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Using an array in MySQL where id IN ($array)?


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I have an array - $zips = array('92120', '92127')

$zips actually contain a hundred more is generated dynamically.

Now, can I use this kind of SQL?

SELECT username, zip FROM usertable
WHERE zip IN ('$zips')

I tried but it doesn't work. Basically, $zips is an array that contain a lot of zip codes from a class I'm using. However, I can't use an array in a "IN" statement for MySQL?
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no you can, you have to separate all zipcodes into a string:
SELECT username, zip FROM usertable WHERE zip IN ('92120', '92127');

it's easy to write a snippet of code to convert your array into a string like that.
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I'm trying implode:

$zips = array('92120', '92127');
$zips = implode(',',$zips);
SELECT username, zip FROM usertable WHERE zip IN ($zips);

yields no result, yet just using WHERE zip IN ('92120', '92127') does. I have also implode it using '', ',' but still doesnt' work. FIND_IN_SET give the same result.
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