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I could not find a hosting section to post under, so I figured I would be ok posting here in PHP Help.


I am currently hosting with a guy who has a windows server that he manages that is located in a data center in Dallas, TX. He is currently charging my clients $20 a month and giving me half.


I am considering switching to another host where I do not have to call him for every little thing. I manage about 15 companies, each have PHP & MySQL. I am looking for some insight for the best host for PHP and ease of managing 10 - 15 seperate companies.







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Your best option from what I can see would be to sign up for a reseller account. Google resseler hosting accounts and see what you can find. This will allow you to pay a monthly cost for the account, and host an unlimited amount of domains/clients/businesses for a cost that you will receive. Before you know it you're making a little money from your hosting.

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