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  1. Say I want to allow users to chat with each other either through text or video on my site, what would be the best way to go on about doing that? I know basic text chat system can be created with PHP/Mysql/Ajax. What about video chat? Or is there a chat plugin/service out there that I can use to implement in my site? Note that I am looking for something can allow thousands of registered users to chat with each other at the same time.
  2. db table username------>id->username->cash->points->referrer db table referral_levels------>id->level->earnings->signupBonusCash->signupBonusPoints->status username referrer -------- -------- admin kelly88 admin // UPDATE USERNAME ADMIN WITH referral level 1 POINTS/CASH // jacob kelly88 // UPDATE USERNAME ADMIN WITH referral level 2 POINTS/CASH AND USERNAME kelly88 WITH referral level 1 POINTS/CASH // david16 jacob // UPDATE USERNAME ADMIN WITH referral level 3 POINTS/CASH AND USERNAME kelly88 WITH referral level 2 POINTS/CASH AND USERNAME jacob WITH referral level 1 POINTS/CASH // Is this possible. If yes - HOW? Current test registration code with referral level 1 <?php if(!empty($_GET['ref'])){ $referrerUsername = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'ref', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); if(usernameExist($referrerUsername, $db) === TRUE){ $_SESSION['ref'] = $referrerUsername; } } // define variables with the value for each field // the value from POST,GET if this exist, or an empty value $errors = array(); $username = isset($_POST['username']) ? filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'username', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING) : ''; $referrer = !empty($_SESSION['ref']) ? $_SESSION['ref'] : (isset($_POST['referrer']) ? filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'referrer', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING) : ''); if(!empty($_POST['submit'])){ if(empty($username)){ $errors[] = $lang['error']['a_019']; } else if(validUsernameLenght($username) === FALSE){ $errors[] = $lang['error']['a_020']; } else if(validUsernameChars($username) === FALSE){ $errors[] = $lang['error']['a_021']; } else if(usernameExist($username, $db) === TRUE){ $errors[] = $lang['error']['a_022']; } if(!empty($referrer)){ if(usernameExist($referrer, $db) === FALSE){ $errors[] = $lang['error']['a_037']; } else if($username == $referrer){ $errors[] = $lang['error']['a_038']; } } } if(!empty($_POST['submit']) and empty($errors)){ /* $queryOne = 'INSERT INTO users(username, referrer) VALUES (:username, :referrer)'; $insertOne = $db->prepare($queryOne); $insertOne->bindParam(':username', $username, PDO::PARAM_STR); $insertOne->bindParam(':referrer', $referrer, PDO::PARAM_STR); $successOne = $insertOne->execute(); */ if($referrer){ $query = 'SELECT signupBonusCash AS sbc, signupBonusPoints AS sbp FROM referral_levels WHERE level = 1 AND status = "enabled"'; $select = $db->query($query); $row = $select->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $queryTwo = 'UPDATE users SET points = points + :points, cash = cash + :cash WHERE username = :referrer'; $selectTwo = $db->prepare($queryTwo); $selectTwo->bindParam(':cash', $row['sbc'], PDO::PARAM_STR); $selectTwo->bindParam(':points', $row['sbp'], PDO::PARAM_STR); $selectTwo->bindParam(':referrer', $referrer, PDO::PARAM_STR); $selectTwo->execute(); } } if(!empty($errors)){ foreach($errors as $error){ print $error.'<br>'; } } print ' <form method="POST"> <table style="width:100%"> <tr> <td style="width:30%;font-weight:bold">Username</td> <td style="width:70%"><input type="text" name="username" maxlength="255" style="width:200px" value="'.cleanOutput($username).'"></td> </tr>'; if(!empty($_SESSION['ref'])){ print ' <tr> <td style="font-weight:bold">'.$lang['global']['a_047'].'</td> <td><input type="text" name="referrer" readonly="readonly" maxlength="255" style="width:200px" value="'.cleanOutput($referrer).'"></td> </tr>'; }else{ print ' <tr> <td style="font-weight:bold">'.$lang['global']['a_047'].'</td> <td><input type="text" name="referrer" maxlength="255" style="width:200px" value="'.cleanOutput($referrer).'"></td> </tr>'; } print ' <tr> <td colspan="2" style="text-align:center"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit"></td> </tr> </table> </form>'; ?>
  3. Hello Good day, I am have a project for company. Can you please give me advice on how will I going to determine each computer assigned to each employee. I have my own working unit (PC), of course that i used to login on our company web site. But when someone try to log in on our web site using their own account on my working unit it will be registered as fraud. My problem is how will i am going to check if accountTwo try to log in on accountOne pc unit. Right now we're using cookie but if they use other browser or private browser the data on the cookie was not send on the request. Righ now I am trying to determine using Mac Address of each PC, but still can't figure out how to get the Mac Address. It gives the server address where the site was hosted.
  4. Hello to everybody great community, I'm a beginner and I'm only familiar with basics of HTML, CSS and PHP. I'm working on small project and I could really use some help. So far I made web site with possibility to enter values into MySql table and to show this values(read it from table) on another page, As I sad would like to do something little more complex (at least is copmlex for me). What I want to do is something like very simple rating system: Choose ID via "select-choice" or similar line. So if I choose ID=JohnDoe, then all the grades I submit should be submitted only for this ID. I know how to make selection choice but I don't know how to connect it to save it to database/table. Only offered ID's should be available to select After ID is selected (JohnDoe) I would like 4 various grades options, each one is graded 1 to 5. Example: hair grade(1-5), clothing grade(1-5), education grade (1-5) etc. Option to submit and save grades into database, as I said it should be saved only for selected ID. On the new web page show results from table. Results should be presented separately for each ID. And in the last column average grade it should be shown. I have attached screenshot so you can see how I have pictured it. The main problem for me is how to submit grades to table and how to make sure grades are submited onyl to selected ID. Sorry for my English, hopefully I managed to explain problem. Many thanks in advance!
  5. Hi. I'm going to create a web-based system in php. I wanna put 8 categorys, one on each row and behind each of them there will be 9 buttons.- to the right there vill be a 8x9 cells table. When i press one button the value of that buttons variable will increase with 1. After pressing the button im still at the same page still seeing all those buttons behind the categories. But the value to the button i just pressed will be shown in the table to the right. I may press several buttons a hundred times and the table still show the value (value = how many time i press each button). Can anyone help me on my way? I did work a lot with php for about 10 years ago, but i cant figure out how this could be done..
  6. The code I am having a problem with is this: ob_start(); $resultTxt = system($command, $result); $errTxt = ob_get_contents(); ob_clean(); $resultTxt = nl2br($errTxt) . "$resultTxt"; I get a PHP Warning that the system () has been disabled for security reasons. I don't have access to the php.ini file to change this. Can the code be changed from system to something else that will work?
  7. <?php echo date("h:i:s"); ?> its output is : 12:05:04 but my system time shows: 3:35:01 i am not getting what function to use to match with system time??
  8. I need to develop Feedback module in PHP/MySQL. I would like to know the database design and flow to manage this system. There are questions for 2 tools which i need to store in my databse and need to create report like %of Positive Response, % of Negative Response, No. of Users for Tool1/2 etc. It would be great if i have any similar example/code/link etc. Thanks in advanced for your input. Tool 1 1.Are you satisfied with the performance of the tool ? Yes/No 2.Are you satisfied with the support provided? Yes/No IF NO, Why ? 3.If you need to improve, they are the three major changes you propose Yes/No IF Yes, -----****---- 4.What are the general points (up to 3) that you would like to improve on the project Yes/No IF Yes, -----****---- Tool 2 1.Are you satisfied with the performance of the tool ? Yes/No 2.Are you satisfied with the support provided? Yes/No IF NO, Why ? 3.If you need to improve, they are the three major changes you propose Yes/No IF Yes, -----****---- 4.What are the general points (up to 3) that you would like to improve on the project Yes/No IF Yes, -----****----
  9. Hi all, first post here so please bear with me. I chose to try and reach out to the internet community for help on this one because it is over my head. I currently have a bootstrap based HTMl website. I would like to add a login system so my employees can access restricted pages in order to download company matierals. I have the html and css for a login popup already created but I have no idea what to do for the php backend to make it function. I understand that I need to point it to a mySQL database along with various php code. Idealy, I want to create usernames for the employees to keep things simple and consistent. I don't neccesairly need an admin panel because I can simply hard code the material download links into the restricted page. Any help would be appreciated. here is a link to my site - www.youngexplosives.com
  10. Hi All, I currently learning PHP and I have decided I want build a dashboard so I can monitor my various systems. I've looked around the net and can see a few frameworks built to do this however I want to integrate this with a landing page I currently use. Can anyone point me in the right direction on how I can pull my system information, such as RAM usage/cpu usage/hdd usage? If possible I want to store this information in a db so I can, in the future, graph this out. Thanks in advance Dan
  11. Im trying to make a list of resources where it shows you how to make variable set like this: $user->option
  12. I am trying to solve the following problem in a php script. This works: system("powershell -command get-wmiobject win32_service -computername SERVER1"); It returns the expected results. However, this returns nothing: system("powershell -command get-wmiobject win32_service -computername SERVER1 -filter "startmode='auto'""); I've tried escaping the single and double quotes in almost every possible combination. For example: ...SERVER1 -filter \"startmode=\'auto\'\" and ...SERVER1 -filter \"startmode='auto'\" And nothing seems to work past the SERVER1. Anyone have any ideas?
  13. I need help with this php survey script. It's supposed to check and see if there are any usernames that are already in the system and if there are then it just adds the values "voted" and "total" to the existing values that are there. If the username is not in the database it will insert that name and add the values. What I have right now is this: $workerusername=$_POST['workerusername']; $q1=$_POST['question1']; $q2=$_POST['question2']; $q3=$_POST['question3']; $values = $q1 + $q2 + $q3; mysql_query("INSERT INTO survey (username, voted, total) VALUES ($workerusername, $values, '30') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `voted` = $values + VALUES(`voted`), `total` = 30 + VALUES(`total`)"); What am I doing wrong? My primary key in the database is ID and then I have username, voted, and total as varchar.
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