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Help with update query?

Mr Chris

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Hello All,


I have created a query whereby a user fills in the answer Yes or No and the query:


1) Checks to see all the answers have been filled in


2) Inserts the data into the database if the URL string is like so



3) Updates the database if I ask it to update if the URL string is like so:



However points 1 and 2 work, but the update query does not work properly. It updates the existing data, but with blank values.  Ot's almost like the update query does not see the new posted values I've commented my code below to make it easier to read. Can anyone see why my update query does not work? It's almost like it does not see my variable values from the commented section 1?


// 1. If submit is pressed Post/GET the values for all the variables 
$question_number = $_GET["sec"]; 
$the_answer = $_POST['the_answer']; 
// $site_id = Global Variable 
// $syndication = Global Variable 
$user_id = $_GET["user_id"]; 

// 2. Create a $flag value to check for any form elements not filled in for error checking 
if (empty($the_answer)){ 
$error = "<div class='msg_box'><img src='../survey/images/error.jpg' class='align'> <span class='color:#CC0000;font-weight:bold;'>You Must specify an answer!</span></div>"; 

// 3. If there is no answer NOT filled in ($flag=1) and the URL string is NOT update=yes, insert into the database and pick a location to go to 
if($flag != 1 && ($_GET['update'] != 'yes')) 
$result = mysql_query("Insert into cfm_site_survey(question_number,the_answer,site_id,syndication,user_id) values('$question_number','$the_answer','$site_id','$syndication','$user_id')"); 

if($the_answer == 'Yes'){ 
if($the_answer == 'No'){ 


// 3. OTHERWISE it is an update then UPDATE the table and go to the relevant location 
} else { 
$result = mysql_query("Update cfm_site_survey set question_number='$question_number',the_answer='$the_answer',site_id='$site_id',syndication='$syndication',user_id='$user_id' where user_id=".$_GET['user_id']); 

if($the_answer == 'Yes'){ 

if($the_answer == 'No'){ 

} //End of if(isset($_POST['submit'])) 

<form action="" id="survey" method="post"> 

<input type="radio" name="the_answer" value="Yes" class="radio"> 
<div style="clear:left;"></div> 

<input type="radio" name="the_answer" value="No" class="radio"> 
<div style="clear:left;"></div> 

<button type="submit" name="submit" value="submit">Proceed with Questionnaire... »</button> 


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Thanks, thats a good idea.


But how would I do that, I thought it would be:


      $result = mysql_query("Update cfm_site_survey set question_number='$question_number',the_answer='$the_answer',site_id='$site_id',syndication='$syndication',user_id='$user_id' where user_id=".$_GET['user_id'] or die ('Invalid Query: ' . mysql_error());


But that errors out?





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// Set vars global
$question_number = '-1';
$the_answer = '-1';
$user_id = '-1'; 
// 1. If submit is pressed Post/GET the values for all the variables 
$question_number = $_GET["sec"]; 
$the_answer = $_POST['the_answer']; 
// $site_id = Global Variable 
// $syndication = Global Variable 
$user_id = $_GET["user_id"]; 

// 2. Create a $flag value to check for any form elements not filled in for error checking 
if (empty($the_answer)){ 
$error = "<div class='msg_box'><img src='../survey/images/error.jpg' class='align'> <span class='color:#CC0000;font-weight:bold;'>You Must specify an answer!</span></div>"; 

// 3. If there is no answer NOT filled in ($flag=1) and the URL string is NOT update=yes, insert into the database and pick a location to go to 
if($flag != 1 && ($_GET['update'] != 'yes')) 
$result = mysql_query("INSERT into cfm_site_survey(question_number,the_answer,site_id,syndication,user_id) VALUES('$question_number','$the_answer','$site_id','$syndication','$user_id')") or die error(mysql_error()); // included error

if($the_answer == 'Yes'){ 
if($the_answer == 'No'){ 


// 3. OTHERWISE it is an update then UPDATE the table and go to the relevant location 
} else { 
$result = mysql_query("UPDATE cfm_site_survey SET question_number='$question_number',the_answer='$the_answer',site_id='$site_id',syndication='$syndication',user_id='$user_id' WHERE user_id=".$_GET['user_id']) or die error(mysql_error()); // included error

if($the_answer == 'Yes'){ 

if($the_answer == 'No'){ 

} //End of if(isset($_POST['submit'])) 

<form action="" id="survey" method="post"> 

<input type="radio" name="the_answer" value="Yes" class="radio"> 
<div style="clear:left;"></div> 

<input type="radio" name="the_answer" value="No" class="radio"> 
<div style="clear:left;"></div> 

<button type="submit" name="submit" value="submit">Proceed with Questionnaire... »</button> 



try that. if the update now changes the fields to -1 you know where the problem is.

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for future reference this is a MySQL related topic


// 1. If submit is pressed Post/GET the values for all the variables 
$question_number = $_GET["sec"]; 
$the_answer = $_POST['the_answer']; 
// $site_id = Global Variable 
// $syndication = Global Variable 
$user_id = $_GET["user_id"]; 

// 2. Create a $flag value to check for any form elements not filled in for error checking 
if (empty($the_answer)){ 
$error = "<div class='msg_box'><img src='../survey/images/error.jpg' class='align'> <span class='color:#CC0000;font-weight:bold;'>You Must specify an answer!</span></div>"; 

// 3. If there is no answer NOT filled in ($flag=1) and the URL string is NOT update=yes, insert into the database and pick a location to go to 
if($flag != 1 && ($_GET['update'] != 'yes')) 
$result = mysql_query("Insert into cfm_site_survey(question_number,the_answer,site_id,syndication,user_id) values('$question_number','$the_answer','$site_id','$syndication','$user_id')"); 

if($the_answer == 'Yes'){ 
if($the_answer == 'No'){ 


// 3. OTHERWISE it is an update then UPDATE the table and go to the relevant location 
} else { 
$userid = $_GET['user_id'];
$result = mysql_query("Update cfm_site_survey set question_number='$question_number',the_answer='$the_answer',site_id='$site_id',syndication='$syndication',user_id='$user_id' where user_id='$userid'"; 

if($the_answer == 'Yes'){ 

if($the_answer == 'No'){ 

} //End of if(isset($_POST['submit'])) 

<form action="" id="survey" method="post"> 

<input type="radio" name="the_answer" value="Yes" class="radio"> 
<div style="clear:left;"></div> 

<input type="radio" name="the_answer" value="No" class="radio"> 
<div style="clear:left;"></div> 

<button type="submit" name="submit" value="submit">Proceed with Questionnaire... »</button> 


If laPistola's doesnt work try that.

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Thanks Guys,


I've tried both and Flames, your code does exactly the same as my code.  Inserts, but when it comes to updating it just adds blank values:


LaPistola.  I have tried your's  but I get errors on the query.  Take this line for example:


$result = mysql_query("UPDATE cfm_site_survey SET question_number='$question_number',the_answer='$the_answer',site_id='$site_id',syndication='$syndication',user_id='$user_id' WHERE user_id=".$_GET['user_id']) or die error(mysql_error()); // included error


I get the error

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in file.php on line 42.  There seems to be something wrong with the or die mysql error, which I can't work out?



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I've tried adding manual values to my UPDATE query ie:



// 1. If submit is pressed Post/GET the values for all the variables 
$question_number = $_GET["sec"]; 
$the_answer = $_POST['the_answer']; 
// $site_id = Global Variable 
// $syndication = Global Variable 
$user_id = $_GET["user_id"]; 

// 2. Create a $flag value to check for any form elements not filled in for error checking 
if (empty($the_answer)){ 
$error = "<div class='msg_box'><img src='../survey/images/error.jpg' class='align'> <span class='color:#CC0000;font-weight:bold;'>You Must specify an answer!</span></div>"; 

// 3. If there is no answer NOT filled in ($flag=1) and the URL string is NOT update=yes, insert into the database and pick a location to go to 
if($flag != 1 && ($_GET['update'] != 'yes')) 
$result = mysql_query("Insert into cfm_site_survey(question_number,the_answer,site_id,syndication,user_id) values('$question_number','$the_answer','$site_id','$syndication','$user_id')"); 

if($the_answer == 'Yes'){ 
if($the_answer == 'No'){ 


// 3. OTHERWISE it is an update then UPDATE the table and go to the relevant location 
} else { 
$userid = $_GET['user_id'];
$result = mysql_query("Update cfm_site_survey set question_number='1',the_answer='No',site_id='12',syndication='$syndication',user_id='$user_id' where user_id='$userid'"); 

if($the_answer == 'Yes'){ 

if($the_answer == 'No'){ 

} //End of if(isset($_POST['submit'])) 




Update cfm_site_survey set question_number='1',the_answer='No',site_id='12'


And it updates with the Manual Values, so i'm confused as to why it does not see the changes values I make via the form when I edit the data?



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my bad try


// Set vars global
$question_number = '-1';
$the_answer = '-1';
$user_id = '-1'; 
// 1. If submit is pressed Post/GET the values for all the variables 
$question_number = $_GET["sec"]; 
$the_answer = $_POST['the_answer']; 
// $site_id = Global Variable 
// $syndication = Global Variable 
$user_id = $_GET["user_id"]; 

// 2. Create a $flag value to check for any form elements not filled in for error checking 
if (empty($the_answer)){ 
$error = "<div class='msg_box'><img src='../survey/images/error.jpg' class='align'> <span class='color:#CC0000;font-weight:bold;'>You Must specify an answer!</span></div>"; 

// 3. If there is no answer NOT filled in ($flag=1) and the URL string is NOT update=yes, insert into the database and pick a location to go to 
if($flag != 1 && ($_GET['update'] != 'yes')) 
$result = mysql_query("INSERT into cfm_site_survey(question_number,the_answer,site_id,syndication,user_id) VALUES('$question_number','$the_answer','$site_id','$syndication','$user_id')") or die(mysql_error()); // included error

if($the_answer == 'Yes'){ 
if($the_answer == 'No'){ 


// 3. OTHERWISE it is an update then UPDATE the table and go to the relevant location 
} else { 
$result = mysql_query("UPDATE cfm_site_survey SET question_number='$question_number',the_answer='$the_answer',site_id='$site_id',syndication='$syndication',user_id='$user_id' WHERE user_id='".$_GET['user_id']."'") or die(mysql_error()); // included error

if($the_answer == 'Yes'){ 

if($the_answer == 'No'){ 

} //End of if(isset($_POST['submit'])) 

<form action="" id="survey" method="post"> 

<input type="radio" name="the_answer" value="Yes" class="radio"> 
<div style="clear:left;"></div> 

<input type="radio" name="the_answer" value="No" class="radio"> 
<div style="clear:left;"></div> 

<button type="submit" name="submit" value="submit">Proceed with Questionnaire... »</button> 


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Thanks laPistola,


That works a treat, for both update and insert, but now my update query sets the answer to -1.  I've tried doing it like so :


// Set vars global
$the_answer = $_POST['the_answer'];
// Instead of $the_answer = '-1'


But that does not post anything to the database.  But I just can't get my head round it, Why is the value of the_answer I check on my form not being seen in my UPDATE query?

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// Set vars global

$question_number = $_GET["sec"]; 
$the_answer = $_POST['the_answer']; 
// $site_id = Global Variable 
// $syndication = Global Variable 
$user_id = $_GET["user_id"]; 

// 1. If submit is pressed Post/GET the values for all the variables 
if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { 

// 2. Create a $flag value to check for any form elements not filled in for error checking 
if (empty($the_answer)){ 
$error = "<div class='msg_box'><img src='../survey/images/error.jpg' class='align'> <span class='color:#CC0000;font-weight:bold;'>You Must specify an answer!</span></div>"; 

// 3. If there is no answer NOT filled in ($flag=1) and the URL string is NOT update=yes, insert into the database and pick a location to go to 
if($flag != 1 && ($_GET['update'] != 'yes')) { 
$result = mysql_query("INSERT into cfm_site_survey(question_number,the_answer,site_id,syndication,user_id) VALUES('$question_number','$the_answer','$site_id','$syndication','$user_id')") or die(mysql_error()); // included error

if($the_answer == 'Yes'){ 
if($the_answer == 'No'){ 


// 3. OTHERWISE it is an update then UPDATE the table and go to the relevant location 
} else { 
$result = mysql_query("UPDATE cfm_site_survey SET question_number='$question_number',the_answer='$the_answer',site_id='$site_id',syndication='$syndication',user_id='$user_id' WHERE user_id='".$_GET['user_id']."'") or die(mysql_error()); // included error

if($the_answer == 'Yes'){ 

if($the_answer == 'No'){ 

} //End of if(isset($_POST['submit'])) 

<form action="" id="survey" method="post"> 

<input type="radio" name="the_answer" value="Yes" class="radio"> 
<div style="clear:left;"></div> 

<input type="radio" name="the_answer" value="No" class="radio"> 
<div style="clear:left;"></div> 

<button type="submit" name="submit" value="submit">Proceed with Questionnaire... »</button> 


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