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what is a class for??

M.O.S. Studios

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a class is like an object, that is replicatable


for example:


class Cat {

  var $name;

  function getName() { return $this->name; }


$cat1 = new Cat();

$cat1->name = 'Tabby';


$cat2 = new Cat();

$cat2->name = "Bob";


$cat1->getName()." loves talking to ".$cat2->getName()."!";


all it does is allow you to give multiple things the same proceedures, but you can make every single instance of those proceedures,functions,variables, unique to that specific instance

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a class is like an object, that is replicatable


no not really... a class is like a blueprint/design/description for an object.


Like for instance, if you want to define a dog.


Things, or 'properties' of a dog:


- name

- size

- weight

- color

- breed


Things, or 'methods' a typical dog might do/have:


- eat

- poop

- sleep


So these things about a dog would be described in a class, and for example, your little dog muffy would be an instance of that dog class.


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ok.. look @ it this way..


pretend your php application had a party lol.. and they were counting guests..


class Guest {
public $firstName, $lastName, $carColor, $carMake, $age;
public function __construct($fn,$ln,$cc,$cm,$a) {
	$this->firstName = $fn;
	$this->lastName = $ln;
	$this->carColor = $cc;
	$this->carMake = $cm;
	$this->age = $a;
$guests = array();
$guests[] = new Guest('Billy','Joel','blue','Audi',19);
$guests[] = new Guest('Billy','Joel','black','Mercedes',29);
$guests[] = new Guest('Darnel','Jones','red','Ford',14);
$guests[] = new Guest('Wayne','Taylor','silver','Lincoln',24);
foreach ($guests as $k => $guest) {
echo 'Guest '.$k.' is '.$guest->age.' with a '.$guest->carColor.' '.$guest->carMake.'!?!?!?! HOW??<br />';

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is a fancy name for a collection of functions, with an output thats changeable depending on what you feed it


Kinda. Typically a class will be an organized structure of methods (functions), properties (variables), and other objects to perform a specific task or a range of tasks.


I added a bit to the Guest class:


// Our Guest Class:
class Guest {
// Setup the properties of the class:
public $firstName, $lastName, $carColor, $carMake, $age, $cups, $bags;

// Add what happens when you create a new guest
public function __construct($fn,$ln,$cc,$cm,$a) {
	// Set their properties
	$this->firstName = $fn;		// Get this from the passed arguments
	$this->lastName = $ln;		// Get this from the passed arguments
	$this->carColor = $cc;		// Get this from the passed arguments
	$this->carMake = $cm;		// Get this from the passed arguments
	$this->age = $a;		// Get this from the passed arguments
	$this->cups = 0;		// Set this to 0 as default
	$this->bags = 0;		// Set this to 0 as default

// What if our guests get thirsty?
public function drankSoda($cups) {
	// We should keep track of how many sodas they have
	$this->cups = $this->cups + $cups;

// But then they might get hungry too!
public function ateChips($bags) {
	// So let's keep tally of who eats the most at my party
	$this->bags = $this->bags + $bags;


// We normally would create an object like this:
$Phil = new Guest('Phil', 'IsCool', 'green', 'Mini', 19);

// Then, we could say I drank 2 cups of soda:

// I then got super hungry and had 5 bags of chips:

// Finally, I had to wash those chips down and had one more cup of soda:

// In the end, let's see how I did:
echo $Phil->firstName.' '.$Phil->lastName.' drove up in a '.$Phil->carColor.' '.$Phil->carMake.' and had '.$Phil->cups.' cups of soda and '.$Phil->bags.' bags of chips!';

// That would show on screen:
// Phil IsCool drove up in a green Mini and had 3 cups of soda and 5 bags of chips.


Maybe that will make more sense?

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