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Cookies Help


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hi everybody  ;

its working Forgot Password 


i am posting a form.php to anohter page.php and if  turn true i am sending mail and creating a cookie after header(Location: form.php)


so cookie code  in page.php

$_COOKIE['mailsent'] = $mailii;



i want show it


if(isset($_Cookie['mail'])) {  echo "sent mail to $_Cookie['mailsent']" }


but i am taking this Notice


Notice: Undefined index: kayip in J:\EasyPHP-5.3.2i\twww\site\form.php on line 133


when i lookup to site Cookies i am allready seem  "mailsent" and value = $dynamic_mail

so where am i doing wrong ??

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I agree with spiderwell we need to know the line that has kayip in it.


One thing you may already know but you can't set a cookie and read a cookie in the same execution of a script. i.e you must run the script and set the cookie then run the script again to read it regardless how you do it.




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so kayip is another # language mean mail .. i used  mailsent 


if(isset($_Cookie['mailsent'])) {  echo "sent mail to $_Cookie['mailsent']" }


Notice: Undefined index: mailsent in J:\EasyPHP-5.3.2i\twww\site\form.php on line 133

in 133 line  : echo  $_COOKIE['mailsent'] ;

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dude! upload the whole code, or give us a larger amount of it, its very had to tell what is going on.


line 133 is basically saying the cookiee doesnt exist yet, so as the incubi above stated, you probably have set it, and then try and read it in the same execution of script

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this is form.php


$islem = $_GET['islev'];
line33 .	case 'ok' : $table ='.$_COOKIE['mailsent'].';break;
           case 'fail' :   $table = 'form element posting another page and setcookie ;break;

<body> echo $table </body>



posted page.php


if(isset($posted)) {
setcookie("kayip",$mailii,time()+(60*30)) ;
$_COOKIE['mail_sent'] = $row['mail_adres'];

ob_end_flush() ;


allready seem mailsent Cookie in firefox but i am taking


Notice: Undefined index: mailsent in J:\EasyPHP-5.3.2i\www\ct\forgot_pass.php on line 133

i didint understand so :S where  wrong

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your original post:


hi everybody 

$_COOKIE['mailsent'] = $mailii;



your latest copy of the supposedly same code:

setcookie("kayip",$mailii,time()+(60*30)) ;
$_COOKIE['mail_sent'] = $row['mail_adres'];


you have changed your setcookiee variable


the error is stating it cant find the mailsent cookiee, and the reason is as incubi first stated. Although now it looks like you don't even set it at all.


set a cookiee it cannot be called until after a page script ends.


setcookie() defines a cookie to be sent along with the rest of the HTTP headers. Like other headers, cookies must be sent before any output from your script (this is a protocol restriction). This requires that you place calls to this function prior to any output, including <html> and <head> tags as well as any whitespace.


Once the cookies have been set, they can be accessed on the next page load ....


read this for more info http://php.net/manual/en/function.setcookie.php


also i don't think this line does anything: $_COOKIE['mail_sent'] = $row['mail_adres']; as = is assignment operator and im pretty sure it doesnt apply to setting cookiee values


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