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Trying to make it say an error if using up points you don't have (or more pts)


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Okay, I'm trying to make it so that when someone levels up in my game, they can use stat bonus points to increase their abilities.


However, there doesn't seem to be a break in there to ensure that someone can't spend points that they don't have. For instance, they get 3 per level, but if they spend 6, the system lets them and shows a -3 in their stat_bonus field.


Any help would be appreciated! Thanks in advance!!



//$link = opendb();
define("PAGENAME", "Stat Bonus");
$player = check_user($secret_key, $db);
$x = $player->username;
if($_SESSION['234asdfas']){$y = $_SESSION['234asdfas'];}else{echo 'Error: You do not have a session variable set'; exit;}

$command = 1;

$choice = $_POST['choice'];
$amount = $_POST['amount'];

if (isset($_POST["statbonus"])) {
	$checkquery = $db->execute("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id`=?", $player->id);
	//$rec = mysql_fetch_array($checkquery);
	$errors = 0;
	$errorlist = "";
	if ($errors == 0) { 

	$query = $db->execute("UPDATE `users` SET `stat_bonus`=? WHERE `id`=?", array($player->stat_bonus - $amount, $player->id)) or die("querya failed: ". mysql_error());
	$qry = $db->execute("select * from `users` where `id`=?", array($player->id)) or die("qry failed: ".mysql_error());
	$rw = $qry->fetchrow();

	$query2 = $db->execute("UPDATE `users` SET `stat_bonus`=?, $choice=$choice+$amount WHERE `id`=?", array($player->stat_bonus - $amount, $player->id)) or die("query2 failed: ". mysql_error());
		echo("<br><br>You have successfully used your stat bonus points.<br>");
	} elseif  
		($amount > $player["stat_bonus"])
		{ echo "<font color='red'>Enter an amount higher than 0!</font>"; }
			($amount == 0)
  			{ echo "<font color='red'>Enter an amount higher than 0!</font>";  }
			(!is_numeric($amount)) { 
		echo "<font color='red'>Enter an amount!</font.";
	else {
		echo "<font color=green><b>You have succesfully spend skill points!</b></font><br /><br />";
$player = check_user($secret_key, $db);
<table width="100%">
  <td colspan="2"><fieldset>
<form action="" method="post">
<font size='4'><b>Skill points</b></font><br />
Every time you raise a level, you get 3 skillpoints. You can spend them here.
<br />
You currently have <font color=green><b><?=$player->stat_bonus?> Skill Points.</b></font>. Please choose an attribute:<br />
<br />
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="choice" VALUE="strength" CHECKED>Strength<br />
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="choice" VALUE="vitality" >Vitality<br />
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="choice" VALUE="agility">Agility<br />
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="choice" VALUE="wisdom">Wisdom<br />
<br />
How many skill points do you want to spend? (+1 for every skill point): <br /><br />
Amount: <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="amount" SIZE="8" MAXLENGTH="8">
<INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="statbonus" VALUE="Submit">

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I see two places where you are updating the value of 'stat_bonus' and in both the value is set as

$player->stat_bonus - $amount


I assume $player->stat_bonus is the users current value. So, just implement a check as follows before running those queries

if($player->stat_bonus - $amount < 0)
    //The amount would create a negative balance - implement error condition
    //Allow the update

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I was wanting it to create some sort of error if they did try to put in a decimal point though.


Something like this:


elseif (!is_numeric($amount))
echo "Enter a numerical amount!";


Is there an !is_X statement that will check for that?

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