http://server1/test/test_update.php?matter=123456 while the other window opens with the "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage" error with the following URL: javascript:void(window.open('http://server1/test/test_update.php?matter=123456,%20_blank,%20fullscreen=yes,%20scrollbars=auto')); I'm not quite sure what is causing these two windows to open up. When I remove the @rc:LinkTarget=_blank from the iFrame, the links go back to not working. I've also tried to remove the _blank for the Jump to URL. Any ideas/assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Jamey8420
  8. Hi, I am hoping someone could please help/guide in the right direction. I have a form in an iframe and I want to use PHP to check when the user has pressed the submit button in the iframe form. How would I approach on doing this? Thanks, Hal
  9. Good evening folks. I am very much so a newbie at writing webpages, and I will admit I am much stronger in martial arts than coding. But I have spent the last week losing more hair then required trying to get the page I am developing to work as intended. Primary issue, I have several links they load images into Div's there is something goofy going on when I click on a link for example to load my images works like a champ, but then when I click on my link to load the iframe webpage to display the Shotokan Federation inside my webpage it opens it in a new browser. But if I reload the page and click on Shotokan Federation link works like a champ loads into same page inside my iframe. moment I click on any other link and go back to shotokan fed it does not work as intended. loads the webpage on a newly opened browser. Below is my source and yes I am new so please I am trying really hard to get it right. Also the only way this looks right is on google chrome too but thats a different issue for the next round of banging head into concrete. <PS> I commented a lot of my code to make it easier to follow. <script src="respond.min.js"></script> <!-- Java Script for diplaying two images on single click Instructors Link in Div4 and Div5 --> <script type="text/javascript"> function Instructors(){ document.getElementById("div5").style.display="block"; document.getElementById("div4").innerHTML="<img src='Images/Instructors/Instructors.png' alt=''/>"; document.getElementById("div5").innerHTML="<img src='Images/Instructors/Instructor_pics.jpg' alt=''/>"; } <!-- Java Script for diplaying two images on single click Tang Soo Do Link in Div4 and Div5 --> function TangSooDo(){ document.getElementById("div5").style.display="block"; document.getElementById("div4").innerHTML="<img src='Images/TangSooDo/TangSooDo_Brief_History.png' alt=''/>"; document.getElementById("div5").innerHTML="<img src='Images/TangSooDo/Hwang_Kee.jpg' alt=''/>"; } <!-- Java Script for diplaying two images on single click Shotokan Link in Div4 and Div5 --> function Shotokan(){ document.getElementById("div5").style.display="block"; document.getElementById("div4").innerHTML="<img src='Images/Shotokan/Shotokan_Brief_History.png' alt=''/>"; document.getElementById("div5").innerHTML="<img src='Images/Shotokan/Funakoshi.jpg' alt=''/>"; } <!-- javascript to load Shotokan Federation into Iframe --> function ShotokanFed(link){ window.ifrm.location=link; window.location.hash='ifrm' window.open("http://www.jka.or.jp/english/e_index.html","ifrm","scrollbars=no"); } </script> </head> <body> <!-- Header Image --> <div class="gridContainer clearfix"> <div id="div1" class="fluid" align="center"><img src="Images/Banner/Header_Banner.png" alt="Banner" /></div> <!-- Top Navigator Div2 --> <div id="div2" class="fluid"><div align="right" style="margin-bottom: 1em;"> <p class="alignleft"><a href="index.html" target="_self">Home</a> | Sign In</p> <p class="alignright">Follow Us | Feedback | Contact Us | Join Us</p> </div> <div style="clear: both;"></div> <hr></div> <!-- Side Navigator --> <div id="div3" class="fluid"> <p> <a href="javascript:Instructors();">Instructors</a> </p> <p>Events</p> <p>Class Schedule</p> <p>Class Locations</p> <p> <a href="javascript:TangSooDo();">Tang Soo Do</a> </p> <p> <a href="javascript:Shotokan();">Shotokan</a></p> <p> <a id="ShotokanFedLink" title="Click to load Shotokan Federation Page" href="PleaseEnableJavascript.html" onclick="ShotokanFed();return false;">Shotokan Federation</a> <!--<a href="javascript:ShotokanFed();">Shotokan Federation</a>--> <!--onClick="$('#ifrm').show();"--> <!--<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="ShotokanFed('http://jka.or.jp/english/e_index.html')">Shotokan Fed</a>--> </p> <p>Soo Bak Do Federation</p> </div> <!-- Content --> <div id="div4" class="fluid" align="center"><iframe id="ifrm" frameborder="0" height="750" width="100%" scrolling="no"></iframe></div> <!-- Side Images --> <div id="div5" class="fluid"></div> <!-- Supported site Links --> <div id="div6" class="fluid"><hr> <p class="alignright"><a href="http://www.uswka.us" target="new"><img src="Images/Badges/uswkasmalllogo.png" width="65" height="63"></a></p> </div><div style="clear: both;"></div> <!-- Footer --> <div id="div7" class="fluid"><hr></div> </div> </body> </html>
  10. Hi All I have a few links in a page which will direct to 1 page. And in that 1 page, there is a iframe link which will direct the user depending on the link attribute name from the previous page. For Example on previous_page.php, i have the following link: <a id="asia" href="next_page.php">Asia</a> <a id="europe" href="next_page.php">Europe</a> <a id="america" href="next_page.php">America</a> When selected, it will direct to the next_page.php where there will be an iframe. I've coded the iframe as follows: <iframe src="http://myurl?c=<?php echo $continent; ?>&a=PTT03353"></iframe> where $continent will be define by the previous page a tag ID. How do i achieve this?
  11. I want to make a form that will display different options on the second item, depending on the users input on the item before... I understand this is usually accomplished in javascript/jquery, however with my limited knowledge of javascript and jquery I was considering using a selection of iframes loading in php content, this is clearly a really inefficient method of achieving my goal, however, is it even possible to put Form elements into an iFrame? Or should I seek out the jquery?
  12. hi guys, i have a problem hope you can help me.. i have a site that uses an iframe to autorefresh the table inside it. i used an <a href> tag to redirect the page, but instead of redirecting the whole page to another site, it only reloads inside the iframe.. here is my code: from my parent page: </div> <Iframe src="tabs/constable.php" width="990" height="600"></Iframe> </div> from my constable.php file inside the iframe: <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function followLink(o) { var a = o.getElementsByTagName('a'); if (a.length > 0) { document.location = a[0].href; } } </script> </head> <table id="table"> <thead> <tr> <th scope="col" class="idnumber">ID Number</th> <th scope="col" class="name">Name</th> <th scope="col" class="gender">Gender</th> <th scope="col" class="timedate">Date of Consultation</th> <th scope="col" class="type">Student/Employee</th> <th scope="col" class="type">annual/walkin</th> </tr></thead><tbody><tr> <tfoot> <tr> <td colspan="6"></td> </tr> </tfoot> <?php $min = 0; include '../init.php'; $quey1="//somequery here"; $result=mysql_query($quey1); mysql_close($connect); $row1 = mysql_num_rows($result); while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $dd = "../info.php?pid=".$row['idnumbers']."&&nid=".$row['idnurse']."&&type=".$row['type']; echo "<tr><td onclick='followLink(this);'><a href='".$dd."'></a>{$row['idnumbers']}</td> <td onclick='followLink(this);'><a href='".$dd."'></a>{$row['name']}</td> <td onclick='followLink(this);'><a href='".$dd."'></a>{$row['Sex']}</td> <td onclick='followLink(this);'><a href='".$dd."'></a>{$row['date']}</td> <td onclick='followLink(this);'><a href='".$dd."'></a>{$row['Occupation']}</td> <td onclick='followLink(this);'><a href='".$dd."'></a>{$row['type']}</td></tr>"; } echo' </table></br></br>'; include '../init.php'; $quey2="select count(*) from nurse where status = 'notdone'"; $res=mysql_query($quey2); mysql_close($connect); $rowcounter; while($row=mysql_fetch_array($res)) { $rowcounter = $row['count(*)']; } if($rowcounter > 10) { echo '<form action = "next.php" method = "POST">'; echo ' <input type = "image" src="images/Next.png" name = "next" value = "Next">'; echo ' <input type = "hidden" name = "xx" value = "'.$min.'">'; echo ' <input type = "hidden" name = "gg" value = "patientonqueue">'; echo ' <input type = "hidden" name = "num" value = "'.$rowcounter.'">'; echo '</form>'; } $eto = $rowcounter + 10; if($rowcounter >= 10) { echo "<label name = 'dd'> 10 out of ".$rowcounter."</label>"; } ?> hope you guys understand my code and my problem.. thanks in advance!
  13. Hi all, I've been trying to figure out a problem I've got with SSL. I have installed a certificate with the common name "*.dev.com" and it works for https://www.myserver.dev.com and https://myserver.dev.com. Common Name (e.g. server FQDN or YOUR name) []:*.dev.com The problem is when I try to post to https://www.myserver...dir/script.php. If a point the browser to this URL I get served the page but if I post within an iframe I get this: SSL certificate problem, verify that the CA cert is OK. Details: error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed I've tried posting to: https://www.myserver.../dir/script.php and script.php Each time I get this error message. I can't see why, as far as I can tell this should work. Anyone got any ideas? Cheers, CaptainChainsaw
  14. Hello fellow programmers, I have a little, yet innoying issue. My code does not send my hidden IFRAME. The row LINK in my database doesn't get completely filled due to my hidden filmdef value. This is my database result: 1325372460 1325459400 12 <iframe width= youtube This has a begin and end timestamp of the youtube link and an ID(12) it also contains the iframe, with the youtube link fileld in in the first page. Everything works properly accept for the iframe passing with the hidden variable. How can I fix this and what am I missing or doing wrong. Heres my code: <?php include '../databaseconnectie/DBconnection2.php'; // connectie toevoegen via include if(isset($_POST['status'])){ $status = $_POST['status']; }elseif(isset($_GET['status'])){ $status = $_GET['status']; }else{ $status = ""; } if(isset($_POST['startmaand'])){ $startmaand = $_POST['startmaand']; }else{ $startmaand = ""; }if(isset($_POST['startdag'])){ $startdag = $_POST['startdag']; }else{ $startdag = ""; }if(isset($_POST['startuur'])){ $startuur = $_POST['startuur']; }else{ $startuur = ""; }if(isset($_POST['startjaar'])){ $startjaar = $_POST['startjaar']; }else{ $startjaar = ""; }if(isset($_POST['startminuut'])){ $startminuut = $_POST['startminuut']; }else{ $startminuut = ""; } if(isset($_POST['eindmaand'])){ $eindmaand = $_POST['eindmaand']; }else{ $eindmaand = ""; } if(isset($_POST['einddag'])){ $einddag = $_POST['einddag']; }else{ $einddag = ""; } if(isset($_POST['eindjaar'])){ $eindjaar = $_POST['eindjaar']; }else{ $eindjaar = ""; } if(isset($_POST['einduur'])){ $einduur = $_POST['einduur']; }else{ $einduur = ""; } if(isset($_POST['eindminuut'])){ $eindminuut = $_POST['eindminuut']; }else{ $eindminuut = ""; } if(isset($_POST['filmdef'])){ $filmdef = $_POST['filmdef']; }else{ $filmdef = ""; } ?> <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../opmaak/opmaak.css" type="text/css"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <title>De Nassau Infosys YOUTUBE Opdracht Invoeren</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="opmaak.css" type="text/css"> </head> <body> <h1> <img src="http://denassau.nl/templates/nassau-home/images/denassau-logo.jpg" border="0" width="60" height="35"> De Nassau Infosys YOUTUBE Opdracht Invoeren <img src="http://denassau.nl/templates/nassau-home/images/denassau-logo.jpg" border="0" width="60" height="35"> </h1> <?php if($status == ""){ ?> <form method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data"> <table> <tr> <td> <?php echo "<b>Voer uw youtube link hieronder in:</b>"; ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><b>Youtube Link: </b></td> <td> <input size="50" type="text" name="uploadedyoutube" value=""> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <input type="submit" name="xsubmit" value="Opslaan en Verzenden"> </td> </tr> <input type="hidden" name="status" value="controle"> </table> </form> <?php } if($status == "controle"){ $youtubelink=$_POST['uploadedyoutube']; echo"<b>Uw ingevulde youtube link is</b>: <br />"; echo "$youtubelink<br />"; echo"<b>Hieronder is uw filmpje zichtbaar:<br />"; $pos = strrpos($youtubelink, "="); $link = substr($youtubelink, ($pos+1)); print "link: $link<br>"; $film = "<iframe width=\"560\" height=\"315\" src=\"http://www.youtube.com/embed/".$link."?fs=1&autoplay=1&loop=1\" frameborder=\"0\" allowFullScreen=></iframe>"; $filmdef = '<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/'.$link.'?fs=1&autoplay=1&loop=1" frameborder="0" allowFullScreen=></iframe>'; print "$film"; ?> <form method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data"> <table> <tr> <td> <input type="submit" name="xsubmit" value="Opslaan en Verzenden"> </td> </tr> <input type="hidden" name="status" value="tijdcontrole"> <?php print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"filmdef\" value=\"$filmdef\">"; print "</form>"; } if($status == "tijdcontrole"){ $huidigjaar = date("Y"); $nieuwjaar = $huidigjaar + 1 ; $nieuwjaar2 = $huidigjaar + 2 ; ?> <form method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data"> <table> <tr> <br> <td>Start tijd:</td> <td> Uur: <select name="startuur"> <?php for ($i=0; $i<=23; $i++) { echo "<option value='$i'>$i</option>"; } ?> </select> Minuten: <select name="startminuut"> <?php for ($i=0; $i<=59; $i++) { echo "<option value='$i'>$i</option>"; } ?> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Eind tijd:</td> <td> Uur: <select name="einduur"> <?php for ($i=0; $i<=23; $i++) { echo "<option value='$i'>$i</option>"; } ?> </select> Minuten: <select name="eindminuut"> <?php for ($i=0; $i<=59; $i++) { echo "<option value='$i'>$i</option>"; } ?> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <?php echo "<b>Deze tijden zijn voor de volgende dagen:</b>"; ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <tr> <td>Start datum:</td> <td> Maand: <select name="startmaand" > <option value="1">Januari</option> <option value="2">Februari</option> <option value="3">Maart</option> <option value="4">April</option> <option value="5">Mei</option> <option value="6">Juni</option> <option value="7">Juli</option> <option value="8">Augustus</option> <option value="9">September</option> <option value="10">Oktober</option> <option value="11">November</option> <option value="12">December</option> </select> Dag: <select name="startdag"> <?php for ($i=1; $i<=31; $i++) { echo "<option value='$i'>$i</option>"; } ?> </select> Jaar: <select name="startjaar"> <?php echo "<option value='$huidigjaar'>$huidigjaar</option>"; echo "<option value='$nieuwjaar'>$nieuwjaar</option>"; echo "<option value='$nieuwjaar2'>$nieuwjaar2</option>"; ?> </select> </td> </tr> <td>Eind datum:</td> <td> Maand: <select name="eindmaand"> <option value="1">Januari</option> <option value="2">Februari</option> <option value="3">Maart</option> <option value="4">April</option> <option value="5">Mei</option> <option value="6">Juni</option> <option value="7">Juli</option> <option value="8">Augustus</option> <option value="9">September</option> <option value="10">Oktober</option> <option value="11">November</option> <option value="12">December</option> </select> Dag: <select name="einddag"> <?php for ($i=1; $i<=31; $i++) { echo "<option value='$i'>$i</option>"; } ?> </select> Jaar: <select name="eindjaar"> <?php echo "<option value='$huidigjaar'>$huidigjaar</option>"; echo "<option value='$nieuwjaar'>$nieuwjaar</option>"; echo "<option value='$nieuwjaar2'>$nieuwjaar2</option>"; ?> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <input type="submit" value="Opslaan en Verzenden"> </td> </tr> <input type="hidden" name="status" value="done"> <?php print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"filmdef\" value=\"$filmdef\">"; ?> </form> </table> <?php } if($status == "done"){ ?> <h2> Uw YOUTUBE opdracht wordt opgeslagen </h2> <br /> <b> Uw afspeeltijden Betreffen: </b> <br /> <b>Start tijd betreft:</b> UUR:<?php echo $_POST["startuur"]; ?> MINUUT:<?php echo $_POST["startminuut"]; ?> <br> <b>Eind tijd betreft:</b> UUR:<?php echo $_POST["einduur"]; ?> MINUUT:<?php echo $_POST["eindminuut"]; ?> <br> <b>Start datum betreft:</b> DAG:<?php echo "$startdag"; ?> MAAND:<?php echo $_POST["startmaand"]; ?> JAAR:<?php echo $_POST["startjaar"]; ?>. <br> <b>Eind datum betreft:</b> DAG:<?php echo $_POST["einddag"]; ?> MAAND:<?php echo $_POST["eindmaand"]; ?> JAAR:<?php echo $_POST["eindjaar"]; ?>. <br> <b>Complete afspeelcode:</b> <?php echo "$filmdef"; ?> <br> <?php $begindatum = mktime($startuur, $startminuut, 0, $startmaand, $startdag, $startjaar);//($startuur, $startminuut, 0, $startmaand, $startdag, $startjaar); $einddatum = mktime($einduur, $eindminuut, 0, $eindmaand, $einddag, $eindjaar); //($einduur, $eindminuut, 0, $eindmaand, $einddag, $eindjaar); echo "<br />"; echo "TIMESTAMPS<b>(voor administrator gebruik)</b>:<br />"; echo "<b>BEGIN: </b>$begindatum <br />\n"; echo "<b>EIND : </b>$einddatum<br /> <br />\n"; echo "$begindatum <br />"; echo "$einddatum <br />"; mysql_query("INSERT INTO youtube (starttijd,eindtijd,link,type) VALUES ('$begindatum','$einddatum','$filmdef','youtube')") or die("foutje: ".mysql_error()); } And the error should be somewhere in here: print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"filmdef\" value=\"$filmdef\">"; Thanks in advance. Greetings, Dave!
  15. Not even sure if this is possible, I know nothing about programming!! Basically our developer disappeared mid job, never good but hey. Anyway, I've bungled my way through most of the issues that were outstanding with help from others which in a way has been good fun On to the problem, we have a payment page which takes users details such as address etc. When the user clicks "make payment" the page changes to the payment screen where the card data appears in an iFrame (it's a Pay Pal Hosted solution). The issue is the cart progress is reported in our admin section, the line of code I can see is as follows :- $sql = "UPDATE carts SET progress='19' WHERE cartid='".$_SESSION['cartid']."'"; mysql_query($sql); I can see the set progress number is pulled from another file which features code such as :- elseif ( $row['progress'] == '19' ) { echo 'iFrame Payment Page'; This works all well & good. The problem is the iFrame has two stages, the first stage is card data like number & expiry, once this is submitted the iFrame changes to 3D Secure (Mastercard Secure code or Verfied by Visa). What I don't know how to do is get the progress to report this? It seems it is possible as the code is there ready & waiting :- elseif ( $row['progress'] == '15' ) { echo '3Ds iframe Page'; I "just" don't know how to get the sql output? I tried adding :- $sql = "UPDATE carts SET progress='15' WHERE cartid='".$_SESSION['cartid']."'"; mysql_query($sql); Below the iFrame code but of course that just chages the progress status when the iFrame loads NOT when the iFrame changes. I guess I need some way of detecting the iFrame refresh or page change? Any help would be great, or if someone can fix this for some beer money then feel free to contact me. A web design company say they can do it but it would take around 4 hours @ £25 PH, not really worth me spending £100 to get a status changed in an admin system!(especially as this is the back up payment method that rarely gets used, it's just me wanting to fix the "bugs"!!) Thanks for any help
  16. I have made a simple rich text editor project but very good one. I will upload it later and make people to download and use. It is my first open source project. I have already made everything but one thing I cannot do, I mean I don't know how to proceed to do it or begin to do it, is how to preview the source code that the user has typed in the editor? I hope you know what I mean here... Just like any rich text editor, there is a button to preview in HTML codes what the user has written.. If you can, give me a beginning..I will try to manage.. Thank! ----------- Mergeed from double posted thread ------ Well, I have an iframe, I want to know how to preview the text in HTML when user writes in it? You can see an example here, http://freetextbox.com/demos/ Click on HTML at the end of the text editor below...
  17. Hello I have a website that is in an iframe. i want that website (from inside the iframe) to be able to alter/ access variables/cookies in the website that contains that iframe. is that even possible? if so please tell me how.
  18. Hi. I have many iframes on a page. This script dynamically resizes the height of each iframes content. I would like one iframe to not dynamically resize its iframe content height. i have tried adding the id code but it is not working. eg, document.getElementById("iframe").style.height=height+"px" <script type='text/javascript'> $(function(){ var iFrames = $('iframe'); function iResize() { for (var i = 0, j = iFrames.length; i < j; i++) { iFrames[i].style.height = iFrames[i].contentwindow.document.body.offsetHeight + 'px';} } if ($.browser.safari || $.browser.opera) { iFrames.load(function(){ setTimeout(iResize, 0); }); for (var i = 0, j = iFrames.length; i < j; i++) { var iSource = iFrames[i].src; iFrames[i].src = ''; iFrames[i].src = iSource; } } else { iFrames.load(function() { this.style.height = this.contentwindow.document.body.offsetHeight + 'px'; }); } }); </script>
  19. I badly need help... I am making a basic text editor of my own. I have an Iframe where users can type their code in it. Below the Iframe, there is a div which is hidden. This div normally will capture what is written in the IFrame, in other words, every HTML and CSS codes the user will type in the Iframe above, it will take action "onkeyup" in the div below. Now the div below, as it is hidden, it will only be previewed if the user click on a button. As a result, this will pop up in a JQuery dialog box. In short, the div will be pop up through a dialog box of JQuery UI to show the user the result he/she is coding. I know we can do this in textarea, it is just a matter of "value" but I am not getting it with Iframe. I made this: function pcode () { var frame = document.getElementById('code').value; var div = document.getElementById('preview'); divout.innerHTML = frameout; } The above code, is just to grab the value written in the Iframe, then preview it in the div below on onkeyup. Now, the code to preview the div in a JQuery UI dialog box once the user clicks on a button: function preview() { $('#preview').dialog({modal:true, height:600, width:1280, title:"Preview", show:"slow", hide:"fast"}); } $('#previewbutton').click(function() { preview(); }); The problem is nothing is working. If you have not understood the issue, you can ask me some questions, I am myself stressed with this. Everything would be OK if it was a textarea as I did this before with textarea and was fine. In the same line of thought, I have been advised to use IFrame when coding a text editor, because if I do this with a textarea, the user's code can have conflicts with my own CSS codes of the page. I want to know if there a possibility to use textarea alone instead of Iframe, in case there is no solution, but the user CSS and HTML codes must not have conflicts with my own CSS codes. For example, if I have declared a class or ID or made all Heading 1 blue for instance, and if the user is typing Heading 1 tag in a textarea, the CSS codes of mine will apply to the user as well, so I don't want this. Thank!
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