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until eof?


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hello all,
Hopefully you can help me on this next issue as you have all been really helpful with all other q's.
Right I ill do my best to explain.

I have a page that displays a students attendance records, which is fine.
#connect to db
$conn = @mysql_connect(  "localhost", "username", "password" )
      or die( "Err:conn");
#select db
$rs = @mysql_select_db( "dbname", $conn)
or die( "ERR:Db");

#create query
$sql = "select * from table where stu_id=\"$stu_id\" ";

#exe query
$rs = mysql_query( $sql, $conn )
or die( "Could not execute query.");

#search for matches
$num = mysql_numrows ($rs);
if ($num !=0)
$list = "<table align= \"center\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"8\" >";
$list .= "<tr>";
$list .= "<th class=table>Reg ID</th>";
$list .= "<th class=table>Group</th>";
$list .= "<th class=table>Reg Description</th>";
$list .= "<th class=table>Day</th>";
$list .= "<th class=table>Att</th>";
$list .= "<th class=table>Abs</th>";
$list .= "<th class=table>%Att</th>";
$list .= "<th class=table>Tutor</th>";
$list .= "</tr>";

#retrieve data
while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $rs ) )
$list .= "<tr>";
$list .= "<td class=table>".$row["register_id"]."</td>";
$list .= "<td class=table>".$row["register_group"]."</td>";
$list .= "<td class=table>".$row["full_desc"]."</td>";
$list .= "<td class=table>".$row["day"]."</td>";
$list .= "<td class=table>".$row["total_present"]."</td>";
$list .= "<td class=table>".$row["total_absent"]."</td>";
$list .= "<td class=table>".$row["perc"]."%"."</td>";
$list .= "<td class=table>".$row["forename"]." ".$row["surname"]."</td>";
$list .= "</tr>";
$name = $row["name"];
$student_id = $row["stu_id"];
$list .= "</table>";

#list details if matches found or display no matches found msg
echo($name. "  ". $stu_id. "<br><br>");
echo(  $list . "<br>" );
{ echo ("<br>There is no attendance information for this student");

I want to add a row at the end of this table that add's all the att's, abs's and works out a percentage once it has retrieved all of the matches.

So I did this:-
[code]#connect to db
$conn = @mysql_connect(  "localhost", "username", "password" )
      or die( "Err:conn");
#select db
$rs = @mysql_select_db( "dbname", $conn)
or die( "ERR:Db");

#create query
$sql = "select *, sum(total_absent) as totabs, sum(total_present) as totatt from table where stu_id=\"$stu_id\" group by stu_id";

#exe query
$rs = mysql_query( $sql, $conn )
or die( "Could not execute query.");

#search for matches
$num = mysql_numrows ($rs);
if ($num !=0)
$list = "<table align= \"center\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"8\" >";
$list .= "<tr>";
$list .= "<th class=table>Reg ID</th>";
$list .= "<th class=table>Group</th>";
$list .= "<th class=table>Reg Description</th>";
$list .= "<th class=table>Day</th>";
$list .= "<th class=table>Att</th>";
$list .= "<th class=table>Abs</th>";
$list .= "<th class=table>%Att</th>";
$list .= "<th class=table>Tutor</th>";
$list .= "</tr>";

#retrieve data
while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $rs ) )
$list .= "<tr>";
$list .= "<td class=table>".$row["register_id"]."</td>";
$list .= "<td class=table>".$row["register_group"]."</td>";
$list .= "<td class=table>".$row["full_desc"]."</td>";
$list .= "<td class=table>".$row["day"]."</td>";
$list .= "<td class=table>".$row["total_present"]."</td>";
$list .= "<td class=table>".$row["total_absent"]."</td>";
$list .= "<td class=table>".$row["perc"]."%"."</td>";
$list .= "<td class=table>".$row["forename"]." ".$row["surname"]."</td>";
$list .= "</tr>";
$list .= "<tr>";
$list .= "<td class=table></td>";
$list .= "<td class=table></td>";
$list .= "<td class=table colspan=\"2\" align=\"right\"><b>My Total Attendance</b></td>";              $list .= "<td class=table>".$row["totatt"]."</td>";
$list .= "<td class=table>".$row["totabs"]."</td>";
                          $list .= "<td class=table>".$row["totperc"]."%"."</td>";
$list .= "<td class=table></td>";
$list .= "</tr>";
$name = $row["name"];
$student_id = $row["stu_id"];
$list .= "</table>";

#list details if matches found or display no matches found msg
echo($name. "  ". $stu_id. "<br><br>");
echo(  $list . "<br>" );
{ echo ("<br>There is no attendance information for this student");

It now only displays the first record from the table that matches but carries out the calculation correctly(includes all the matching rows) ???
I want it to display all matching rows then the calculation row at the end.
Im guessing there is an; if eof, do until loop situation but I've searched for a answer, but no luck.
Any Ideas?

Hope I made sense.

Many Thanks.
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Right I have been going over this all day and I think I may have cracked it.

I thought I would put my code here for use by someone else or if any one still has any suggestions on how to make it more efficient please let me know.

  #connect to db
$conn = @mysql_connect(  "localhost", "username", "password" )
      or die( "Err:conn");
#select db
$rs = @mysql_select_db( "dbname", $conn)
or die( "ERR:Db");

#create queries
$sql = "select * from table where stu_id=\"$stu_id\" ";

$totsql = "select sum(total_absent) as totabs, sum(total_present) as totatt from table
where stu_id=\"$stu_id\" group by stu_id";

#exe queries
$rs = mysql_query( $sql, $conn )
or die( "Could not execute query.");

$rs2  = mysql_query( $totsql, $conn )
or die( "Could not execute query.");

#search for matches to query $sql
$num = mysql_numrows ($rs);
if ($num !=0)
$list = "<table align= \"center\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"8\" >";
$list .= "<tr>";
$list .= "<th class=table>Reg ID</th>";
$list .= "<th class=table>Group</th>";
$list .= "<th class=table>Reg Description</th>";
$list .= "<th class=table>Day</th>";
$list .= "<th class=table>Att</th>";
$list .= "<th class=table>Abs</th>";
$list .= "<th class=table>%Att</th>";
$list .= "<th class=table>Tutor</th>";
$list .= "</tr>";

#retrieve data from query $sql
while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $rs ) )
$list .= "<tr>";
$list .= "<td class=table>".$row["register_id"]."</td>";
$list .= "<td class=table>".$row["register_group"]."</td>";
$list .= "<td class=table>".$row["full_desc"]."</td>";
$list .= "<td class=table>".$row["day"]."</td>";
$list .= "<td class=table>".$row["total_present"]."</td>";
$list .= "<td class=table>".$row["total_absent"]."</td>";
$list .= "<td class=table>".$row["perc"]."%"."</td>";
$list .= "<td class=table>".$row["forename"]." ".$row["surname"]."</td>";
$list .= "</tr>";
$name = $row["name"];
$student_id = $row["stu_id"];
#retrieve data from query $totsql
while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $rs2 ) )
$totabs = $row["totabs"];
  $totatt = $row["totatt"];
$totperc = (round(100 * ( $totatt / ( $totatt + $totabs ) ) ,1) );
$list .= "<tr>";
$list .= "<td class=table></td>";
$list .= "<td class=table></td>";
$list .= "<td class=table colspan=\"2\" align=\"right\"><b>My Total Attendance</b></td>";
$list .= "<td class=table>".$row["totatt"]."</td>";
$list .= "<td class=table>".$row["totabs"]."</td>";
$list .= "<td class=table>".$totperc."%"."</td>";
$list .= "<td class=table></td>";
$list .= "</tr>";
$list .= "</table>";

#list details if matches found or display no matches found msg
echo($name. "  ". $stu_id. "<br><br>");
echo(  $list. "<br>" );
{ echo ("<br>There is no attendance information for this student");

Thought it may be useful as it shows calculations at server side and some at client side. It also shows a table with a totals part.
Hope it is of use.  :)
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