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PHP If Statement using a comma delimted file


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Hi everyone,


Basically i have a little task to do and was wondering if anyone is able to help, i would very grateful


First task is for me to read a comma delimted file into PHP and store everything into an Array:


Comma Delimited File = "houses.txt" (As a reference it means, PostCode, Price ('000's), picture and houses visits)

HA11QS, 200, house1.jpg, 4

HA22BR, 280, house2.jpg, 10

HA33AB, 390, house3.jpg, 3

HA44CD, 320, house4.jpg, 8


my basic php for now is:


function getHouse ()
$filename = "houses.txt";
$fileRead   = fopen($filename, "r");

$rowsArr  = file ($filename);
for ($i=0; $i < count($rowsArr); $i++)
		$lineDetails = $rowsArr[$i];
		print  $lineDetails . "<br>" ;


<h3> Welcome </h3>

<p> PostCode Number Picture Visits </p>


echo getHouse();



What i need to do next is to have a static web form where a user can input a maximum price e.g. 300

And that will return all the houses which are under 300 by reading the whole array


I have a basic form setup:


<form method="post" action="maxtest.php" >
<input type="text" name="userprice" value="" />

<input type="submit" name="button" value="Submit" />


and also i have a an idea that i need something along the lines of:

$userValue = $_POST['userprice'];

	if ($userValue == 300)



Im a bit stuck on how to incorporate the comma delimted array


Please help me, thank you

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Hi, ill have a look now.

But just saying that my php code for reading the comma delimited file works fine

It just ... using an if statement while reading the whole array


My apologies if i caused any confusion


However i am still grateful and thank you

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A rough start - un-proof-read, untested; however, should work...


/* PRESUMES the text file lines end with newline character, and that the images are in the same folder as the script */
$file = "houses.txt";

/* put all the lines into an array */
$houses = file($file);

/* test that it is infact an array */
echo "<PRE>";
echo "</pre>";

/* max price */
$max = 300;

/* count the number of houses in the array */
$num_houses = count($houses);

/* loop thru the array and split each house into its own array */
for($i=0;$i<$num_houses;$i++) {
$elements = explode(",", $houses[$i]);

/* check if price is <= $max */
if(((int) $elements[1]) <= $max) {
	/* echo out the info for each house */
	Post Code - <?PHP echo $elements[0]; ?><br/>
	Price - $<?PHP echo $elements[1]; ?>,000.00<br/>
	Visits - <?PHP echo $elements[3]; ?><br/>
	Picture - <img src="<?PHP echo $elements[2]; ?>" alt=""><br/>

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Hmm i tried just using that current example and not even using my code, however it didn't work :(


The thing is that what i need is:

HA11QS, 200, house1.jpg, 4

HA22BR, 280, house2.jpg, 10

HA33AB, 390, house3.jpg, 3

HA44CD, 320, house4.jpg, 8 in an array which i have done in the code provided in the first post


However, when users are using a static web form:

<form method="post" action="maxtest.php" >
<input type="text" name="userprice" value="" />

<input type="submit" name="button" value="Submit" />


They may type in e.g. 300 and the results:

HA11QS, 200, house1.jpg, 4

HA22BR, 280, house2.jpg, 10


are returned to them :S



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Hmmm - working example - http://www.nstoia.com/houses.html

(BTW it may be better to CONTROL their price input - use a select list of valid choices)


the codes:


<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 3.2//en">
<meta name="GENERATOR" content="Arachnophilia 4.0">
<meta name="FORMATTER" content="Arachnophilia 4.0">
<body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000" link="#000000" vlink="#000000" alink="#000000">
<form action="houses.php" method="post">
Select a maximum price: <select name="price">
	<option value="400">$400,000.00</option><br/>
<option value="300">$300,000.00</option><br/>
<option value="200">$200,000.00</option><br/>
<option value="100">$100,000.00</option><br/>
<input type="submit" value="Submit">



if(isset($_POST['price'])) {
$max = $_POST['price'];
$file = "houses.txt";
$houses = file($file);
$num_houses = count($houses);
for($i=0;$i<$num_houses;$i++) {	
	$elements = explode(",", $houses[$i]);
	if(((int) $elements[1]) <= $max) {
		Post Code - <?PHP echo $elements[0]; ?><br/>
		Price - $<?PHP echo $elements[1]; ?>,000.00<br/>
		Visits - <?PHP echo $elements[3]; ?><br/>
		Picture - <img src="<?PHP echo $elements[2]; ?>" alt=""><br/><hr>
?><a href="houses.html">Try Again</a><?PHP




HA11QS, 200, house1.jpg, 4
HA22BR, 280, house2.jpg, 10
HA33AB, 390, house3.jpg, 3
HA44CD, 320, house4.jpg, 8

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try this


function getHouse ()


  $filename = "houses.txt";

  $fileRead  = fopen($filename, "r");


  $rowsArr  = file ($filename);

  foreach($rowsArr as $row)


        $lineDetails = $row;

        $item_array = explode(', ',$row) // to turn the csv into an array






once in $item_array the values are stored as follows.

$item_array[0]  is the postcode

$item_array[1] is the price

$item_array[2] is the visits

$item_array[3] is the pictures

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Thanks litebearer and also cgeisler515 for your help thus far all your efforts are very appreciated


litebearer, your code works thank you, just a one thing, why does it matter when php is:

<?PHP and <?php

I tried the code with <?php and i end up with errors however with <?PHP everything is fine


Also cgeisler515, thanks for that, just how would i use an if statement in there?


Thanks again


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Very simple much in the same way above answer.


just a bit easier to read


function getHouse ()


$filename = "houses.txt";

$fileRead  = fopen($filename, "r");


$rowsArr  = file ($filename);

foreach($rowsArr as $row)


$lineDetails = $row;

$item_array = explode(', ',$row); // to turn the csv into an array


if(((int) $item_data[1]) <= $GET['price'])


echo("Post Code -  " . $item_data[0] . "<br/>\n");

echo("Price - $" . $item_data[1] . ",000.00<br/>\n");

echo("Visits - " . $item_data[3] . "<br/>\n");

echo("Picture - <img src=\"" . $item_data[2] . "\" alt=\"\"><br/><hr>\n");






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