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  1. Hello I am receiving a huge amount of spam emails, now I am trying to implement Google Recaptcha V3 in my custom PHP From, I implemented all the steps for G-Recaptcha, but I receive error invalid-input-secret And I am sure that the secret code shout be copied right I added the below to the head tag <script src="https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js?render=6LfyPF0pAAAAAHLxp3315RTN7jrRvBe6kLdHGAiT"></script> <script> grecaptcha.ready(function() { grecaptcha.execute('6LfyPF0pAAAAAHLxp3315RTN7jrRvBe6kLdHGAiT', {action: 'submit'}).then(function(token) { let recaptchaResponse = document.getElementById("recaptchaResponse"); console.log(recaptchaResponse); recaptchaResponse.value = token; }); }); </script> Then added hidden input before the submit button in the Form <input type="hidden" name="recaptcha_response" id="recaptchaResponse"> <input class="contactInput no-border cursorPointer buttonStyle" name="submitContact" value="Submit" type="submit"> And finally, I implemented the PHP code if(isset($_POST['submitContact']) && $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST'){ $recaptcha_url = 'https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify'; $recaptcha_secret = '6LfyPF0pAAAAAEsS5lfN_WL3wKHh1XfGo0oE_PYU'; $recaptcha_response = $_POST['recaptcha_response']; $recaptcha = file_get_contents($recaptcha_url."?secret=".$recaptcha_secret."?response=".$recaptcha_response); $recaptcha = json_decode($recaptcha); if($recaptcha->success ==true){ if($recaptcha->score >= 0.5){ echo "Recaptcha Success"; }else{ echo"<pre>"; print_r("Recaptcha Not Verified"); echo"</pre>"; } }else{ echo"<pre>"; print_r($recaptcha); echo"</pre>"; } } But receiving the below error stdClass Object ( [success] => [error-codes] => Array ( [0] => invalid-input-secret ) )
  2. Hey (again :).. This is the code I'm working on but can't figure out to the heck of me how to remove these duplicate "words"/strings... A small sample of the output is added to the upload so you can see what I mean.. HELP! ps: a few comments have been left there for testing. $stmt = $pdo->prepare("select DISTINCT terms from links WHERE terms LIKE ? GROUP BY terms"); $stmt->execute(array("$alpha%")); // fetching rows into array $data = $stmt->fetchAll(); //echo gettype($data); foreach($data as $result_tag) { $one = implode(', ',$result_tag) . ""; $two = strtok($one, ',')."<br>"; //echo gettype($two); //echo strtolower($two); $three = strtolower($two); //print_r($three); $string = implode(" ", array_unique(explode(" ", $three))); //echo gettype($string); echo $string; } exit();
  3. I have a DataTables table and I have managed to get everything working fine. Within each row i have an action button with either accepts, approves or deletes the row. Like i say everything is working but after the respective button has been clicked I have to load the entire page again to get the table to refresh and it just doesnt look right. Anyway her is the code initial code to load the results into the table $(document).ready(function(){ $("#requests-container").html("<div class=\'col-sm-12 py-5\'><center><i class=\'fas fa-spinner fa-3x fa-spin mb-3 text-muted\'></i><br /></center></div>"); $("#requests-container").load("'.DIR.'admin/dashboard/requests", function(){ $("#project-requests").DataTable({ "order": [[0, "desc"]], "responsive": true, "lengthChange": true, "autoWidth": false, "pageLength": 25, "aLengthMenu": [ [10, 25, 50, -1], [10, 25, 50, "All"] ], "buttons": ["copy","pdf", "print", "colvis"] }).buttons().container().appendTo(\'#project-requests_wrapper .col-md-6:eq(0)\'); $("#project-requests_wrapper").children(":first").addClass("p-2"); $("#project-requests_wrapper").children(":first").next().next().addClass("p-2"); }); }); Then I have this once the link has been clicked $(document).on("click", ".action-requests", function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var Toast = Swal.mixin({ toast: true, position: \'top-end\', showConfirmButton: false, timer: 5000 }); var pageLink = $(this).attr("href"); var requestId = $(this).attr("data-id"); $.post("admin/dashboard/queries/" + pageLink, { id: requestId }, function(data, status){ if(status === "success") { if(pageLink == "approverequest") { Toast.fire({icon: "success",title: data}); $("#requests-container").html("<div class=\'col-sm-12 py-5\'><center><i class=\'fas fa-spinner fa-3x fa-spin mb-3 text-muted\'></i><br /></center></div>"); $("#requests-container").load("'.DIR.'admin/dashboard/requests", function(){ $("#project-requests").DataTable({ "order": [[0, "desc"]], "responsive": true, "lengthChange": true, "autoWidth": false, "pageLength": 25, "aLengthMenu": [ [10, 25, 50, -1], [10, 25, 50, "All"] ], "buttons": ["copy","pdf", "print", "colvis"] }).buttons().container().appendTo(\'#project-requests_wrapper .col-md-6:eq(0)\'); $("#project-requests_wrapper").children(":first").addClass("p-2"); $("#project-requests_wrapper").children(":first").next().next().addClass("p-2"); }); } else { Toast.fire({icon: "success",title: data}); $("#requests-container").html("<div class=\'col-sm-12 py-5\'><center><i class=\'fas fa-spinner fa-3x fa-spin mb-3 text-muted\'></i><br /></center></div>"); $("#requests-container").load("'.DIR.'admin/dashboard/requests", function(){ $("#project-requests").DataTable({ "order": [[0, "desc"]], "responsive": true, "lengthChange": true, "autoWidth": false, "pageLength": 25, "aLengthMenu": [ [10, 25, 50, -1], [10, 25, 50, "All"] ], "buttons": ["copy","pdf", "print", "colvis"] }).buttons().container().appendTo(\'#project-requests_wrapper .col-md-6:eq(0)\'); $("#project-requests_wrapper").children(":first").addClass("p-2"); $("#project-requests_wrapper").children(":first").next().next().addClass("p-2"); }); } } }); }); Like i said its a bit long winded for such a simple action but if its not like this DataTables wont load after the submission I was just wondering if anyone has a simpler idea to shorten the coding Thanks
  4. Hello, I am trying to unset from array using array_search, it's working, except the first array value "a+" is not working $bloodType_list = ['a+','a-','b+','b-','o+','o-','ab+','ab-']; if($key = array_search('a+',$bloodType_list)){ unset($bloodType_list[$key]); } foreach($bloodType_list as $bloodType_lists){ echo $bloodType_lists."<br>"; }
  5. Hello all. please what could be the reason i am not getting the desired result when i do a JOIN. This query gives the desired result //calculate profit $stmt = $pdo->query(" SELECT SUM(total_cost) AS total_cost, SUM(total_sales) AS total_sales FROM tbl_sales WHERE customer_id = 489639 AND status = 0 "); $row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $total_sales = $row['total_sales']; $total_cost = $row['total_cost']; $profit = $total_sales - $total_cost; //calculate balance $stmt = $pdo->query(" SELECT SUM(amt_paid) AS amt_paid FROM tbl_sales_total WHERE customer_id = 489639 AND status = 0 "); $row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $amt_paid = $row['amt_paid']; $balance = $total_sales - $amt_paid; echo "<strong>Total Profit Realised From Customer: ₦".$profit."</strong>"; echo "<br><strong>Total Unpaid Balance: ₦".$unpaid_bal."</strong>"; But when i do a join it gives a wrong result. $stmt = $pdo->query(" SELECT *, SUM(t2.total_price) AS total_sales, SUM(t3.amt_paid) AS amt_paid FROM customers t1 LEFT JOIN tbl_sales t2 ON t1.customer_id = t2.customer_id LEFT JOIN tbl_sales_total t3 ON t1.customer_id = t3.customer_id WHERE t1.customer_id = 489639 AND t3.status = 0 "); WHILE($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)){ echo '<tr> <td>'.$row["customer_name"].'</td> <td>'.$row["total_sales"].'</td> <td>'.$row["amt_paid"].'</td> </td> </tr>'; } Please what did i do wrong and how do i get the desired result. Thanks
  6. Hello, photos do not appear in the following cases 1- inserting photo inside <picture> tag (In Server Side Only), Working normally in local 2- Not Working when site domain only www.mysite.com ,, Working when site domain = www.mysite.com/index.php <picture class="hover1 runHover2"> <img src="assets/img/central-business-district-singapore.jpg"> </picture> Note: -The path is right, and when opening inspect to check the photo, I find it - Tried to change the path to /assets/img/central-business-district-singapore.jpg or www.mysite.com/assets/img/central-business-district-singapore.jpg , but not solved
  7. I am trying to identify the style.css through the config file then bring into the project using the include command. I can get the project to tell me which css style is listed but it is not actually linking the css. Is this possible or am i wasting my time. I want to do it this way so that I can change the style.css if required and it pick up the new details without the need to clear cache to implement changes. ####### CONFIG.PHP <?php //EXTRA PARAMETERS $sitename = "DEMO SITE"; $timezone = "Australia/Brisbane"; //Set for head office location $stylecss = "../include/style.css"; $loginurl = ""; // default landing page for login $logoimg = ""; $logoimg_params = "height='50px', width='100px'"; ?> ####### INDEX.PHP <?php session_start(); include('include/config.php'); include('include/edb.php'); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title><?php echo $sitename?></title> <link href="<?php echo $stylecss?>" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> </head>
  8. Hello guys. I really don't know what to use as a topic and my question might no be clear enough cos I might lack adequate words to put it together but I will try by using examples anyhow. My question is Like during joomla or WordPress installation, the processes one has to undergo e.g filling the company/application name, database name, admin username and password, color scheme etc. In like manner, one has a web app hosted. How to enable different user create their own account and setup their database etc For example I have a web app hosted at https://myapp.com A user can setup their shop on my app https://myapp.com/shop1 or shop1.myapp.com Hope I tried to make it clear enough Thanks
  9. hello all. i dont know if to post this here or javascript/ajax section. if its not the right place, please let me know so i can ask in the right place. i am trying out saving to db via modal form. i learned the basics of using ajax to save data with the modal. so far, i can perform a CRUD via modal but the problem i am having is displaying duplicate entry error inside the modal. I have tried so many ways and the closest i come is displaying error only if a field is duplicate cos i use same trigger as my validation error notice. I'd be glad if i am shown the way to get it to display the error or a better way of getting it done. PS: I want the errors displayed inside the modal. I want the database query error to display where the success message is displayed (i.e on the modalMessage div) Thanks My Modal <div class="modal fade" id="armsModal" data-bs-backdrop="static" tabindex="-1" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="modal-dialog modal-dialog-centered" role="document"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header modal-bg"> <h5 class="modal-title w-100 text-center mb-3" id="exampleModalLabel4">Add School Arms</h5> <button type="button" class="btn-close" data-bs-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"></button> </div> <form id="submitForm" class="myForm"> <div class="modal-body"> <div id="modalMessage"></div> <div class="mb-3"> <label for="armsname" class="form-label">Arms FullName:</label> <input type="text" class="form-control" id="arms_long_name" name="arms_long_name" autocomplete="off" value="<?php if(isset($_POST['arms_long_name'])){ echo $_POST['arms_long_name']; } ?>"> <span id="longNameError" class="text-danger"></span> </div> <div class="mb-3"> <label for="armsshort" class="form-label">Arms ShortName:</label> <input type="text" class="form-control" id="arms_short_name" name="arms_short_name" autocomplete="off" value="<?php if(isset($_POST['arms_short_name'])){ echo $_POST['arms_short_name']; } ?>"> <span id="shortNameError" class="text-danger"></span> </div> </div> <div class="modal-footer modal-bg"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-outline-light btn-sm" data-bs-dismiss="modal"> Close </button> <button type="submit" class="btn btn-dark btn-sm">Submit</button> </div> </form> </div> </div> </div> My script <script> //Modal $('#submitForm').submit(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); $("#armsModal").on("hidden.bs.modal", function() { $('#longNameError').text(''); $('#shortNameError').text(''); $("#submitForm")[0].reset(); }); $('#armsModal').on('hidden.bs.modal', function () { // Clear form fields $('#submitForm')[0].reset(); // Clear error messages $('.invalid-feedback').text(''); }); // Get form data var formData = { 'arms_long_name': $('#arms_long_name').val(), 'arms_short_name': $('#arms_short_name').val() }; // AJAX request $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: 'school-arms-action.php', data: formData, dataType: 'json', encode: true }) .done(function(data) { if (!data.success) { if (data.errors.arms_long_name) { $('#longNameError').text(data.errors.arms_long_name); } if (data.errors.arms_short_name) { $('#shortNameError').text(data.errors.arms_short_name); } }else{ modalMessage.innerHTML = '<div class="alert alert-success text-center text-black">ARMS SAVE SUCCESSFUL!</div>'; setTimeout(function() { window.location.href = 'school-arms'; }, 2000); // 2 seconds delay } }); }); </script> My school-arms-action.php $response = array('success' => false, 'errors' => array()); if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'POST') { $arms_long_name = ucwords($_POST['arms_long_name']); $arms_short_name = strtoupper($_POST['arms_short_name']); $arms_id = mt_rand(100, 999); // Validation if (empty($arms_long_name)) { $response['errors']['arms_long_name'] = 'Arms LongName is Required.'; } if (empty($arms_short_name)) { $response['errors']['arms_short_name'] = 'Arms ShortName is Required.'; } // If no errors, proceed to submission if (empty($response['errors'])) { try { $pdo = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=db_name", "username", "password"); $pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); $table=$pdo->query("ALTER TABLE tbl_school_arms AUTO_INCREMENT = 1"); $table->execute(); $stmt = $pdo->prepare(" SELECT * FROM tbl_school_arms WHERE arms_name_long = :arms_name_long OR arms_name_short = :arms_name_short "); $stmt->bindParam(':arms_name_long', $arms_long_name, PDO::PARAM_STR); $stmt->bindParam(':arms_name_short', $arms_short_name, PDO::PARAM_STR); $stmt->execute(); $existingEntry = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if ($existingEntry) { //This is what i used but not the right thing i want $response['errors']['arms_long_name'] = 'Duplicate Entry'; } else { // Perform database operations using PDO $stmt = $pdo->prepare(" INSERT INTO tbl_school_arms (arms_id, arms_name_long, arms_name_short) VALUES (:arms_id, :arms_name_long, :arms_name_short)"); $stmt->bindParam(":arms_id", $arms_id); $stmt->bindParam(":arms_name_long", $arms_long_name); $stmt->bindParam(":arms_name_short", $arms_short_name); $stmt->execute(); if($stmt->rowCount()){ $response['success'] = true; } } } catch (PDOException $e) { echo "Error: " . $e->getMessage(); } } } echo json_encode($response);
  10. I know it's a piece of cake to use an anchor tag with the target attribute to open a new window for the href referenced. I want to do that using an input/submit tag instead of the anchor but can't remember/figure it out. Am I forgetting something or can it not be done. And if not, how would you accomplish this task?
  11. Hello all, In a column in my table is store an array 58100, 47270, 95437, 52652 which represents in table1 class_id, class_name 58100 JSS 47270 PRY 95437 SSS in table2 subjects, subj_levels English 58100, 47270, 95437 Maths 58100, 47270 Physics 47270, 95437 I have two problems Problem One when i do a select with join, instead of getting JSS, PRY, SSS as result, i am getting only JSS and the other values not showing up. $stmt=$pdo->query(" SELECT t1.subj_name, t1.subj_levels, t2.class_id FROM tbl_school_subjects t1 LEFT JOIN tbl_classes t2 ON t1.subj_levels = t2.class_id "); WHILE($row=$stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)){ echo '<tr> <td>'.$row['subj_name'].'</td> <td>'.$row['class_name_small'].'</td> <td>'; } Problem Two when i do a select find_in_set, i get no result. $ids = $_GET['id']; $stmt = $pdo->query(" SELECT * FROM tbl_school_subjects WHERE FIND_IN_SET($ids, subj_levels) > 0 "); what could be the problem? Thanks
  12. I am using osclass Osclass v8.0.2 free classified. I am trying to implement load more i.e infinite scroll facility on homepage page. When user scrolls, listings should be loaded automatically to give users pleasant and engaging experiences. Below is my code: Got from plugin. That I want to directly insert in osclass script. For the learning purpose. I am trying it on my localhost. Please help to achieve this, any help is highly appreciated. Thanks. <?php $content_block = htmlspecialchars_decode(inf_param('#main')); $listings_parent_block = htmlspecialchars_decode(inf_param('#listing-card-list')); $pagination_block = htmlspecialchars_decode(inf_param('.paginate')); $pagination_next = htmlspecialchars_decode(inf_param('a.searchPaginationNext')); $loaded_listings_count = htmlspecialchars_decode(inf_param('loaded_listings_count')); $report_errors = htmlspecialchars_decode(inf_param('report_errors')); ?> <style> <?php echo $pagination_block; ?> {display:none!important;} .inf-loader {display:none;width:100%;padding:25px 5px;margin:20px 0;background:#eee;border-radius:6px;color:#777;font-size:16px;text-align:center;line-height:20px;} .inf-loader > div {display:inline-block;width:auto;position:relative;padding-left:44px;} .inf-loader img {position:absolute;display:inline-block;top:-6px;left:0;width:32px;height:32px;max-height:32px;max-width:32px;} .inf-loader span {display:inline-block;font-weight:bold;line-height:20px;font-size:14px;} <?php echo $content_block; ?>.loading .inf-loader {display:inline-block;} </style> <script async type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { var currentPag = 1; var isLoading = false; var pagUrl = ''; var newUrl = ''; var oldUrl = ''; // ADD LOADING BLOCK ABOVE PAGINATION var loadingBlock = '<div class="inf-loader"><div><img src="<?php echo osc_base_url(); ?>oc-content/plugins/infinite/img/loader.gif"/><span><?php echo osc_esc_js(__('Loading items...', 'infinite')); ?></span></div></div>'; $(window).scroll(function(e) { var scroll = $(window).scrollTop(); var threshold = $('<?php echo $content_block; ?>').position().top + $('<?php echo $content_block; ?>').innerHeight() - 100; var position = $(window).scrollTop() + $(window).innerHeight(); if($('<?php echo $pagination_next; ?>').length) { pagUrl = $('<?php echo $pagination_next; ?>').attr('href'); } else { pagUrl = ''; } //console.log(oldUrl + '--->' + pagUrl ); // loading block add above pagination now if(!$('<?php echo $content_block; ?>').find('.inf-loader').length) { $(loadingBlock).insertBefore($('<?php echo $pagination_block; ?>')); } if(!$('<?php echo $content_block; ?>').length || !$('<?php echo $listings_parent_block; ?>').length || !$('<?php echo $pagination_block; ?>').length || !$('<?php echo $pagination_next; ?>').length) { infCheckBlocks(); } else if(position > threshold && isLoading == false && pagUrl != oldUrl && pagUrl != '' && pagUrl != '#') { isLoading = true; $('<?php echo $content_block; ?>').addClass('loading'); $.ajax({ url: pagUrl, type: "GET", success: function(response){ var length = response.length; var data = $(response).contents().find('<?php echo $listings_parent_block ; ?>').html(); var pagBlock = $(response).contents().find('<?php echo $pagination_block; ?>'); var currItemCount = $(response).contents().find('<?php echo $loaded_listings_count; ?>').text(); oldUrl = pagUrl; $('<?php echo $pagination_block; ?>').html(pagBlock); $('<?php echo $listings_parent_block; ?>').append(data); if($('<?php echo $loaded_listings_count; ?>').length) { $('<?php echo $loaded_listings_count; ?>').text(currItemCount); } // lazy load if exists if(typeof $.fn.Lazy !== 'undefined') { $('<?php echo $listings_parent_block; ?>').find('img.lazy').Lazy({ appendScroll: window, scrollDirection: 'both', effect: 'fadeIn', effectTime: 300, afterLoad: function(element) { setTimeout(function() { element.css('transition', '0.2s'); }, 300); } }); } isLoading = false; currentPag = currentPag + 1; $('<?php echo $content_block; ?>').removeClass('loading'); }, error: function(response){ hasPag = false; $('<?php echo $content_block; ?>').removeClass('loading'); response = response.responseText; console.log(response); console.log(data); } }); } }); }); function infCheckBlocks() { <?php if($report_errors == 1) { ?> console.log('<?php echo osc_esc_js(__('Infinite scroll failed to load next items, check message bellow!', 'infinite')); ?>'); if(!$('<?php echo $content_block; ?>').length) { console.log('<?php echo osc_esc_js(sprintf(__('Content block does not exists, make sure selector is correct. Current selector: %s', 'infinite'), $content_block)); ?>'); } if(!$('<?php echo $listings_parent_block; ?>').length) { console.log('<?php echo osc_esc_js(sprintf(__('Listing parent block does not exists, make sure selector is correct. Current selector: %s', 'infinite'), $content_block)); ?>'); } if(!$('<?php echo $pagination_block; ?>').length) { console.log('<?php echo osc_esc_js(sprintf(__('Pagination block does not exists, maybe there are no other pages. Make sure selector is correct. Current selector: %s', 'infinite'), $pagination_block)); ?>'); } if(!$('<?php echo $pagination_next; ?>').length) { console.log('<?php echo osc_esc_js(sprintf(__('Pagination next button does not exists, maybe there are no other pages. Make sure selector is correct. Current selector: %s', 'infinite'), $pagination_next)); ?>'); } <?php } ?> } </script>
  13. For decades I have lain awake at night pondering this major conundrum. Why do PDO::FETCH_BOTH and mysqli->fetch_array() exist? Surely one either wants an associative array or, occasionally, a numerically indexed array? Further, given their uselessness, why the hell are they the default? Can anyone enlighten me as to their raison d'être?
  14. Hello all. I have worked my head out but i cant seem to figure out why i am getting error/entering empty stings. I have tried different things but none seems to work as expected. i know the problem is from the array field validation but cant seem to figure out how to get it done. If i submit without entering any field, the error works fine. But if i fill only one field, it gives error and saves empty strings. Thanks if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { $test_score = $_POST['test_score'][0]; $exam_score = $_POST['exam_score'][0]; if(empty($test_score)) { $error['test_score'] = "Test Score Field is Required"; }if(empty($exam_score)) { $error['exam_score'] = "Exam Score Field is Required"; } if(empty($error)) { foreach ($_POST['subject'] as $key => $value) { $sql = "INSERT INTO $table_name( subject, test_score, exam_score ) VALUES( :subject, :test_score, :exam_score )"; $stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute([ 'subject' => $value, 'test_score' => $_POST['test_score'][$key], 'exam_score' => $_POST['exam_score'][$key] ]); } if($stmt->rowCount()){ echo '<div class="alert alert-success text-center">Data Saved</div>'; }else{ echo '<div class="alert alert-danger text-center">Data Not Saved</div>'; } }else{ echo '<br><div class="alert alert-danger text-center">Fields Empty!</div>'; } } //my form <table class="table table-borderless"> <thead> <tr> <th>SN</th> <th>Subject</th> <th>Continuous Assesment Score</th> <th>Examination Score</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <div> <form action="" method="post"> <?php $i = 1; $stmt=$pdo->query(" SELECT subjects FROM tbl_subjects_secondary "); WHILE($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)){ ?> <tr> <th><?php echo $i++ ?></th> <td><input type="text" name="subject[]" class="form-control border-0" readonly value="<?php if(isset($row['subject_name'])) { echo $row['subject_name']; } ?>"></td> <td><input type="number" name="test_score[]" class="form-control"><span style="color: red; font-size: .8em;"><?php if(isset($error['test_score'])){ echo $error['test_score'];} ?></span></td> <td><input type="number" name="exam_score[]" class="form-control"><span style="color: red; font-size: .8em;"><?php if(isset($error['exam_score'])){ echo $error['exam_score'];} ?></span></td> </tr> <?php } ?> <tr> <td></td><td></td> <td colspan="2"><button type="submit" name="save" class="btn btn-primary w-50">Save</button></td> </tr> </form> </div> </tbody> </table>
  15. Hi all I am trying to create something like 2023-2024 in a loop so that each year it generate the session for me. I don't want to manually add it. What I did did not work (though I know it won't work but just did it anyway) $cur_yr = date('Y'); $nxt_yr = date('Y', strtotime('+1 year,); $cur_session = $cur_yr."-".$nxt_yr; $strt_session = "2020-2021"; for($i = $strt_session; $i<= $cur_session; $i++){ echo $i; } Mine won't work. But how can I get it done. Thanks in anticipation
  16. I tried to use FIND_IN_SET() with prepared statement, but did work, do not return any result, or even errors if(escape($_POST['jobCategory']) != "all-categories" && escape($_POST['countryId']) == "all-countries" && escape($_POST['careerLevel']) == "all-career-levels"): $the_array = [77,181]; $job_id_imploded = implode(',',$the_array); $query = mysqli_prepare($dbConnection,"SELECT jobs.id, jobs.job_title, jobs.country_id, employers.employer_name FROM jobs LEFT JOIN employers ON jobs.employer_id = employers.employer_id WHERE job_status = ? AND FIND_IN_SET('id',?)"); mysqli_stmt_bind_param($query,'si',$job_status,$job_id_imploded); endif; mysqli_stmt_execute($query); mysqli_stmt_bind_result($query,$job_id,$job_title,$countryId,$employer_name); while(mysqli_stmt_fetch($query)){ ?> <div class="job-title"> <a href="job_post.php?job_id=<?php echo htmlspecialchars($job_id) ?>" class="job-title-link"><?php echo htmlspecialchars($job_title); ?></a> </div> <?php } // End While ?>
  17. Hello I need to find a way to close loop outside if condition like below example if(escape($_POST['jobCategory']) != "all-categories" && escape($_POST['countryId']) == "all-countries"): $query = mysqli_query($dbConnection,"SELECT jobs.id, jobs.job_title, jobs.salary, jobs.employer_id, employers.employer_name, employers.employer_logo FROM jobs LEFT JOIN employers ON jobs.employer_id = employers.employer_id WHERE job_status = '".mysqli_real_escape_string($dbConnection,'Active')."' AND id IN (".mysqli_real_escape_string($dbConnection,$job_id_imploded).") "); while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query)){ // Start Loop $job_id = $row['id']; $job_title = $row['job_title']; endif; <div class="job-title"> <a href="job_post.php?job_id=<?php echo htmlspecialchars($job_id) ?>" class="job-title-link"><?php echo htmlspecialchars($job_title); ?></a> </div> } // End Of Loop Gives me error HTTP ERROR 500
  18. I need to output the exact below array format from the mysqli_fetch_assoc rows The Array "Need to achieve like this" ["172"=>["4","6"],"174"=>["4","6"],"175"=>["4","3","6"],"176"=>["4","3"],"177"=>["4","6"],"181"=>["3","6"],"182"=>["7"],"183"=>["3","4"],"184"=>["4","3","6"],"185"=>["3","6"],"186"=>["8","6"],"188"=>["3","6"],"189"=>["3","6"],"190"=>["6"],"191"=>["3","6","4","7"]]; It's var_dump "Need to achieve like this" array(15) { [172]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(1) "4" [1]=> string(1) "6"} [174]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(1) "4" [1]=> string(1) "6" } [175]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(1) "4" [1]=> string(1) "3" [2]=> string(1) "6" } [176]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(1) "4" [1]=> string(1) "3" } [177]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(1) "4" [1]=> string(1) "6" } [181]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(1) "3" [1]=> string(1) "6" } [182]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(1) "7" } [183]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(1) "3" [1]=> string(1) "4" } [184]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(1) "4" [1]=> string(1) "3" [2]=> string(1) "6" } [185]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(1) "3" [1]=> string(1) "6" } [186]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(1) "8" [1]=> string(1) "6" } [188]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(1) "3" [1]=> string(1) "6" } [189]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(1) "3" [1]=> string(1) "6" } [190]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(1) "6" } [191]=> array(4) { [0]=> string(1) "3" [1]=> string(1) "6" [2]=> string(1) "4" [3]=> string(1) "7" } } My Code $query = mysqli_query($dbConnection,"SELECT id, job_category_id FROM jobs"); while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query)){ $job_id = $row['id']; $job_category_id = htmlspecialchars($row['job_category_id']); $job_category_id = unserialize(base64_decode($job_category_id)); $asscArrays = [$job_id=>$job_category_id]; // Here I am trying to achieve the array template like the I mentioned above } var_dump $asscArrays array(1) { [172]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(1) "4" [1]=> string(1) "6" } } array(1) { [174]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(1) "4" [1]=> string(1) "6" } } array(1) { [175]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(1) "4" [1]=> string(1) "3" [2]=> string(1) "6" } } array(1) { [176]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(1) "4" [1]=> string(1) "3" } } array(1) { [177]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(1) "4" [1]=> string(1) "6" } } array(1) { [181]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(1) "3" [1]=> string(1) "6" } } array(1) { [182]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(1) "7" } }
  19. I have no experience of doing command-line stuff, so am hoping to find some way of installing Webalizer that uses simple ftp to upload files and some way of calling the program to run. 25 years internet experience and some ability with php/mysql, but I don't understand where the Webalizer files go (in a directory, yes, and with a log file to analyse) but *where* to put them and *how* to call them, I haven't figured out at all (yet). I have heard that the latest stable Webalizer version is 2.23 but (also) don't know where to get this from. Any help appreciated.
  20. Can anyone provide their method of getting the results to show as a table as the results it showing now is an unreadable mess, I'd also like the following css styling as follows: Padding: 20px Border: 1px solid grey th to be in light grey Id be greatfull if someone could put the code into a table as its driving me nuts lol Here is the code for showing the results: $sql = "SELECT animal_type, animal_breed, colour, owner_name, address, telephone, mobile, email, offence, offence_date, offence_location, case_status, case_ref, action_required, action_taken, microchipped, microchip_number, aggressive, dangerous, lost, date_lost, location_lost, stolen, date_stolen, location_stolen, found, date_found, location_found, other_information FROM `animals` WHERE 1"; $result = $conn->query($sql); if ($result->num_rows > 0){ while($row = $result->fetch_assoc() ){ echo $row["animal_type"]." ".$row["animal_breed"]." ".$row["colour"]." ".$row["owner_name"]." ".$row["address"]." ".$row["mobile"]." ".$row["email"]." ".$row["offence"]." ".$row["offence_date"]." ".$row["offence_location"]." ".$row["case_status"]." ".$row["case_ref"]." ".$row["action_required"]." ".$row["action_taken"]." ".$row["microchipped"]." ".$row["microchip_number"]." ".$row["aggressive"]." ".$row["dangerous"]." ".$row["lost"]." ".$row["date_lost"]." ".$row["location_lost"]." ".$row["stolen"]." ".$row["date_stolen"]." ".$row["location_stolen"]." ".$row["found"]." ".$row["date_found"]." ".$row["location_found"]." ".$row["other_information"]."<br>"; } } else { echo "0 records"; }
  21. When I try to display PDF , not working when pdf contains path, just working if the file is in the same index This Works <a href="myfile.pdf" target="_blank">View PDF</a> The below not working .. ERROR The requested URL was not found on this server. <a href="admin/assets/cvs/myfile.pdf" target="_blank">View PDF</a> I am sure that the path is right and I tested with .png extensions. Also I tried to use header function to display PDF with PHP but got also error even if the file in the same directory index Failed to load PDF document. $fileName = "myfile.pdf"; header('Content-type: application/pdf'); header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename="' .urlencode($fileName). '"'); header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary'); header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($fileName)); header('Accept-Ranges: bytes'); @readfile($fileName);
  22. Hello, I am trying to use array in bind statement to avoid entering bind manually Below, I set up the array, then imploded the array to insert , on it // to return 1,2,5 , but I got error Warning: mysqli_stmt::bind_param(): Number of elements in type definition string doesn't match number of bind variables $arr = [1,2,5]; $arr_as_string = implode( ',',$arr); $type = 'iii'; $params = [$type,$arr_as_string]; $tmp = []; foreach($params as $key => $value) $tmp[$key] = &$params[$key]; call_user_func_array([$query, 'bind_param'], $tmp);
  23. Hi, I running a query that groups merge.Description where the StoreId is the same, and replacing the comma with a line break. The problem I'm getting is the string only returns 1023 character's and I need it to return more? Any help would be great Cheers $rows = mysql_query("SELECT REPLACE(GROUP_CONCAT(merge.Description), ',', CHAR(13)) FROM merge GROUP BY merge.StoreId");
  24. Hi there. I have posts, post comments and users tables which are all fine in and of themselves, but I'd like users to have a unique name that's specific only to the post to hide their real username. This applies to the post itself, and the comments of the post and must remain consistent. For example, if Bill made a post with the name "BigFish", if they comment on their own post then their comments will also have that same name. Likewise, if another user comments with the name "BowlingBall", their subsequent comments will also have the same name. Now, my first attempt was to have an intermediate table of sorts, containing the post_id, user_id and display_name. This takes the appearance of a composite primary key, which are not supported in Laravel. Laravel relationships of such nature can be achieved with a package called Compoships, which does work and given the nature of the table, their resulting query being a gigantic mess of the following is reasonable at best. (post_id == ? AND user_id == ?) OR (post_id == ? AND user_id == ?) OR ... However, that can quickly scale and definitely hurts. Another way to tackle it is to retrieve all display names for each post ID, but that's then retrieving unnecessary data. It's also possible to scrap the table, store the names in the posts and post_comments tables. That's as simple as checking if the commenter is the post author and use that name, or checking if they've previously commented and use that name. I'm not sure if that's ideal either. This brings me back here, after a decade of inactivity, and I do apologise for the lengthy post. How would I go about achieving what I want to do in the best way possible? What would you do in this scenario? Thanks in advance, looking forward to y'all suggestions.
  25. Fatal error: Uncaught PHPMailer\PHPMailer\Exception: SMTP Error: Could not authenticate. in C:\xampp\htdocs\myproject\vendor\phpmailer\phpmailer\src\PHPMailer.php:2213 Stack trace: #0 C:\xampp\htdocs\myproject\vendor\phpmailer\phpmailer\src\PHPMailer.php(2020): PHPMailer\PHPMailer\PHPMailer->smtpConnect(Array) #1 C:\xampp\htdocs\myproject\vendor\phpmailer\phpmailer\src\PHPMailer.php(1679): PHPMailer\PHPMailer\PHPMailer->smtpSend('Date: Sun, 30 A...', '\r\n <h2>You h...') #2 C:\xampp\htdocs\myproject\vendor\phpmailer\phpmailer\src\PHPMailer.php(1517): PHPMailer\PHPMailer\PHPMailer->postSend() #3 C:\xampp\htdocs\myproject\code.php(44): PHPMailer\PHPMailer\PHPMailer->send() #4 C:\xampp\htdocs\myproject\code.php(57): sendemail_verify('Harivote User', 'harivoteuser@gm...', 'HariVoteuser0') #5 {main} thrown in C:\xampp\htdocs\myproject\vendor\phpmailer\phpmailer\src\PHPMailer.php on line 2213 <?php session_start(); include "dbcon.php"; //Import PHPMailer classes into the global namespace use PHPMailer\PHPMailer\PHPMailer; use PHPMailer\PHPMailer\SMTP; use PHPMailer\PHPMailer\Exception; //Load Composer's autoloader require 'vendor/autoload.php'; /** * Summary of sendemail_verify * @param mixed $name * @param mixed $email * @param mixed $verify_token * @return void */ function sendemail_verify($name,$email,$verify_token) { $mail = new PHPMailer(true); $mail->isSMTP(); //Send using SMTP $mail->Host = 'smtp.gmail.com'; //Set the SMTP server to send through $mail->SMTPAuth = true; //Enable SMTP authentication $mail->Username = 'harivoteuser@gmail.com'; //SMTP username $mail->Password = 'Sec_ret123'; //SMTP password $mail->SMTPSecure = "PHPMailer::ENCRYPTION_STARTTLS"; //Enable implicit TLS encryption $mail->Port = 587; //TCP port to connect to; use 587 if you have set `SMTPSecure = PHPMailer::ENCRYPTION_STARTTLS` $mail->setFrom("harivoteuser@gmail.com", $name); $mail->addAddress($email); //Add a recipient $mail->isHTML(true); //Set email format to HTML $mail->Subject = 'Email Verification from HariVote'; $email_template = " <h2>You have Registered with Harivote</h2> <h5>Verify your email address to Login with the below given link </h5> <br/><br/> <a href='http://http://localhost/myproject/verify-email.php?token=$verify_token'>Click Me </a> "; $mail->Body = $email_template; $mail->send(); //echo 'Message has been sent'; } if(isset($_POST['register_btn'])) { $name = $_POST['name']; $phone = $_POST['phone']; $email = $_POST['email']; $password = md5(rand()); $verify_token = $_POST['password']; sendemail_verify("$name","$email","$verify_token"); echo 'send or not?'; //Email exists or not $check_email_query = "SELECT email FROM users WHERE email='$email'LIMIT 1"; $check_email_query_run = mysqli_query($con, $check_email_query); if(mysqli_num_rows($check_email_query_run)>0) { $_SESSION['status'] = "Email Id already Exists"; header("Location: register.php"); } else { // Inswer User / Registered User Data $query = "INSERT INTO users (name,phone,email,password,verify_token) VALUES ('$name','$phone','$email','$password','$verify_token',)"; $query_run = mysqli_query($con,$query); if($query_run) { sendemail_verify("$name","$email","$verify_token"); $_SESSION['status'] = "Registration Successful.! Please verify your Email Address."; header("Location: register.php"); } else { $_SESSION['status'] = "Registration Failed"; header("Location: register.php"); } } } ?>
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