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  1. I am using this https://github.com/ircmaxell/password_compat I have no problem using it on a local server. But as soon as I test it on a live server, it gives me an error like this. Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '{' in /home/public_html/sub/snippets/password.php on line 19 The error is on the same line as the beginning of the code in that library. Why is this happening?
  2. This is my first oop php library and wanted to get advice on how I can improve what I wrote. This is what I needed to do: I'm also not sure on what it meant by "proportionally resize the shape up or down, given a floating-point scale factor" I think what I did might be right but I could be wrong. Also am I supposed to have a new class for each shape or is there a better solution? Any help is much appreciated. <?PHP echo "Circle (r=5) <br/>"; $circle = new circle(5); $circle->getArea(); $circle->getPerimiter(); $circle->scale(up, .5); echo "Scaled up .5<br/>"; $circle->getArea(); $circle->getPerimiter(); echo "<br/>Right Triangle (a=4, b=5) <br/>"; $rt = new RightTriangle(4, 5); $rt->getArea(); $rt->getPerimiter(); $rt->scale(down, .5); echo "Scaled down .5<br/>"; $rt->getArea(); $rt->getPerimiter(); echo "<br/>Equilateral Triangle <br/>"; $et = new EquilateralTriangle(6); $et->getArea(); $et->getPerimiter(); $et->scale(up, .; echo "Scaled Up .8<br/>"; $et->getArea(); $et->getPerimiter(); echo "<br/>Rectangle<br/>"; $r = new Rectangle(8, 7); $r->getArea(); $r->getPerimiter(); $r->scale(down, .; echo "Scaled Down .8<br/>"; $r->getArea(); $r->getPerimiter(); echo "<br/>Square<br/>"; $s = new Square(25); $s->getArea(); $s->getPerimiter(); $s->scale(up, 2.5); echo "Scaled Up 2.5<br/>"; $s->getArea(); $s->getPerimiter(); echo "<br/>Parallelogram<br/>"; $p = new Parallelogram(5.7, 6.; $p->getArea(); $p->getPerimiter(); $p->scale(up, 1); echo "Scaled Up 1<br/>"; $p->getArea(); $p->getPerimiter(); class Circle { public function __construct( $radius ) { $this->radius = $radius; } public function getArea() { echo number_format(pow($this->radius, 2) * M_PI, 2)."<br/>"; } public function getPerimiter() { echo number_format(2 * M_PI * $this->radius, 2)."<br/>"; } public function scale($direction, $scale) { if($direction == 'up') { $this->radius = $this->radius + ($this->radius * $scale); } else { $this->radius = $this->radius - ($this->radius * $scale); } } } class RightTriangle { public function __construct( $a, $b ) { $this->a = $a; $this->b = $b; } public function getArea() { echo number_format(($this->a*$this->b/2), 2)."<br/>"; } public function getPerimiter() { echo number_format($this->a + $this->b + sqrt(pow($this->a, 2) + pow($this->b, 2)), 2)."<br/>"; } public function scale($direction, $scale) { if($direction == 'up') { $this->a = $this->a + ($this->a * $scale); $this->b = $this->b + ($this->b * $scale); } else { $this->a = $this->a - ($this->a * $scale); $this->b = $this->b + ($this->b * $scale); } } } class EquilateralTriangle { public function __construct( $a ) { $this->a = $a; } public function getArea() { echo number_format((sqrt(3)/4)*pow($this->a,2),2)."<br/>"; } public function getPerimiter() { echo number_format(3 * $this->a, 2)."<br/>"; } public function scale($direction, $scale) { if($direction == 'up') { $this->a = $this->a + ($this->a * $scale); } else { $this->a = $this->a - ($this->a * $scale); } } } class Rectangle { public function __construct( $w, $l ) { $this->w = $w; $this->l = $l; } public function getArea() { echo number_format($this->w * $this->l,2)."<br/>"; } public function getPerimiter() { echo number_format(2 * ($this->w + $this->l), 2)."<br/>"; } public function scale($direction, $scale) { if($direction == 'up') { $this->w = $this->w + ($this->w * $scale); $this->l = $this->l + ($this->l * $scale); } else { $this->w = $this->w - ($this->w * $scale); $this->l = $this->l - ($this->l * $scale); } } } class Square { public function __construct( $a ) { $this->a = $a; } public function getArea() { echo number_format(pow($this->a,2),2)."<br/>"; } public function getPerimiter() { echo number_format(4 * $this->a, 2)."<br/>"; } public function scale($direction, $scale) { if($direction == 'up') { $this->a = $this->a + ($this->a * $scale); } else { $this->a = $this->a - ($this->a * $scale); } } } class Parallelogram { public function __construct( $a, $b ) { $this->a = $a; $this->b = $b; $this->h = $a/$b; } public function getArea() { echo number_format($this->b * $this->h,2)."<br/>"; } public function getPerimiter() { echo number_format(2 * ($this->a + $this->b), 2)."<br/>"; } public function scale($direction, $scale) { if($direction == 'up') { $this->a = $this->a + ($this->a * $scale); $this->b = $this->b + ($this->b * $scale); } else { $this->a = $this->a - ($this->a * $scale); $this->b = $this->b - ($this->b * $scale); } } } ?>
  3. Hey guys! I'm new with this topic. Which is the better CUnit Test library for PHP? (like PHPUnit) And, what are the better skills of this libraryes to be most important?
  4. Well, I have an image ans I want to write a text on it. The issue is, it is saying, image cannot be displayed because it contains errors. Refer to the screenshot below as attachment. Here the codes: <img src="images/img.jpg" width="500" height="300"> <?php header ("Content-type: image/jpeg"); $string = "This is my text"; $font = 4; $width = imagefontwidth($font) * strlen($string) ; $height = imagefontheight($font) ; $im = imagecreatefromjpeg("images/img.jpg"); $x = imagesx($im) - $width ; $y = imagesy($im) - $height; $backgroundColor = imagecolorallocate ($im, 255, 255, 255); $textColor = imagecolorallocate ($im, 0, 0,0); imagestring ($im, $font, $x, $y, $string, $textColor); imagejpeg($im); ?>
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