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Guess The Number


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Well, I can't find any simple 'guess the number' scripts nor know how to go about creating one.

So. How would I create a simple GTN script? All I want is:

- the number range be 1-30
- if they guess and it's wrong, make it say "lower" or "higher"
- the person gets 5 chances before it says they have to start over
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It can be done in one script using sessions. I just wrote one using less than 100 lines (including the HTML) in just about an hour and I'm extremely tired and should be in bed, asleep, right now... It works ok, but still needs some checking (like if the number of guesses is over 5).
Here is the whole script as an example of how it could be done:
$the_number = (isset($_SESSION['the_number']))?$_SESSION['the_number']:rand(1,30);
$_SESSION['the_number'] = $the_number;
$number_guesses = (isset($_SESSION['number_guesses']))?$_SESSION['number_guesses']:5;
$got_it = false;
$higher = false;
$lower = false;
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
switch($_POST['submit']) {
case 'Guess':
$got_it = ($_POST['guess'] == $the_number)?true:false;
$lower = ($_POST['guess'] < $the_number)?true:false;
$higher = ($_POST['guess'] > $the_number)?true:false;
$_SESSION['number_guesses'] = $number_guesses;
case 'Yes':
$_SESSION['the_number'] = rand(1,30);
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">

<title>Guess the Number</title>

<form method="post">
<p>I am thinking of a number between 1 and 30.<br>
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
if ($got_it) {
echo 'You guessed it! The number was <span style="font-weight:bold">' . $the_number . '</span>. You had ' . $number_guesses . ' guesses left</p>';
echo 'Do you wish to try again?<input type=submit name="submit" value="Yes">';
} else {
echo "You're guess was ";
if ($lower) echo '<span style="color:red;font-weight:bold">lower</span>';
if ($higher) echo '<span style="color:lime;font-weight:bold">higher</span>';
echo ' than the number</p>';
echo 'Please enter your guess:<input name="guess" type="text" max_length="2" size="2"><br>';
echo '<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Guess">';
else {
echo 'Please enter your guess:<input name="guess" type="text" max_length="2" size="2"><br>';
echo '<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Guess">';


Have fun.

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You probably have a script working already, but I made this just for fun.  :D

numbers: 1-30
gueses: 5
higher or lower:


//configuration variables
$guesses = 5;
$min = 1; $max = 30;

echo "<b>Guess a nunmber $min and $max for a total of $guesses guesses</b><br />\n";
$num = mt_rand($min, $max);
$_SESSION['num'] = $num;
$_SESSION['myguess'] = $guesses-1;

  $num = $_SESSION['num'];
  $numguess = $_POST['numguess'];
  $myguess = $_SESSION['myguess'];

if($myguess != 0)
  if($numguess > $num)
  echo "Lower <br />\n";
  else if($numguess < $num)
  echo "Higher <br />\n";
  echo "Winner! The number was $num <br />\n";
  echo "A new number is already generated...take a guess<br />\n";
$_SESSION = array();
}//end if myguess
  echo "Loser! The number was $num <br />\n";
  echo "A new number is already generated...take a guess<br />\n";
$_SESSION = array();

if($myguess != 0 && isset($_SESSION['num']))
echo "Guesses left: " . $myguess;


<form method="post" action="">
Num: <input type="text" name="numguess" /><br />
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit" />
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Good script, but the only problem with it is when you have one guess left and you do guess the number, it tells you "loser".
For example- my last guess (fifth guess) was 19 and I got "Loser! The number was 19".

But it's nicely done too :)

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