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  1. hey basically my code is something like taxi meter but with time i have made functions that calculates money by minute whenever it reaches a minute the money will add by far i made a confirm button which when i click on it i want to send money and time values to data base how ever i had no errors in all my codes but still the values don't want to be sent to my db help me <form id ="data" method ="post" > <h2 id ="done"></h2> <div class="jumbotron jumbotron-single d-flex align-items-center" style="background-image: url(img/billard.jpg)"> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-10 text-center mt-2"> <div class="shadow rounded feature-item align-items-center p-2 mb-2" data-aos="fade-up"> <div class="my-4"> <i class="lnr lnr-cog fs-40"></i> </div> <h4>Post 1 </h4> <div id="timer"> <span id="hours">00:</span> <span id="mins">00:</span> <span id="seconds">00</span> <br><span id="money">0TND</span> </div> <div id="controls"> <button id="start">Start</button> <button id="stop">Stop</button> <button id="reset">Reset</button> <button id="confirm" >confirm</button><br> <button id="tarifA">TarifA</button> <button id="tarifB">TarifB</button> <button id="tarifC">TarifC</button> </div> <p>Post de PS5</p> </div> </form> $('#confirm').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); clearTimeout(timex); $.ajax({ method: "post", url : "collect.php", data: $('#data').serialize(), datatype: "text", success : function (response){ $('#done').html('done'),1000;} })}); <?php if (isset($_POST['money'])) { sleep(4); $servername='localhost'; $username='root'; $password=''; $dbname = "khalil"; $conn=mysqli_connect($servername,$username,$password,"$dbname"); if($conn){print_r("connected ");} $money=$_POST['money']; $hours=$_POST['hours']; $mins=$_POST['mins']; $seconds=$_POST['seconds']; $sql = "INSERT INTO `history` (`prix`,`time1`,`date1`) VALUES (`$money`,`mins`,`wassim`)"; // insert in database $rs = mysqli_query($conn, $sql); if($rs) { $success= "done"; } } ?>
  2. <?php include(dirname( __DIR__ ,1) . "/PDO_db_config.php"); function hexToRgb($hex) { $hex = str_replace('#', '', $hex); $length = strlen($hex); $r = hexdec($length == 6 ? substr($hex, 0, 2) : ($length == 3 ? str_repeat(substr($hex, 0, 1), 2) : 0)); $g = hexdec($length == 6 ? substr($hex, 2, 2) : ($length == 3 ? str_repeat(substr($hex, 1, 1), 2) : 0)); $b = hexdec($length == 6 ? substr($hex, 4, 2) : ($length == 3 ? str_repeat(substr($hex, 2, 1), 2) : 0)); return $r.",".$g.",".$b; } function getcolorname($mycolor) { $colors = array( "black" =>array(0,0,0), "green" =>array(0,255,0), "blue" =>array(0,0,255), "cyan" =>array(0,255,255), "red" =>array(255,0,0), "yellow" =>array(255,255,0), "magenta" =>array(255,0,255), "grey" =>array(128,128,128), "white" =>array(255,255,255) ); $tmpdist = 765; $tmpname = "none"; foreach($colors as $colorname => $colorset) { $r_dist = (pow($mycolor[0],2) - pow($colorset[0],2)); $g_dist = (pow($mycolor[1],2) - pow($colorset[1],2)); $b_dist = (pow($mycolor[2],2) - pow($colorset[2],2)); $totaldist = sqrt($r_dist + $g_dist + $b_dist); if ($totaldist < $tmpdist) { $tmpname = $colorname; $tmpdist = $totaldist; } } return $tmpname; } $sql = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM colors"); $sql->execute(); foreach ($sql as $data) { $RGB = hexToRgb($data['HEX']); $arry = explode(',', $RGB); $DEC = "<".round(($arry[0]/255),3).",".round(($arry[1]/255),3).",".round(($arry[2]/255),3).">"; $color = getcolorname($arry); $sql2 = $pdo->prepare("UPDATE `colors` SET `category` = :CAT, RGB = :RGB, LSL = :DEC WHERE (`color_ID` = :color_ID)"); $sql2->bindValue(':CAT', $color, PDO::PARAM_STR); $sql2->bindValue(':RGB', $RGB, PDO::PARAM_STR); $sql2->bindValue(':DEC', $DEC, PDO::PARAM_STR); $sql2->bindValue(':color_ID', $data['color_ID'], PDO::PARAM_STR); $sql2->execute(); } echo "done"; I have a table of colors and I am trying to add color categories to each Color, but it is not categorizing correctly, any Help please.
  3. I have school fees management system it's work perfect but now I need to add email print on receipt I have email table but I don't know to print too on receipt kindly give me any idea to print ( <?php include 'db_connect.php'; $fees = $conn->query("SELECT ef.*,s.name as sname,s.id_no,concat(c.course,' - ',c.level) as `class` FROM student_ef_list ef inner join student s on s.id = ef.student_id inner join courses c on c.id = ef.course_id where ef.id = {$_GET['ef_id']}"); foreach($fees->fetch_array() as $k => $v){ $$k= $v; } $payments = $conn->query("SELECT * FROM payments where ef_id = $id "); $pay_arr = array(); while($row=$payments->fetch_array()){ $pay_arr[$row['id']] = $row; } ?> <style> .flex{ display: inline-flex; width: 100%; } .w-50{ width: 50%; } .text-center{ text-align:center; } .text-right{ text-align:right; } table.wborder{ width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse; } table.wborder>tbody>tr, table.wborder>tbody>tr>td{ border:1px solid; } p{ margin:unset; } </style> <div class="container-fluid"> <p class="text-center"><b><?php echo $_GET['pid'] == 0 ? "Payments" : 'Payment Receipt' ?></b></p> <hr> <div class="flex"> <div class="w-50"> <p>EF. No: <b><?php echo $ef_no ?></b></p> <p>Student: <b><?php echo ucwords($sname) ?></b></p> <p>Course/Level: <b><?php echo $class ?></b></p> </div> <?php if($_GET['pid'] > 0): ?> <div class="w-50"> <p>Payment Date: <b><?php echo isset($pay_arr[$_GET['pid']]) ? date("M d,Y",strtotime($pay_arr[$_GET['pid']]['date_created'])): '' ?></b></p> <p>Paid Amount: <b><?php echo isset($pay_arr[$_GET['pid']]) ? number_format($pay_arr[$_GET['pid']]['amount'],2): '' ?></b></p> <p>Remarks: <b><?php echo isset($pay_arr[$_GET['pid']]) ? $pay_arr[$_GET['pid']]['remarks']: '' ?></b></p> </div> <?php endif; ?> </div> <hr> <p><b>Payment Summary</b></p> <table class="wborder"> <tr> <td width="50%"> <p><b>Fee Details</b></p> <hr> <table width="100%"> <tr> <td width="50%">Fee Type</td> <td width="50%" class='text-right'>Amount</td> </tr> <?php $cfees = $conn->query("SELECT * FROM fees where course_id = $course_id"); $ftotal = 0; while ($row = $cfees->fetch_assoc()) { $ftotal += $row['amount']; ?> <tr> <td><b><?php echo $row['description'] ?></b></td> <td class='text-right'><b><?php echo number_format($row['amount']) ?></b></td> </tr> <?php } ?> <tr> <th>Total</th> <th class='text-right'><b><?php echo number_format($ftotal) ?></b></th> </tr> </table> </td> <td width="50%"> <p><b>Payment Details</b></p> <table width="100%" class="wborder"> <tr> <td width="50%">Date</td> <td width="50%" class='text-right'>Amount</td> </tr> <?php $ptotal = 0; foreach ($pay_arr as $row) { if($row["id"] <= $_GET['pid'] || $_GET['pid'] == 0){ $ptotal += $row['amount']; ?> <tr> <td><b><?php echo date("Y-m-d",strtotime($row['date_created'])) ?></b></td> <td class='text-right'><b><?php echo number_format($row['amount']) ?></b></td> </tr> <?php } } ?> <tr> <th>Total</th> <th class='text-right'><b><?php echo number_format($ptotal) ?></b></th> </tr> </table> <table width="100%"> <tr> <td>Total Payable Fee</td> <td class='text-right'><b><?php echo number_format($ftotal) ?></b></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Total Paid</td> <td class='text-right'><b><?php echo number_format($ptotal) ?></b></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Balance</td> <td class='text-right'><b><?php echo number_format($ftotal-$ptotal) ?></b></td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </div> ) My WhatsApp number is +923409871374 Pls help me
  4. Hello member's please check my code i set weebhook aleady but bot didnt respond <?php $input= file_get_contents('php://input'); $update= json_decode($input); $message=$update->message; $chat_id=$message->chat->id; $text=$message->text; $token='key'; file_get_contents("https://api.telegram.org/bot$token/sendMessage?chat_id=$chat_id&text=$text"); ?>
  5. I want to allow users on my hosted website to download files. Most of the following code was copied from php.net but when I run it, I'm only getting 495 bytes of a 5.7M file when testing downloads from my webhost. This code exists in a window that is never seen by the user. $l_filename is passed from another window. I'm not seeing any errors. My code follows: <?php error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors', '1'); function usdloader($l_filename=NULL){ if (file_exists($l_filename)) { $file = preg_replace("/\s+/u", " ", $l_filename); header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header('Content-Type: ' . mime_content_type($file)); header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename="'.basename($file).'"'); header('Expires: 0'); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate'); header('Pragma: public'); header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($file)); readfile($file); else die; } } usdloader($_GET["f"]); I thank you for your help.
  6. Hello Guys My code runs fine but value null is inserting if some one dint select any list name . So wot i want if some one did not select any option query did not run $error shows Here is my code please check and figure it out <?php $error=""; include "db.php"; if(isset($_POST['bt'])){ $date=Date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $b=$_POST['name']; $res=$_POST['res']; if(!$_POST["res"]){ } if(!$_POST["name"]){ } // Declare variable if(!$_POST["name"] or ["name"] == '' ) { $error .= "Must select the name.<br />";// If not selected, add string to error message } if(!$_POST["res"] ){ $error .= "Must Enter the Reason.<br />"; // If not Enter, add string to error message } else{ $sq="insert into att(name,date,res)values('$b','$date','$res')"; $sq1=mysqli_query($a,$sq); echo "Ok"; // } } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <title></title> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> </head> <body> <form action="pres.php" method="post" accept-charset="utf-8"> <select name="name" > <option value="" >Choose...</option> <option value="mandeep" >Maneep</option> <option value="sahiba" >Sahiba</option> </select> </select> <input type="text" name="res"> <input type="submit" name="bt" value="Ok"> <br> <?php echo"". $error;?> </form> </body> </html>
  7. Error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected token "else" in C:\Users\brand\OneDrive\Desktop\XAMAPP\htdocs\Water Tower 2000\index.php on line 139 <?php require_once 'connection.php'; session_start (); if(isset ($_SESSION["admin_login"])) { header ("location:admin/admin_home.php"); } if(isset ($_SESSION["parent_login"])) { header ("location:parent/parent_home.php"); } if(isset ($_SESSION["swimmer_login"])) { header ("location:swimmer/swimmer_home.php"); } if (isset ($_REQUEST['btn_login'])) { $email = $_REQUEST ["txt_email"]; $password = $_REQUEST ["txt_password"]; $email = $_REQUEST ["txt_role"]; if(empty($email)){ $errorMsg[]="please enter yout water tower email"; } else if(empty($password)){ $errorMsg[]="please enter yout water tower email"; } else if(empty($role)){ $errorMsg[]="please enter yout water tower email"; } else if($email AND $password AND $role){ try{ $select_stmt=$db->prepare("SELECT email,password,role FROM masterlogin WHERE email=:uemail AND password=:upassword AND role=:urole"); $select_stmt->bindParam(":uemail",$email); $select_stmt->bindParam(":upassword",$password); $select_stmt->bindParam(":uemail",$role); $select_stmt->excute(); while ($row=$select_stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)){ $dbemail =$row["email"]; $dbpassword =$row["password"]; $dbrole =$row["role"]; } if($email!=null AND $password!=null AND $role!=null){ if($select_stmt->rowCount()>0){ if ($email!==$dbemail AND $password==$dbpassword AND $role==$dbrole){ switch($dbrole) { case "admin": $_SESSION ["admin_login"]=$email; $loginMsg="Admin...Your in Water Tower..."; header("refresh:3;admin/admin_home.php"); break; case "parent": $_SESSION["parent_login"]=$email; $loginMsg="Parent...Welcome To Water Tower..."; header("refresh:3;parent/parent_home.php"); break; case "swimmer": $_SESSION ["swimmer_login"]=$email; $loginMsg="Fellow swimmer...Your in Water Tower..."; header("refresh:3;swimmer/swimmer_home.php"); break; default: $errorMsg[]="Sorry but either the email/password/role is wrong"; } } else { $errorMsg="Sorry but either the email/password/role is wrong"; } else { $errorMsg="Sorry but either the email/password/role is wrong"; } } else{ $errorMsg="Sorry but either the email/password/role is wrong"; } } } catch (PDOException $e){ $e->getMassage(); } } else { $errorMsg="Sorry but either the email/password/role is wrong"; } } ?>
  8. i want to embed Bann Script or user deactive or active <?php session_start(); $message=""; ?> <?php include "db.php"; $msg=''; if(isset($_POST['sb'])) { $time=time()-30; $ip_address=getIpAddr(); $name = mysqli_real_escape_string($a, $_POST['eml']); $pass = mysqli_real_escape_string($a, $_POST['pass']); $query=mysqli_query($a,"select count(*) as total_count from loginlogs where TryTime > $time and IpAddress='$ip_address'"); $check_login_row=mysqli_fetch_assoc($query); $total_count=$check_login_row['total_count']; //Checking if the attempt 3, or youcan set the no of attempt her. For now we taking only 3 fail attempted if($total_count==3){ $msg="To many failed login attempts. Please login after 30 sec"; }else{ //Getting Post Values $result=mysqli_query($a,"SELECT * FROM admin WHERE eml='$name' and pass= '$pass'"); $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result); $row=mysqli_num_rows($result); //ban user if($row==1) { $_SESSION['user_name'] =$name; header("location:wel.php?msg=Scuessfull eml"); mysqli_query($a,"delete from loginlogs where IpAddress='$ip_address'"); } else{ $total_count++; $rem_attm=4-$total_count; if($rem_attm==0){ $msg="To many failed login attempts. Please login after 40 sec"; }else{ $msg="<b>Please enter valid login details.<br/>$rem_attm attempts remaining <b>"; } $try_time=time(); mysqli_query($a,"insert into loginlogs(IpAddress,TryTime) values('$ip_address','$try_time')"); } }} if(isset($_SESSION['user_name']) ){ header("location:wel.php?msg=Scuessfull "); ?> <?php } ?> <form class="login-form" action="adminscure.php" method="post" > <div class="message"><?php if($message!="") { echo $message; } ?></div> <body id="LoginForm"> <div class="container"> <div class="main-div"> <div class="panel"> <h2>Admin Login</h2> <p>Please enter your email and passwords</p> </div> <form id="Login"> <div class="form-group"> <input type="name" name="eml" class="form-control" id="eml" placeholder="name"> </div> <div class="form-group"> <input type="password" name="pass" class="form-control" id="pass" placeholder="Password"> </div> <div> <input type="submit" name="sb" class="btn btn-primary"> <div id="result"><?php echo $msg?></div> </div> </form> <?php function getIpAddr(){ if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'])){ $ipAddr=$_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']; }elseif (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])){ $ipAddr=$_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']; }else{ $ipAddr=$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } return $ipAddr; }?>
  9. I have two multidimensional arrays as follows: Array 01 for new prices of items: Array ( [42] => Array ( [0] => 110 [1] => 0.00 ) [41] => Array ( [0] => 80 [1] => 70.00 ) [43] => Array ( [0] => 70 [1] => 60 ) [40] => Array ( [0] => 90 [1] => 80 ) ) 1 Array 02 for old prices of items: Array ( [42] => Array ( [sales_price] => 100.00 [our_price] => 0.00 ) [41] => Array ( [sales_price] => 80.00 [our_price] => 0.00 ) ) 1 Array key of both array are item ids (42,41,43,40). Now I need to compare $new and $old arrays to create update and insert queries. If the values in the new array are different from those in the old one, the table should be updated. If there are more elements in the new array than in the old array, they should be identified for the insert query. So basically I want to divide new array into two parts with comparing old array and considering the terms above. Expecting two arrays should be as follows: Array ( [42] => Array ( [0] => 110 [1] => 0.00 ) [41] => Array ( [0] => 80 [1] => 70.00 ) ) 1 Array ( [43] => Array ( [0] => 70 [1] => 60 ) [40] => Array ( [0] => 90 [1] => 80 ) ) 1 The Code I have so far: foreach ($priceNew as $newIds => $newPrices) { foreach($priceOld as $oldIds => $oldPrices) { } }
  10. I'm trying to convert existing website php code to use config.php on my local server but keep getting the following http 500 error before anything shows on the screen: "This page isn’t working foxtest is currently unable to handle this request." My config directory is within my project directory until I get this working. Here's the contents of config.php: <?php $app_root = DIRNAME(__DIR__); $php_path = $app_root.'config/'; include_once $php_path.'PDO_Connection_Select.php'; include_once $php_path.'GetUserIpAddr.php'; Here's my index.php <?php require_once('config/config.php'); $ip = $php_path.'GetUserIpAddr()'; if (!$pdo = $php_path.'PDOConnect("foxclone_data")') { exit; } $stmt = $pdo->prepare("INSERT INTO access (address) values (?)"); $stmt->execute([$ip]) ; require_once("header.php"); ?> <header class="header"> <div class="header-content"> <div class="text-container"> <div class="header__top" style="text-align:center;">FoxClone</div> <p class="p-small">FoxClone is a image backup, restore, and clone tool for Windows and Linux systems, using a simple point-and-click interface. Being Linux-based, it boots to its own system exclusive of anything on the hard disk drive (HDD) or solid disk drive (SSD), where it takes images of the partitions and stores them for later restoration. The resulting image files can optionally be compressed to save space. .</p> </div> </div> </header> <body> <nav class="navbar" style="background:transparent;"> <div class="navbar-links"> <ul> <li><a href="index.php">Home</a></li> <li><a href="features.php">Features</a></li> <li><a href="legal.php">Legal</a></li> <li><a href="contact.php">Contact</a></li> <li><a href="download.php">Downloads</a></li> </ul> </div> </nav> <header class="header"> <div class="header-content"> <div class="text-container"> <div class="header__top" style="text-align:center;">FoxClone</div> <p class="p-small">FoxClone is a image backup, restore, and clone tool for Windows and Linux systems, using a simple point-and-click interface. Being Linux-based, it boots to its own system exclusive of anything on the hard disk drive (HDD) or solid disk drive (SSD), where it takes images of the partitions and stores them for later restoration. The resulting image files can optionally be compressed to save space. .</p> </div> </div> </header> <?PHP require_once("footer.php"); I know I must be looking past the problem after looking at the code for several hours, but I'm stumped. I'd appreciate some help on this.
  11. What I have...hope someone can help, sorry about the messy code ill clean it up. The idea is to filter a file by first part of the filename dave mohan - song.mp3 and move only that to the target directory. //LIST FILES WITH DROPDOWN SELECTOR <?php class IgnorePathFilterIterator extends \FilterIterator { public function accept(): bool { $current = strtolower(parent::current()->getFilename()); return !in_array($current, ['thumbs.db', 'tag', 'playlist.m3u']); } } $dir = 'C:\\EZSTREAM\\smash2\\'; //$dir = '.'; $rdi = new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($dir, \FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS); $rii = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator($rdi, \RecursiveIteratorIterator::CHILD_FIRST); $iterator = new IgnorePathFilterIterator($rii); foreach($iterator as $path => $info) { if ($info->isDir()) { echo "DIR $path<br />\n"; } else { echo "FILE $path<br />\n"; } } ?> <hr> //My thingy filtering out only the dave mohan mp3 files<br> <?php $dir = ('C:\\EZSTREAM\\SMASH2\\'); $iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($dir, \FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS), \RecursiveIteratorIterator::CHILD_FIRST); foreach ($iterator as $filename => $fileInfo) { if ($fileInfo->isDir()) { //probally still want to use this somewhere //$ignore = Array(".", "..", "Thumbs.db" , "tag", "playlist.m3u"); } else { if (preg_match("/(\A[Dave Mohan].*.mp3)/", $fileInfo->getFileName())) { //echo $filename . '<br/>'; echo "<a href='?file=".$filename."'>$filename</a> <form action=\"removesmash2.php\" style=\"display: inline\" method=\"post\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"filename\" value=\"".htmlentities($curfile)."\" />"; pickstation(); echo " <input style=\"padding: 1.26em; line-height: 0.899em; height: auto\" type=\"submit\" value=\"move\" /></form> (move this song into the archive or trash)</br>\n <hr> "; } } } ?> //My problem is the removesmash2.php below throws and error I cant seem to solve... <?php //set folder to read from //$dirname = "C:\\EZSTREAM\\SMASH2\\"; $dir = ('C:\\EZSTREAM\\SMASH2\\'); $iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($dir, \FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS), \RecursiveIteratorIterator::CHILD_FIRST); foreach ($iterator as $filename => $fileInfo) { if ($fileInfo->isDir()) { //read files in folder //$files = scandir($dir); //ignore hidden files //$ignore = Array(".", "..", "Thumbs.db", "Playlist.m3u"); //loop through all files $moved = false; //foreach($files as $filename){ //if($filename !== $_POST['filename']) continue; foreach(stationlist() as $stationname => $path) { if($stationname !== $_POST['station']) continue; $source = $dir . $filename; $destination = $path . "\\" . $filename; echo "<h2><center>Moving from this Source: $source</h2></center><br />"; echo "<h2><center>To this Destination: $destination</h2></center><br />"; rename($source, $destination); } } ?> // for reference path selector (dropdown) looks like this <?php function stationlist() { return [ //"REASSIGN" => "C:\\XAMPP\\HTDOCS\\MPG\\RADIO\\BSP\\ASSIGNMENT", "Select Destination" => "/", //"Select Destination" => "C:\\XAMPP\\HTDOCS\\MPGRADIO\\BSP\\DAVEMOHAN", "BACKUP" => "C:\\XAMPP\\HTDOCS\\MPGRADIO\\BSP\\DAVEMOHAN\\BACKUP", "SMASH1" => "C:\\EZSTREAM\\SMASH1", "SMASH2" => "C:\\EZSTREAM\\SMASH2", "Trash it" => "C:\\BACKUP\\TRASH\\SONGS\\DAVEMOHAN", ]; } ?>
  12. I'm a student/Intern at an Agency and I was asked to test an HTTP request to a server using a code given in the servers doc which goes like this : <?php $client = new httpClient; $request = new http\Client\Request; $body = new http\Message\Body; $body->append(' <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> <soap:Body> <WebServiceDiva xmlns="http://www.Divalto.fr/WebService/"> <action>&lt;action&gt;WP_CREATECLI</action> <param> {licence:"XXXXX=",client: {"dos":"2","nom":"Alex Xela","adr1":"53 Bd Carnot","adr2":"","adr3":"","adr4":"","cpostal":"06400","vil":"Cannes","tel":"053837979","email":"user1@devtest.com","siret":"","naf":"","regcod":"CB","tvatie":"0","catclicod":"","tacod":"","tarcod":"","blmod":"DPD","texcod1":"","texcod2":"","texcod3":"","texcod4":"","tvano":"","visa":"2"},adresse: {"nom":"Alex Xela","adr1":"53 Bd Carnot","adr2":"","adr3":"","adr4":"","cpostal":"06400","ville":"","tel":"053837979","email":"user1@devtest.com","livprincipale":"2","facprincipale":""},contact: {"contact":"Customer","nom":"Alex Xela","prenom":"","tit":"","lib":"","tel":"","telgsm":"","fax":"","email":"user1@devtest.com","servcod":"","fctcod":""},banque: {"ribcod":"","ribdo":"","iban1":"","iban2":"","iban3":""}} </param> </WebServiceDiva> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope> '); $request->setRequestUrl('https://divaltosainteroseline.coaxis.com/WebServiceDiva/WebServiceDiva.asmx'); $request->setRequestMethod('POST'); $request->setBody($body); $request->setHeaders(array( 'accept-encoding' => 'gzip', 'content-type' => 'text/xml' )); $client->enqueue($request)->send(); $response = $client->getResponse(); echo $response->getBody(); ?> The problem is I can't even get throught the first lines when I execute the code, It says that there is no class Http\Client or Http\Client\Message or Http\Client\Request. and I looked for these classes in php doc but couldn't find anything. also after 3 days of research I only found SaopClient and SoapCall Classes that really treat HTTP and SOAP communication but the tech guy at the server company tells me that this is the way to connect using php and I'm completely lost and need ur help
  13. For the life of me I can not figure out the syntax error. I was thinking it was related to DateTime field. The data comes over as a string from the api, but converting to time doesn't work. The field in the database is DateTime. Any suggestions would be appreciated. The data from the api for reference. array(1) { [0]=> array(3) { ["macAddress"]=> string(17) "FA:F5:C2:98:6F:29" ["lastData"]=> array(27) { ["dateutc"]=> int(1642622880000) ["tempinf"]=> float(77.9) ["humidityin"]=> int(38) ["baromrelin"]=> float(29.956) ["baromabsin"]=> float(29.132) ["tempf"]=> float(77.2) ["battout"]=> int(1) ["humidity"]=> int(47) ["winddir"]=> int(247) ["windspeedmph"]=> float(5.6) ["windgustmph"]=> float(8.1) ["maxdailygust"]=> float(15.9) ["hourlyrainin"]=> int(0) ["eventrainin"]=> int(0) ["dailyrainin"]=> int(0) ["weeklyrainin"]=> int(0) ["monthlyrainin"]=> float(0.52) ["totalrainin"]=> float(48.862) ["solarradiation"]=> float(196.47) ["uv"]=> int(1) ["feelsLike"]=> float(76.83) ["dewPoint"]=> float(55.39) ["feelsLikein"]=> float(77.2) ["dewPointin"]=> float(50.2) ["lastRain"]=> string(24) "2022-01-12T02:50:00.000Z" ["tz"]=> string(15) "America/Chicago" ["date"]=> string(24) "2022-01-19T20:08:00.000Z" } ["info"]=> array(2) { ["name"]=> string(18) "My Weather Station" ["coords"]=> array(5) { ["coords"]=> array(2) { ["lon"]=> float(-197.65635809999999) ["lat"]=> float(38.6587316) } ["address"]=> string(44) "100 Main Street, Anytown, FL 08226, USA" ["location"]=> string(10) "Anytown" ["elevation"]=> float(214.7066497802734) ["geo"]=> array(2) { ["type"]=> string(5) "Point" ["coordinates"]=> array(2) { [0]=> float(-97.65635809999999) [1]=> float(30.6587316) } } } } } } I take the data from the array and assign it to variables. Notice the unsuccessful attempts to convert string to DateTime. <?php $_DateTime = $data[0]['lastData']['date']; //$_OldDateTime = $data[0]['lastData']['date']; //$_dateTime = strtotime($_OldDateTime); $_tempf = $data[0]['lastData']['tempf']; $_feelsLike = $data[0]['lastData']['feelsLike']; $_stationbarometer = $data[0]['lastData']['baromrelin']; $_sealevelbarometer = $data[0]['lastData']['baromabsin']; $_dewpoint = $data[0]['lastData']['dewPoint']; $_humidity = $data[0]['lastData']['humidity']; $_winddir = $data[0]['lastData']['winddir']; $_windspeed = $data[0]['lastData']['windspeedmph']; $_gust = $data[0]['lastData']['windgustmph']; $_maxdailygust = $data[0]['lastData']['maxdailygust']; $_hourlyrainrate = $data[0]['lastData']['hourlyrainin']; $_dailyrain = $data[0]['lastData']['dailyrainin']; $_weeklyrain = $data[0]['lastData']['weeklyrainin']; $_monthlyrain = $data[0]['lastData']['monthlyrainin']; $_totalrain = $data[0]['lastData']['totalrainin']; $_lastRain = $data[0]['lastData']['lastRain']; //$_OldlastRain = $data[0]['lastData']['lastRain']; //$_lastRain = strtotime($_OldlastRain); $_solar = $data[0]['lastData']['solarradiation']; $_battout = $data[0]['lastData']['battout']; // this is where we insert into the database $sql = "INSERT INTO weather_data (datetime, tempf, feelslike, stationbarometer, sealevelbarometer, dewpoint, humidity, winddir, windspeed, gust, maxdailygust, hourlyrainrate, dailyrain, weeklyrain, monthlyrain, totalrain, lastrain, solar, battout) VALUES ( $_DateTime, $_tempf, $_feelsLike, $_stationbarometer, $_sealevelbarometer, $_dewpoint, $_humidity, $_winddir, $_windspeed, $_gust, $_maxdailygust, $_hourlyrainrate, $_dailyrain, $_weeklyrain, $_monthlyrain, $_totalrain, $_lastRain, $_solar, $_battout )"; //mysqli_query($conn, $sql); if (mysqli_query($conn, $sql)) { echo "Success!"; //json_encode(array("statusCode"=>200)); } else { echo "Error: " . $sql . "<br>" . mysqli_error($conn); } mysqli_close($conn); ?> Error message: Error: INSERT INTO weather_data (datetime, tempf, feelslike, stationbarometer, sealevelbarometer, dewpoint, humidity, winddir, windspeed, gust, maxdailygust, hourlyrainrate, dailyrain, weeklyrain, monthlyrain, totalrain, lastrain, solar, battout) VALUES ( 2022-01-24T15:40:00.000Z, 47.7, 47.7, 30.048, 29.224, 45.49, 92, 314, 1.3, 2.2, 8.1, 0, 0.161, 0.161, 0.681, 49.024, 2022-01-24T15:34:00.000Z, 29.48, 1 ) You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ':40:00.000Z, 47.7, 47.7, 30.048, 29.224, 45.49, 92, 314, ' at line 6
  14. I need to use a php variable in an if.. else clause outside of the block of php code and can't get it working. The existing code block is below. All help is appreciated. $chk is the variable from the php block and is numeric. <?php if($chk == 0) { <div id='showMe'> <div class="container"> <div class="row" style="color:red; padding-top:6rem; text-align:center;"> <h1>Database Update Failed</h1> </div> </div> </div> } else { <div id='showMe'> <div class="container"> <div class="row" style="padding-top:6rem; text-align:center;" > <h1><center>Database Update Successful</center></h1> </div> </div> endif </div> </div> </body> </html> Thanks much.
  15. I have created a form to edit fields in a database table. This is basically what it does sale_stamp : <input type="text" name="sale_stamp" value="<?php echo $sale_stamp;?>" > $sale_stamp = $_POST['sale_stamp']; $sql = "UPDATE mytable SET sale_stamp = :sale_stamp WHERE id = :id"; $stmt=$db->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute(array( ':id' => $id, ':sale_stamp' => $sale_stamp); This works provided there are values entered but some fields may be blank and this fails for numeric fields. The generated sql is UPDATE asset set sale_stamp = '' WHERE id = '17' The table definition allows null, but when I leave the field blank in the table the generated sql has an empty string rather than null. How do I overcome this?
  16. I have a customer, using a WP website. They are currently using Google Tag Manager for the tracking code (active campaign) on the website rather than the recommended script. This is not working, the analytics are not being populated. They can;t add the global site tag because it interferes with the dataLayer. Is there a way to customise the scrip that they are currently using? The customer has Google Analytics already installed on the current AAF website https://affordableartfair.com/ (published via Google Tag Manager). They have said that it won't be possible to add the Gtag (global site tag) tracking as it interferes with the data on the page (dataLayer) and can cause major issues / may well not work as expected. As such we'll need to publish the Active Campaign scripts via a Custom HTML code tag OR a built in template. This is what we have on the AAF website at present: * image attached On AC Directly is this tracking code: <script type="text/javascript"> (function(e,t,o,n,p,r,i){e.visitorGlobalObjectAlias=n;e[e.visitorGlobalObjectAlias]=e[e.visitorGlobalObjectAlias]||function(){(e[e.visitorGlobalObjectAlias].q=e[e.visitorGlobalObjectAlias].q||[]).push(arguments)};e[e.visitorGlobalObjectAlias].l=(new Date).getTime();r=t.createElement("script");r.src=o;r.async=true;i=t.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];i.parentNode.insertBefore(r,i)})(window,document,"https://diffuser-cdn.app-us1.com/diffuser/diffuser.js","vgo"); vgo('setAccount', '223643323'); vgo('setTrackByDefault', true); vgo('process'); </script>
  17. I have the following array: $available_seasons = array ( 0 => array ( 'season_id' => 226, 'season_name' => '2022 - Season 1', 'season_price' => '25.99', 'season_start_date' => 'Jan. 1, 2022', 'season_end_date' => 'Mar. 31, 2022', 'prize' => 100, ), 1 => array ( 'season_id' => 227, 'season_name' => '2022 - Season 2', 'season_price' => '28.99', 'season_start_date' => 'Apr. 1, 2022', 'season_end_date' => 'Jun. 30, 2022', 'prize' => 100, ), 2 => array ( 'season_id' => 238, 'season_name' => '2022 - Season 3', 'season_price' => '40.99', 'season_start_date' => 'Jul. 1, 2022', 'season_end_date' => 'Sep. 30, 2022', 'prize' => 230, ), 3 => array ( 'season_id' => 239, 'season_name' => '2022 - Season 4', 'season_price' => '30.65', 'season_start_date' => 'Oct. 1, 2022', 'season_end_date' => 'Dec. 31, 2022', 'prize' => 300, ), ) I'm using the following loop to create the form: echo "<form name='seasonForm' method=\"post\" action='execute.php'>"; foreach ( $available_seasons as $k => $season ) { echo "<input name='choice' class='uk-checkbox' type='checkbox' value='{$season[ 'season_price' ]}' onchange='checkTotal()'/>"; } echo "<button type='submit'>Continue</button>"; I have the following JS to calculate the total price: function checkTotal() { document.seasonForm.total.value = \'\'; var sum = 0; for (i=0;i<document.seasonForm.choice.length;i++) { if (document.seasonForm.choice[i].checked) { sum = sum + (document.seasonForm.choice[i].value *1); } } document.seasonForm.total.value = "Total: $" + sum; } I am showing the total price to my users, before they click on submit. As it is, I am only able to able to get the value of one checkbox, which is season_price in my execute.php. What I need is to pass the all season_id and season_price values of the selected checkboxes to execute.php. I am not sure how to do this. Thank you for your help in advance.
  18. In my DB schema, there are 4 tables and its relationship as shown in the below attached image. My question is how many schools are there according to the data in the school table and how many of those schools belong to provinces, districts and zones, is it possible in one mysql query? Currently I am using 4 separate queries for this and the relevant code is as follows. $sql = "SELECT count(school_id) as schtot FROM sn_school"; $stmt = $pdo->query($sql); $schtot = $stmt->fetchColumn(); $schtot = str_pad($schtot , 3, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT); $sql = "SELECT count(zone_id) as zonetot FROM sn_school GROUP BY zone_id"; $stmt = $pdo->query($sql); $zonetot = $stmt->rowCount(); $zonetot = str_pad($zonetot , 3, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT); $sql = "SELECT COUNT(d.district_id) as districtTot FROM sn_school s JOIN zone z USING(zone_id) JOIN district d ON d.district_id = z.district_id GROUP BY d.district_id"; $stmt = $pdo->query($sql); $districtTot = $stmt->rowCount(); $districtTot = str_pad($districtTot , 3, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT); $sql = "SELECT COUNT(p.province_id) as ptot FROM sn_school s JOIN zone z USING(zone_id) JOIN district d ON d.district_id = z.district_id JOIN district p ON p.province_id = d.province_id GROUP BY p.province_id"; $stmt = $pdo->query($sql); $ptot = $stmt->rowCount(); $ptot = str_pad($ptot , 3, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT);
  19. I'm working on a new project and need to create DTOs for use in views (this is a Laravel project so MVC). The DTO will get created from subsets of values from 2 other models (Price, Quote). Obviously, it wouldn't be ideal to build the DTO from those models in multiple places so I want to seat that logic in a specific class. I figure an approach is to use a factory - i.e. as a place to capture the creation of the DTO. But when I read into Factory Method and Abstract Factory and Simple Factory this use case doesn't sound like it fits. So my questions are: Is a factory the right pattern? If so, which flavour of factory would you suggest? Is this the way you would approach it? I appeal to the more experienced minds here for some insight. I work alone so it's hard sometimes to figure out the right approach. thanks, Drongo
  20. In my database table, i have a field for price and quantity. Is there a way I could use a select to get 2 values from the database? What I mean is I will create a select field where when I select wholesale it will bring out the price and quantity and if I select retail, it will bring the price and the quantity.
  21. I am trying to help a friend with his football pool system. First an image and then the explanation: The numbers table holds random numbers, 10 under NFC and 10 under AFC. The numbers are generated after all 100 squares are filled in the squares table and are applied to the squares table as shown in the middle image. The Matrix table is for the 100 squares holding the square number, buyer name and the numbers matrix that I am trying to build. As you can see the NFC numbers are applied to all 100 squares repeating every 10 rows. The AFC numbers are the crux of the matter here. For every 10 rows the AFC number is the same and then advances to the next AFC number. I've never tried to explain anything like this before and I hope it makes sense. I'm trying to figure out how to construct the arrays(array) needed to insert these numbers into the matrix table for later processing to determine the winners.
  22. I'm currently passing values in my URL that I want to GET and insert in my controller class for filtering. My current URL looks something like this: http://localhost/reports/lists?source=Product1&status=4. Now to get the value of suppose source, I'm using the following code: let searchParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search); var status = searchParams.get('source'); Now I want this status variable to go to my controller class so that I can use it as 1 of my parameters for my model class: Full code: View Class: <?php $postd = json_encode(array_filter($post)); ?> <table id="item-list"> <tr> <th>Ref.No#</th> <th>Source</th> </tr> </table> <script> $(document).ready(function() { function sendreq(){ setpostdatas();cleartable();getleads(); } var userrole = "<?php echo $this->session->userdata('clientrole')?>"; var slug = '<?php echo $slug?>'; var postd = '<?php echo $postd; ?>'; if( userrole > 1 && userrole != 5){ $('#item-list').DataTable({ "processing": true, "stateSave": true, "serverSide": true, "ordering": false, "createdRow": function( row, data, dataIndex){ $(row).has( "div.overdueupdate" ).css('background-color','#FFC7CE'); }, "ajax": { url: "<?php echo site_url(); ?>reports/loadLeads", data: {slug: slug, postdata: postd}, type : 'POST', "dataSrc": function ( d ) { d.myKey = "myValue"; if(d.recordsTotal == 0 || d.data == null){ $("#item-list_info").text("No records found"); $("#item-list_processing").css("display","none"); } return d.data; } }, 'columns': [ {"data": "id", "id": "id"}, {"data": "refno", "refno": "refno"}, {"data": "source", "source": "source"}, ] }); } Controller Class: public function loadLeads($p=''){ $leadsource = $this->input->get('status'); if(isset($_POST['postdata'])){ if($_POST['postdata'] != null && $_POST['postdata'] != 'null'){ $post=$_POST['postdata']; } $post = json_decode($post,true); unset($post['slug']); unset($post['page']); $sort = $post['afsort']; if($sort == "asc"){ $sortQ = 'l.updated_date asc,'; }else if ($sort == "desc"){ $sortQ = 'l.updated_date desc,'; } } $offset = (int)$_POST['start'] ; $pstdatas = explode(',', $_POST['postdata']); unset($pstdatas['item-list_length']); if($this->session->userdata('clientrole') == 1 || $this->session->userdata('clientrole') == 5 ){ $content['leads']=$this->leads_model->get_pagination($_POST['length'],$offset,$where,'',false,$sortQ?$sortQ:'l.assign_status =\'Unassigned\' desc,',$all,$leadsource); }else{ $content['leads']=$this->leads_model->get_pagination($_POST['length'],$offset,$where,'',false,$sortQ?$sortQ:'l.assigned_date desc,',$all,$leadsource); } Now here in my controller class I want that AJAX variable to be passed so that I can use it my model query.
  23. I have a table that shows the redirect from and redirect to columns from my database. By default, all the records are shown, but there is a from and to filter I'm using to search by a particular redirect. Now there are a lot of times that after I input the filters, it gives me a Undefined variable: redirects error, but sometimes it works. Here is my code: View Class: <?php if ($redirects): ?> <form name="redirectform" action="admin/redirects" method="post"> <div> <input list="search-from-list" id="search-from" name="search-from" style="width:100%;"/> <datalist id="search-from-list"> <?php foreach ($allredirects as $allredirect){ ?> <option value="<?php echo $allredirect->from; ?>" id="<?php echo $allredirect->id; ?>" /> <?php } ?> </datalist> </div> <input type="hidden" name="linkid" id="linkid" /> <input type="hidden" name="linkidto" id="linkidto" /> <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo $this->security->get_csrf_token_name();?>" value="<?php echo $this->security->get_csrf_hash();?>"> </div> <input list="search-to-list" id="search-to" name="search-to" style="width:100%;" /> <datalist id="search-to-list"> <?php foreach ($allredirects as $allredirect){ ?> <option value="<?php echo $allredirect->to; ?>" id="<?php echo $allredirect->id; ?>" /> <?php } ?> </datalist> </div> </form> <table> <?php foreach ($redirects as $redirect): ?> <tr> <td><?php echo $from=str_replace('%', '*', $redirect->from);?></td> <td><?php echo $redirect->to;?></td> </tr> <?php endforeach ?> </table> <?php echo form_close() ?> </div> <?php else: ?> <div class="no_data">No Data</div> <?php endif ?> <script type="text/javascript"> $("#search-from").select(function(e){ var g = $('#search-from').val(); var id = $('#search-from-list').find("option[value='"+g+"']").attr('id'); $('#linkid').val(id); }); $("#search-to").select(function(e){ var g = $('#search-to').val(); var id = $('#search-to-list').find("option[value='"+g+"']").attr('id'); $('#linkidto').val(id); }); </script> Controller Class: public function index() { if(isset($_POST["search-from"]) && !empty($_POST["search-from"])){ if(isset($_POST["linkid"]) && !empty($_POST["linkid"])){ $from_id = $_POST["linkid"]; $this->template->redirects = $this->redirect_m->order_by('`from`')->get_by_id($from_id); } }else if(isset($_POST["search-to"]) && !empty($_POST["search-to"])){ if(isset($_POST["linkidto"]) && !empty($_POST["linkidto"])){ $to_id = $_POST["linkidto"]; $this->template->redirects = $this->redirect_m->order_by('`to`')->get_by_id($to_id); } }else{ $this->template->redirects = $this->redirect_m->order_by('`from`')->limit($this->template->pagination['limit'], $this->template->pagination['offset'])->get_all(); } $this->template->allredirects = $this->redirect_m->order_by('`from`')->get_all(); $this->template->build('admin/index'); } Here basically what I'm doing is that the input with the ids search-from and search-to hold an autocomplete function for the redirect links. I have other 2 input fields linkid and linkidto which are hidden. Now I did some debugging and found out that the reason for my error is because the AJAX call is taking too long. Basically what the ajax call does is convert whatever text that is there in the input field of search-from and fetches the id for that from the database and then returns the value according to that id. So I changed the hidden fields to text and manually inserted the ids for the search fields I entered and it worked everytime. So now what I think the problem is that the AJAX call is taking too long to convert the selected options to their respective ids and this ends up giving me an error. So maybe what I want here is a delay timer to the page until the AJAX call has been made?
  24. I have a query I'm using in my CodeIgniter model to fetch the count of listings of products between particular days. What this query is doing is it's taking status_from from logs where the date is during and after the selected date range and taking added_date from listings where the date falls before the from date range picked by the user and calculates it. Once it has retrieved those records, it checks the table for what variable that status holds and does a sum(case when else 0) to get the total count. function get_report(){ $sql = with Y as ( with recursive D (n, day) as ( select 1 as n, '2021-09-25' my_date union select n+1, day + interval 1 day from D where day + interval 1 day < '2021-10-15' ) select * from D ), X as ( select Y.day, l.*, (select status_from from logs where logs.refno = l.refno and logs.logtime >= Y.day order by logs.logtime limit 1) logstat from listings l, Y where l.added_date <= Y.day ), Z as ( select X.day, ifnull(X.logstat,X.status) stat_day, count(*) cnt from X group by X.day, stat_day ) select Z.day, sum(case when Z.stat_day = 'D' then Z.cnt else 0 end ) Draft, sum(case when Z.stat_day = 'A' then Z.cnt else 0 end ) Action, sum(case when Z.stat_day = 'Y' then Z.cnt else 0 end ) Publish, sum(case when Z.stat_day = 'S' then Z.cnt else 0 end ) Sold, sum(case when Z.stat_day = 'L' then Z.cnt else 0 end ) Let from Z group by Z.day order by Z.day; $query = $this->db->query($sql); return $query; } Dbfiddle: https://dbfiddle.uk/?rdbms=mysql_8.0&fiddle=6789f0517b194b09d235860dc794ea14 Now here as you can see I'm processing my calculations in the sql statement itself, but I want to do these calculations in my php side, basically iterating everytime it encounters Z.stat_day = 'D' then adding 1 to Draft column and same for the other statuses. Current View Class: <?php foreach($data_total as $row ){ $draft = $row->draft ? $row->draft : 0; $publish = $row->publish ? $row->publish : 0; $action = $row->action ? $row->action : 0; $sold = $row->sold ? $row->sold : 0; $let = $row->let ? $row->let : 0; ?> <tr> <td><?= $row->day?></td> <td><?= $draft ?></td> <td><?= $publish ?></td> <td><?= $action ?></td> <td><?= $sold ?></td> <td><?= $let ?></td> </tr> <?php } ?> Basically I want to refractor my PHP code to do the same thing the Mysql statement is doing, but keeping the query simple and all processing in the PHP side for performance reasons.
  25. Currently I have a table that displays a total count of my data values for each source. I'm getting this value after comparing 2 tables 1 is crm_leads with all my product information and 1 is crm_sources with what sources are the products related to. Now this is the output: Now as you can see the total count is shown under each header next to its source. Now these count values are inside a tags which once clicked go to viewall page. Here basically I want to show the data of the item that I had clicked. So for example, if I clicked the 163 under Hot status, it takes me to the view all page and shows me id, source, enquiry_date for all those under status Hot in a table. So basically it should detect the data for which source and which status is clicked and then accordingly make a statement like this? select * from crm_leads where lead_source = '.$source.' and lead_status = '.$status.'; Model Class: function get_statusreport($fdate='',$tdate='') { $this->db->select("l.lead_status,crm_sources.title,count(*) as leadnum,l.enquiry_date,l.sub_status"); $this->db->from($this->table_name." as l"); if($fdate !='') $this->db->where("date(l.added_date) >=",date('Y-m-d',strtotime($fdate))); if($tdate !='') $this->db->where("date(l.added_date) <=",date('Y-m-d',strtotime($tdate))); $this->db->where("lead_status <>",10); $this->db->join("crm_sources ","crm_sources.id= l.lead_source","left"); $this->db->group_by("l.lead_status,crm_sources.title"); $this->db->order_by("leadnum DESC, crm_sources.title ASC,l.lead_status ASC"); $query = $this->db->get(); $results = $query->result_array(); return $results; } Controller Class(leadstatus holds the view for my current table): public function leadstatus($slug='') { $content=''; $content['groupedleads'] = $this->leads_model->get_statusreport($fdate,$tdate); $this->load->view('crm/main',$main); $this->load->view('crm/reports/leadstatus',$content); } public function viewall($slug='') { $content=''; $this->load->view('crm/main',$main); $this->load->view('crm/reports/viewall',$content); } View class: <?php $ls_arr = array(1=>'Open',8=>'Hot',2=>'Closed',3=>'Transacted',4=>'Dead'); foreach($groupedleads as $grplead){ $statuses[] = $status = $ls_arr[$grplead["lead_status"]]; if($grplead["title"] == NULL || $grplead["title"] == '') $grplead["title"] = "Unknown"; if(isset($grplead["title"])) $titles[] = $title = $grplead["title"]; $leaddata[$status][$title] = $grplead["leadnum"]; } if(count($titles) > 0) $titles = array_unique($titles); if(count($statuses) > 0) $statuses = array_unique($statuses); ?> <table> <tr"> <th id="status">Source</th> <?php if(count($statuses) > 0) foreach($statuses as $status){ ?><th id=<?php echo $status; ?>><?php echo $status; ?></th> <?php } ?> <th>Total</th> </tr> <?php if(is_array($titles)) foreach($titles as $title){ ?> <tr> <?php $total = 0; echo "<td>".$title."</td>"; foreach ($statuses as $status) { $num = $leaddata[$status][$title]; echo "<td><a target='_blank' href='".site_url('reports/viewall')."'>".$num."</a></td>"; $total += $num; $sum[$status] += $num; } echo "<td>".$total."</td>"; $grandtotal += $total; ?> </tr> <?php } ?> </table>
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