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PHP Class problem :(


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Here's the class:
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
class ValidateEmail
    function InvChrDM($em)
        $flag = true;
        for( $i = 0; $i < strlen($em); $i++)
            $cLet = substr($em, $i, 1);
            if( ctype_alnum($cLet) or $cLet == '-' or $cLet == '.' )
                $flag = TRUE;                
                $flag = FALSE;
        return $flag;
    function InvChrEM($em)
        $flag = true;
        for( $i = 0; $i < strlen($em); $i++)
            $cLet = substr($em, $i, 1);
            if( ctype_alnum($cLet) or $cLet == '_' or $cLet == '-' or $cLet == '.' )
                $flag = TRUE;                
                $flag = FALSE;
        return $flag;
    /* Checks for blank fields that contain only whitespace or nothing*/
    function ChkBlnk($em)
        /*Checks for ONLY whitespace fields
        ctype_graph checks for printable characters
        ctype_space chcks for whitespace like space tab etc.*/
        if(!ctype_graph($em) and  ctype_space($em))
            return false;
        /*Checks for blank fields*/
        else if($em == "")
            return false;
            return true;
    /* The following function checks for the @ character in the*/
    function ChkEm($em)
        if(strpbrk($em, '@'))
            if(substr_count($em, '@') > 1)
                return false;
                return true;
            return false;
    /*Checks for validity of domain name*/
    function ChkDom($em)
        /* Three character domain names */
        $dm1 = array(
        '.ac', '.ad', '.ae', '.af', '.ag', '.ai', '.al', '.am',
         '.an', '.ao', '.aq', '.ar', '.as', '.at', '.au', '.aw',
         '.az', '.ba', '.bb', '.bd', '.be', '.bf', '.bg', '.bh',
         '.bi', '.bj', '.bm', '.bn', '.bo', '.br', '.bs', '.bt',
         '.bv', '.bw', '.by', '.bz', '.ca', '.cc', '.cd', '.cf',
         '.cg', '.ch', '.ci', '.ck', '.cl', '.cm', '.cn', '.co',
         '.cr', '.cu', '.cv', '.cx', '.cy', '.cz', '.de', '.dj',
         '.dk', '.dm', '.do', '.dz', '.ec', '.ee', '.eg', '.eh',
         '.er', '.es', '.et', '.fi', '.fj', '.fk', '.fm', '.fo',
         '.fr', '.ga', '.gd', '.ge', '.gf', '.gg', '.gh', '.gi',
         '.gl', '.gm', '.gn', '.gp', '.gq', '.gr', '.gs', '.gt',
         '.gu', '.gw', '.gy', '.hk', '.hm', '.hn', '.hr', '.ht',
         '.hu', '.id', '.ie', '.il', '.im', '.in', '.io', '.iq',
         '.ir', '.is', '.it', '.je', '.jm', '.jo', '.jp', '.ke',
         '.kg', '.kh', '.ki', '.km', '.kn', '.kp', '.kr', '.kw',
        '.ky', '.kz', '.la', '.lb', '.lc', '.li', '.lk', '.lr',
         '.ls', '.lt', '.lu', '.lv', '.ly', '.ma', '.mc', '.md',
         '.mg', '.mh', '.mk', '.ml', '.mm', '.mn', '.mo', '.mp',
         '.mq', '.mr', '.ms', '.mt', '.mu', '.mv', '.mw', '.mx',
         '.my', '.mz', '.na', '.nc', '.ne', '.nf', '.ng', '.ni',
         '.nl', '.no', '.np', '.nr', '.nu', '.nz', '.om', '.pa',
         '.pe', '.pf', '.pg', '.ph', '.pk', '.pl', '.pm', '.pn',
         '.pr', '.ps', '.pt', '.pw', '.py', '.qa', '.re', '.ro',
         '.ru', '.rw', '.sa', '.sb', '.sc', '.sd', '.se', '.sg',
         '.sh', '.si', '.sj', '.sk', '.sl', '.sm', '.sn', '.so',
         '.sr', '.st', '.sv', '.sy', '.sz', '.tc', '.td', '.tf',
         '.tg', '.th', '.tj', '.tk', '.tm', '.tn', '.to', '.tp',
         '.tr', '.tt', '.tv', '.tw', '.tz', '.ua', '.ug', '.uk',
         '.um', '.us', '.uy', '.uz', '.va', '.vc', '.ve', '.vg',    
         '.vi', '.vn', '.vu', '.wf', '.ws', '.ye', '.yt', '.yu',
         '.za', '.zm', '.zw'
         /* Four character domain names */
        $dm2 = array(
        '.biz','.com','.edu','.gov','.int','.mil','.net', 'org',
        /*Five character domain names */
        $dm3 = array('aero','.coop','.info','.name');
        /* Solitary seven-letter domain*/
        $dm7 = '.museum';
        /*Finds string length and substrings */
        $len = strlen($em);
        $sub3 = substr($em,$len-3, $len);
        $sub4 = substr($em,$len-4, $len);
        $sub5 = substr($em,$len-5, $len);
        $sub7 = substr($em,$len-7, $len);
        /*Searches if the any of substrings match the listed domain
        $flag = false;
        /* Searches if the three letter substring is valid*/
        if( $flag != true )
            for($i = 0; $i < count($dm1); $i++)
                if($sub3 == $dm1[$i])
                    return true;
                    $flag = true;
        /* Searches if the four letter substring is valid*/
        if( $flag != true )
            for($j = 0; $j < count($dm2); $j++)
                if($sub4 == $dm2[$j])
                    return true;
                    $flag = true;
        /* Searches if the five letter substring is valid*/
        if( $flag != true )
            for($k = 0; $k < count($dm3); $k++)
                if( $sub5 == $dm3[$k])
                    return true;
                    $flag = true;
        /* Searches for seven letter .museum domain*/
        if( $flag != true )
            for($l = 0; $l < count($dm7); $l++)
                if( $sub7 == $dm7)
                    return true;
                    $flag = true;
        /* Return false if none of substrings match the listed domain names*/
        if( $flag == false)
            return false;
    /*Returns the string that comes after the @ character*/
    function SpltEmID($em,$what)
        $dmn = strpbrk($em, '@');
        $dmn = explode('@',$dmn);
        if($what == 'domain')
            return $dmn[0];
        else if($what == 'email')
            return $dmn[1];
            return FALSE;

function IsValid($eml)
    $dm = ValidateEmail::SpltEmID($eml,'email');
    $em = ValidateEmail::SpltEmID($eml,'domain');
    $tmp1 = ValidateEmail::ChkBlnk($eml);
    $tmp2 = ValidateEmail::ChkEm($eml);
    $tmp3 = ValidateEmail::ChkDom($dm);
    $tmp4 = ValidateEmail::InvChrDM($dm);
    $tmp5 = ValidateEmail::InvChrEM($em);
            return '1';
            return '2';
            return '3';
            return '4';
            return '5';
            return '0';
    /*The function returns the following integers for invalid
      error types
      * 1 if blank field
      * 2 if @ char not found
      * 3 if email on invalid TLD
      * 4 if invalid characters are found in domain name
      * 5 if invalid characters are found in email
      * 0 if the email is valid
      NOTE : the values returned are in strings and are
      *NOT* Boolean

    /*Zip Files Classes*/
    /* http://www.phpclasses.org/browse/package/945.html */
    /* Send HTML pages */
    /* http://www.phpguru.org/static/mime.mail.html */
    /* http://phpmailer.sourceforge.net */
    /* SQL Courses */
    /* http://www.sqlcourse.com/ */
     /* http://www.w3schools.com/sql/ */
     /* http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/ct/19 */

How do you use that class ? I keep getting error.
Btw.. Is there any tutorial on class ?
Any help will be appreciate, thanks alot.
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