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I’m trying to organize a site and am missing something basic with linking my css.. Right now all the pages are in the root folder. I am using a template that includes a header and footer, only changing the body on each page. The header file contains links to the css and js files. I want to move all my news and events to a sub folder (newsEvents), as I expect a large number of these pages. For example: Folder structure: root/css/main.css root/includes/header.php root/newsEvents.php root/newsEvents/2014-04-29_eventPosting.php Working Page: root/newsEvents.php — loads css and javascript fine Inside of this page is the below line include(includes/header.php); Not working Page: root/newsEvents/2014-04-29_eventPosting.php — Does not load the css or the javascript Inside of this page is the below line include(../includes/header.php); I’m looking at the Debugger in FF, and I’ll see the CSS file listed for each page, but it shows 0 rules on the one not working. On the working page it shows 198 rules. I thought changing the includes path would be enough to load the header, which would included path’s to the css and js files.. But again, I’m missing something basic.. I’m using MAMP for my testing. If that makes a difference.. thank you
i have want to include external geturls.php located in other domain, on select option of omain in same forum single sub,it button how to switch include include('')include('').... <body> <? include('geturl.php'); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> function ismaxlength(obj){ var mlength=obj.getAttribute? parseInt(obj.getAttribute("maxlength")) : "" if (obj.getAttribute && obj.value.length>mlength) obj.value=obj.value.substring(0,mlength) } </script> <?PHP $id = md5(rand(6000,99999999999999991000)); ?> <td style="text-align: right;" colspan="21"> <font size="-1"><span style="font-family: Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;"> <form method=post action="http://order.<?php echo $yourdomain?>/register2.php"> <table id="regtab"> <tr><th>Username<td><input type=text name=username size=30 value="" maxlength="16" onkeyup="return ismaxlength(this)" ><select size="1" name="website_category"> <option>domain</option> <option>domain1</option> <option>domain2</option> <option>domain3</option> <option>domain4</option> <option>domain5</option> <option>domain6</option> </select> <tr><th>Password<td><input type=password name=password size=30 maxlength="8" onkeyup="return ismaxlength(this)" > <tr><th>Email Address<td><input type=text name=email size=30 value="" > <tr><th> <td> <tr><th>Site Category<td> <select size="1" name="website_category"> <option>Personal</option> <option>Business</option> <option>Hobby</option> <option>Forum</option> <option>Adult</option> <option>Dating</option> <option>Software / Download</option> </select> </td> <tr><th><td> <tr><th>Site Language<td> <select size="1" name="website_language"> <option>English</option> <option>Non-English</option> </select> </td> <input type=hidden name=id value="<?PHP echo $id; ?>"> <tr><th>Security Code<td><img src="http://order.<?php echo $yourdomain?>/image.php?id=<?PHP echo $id; ?>" width="200" height="75"> <tr><th> <td> <tr><th>Enter Security Code<td><input type=text name=number size=30> <tr><th> <td> <tr><th colspan=2><input class="tempbut" type=submit value="Register" name="submit" align="left"> </table> </form> </body> </html> below is get url code <? $yourdomain = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $yourdomain = preg_replace('/^www\./' , '' , $yourdomain); $yourdomain = ucfirst($yourdomain); ?>
Thank you for your time. I am not sure where this really belongs the HTML, CSS, Application Design or one of the PHP topics. So I figured I would post here. In my search I have found topics that come close to my question but have not provided a fix for my issue. So I'm asking for help. That and I am a beggining Web Developer. Problem: the php includes I use are not displayed on web pages in subdirectories. If I add ../ to the php include so it is like this: <?php include ("../menu.php"); ?> on the newpage.php only some of the included files are shown on the page in the subdirectory. All links on the file newpage.php now act as though they were written <a href="../menu.php">link</a> and don't work. They are acctually written <a href="menu.php">link</a>. Directory & Files / index.php header.php footer.php menu.php <!-- contains all links for site --> style.css subdir/ newpage.php newpage.php include code <div id="links"> <?php include ("menu.php"); ?> </div> Question? How do I fix it so that the menu.php and other included files are shown on the subdir pages? How do I make the links properly reflect the location. Since absolute or relative pathing appears to muck it up. FYI: I do not have CLI access to the server. Only ftp access. Thanks again for any help you may provide.
Hi all, I have been perplexed for two days now, so I hope someone can shed some light on what I am doing wrong. The text says to: Then place header.html,footer.html, and style.css into the includes directory. I made an includes (new folder) directory in the webdocs folder that my school provides for the course. I ftped header, footer, styles to this location along with the index.php file. I put the header and footer inside the includes folder, as well as outside of the folder. Seems where ever I put it, the only thing that shows up in my browser is my index.php file without the header, footer, and .css files attached. I have restarted the whole project and did it again and I am still stuck. I think I need a new wording for the sentence? "Create an includes directory in the same folder as index.php." Folder structure is my weakness. Thank you for your help in advance!