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  1. Hello Everyone, My first post here, glad to find this community, down to business: What I am trying to do regards the website mochigames.com. Whenever you load up one of their flash games, there is an advertisement that displays as an overlay before it launches. I'd like to be able to screenshot the area of the browser that contains the game (a 640 x 480 div), and then click-through the ad and keep track of the URL(s) until the final advertisement URL is reached. Some ads go straight to the ad page when you click, while others redirect the URL a couple times before arriving at the final destination URL. So basically, I want to supply cURL with the URLs for various games, and get the script to create a respectable screenshot, and record the URL(s) to the destination advertisement. Any ideas? Pretty new to cURL. Thanks for any assistance in advance!
  2. I have a question that I can't seem to find the answer for. If a PHP developer is designing a routine to allow subscribers to delete their postings, something like this appears in the address bar of the browser: http://www.someWebSite.com/deletePost.php?rec_ID=380 For example, i wrote a routine where a user has to enter their email address and password. If both are entered correctly, they are displayed all their postings. For example, if that user owns record 380, the above happens. Now the routine works perfect but the problem that I noticed is that someone could type that back into their address bar, change the number to, for example, 346, and in essence, delete someone else's posting. How can this issue be solved?
  3. I know how to validate URL in PHP by using the FILTER_VALIDATE_URL or simply, using regular expression. However, I want to know how I can validate a URL to see if it contains file. For example: www.xxxx.com/abc.exe, www.xxxx.com/abc/abc.jpg, etc... As you see, the links contain a file, one has an executable and the other has an image. I want to know, how I can validate a URL to know if it has a file or not? Because I do not want URL with contain file to be in my form! So, any regular expression or other way to do that?
  4. Hello everybody, This is one of my first times that i need to configure a .htacces file, so maybe is this a very simple question but I cant figure it out by myself . Situation: I have a local site, that reachable under the URL: "framework.dev". But I need to configure a rewrite rule: rewrite all the URL's to index.php, except the exact URL: 'framework.dev'. example: framework.dev/users //Rewrite this url to index.php framework.dev/users/edit/1 //Rewrite this url to index.php framework.dev/login //Rewrite this url to index.php etc.. framework.dev //Do not rewrite How do i formulate the correct .htacces rewrite rule? Thank you for you time, Greetings Jelte PS: I you know a good .htaccess tutorial please inform me
  5. I am trying to make a few HTML fields into hyperlinks that are pulling data from MySQL into PHP. My syntax is currently off, so I need some assistance. I have tried this. <td><a href="mailto:<?php echo $record['email_t'];?></a></td> <td><a href="<?php echo $record['url_t'];?></a></td> I am basically just trying to make the email a mailto link and the url field a hyperlink. Any help is greatly appreciated!
  6. Forgive me, I am only but a beginner in PHP & Mysql. I am trying to do a simple website but unfortunately I can see myself in a big mess: Getting 'id' from URL has been so hard for me and that's why I will appreciate if you could assist me. Here goes the code: index.php <?php //The first category (KENYA SAFARIS AS DEFAULT VALUE) of table - categoties $catsql = "SELECT * FROM categories WHERE categories.id = 1"; $catresult = mysql_query($catsql); while($catrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($catresult)){ echo "<h2> " .$catrow['cat_name'] . "</h2>"; //list of available sites to be visited (OF - TABLE tourism sites) $sitesql = "SELECT * FROM tourism_sites WHERE cat_id = " .$catrow['id'] . ";"; $siteresult = mysql_query($sitesql); $sitenumrows = mysql_num_rows($siteresult); if($sitenumrows==0){ echo "<h2 class = 'results'>No listed safari site</h2>"; } else{ while($sitenumrows = mysql_fetch_assoc($siteresult)){ echo "<ul>"; echo "<li><a href='#.php?id =" . $sitenumrows['id'] . "'>" . $sitenumrows['hotel_name'] . "</a></li>"; echo "</ul>"; } } echo "</li> "; } ?> <li> <?php //The second category (UGANDA AS DEFAULT VALUE) of categories table $cat2sql = "SELECT * FROM categories WHERE categories.id = 2"; $cat2result = mysql_query($cat2sql); while($cat2row = mysql_fetch_assoc($cat2result)){ echo "<h2>" .$cat2row['cat_name'] . "</h2>"; //list sites in Uganda to be visited $site2sql = "SELECT * FROM tourism_sites WHERE cat_id =" . $cat2row['id'] .";"; $site2result = mysql_query($site2sql); $site2numrows = mysql_num_rows($site2result); if($site2numrows==0){ echo "<h2 class = 'results'> No saved locations..! </h2>"; } else{ while($site2numrows = mysql_fetch_assoc($site2result)){ echo "<ul>"; echo "<li><a href='#.php?id =" . $site2numrows['id'] . "'>" . $site2numrows['hotel_name'] . "</a></li>"; echo "</ul>"; } } echo "</li>"; } ?> <?php if(isset($_GET['id']) == TRUE) { if(is_numeric($_GET['id']) == FALSE) { header("Location: " . BASE_DIR); } $correct_id = $_GET['id']; } else { header("Location: " . BASE_DIR); } ?> <!-- start page --> <div id="page"> <!-- start content --> <div id="content"> <div class="post"> <h2>Reservation</h2> <?php /* *this query links to variable . $sitenumrows['id'] of index.php to display further information about * $site2numrows['hotel_name'] */ $placesql = "SELECT tourism_sites.*, towns.*, place.*, photos.* FROM tourism_sites, towns, place, photos WHERE tourism_sites.cat_id = towns.id AND towns.id = place.cat_id AND place.id = photos.id AND photos.image_id = " . $correct_id; $placeresult = mysql_query($placesql); $placenumrow = mysql_num_rows($placeresult); if($placenumrow == 0){ echo "<h2 class = 'results'>There was a problem querrying database</h2>"; } else{ while ($placenumrow == mysql_fetch_assoc($placeresult)){ echo "<h2 class = 'title'>" . $placenumrow['town_name'] . "</p>"; } } ?> please help
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