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Having problems with include things and functions


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this is my common.php file which is used for include all the header and declare all the functions need for the site:
if (defined('_COMMON_INC') ) return ;
define ('_COMMON_INC', 1);
ini_set("variables_order", "EGPCS");
error_reporting (E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE );
include(_VNESHOP_ROOT_PATH . "/include/antiflood.php");
include(_VNESHOP_ROOT_PATH . "/adodb/adodb.inc.php");
include(_VNESHOP_ROOT_PATH . "/include/time.php");
include(_VNESHOP_ROOT_PATH . "/include/page_list.php");
include(_VNESHOP_ROOT_PATH . "/include/common_action.php");
include(_VNESHOP_ROOT_PATH . "/language/language.php");
$db = &ADONewConnection('mysql');
function tohtml($strValue) {
return htmlspecialchars($strValue);
function tourl($strValue) {
return urlencode($strValue);
function get_param($param_name) {
global $HTTP_GET_VARS;
$param_value = "";
if(isset($HTTP_POST_VARS[$param_name])) $param_value = $HTTP_POST_VARS[$param_name];
else if(isset($HTTP_GET_VARS[$param_name])) $param_value = $HTTP_GET_VARS[$param_name];
return $param_value;
function get_session($param_name) {
if (isset($_SESSION[$param_name])) $param_value = $_SESSION[$param_name];
else $param_value="";
return $param_value;
function set_session($param_name, $param_value) {
if (isset($_SESSION[$param_name])) unset($_SESSION[$param_name]);
$_SESSION[$param_name] = $param_value;
function is_number($string_value) {
if(is_numeric($string_value) || !strlen($string_value)) return true;
else return false;
function tosql($value, $type) {
if($value == "") return "NULL";
else if($type == "Number") return str_replace (",", ".", doubleval($value));
else {
if(get_magic_quotes_gpc() == 0) {
$value = str_replace("'","''",$value);
$value = str_replace("\\","\\\\",$value);
else {
$value = str_replace("\\'","''",$value);
$value = str_replace("\\\"","\"",$value);
return "'" . $value . "'";
function strip($value) {
if(get_magic_quotes_gpc() == 0) return $value;
else return stripslashes($value);
function stripc(&$value) {
if (!is_array($value)) $value = stripcslashes($value);
else array_walk($value, "stripc");
function Stripc_var() {
$resarray = array();
foreach (func_get_args() as $outvar) {
$resarray[] = $outvar;
if (func_num_args() == 1) {
return $resarray[0];
else {
return $resarray;
function get_current_var($name) {
$var = get_session(_PREFIX . $name);
return $var;
function get_session_var($name) {
$var = get_session(_PREFIX . $name);
return $var;
function set_session_var($name, $value) {
set_session(_PREFIX . $name, $value);
function get_current_language() {
$lang = $_COOKIE[_PREFIX . "lang_id"];
return $lang;
function get_condb() {
global $db;
return $db;
function get_module_name() {
global $module_name;
return $module_name;
function get_module_dir() {
global $module_dir;
if (!strlen($module_dir)) {
$module_name = get_module_name();
$module_dir = "modules/" . $module_name;
return $module_dir;
function check_authority($auth_level) {
$right = get_current_var("User_Right");
if ($right >= $auth_level) return true;
else return false;
function check_security($security_level) {
global $User_Right;
if(!session_is_registered(_PREFIX . "User_ID")) header ("Location: Login.php?querystring=" . urlencode(getenv("QUERY_STRING")) . "&ret_page=" . urlencode(getenv("REQUEST_URI")));
else if( (!session_is_registered(_PREFIX . "User_Right") )|| ( ($UserRights=get_session(_PREFIX . "User_Right")) < $security_level) ) header ("Location: Login.php?querystring=" . urlencode(getenv("QUERY_STRING")) . "&ret_page=" . urlencode(getenv("REQUEST_URI")));
function check_permit($member_id, $permit) {
if (check_authority(_MOD_LEVEL)) return true;
else {
$db = get_condb();
$rs = $db->Execute("SELECT * FROM member_permit WHERE member_id='" . $member_id . "' AND permit='" . $permit. "'");
return ($rs->RecordCount())?true : false;

function init_config() {
global $config_tb;
$config_tb = get_session("config_tb");
if (!is_array($config_tb)) {
$db = get_condb();
$config_tb = array();
$rs = $db->Execute("SELECT name, value FROM config");
while (!$rs->EOF) {
$config_tb[$rs->fields["name"]] = $rs->fields["value"];
set_session("config_tb", $config_tb);
function init_module_config($module="default") {
global $config_tb;
if ($config_tb[$module . "_menu"]) {
$config_tb["center_menu"] = unserialize($config_tb[$module . "_center_menu"]);
$config_tb["left_menu"] = unserialize($config_tb[$module . "_left_menu"]);
$config_tb["right_menu"] = unserialize($config_tb[$module . "_right_menu"]);
else {
$db = get_condb();
$pos_arr = array("left","right","center");
$rs_func = $db->Execute("SELECT * FROM sys_module_func");
$func_arr = $rs_func->GetAssoc();
foreach ($pos_arr as $key=>$pos) {
$sql = "SELECT * FROM menu INNER JOIN sys_module ON menu.module_id=sys_module.module_id WHERE sys_module.module_name='" . $module . "' AND menu.position='" . $pos . "' AND menu.is_active=1 ";
$rs = $db->Execute($sql);
if ($rs->RecordCount()) {
$value = $rs->fields["value"];
if ($value) {
$value_arr = explode("|",$value);
$arr = array();
for($i=0, $max=count($value_arr);
$i < $max;
$i++) {
$arr[$i]["func_name"] = $value_arr[$i];
$arr[$i]["func_file"] = $func_arr[$value_arr[$i]]["func_file"];
$arr[$i]["is_active"] = $func_arr[$value_arr[$i]]["is_active"];
$arr[$i]["title"] = translate($func_arr[$value_arr[$i]]["title"],$lang);
$arr["size"] = count($value_arr);
$config_tb[$module . "_" . $pos . "_menu"] = serialize($arr);
else {
$config_tb[$module . "_" . $pos . "_menu"] = $config_tb["default_" . $pos . "_menu"];
$config_tb["center_menu"] = unserialize($config_tb[$module . "_center_menu"]);
$config_tb["left_menu"] = unserialize($config_tb[$module . "_left_menu"]);
$config_tb["right_menu"] = unserialize($config_tb[$module . "_right_menu"]);
$config_tb[$module . "_menu"] = 1;
set_session("config_tb", $config_tb);
function get_config($name) {
global $config_tb;
return $config_tb[$name];
function get_theme_name() {
global $theme_name;
return $theme_name;
function Theme_load($theme) {
global $barcolor , $linkcolor , $vlinkcolor, $alinkcolor, $textcolor , $bgcolor , $title_bar_color ;
global $bgImage , $big_bar_image ,$bar_image, $top_left_image ;
global $screen_width, $left_width, $center_width, $right_width;
global $bgcolor1, $bgcolor2;
global $index_bar_image1, $index_bar_image2, $index_bar_image3, $index_bar_image4;
global $theme_name;
global $banner;
$include_path = _VNESHOP_ROOT_PATH . "/theme/" . $theme . "/theme.php";
$default_path = _VNESHOP_ROOT_PATH . "/theme/default/theme.php";
$theme_name = $theme;
if (!file_exists($include_path)) {
echo $include_path;
$include_path = $default_path;
$theme_name = "default";
function fnMail($to, $subject, $message, $headers="", $debug=0) {
$headers .= "\n Content-Type: text/html;
if ($debug) {
echo "Mail To: ".$to."<br>";
echo "Mail Subject: ".$subject."<br>";
echo "Mail Message: ".$message."<br>";
echo "Mail Headers: ".$headers."<br>";
$return = @mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);
return $return;
function Clean_input() {
$ret_array = array();
foreach(func_get_args() as $var) {
$outvar = htmlentities($var);
array_push($ret_array, $outvar);
if (func_num_args() == 1) {
return $ret_array[0];
else {
return $ret_array;

This works in my friend machine but not for me :
My machine :
Ubuntu 6.06.1
Apache2 2.0.55
php5 5.1.2
mysql 5.0.22

The error is
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare tohtml() (previously declared in /home/chop/Web/Website/include/common.php:21) in /home/chop/Web/Website/include/common.php on line 23
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Hi, i already know what the problem is, just dont know how to fix it, actually how to trace it down.

I think i did have
if (defined('_COMMON_INC') ) return ;
define ('_COMMON_INC', 1);

so if the thing is included twice then nothing happends.

Thanks for answering.
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I think it is more likely that you have include('common.php'); in more than one place - like it is included in a file which is included in common.php - what ever has happened ther is a second include of this file.

One of the reasosn why require_once is what you shoudl really use for a site wide script liek this.
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