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CI problems with changing registrations


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i have a CI "cms" based on the FB clone I bought quite awhile back but decided i wanted to change my first problem is how I can not modify certain things first off being the registration. Below I would like the registration to be alot more simple with the option of possibly adding info later.


What I would like the registration to be is;


Username, Email system.


below is the ci register from the script I try to modify it and every time when i take out the lifestage_id and highschool and modify the other classes the script wont work what am i doing wrong


class Register extends Controller
	function Register()
			//Load the language file
			$this->lang->load('login', $this->config->item('language_code'));
			$this->lang->load('register', $this->config->item('language_code'));
	function index()
			//Load the required model, libraries, plugins.
			//Set the form validation rules
			//Delete the old captcha images
			if (isset($_POST['time'])) @unlink(BASEPATH . '../application/images/captcha/' . $_POST['time'] . '.jpg');
			//Create the captcha image
			$randKey = rand();
			$vals = array('word' => $this->_randomPassword(5, $randKey), 'img_path' => BASEPATH . '../application/images/captcha/', 'img_url' => base_url() . 'application/images/captcha/', 'font_path' => BASEPATH . '../application/fonts/verdana.ttf', 'font_size' => 25, 'img_width' => 150, 'img_height' => 30, 'expiration' => 7200);
			$cap = create_captcha($vals);
			//set the output data
			$outputData['captcha'] = $cap;
			$outputData['randKey'] = $randKey;
		   $outputData['schoolStatus'] = $this->registerModel->getSchoolStatus();
			$outputData['securityQuestions'] = $this->usermodel->getSecurityQuestions();
			//Do the validation
		   	if ($this->validation->run() == false || ($this->input->post('iam') == 3 && $this->input->post('high_school') == ''))
				 if ($this->input->post('iam') == 3 && $this->input->post('high_school') == '') $this->validation->error_string = $this->validation->error_string . $this->validation->_error_prefix . $this->lang->line('register_high_school_required') . $this->validation->_error_suffix;
					//Oops! validation Error.
					$outputData['validationError'] = $this->validation->error_string;
					$outputData['college_year'] = $this->input->post('college_Year') . '-' . date('m') . '-' . date('d');
					$outputData['highschool_year'] = $this->input->post('high_school_Year') . '-' . date('m') . '-' . date('d');
					$outputData['dateofbirth'] = $this->input->post('birthday_Year') . '-' . $this->input->post('birthday_Month') . '-' . $this->input->post('birthday_Day');
					$this->smartyextended->view('register', $outputData);
					//Load the user model
					//Create the new user
					$newUserStatus = $this->usermodel->newUser($_POST);
					if ($newUserStatus != false)
							//Registration completed succcess
							//Send the confirmation email
							$this->_sendConfirmEmail($this->input->post('register_name'), $this->input->post('register_email'));
							/* Send the confirmation E-Mail */
							$outputData['email'] = $this->input->post('register_email');
							$this->smartyextended->view('registersuccess', $outputData);
							$outputData['validationError'] = $this->lang->line('register_error_email_exists');
							$this->smartyextended->view('register', $outputData);
	function _registerFrmRules()
			$rules['register_name'] = 'trim|required|alpha_dash_space|min_length[6]';
			$rules['iam'] = 'required';
			$rules['register_email'] = 'trim|required|valid_email';
			$rules['register_password'] = 'required|min_length[6]';
			$rules['birthday_Month'] = 'required|callback__dateCheck';
			$rules['security_answer'] = 'trim|required|alpha_dash_space|min_length[6]';
			$rules['captcha_response'] = 'required|callback__captcha_check';
			$rules['terms'] = 'required';
			$fields['register_name'] = $this->lang->line('register_fullname');
			$fields['iam'] = $this->lang->line('register_iam');
			$fields['register_email'] = $this->lang->line('register_email');
			$fields['register_password'] = $this->lang->line('register_password');
			$fields['security_answer'] = $this->lang->line('register_security_answer');
			$fields['captcha_response'] = $this->lang->line('register_captcha');
			$fields['terms'] = $this->lang->line('register_terms');
	function _captcha_check($captcha)
			$randomWord = $this->_randomPassword(5, $_POST['randKey']);
			if (trim($captcha) == '')
					$this->validation->set_message('_captcha_check', $this->lang->line('register_the') . '%s' . $this->lang->line('register_requireds'));
					return false;
			} elseif ($randomWord != $this->input->post('captcha_response'))
					$this->validation->set_message('_captcha_check', $this->lang->line('register_code_mismatch'));
					return false;
					return true;
  function _dateCheck()
			if (checkdate($this->input->post('birthday_Month'), $this->input->post('birthday_Day'), $this->input->post('birthday_Year')) == false)
					$this->validation->set_message('_dateCheck', $this->lang->line('register_date_invalid'));
					return false;
			else  return true;
	function _randomPassword($length = 8, $seed = '')
			$password = "";
			$possible = "0123456789";
			$i = 0;
			mt_srand(($seed == '') ? rand() : $seed);
			while ($i < $length)
					$char = substr($possible, mt_rand(0, strlen($possible) - 1), 1);
					if (!strstr($password, $char))
							$password .= $char;
			return $password;
	function _sendConfirmEmail($username, $email)
			$emailTemplate = $this->emailTemplateModel->readEmailTemplate('register_confirm');
			/* Send the Confirm E-Mail as the register is confirmed successfully */
			$settings = $this->settingsmodel->readSetting('admin_email, admin_name, site_name, site_title');
			$adminEmail = $settings['admin_email'];
			$adminName = $settings['admin_name'];
			$confirmKey = md5(time());
			$confirmText = base_url() . 'register/confirm/' . $confirmKey;
			//Set the user activation key
			$this->usermodel->setUserActivationKey($email, $confirmKey);
			$splVars = array("~~receiverName~~" => $username, "~~siteName~~" => $settings['site_name'], "~~siteTitle~~" => $settings['site_title'], "~~attachUrl~~" => $confirmText, "~~adminEmail~~" => $adminEmail, "~~adminName~~" => $adminName);
			$subject = strtr($emailTemplate['template_subject'], $splVars);
			$message = strtr($emailTemplate['template_content'], $splVars);
			$this->email->from($adminEmail, $adminName);
	function confirm($confirmKey)
			//Load the user model
			//Set the flash data
			$this->session->set_flashdata('flash_msg', $this->lang->line('register_confirm_success'));
			//go the login page

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That was not the problem ( the db issue ) towards the bottom of the posted code i missed the

function _registerFrmRules()

Where it was calling for an input from that option. I guess I have another question. in the script things are being called on for instance it has security questions that a pre defined in the database but lets say I want to remove them and let a user input the question how would I go about that?



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