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need to make function


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need to make a function out of this:

I have a script on a server that converts a bible ref to the text, which I use in another script.  I want to make a function
called verse()

all I want to do is go:

verse("John 3:16","John 3:17");
and have it create a $variable that has all the input(s)

Here is what I do now, but it is not a function:
$STIM31517 = addslashes(implode('', file('')));
$STIM31517 .= addslashes(implode('', file('')));
$STIM31517 .= addslashes(implode('', file('')));

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Here is what I've gotten so far.  It works, but I need it to work differently.... I'll explain below:

function verse($v,$l){
    return "<span onmouseover=\"showMessage('".
addslashes(implode('', file(''.$v.''))).
"',this)\" style='cursor:default'><font color='#007700'>".$l."</font></span>";
$P120 = verse("2Peter+1:20","2 Pet 1:20");
$P121 = verse("2Peter+1:21","2 Pet 1:21");

this works great, but I need it to do this:  I want it to do a range of verses.  i.e. john 3:16 and 17 together.  $v has to repeat the query, then .= it to the string.  I don't know how to make $v be more than one thing... (does that make sense?) In other words, it has to repeat the query, but add the JS to the final string once

I assume I have to make $v an array? then implode?  I don't know how to do that as part of a function... I'm in over my head :X
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Passing an array to a function is simple... to me... you look like you might need a multidemensional array though. If you want to loop through $v, what are you going to do with $l? You really need to try and explain yourslef a bit clearer, sorry.
function example($arr) {
  if (is_array($arr)) {
    foreach ($arr as $val) {
      $return .= $val." ";
    return $return;
    return $arr;
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Here is the long explaination, thorpe.

I have a js that does hover text.  I have a document with lots of bible verses in it.  I want the verses to show when you hover over the verse.

It works fine the way it is, except one problem:

If you do a single verse, you get a hover hover over that verse.  if the verse is actually a range of verses, like John 3:16 AND John 3:17, then the way I have it now, I have to have both verses listed seperatly, and a separate hover.  what I really want is to show "John 3:17-17" on the web page, and have it hover the $v string for both, which means it has to query the database more than once (Or I have to re-write the query side, but can't because I use that script for other reasons as well).

I can't use
$var=$verse("John+3:16","John 3:17-17");
$var.=$verse("John+3:17","John 3:17-17");
echo $var;
because the function will repeat the JS stuff too.  so I guess I need $v to be an array, and some kind of loop.

The JS and HTML($l) will be the same no matter what, it just needs to concantenate(sp?) each verse in the range so the final output has the whole string of verses as a single string.

I don't thing I can embellish any further :P

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well, here it is... really, it is my first real function I've written... I did a mysql login one...but that was easy...

I, for one, am proud of me...

function verse($v,$l)
if (is_array($v)){
foreach ($v as $val)
$return .=addslashes(implode('',file(''.$val.'')));
    return "<span onmouseover=\"showMessage('".$return."',this)\" style='cursor:default'><font color='#007700'>".$l."</font></span>";
return "<span onmouseover=\"showMessage('".addslashes(implode('', file(''.$v.'')))."',this)\" style='cursor:default'><font color='#007700'>".$l."</font></span>";
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