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Code Only Fully Works On Page Refresh


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I have the following code which only fully works when I refresh the page.


When I click the button it only inserts the $followerid into the database. However when I press F5 to refresh the page it inserts both the $profileid and $followerid


It seems quite strange and I haven't seen an issue like this before. It some sort of silly mistake does anybody know?




 $followerid = $_SESSION['userID'];
 $profileid = $row['id'];

  $error = "";
			   if($error == "") {
				    // other checks here to determine various ID's are numeric, etc.
				    $sql = "INSERT INTO `follow` (`user_id`, `follow_user_id`) VALUES ('" . $profileid . "', '" . $followerid . "')";

    if (!mysql_query($sql)) {
						    if (mysql_errno($link_identifier) == 1062) { //$link_identifier is necessary to avoid conflicting error notices due to multiple openning/closing SQL connections
								    // duplicate attempt to follow
								    // handle accordingly
 <?php echo $profileid; ?> Profile ID <br>
 <?php echo $followerid; ?> Follower ID <br>

  <div class="followbutton">
   <a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>"><img src="/images/follow.png" id="followbutton" class="submit-button"/></a>

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It's impossible to know what the problem is based upon what you have provided. For example, where is $row['id'] defined?


But, the more important thing is that the little error handling there is provides no feedback. So, if there was a problem you have no way to know what it is. You are defining $followerid as $_SESSION['userID'], but what if the session wasn't started (I actually think the problem is something to do with sessions)? Then, $followerid would have a 'false' value and the query would fail. But, there is nothing to check if $_SESSION['userID'] is defined and if the query fails there is nothing to provide an error. Also, I'm not sure if you stripped out some code or not, but this makes no sense:

$error = "";

if($error == "")


Why would you set $error to an empty string immediately followed by a condition check to see if it is an empty string?


Based upon what I see in that code I think you may be running queries in loops - which is a bad idea, but since there is not enough information provided I can't provide a solution for that. Give this code a try to at least pinpoint the problem.



$errors = array();

//Validate the input vars
   $errors[] = "\$_SESSION['userID'] value is not set.";
   $errors[] = "\$row['id'] value is not set";

   //Validation of input vars passed, attempt to run query
   //Force vars to be ints to be safe for query statement
   $followerid = intval($_SESSION['userID']);
   $profileid  = intval(($row['id']);

   $query = "INSERT INTO `follow` (`user_id`, `follow_user_id`) VALUES ('{$profileid}', '{$followerid}')";
   $result = mysql_query($query);

   if (!$result)
    $errors[] = "Query: {$query}<br>Error: " . mysql_error();

   echo "The following errors occured:\n";
   echo "<ul>\n";
   foreach($errors as $rr)
    echo "<li>{$err}</li>\n";
   echo "</ul>\n";

 <?php echo $profileid; ?> Profile ID <br>
 <?php echo $followerid; ?> Follower ID <br>

<div class="followbutton">
   <a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>"><img src="/images/follow.png" id="followbutton" class="submit-button"/></a>

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Sorted it.


I should have noticed the problem. When I press F5 the it remains on the profile of the person I want to follow so that persons ID nubmer enters into the database. If press the button it reloads the page but without the ID of the person I want follow so I get a blank page.


All I had to do was to echo the profileid into a query on the link. This now gives me what I want because it enters the two IDs into the database and relaods the page of the profile I wanted to follow.


<a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>?ID=<?php echo $profileid; ?>"><img src="/images/follow.png" id="followbutton" class="submit-button"/></a>

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Is there anyway I can make it so that the code only runs when I click the button.


As opposed to what? If either of the IDs are not set, don't execute the code. If you are wanting someone to prevent using Refresh to insert a new record there are several options. Here are two:


1. After the record is added, redirect the user to a different (or the same) page using a header() function. This will wipe out any GET/POST values.

2. Put in logic to prevent a duplicate records

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Is there a way to only allow the code to run if the button is pressed?


I thought I could use this. I thought it said that the followbutton has to be clicked?


if(isset($_POST['followbutton']) && $_POST['followbutton'] == 'true'){


Im going to add a duplicate logic. I dont know how to do this but I am trying to find out with another page. I shall also add one so that a user cant follow themselves. Although the button will be removed if the user is logged in and viewing their own profile.

Edited by justlukeyou
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1. After the record is added, redirect the user to a different (or the same) page using a header() function. This will wipe out any GET/POST values.


Apologies mate, what is this function. Im baffled that a form can run just by refreshing the page. Currently if somoene is not logged in it inserts 0 into the database and if someone is logged in they follow the user just by refreshing the page.

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And what did you see when you print_r()'d the $_POST array? Was the value of the button in it?


Hi, not totally sure what you mean tired and frazzled after Christmas. I echoed it and it came back with this.



Warning: print_r() expects at least 1 parameter, 0 given in /home/website.com/test/profileinserttest.php on line 322

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What does it do?


From the manual:




(PHP 4, PHP 5)


print_r — Prints human-readable information about a variable

print_r ( mixed $exp<b></b>ression [, bool $return = false ] )


print_r() displays information about a variable in a way that's readable by humans.


print_r(), var_dump() and var_export() will also show protected and private properties of objects with PHP 5. Static class members will not be shown.


Return Values


If given a string, integer or float, the value itself will be printed. If given an array, values will be presented in a format that shows keys and elements. Similar notation is used for objects.


When the return parameter is TRUE, this function will return a string. Otherwise, the return value is TRUE.

Example #1 print_r() example

$a = array ('a' => 'apple', 'b' => 'banana', 'c' => array ('x', 'y', 'z'));
print_r ($a);

The above example will output:

   [a] => apple
   [b] => banana
   [c] => Array
           [0] => x
           [1] => y
           [2] => z

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Does anyone have any suggestions. Im not using a POST function. Should I be using this.


Should I be using something like this. Whenever I try to use it creates one of many errors. Should I be using it at all?


if(isset($_POST['followbutton']) && $_POST['followbutton'] == 'true'){

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