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Wow! First, what an awesome place this is! I was searching for exactly something of this sort! A place where people can talk about PHP and ask questions and receive great support. To the founders of phpfreaks, my hat off to you all! 

Here is my issue. I installed the RokBridge Joomla extension that will bridge my website with my phpBB forums to synchronize user registrations, log in sessions, and log out sessions. This way registration processes are cut down in addition to the user only having to log in/out at one place but be logged in/out in the other applications (in my case, the forums and website). 


Everything is installed and configured correctly. I have no issues whatsoever as far as backend Joomla access and rokbridge application performance with phpBB. The only issue I'm having is a fatal error when trying to access my homepage. That error is:


 Fatal error: Class 'JFolder' not found in /home/user/public_html/mysite.com/administrator/components/com_rokbridge/helpers/rokbridge.php on line 34


Line 34 of rokbridge.php is:

 if (!$params->get('bridge_path') || !JFolder::exists( JPATH_SITE.'/'.$params->get('bridge_path') ) || !$params->get('phpbb3_path') || !JFolder::exists( JPATH_SITE.'/'.$params->get('phpbb3_path') ))



I understand that the php code in line 34 is trying to find the installation of Joomla on my directory, hence the JFolder, at least to my understanding. I'm not certain, however, what location php code line 34 is referencing to look for JFolder, but based off the error message I know whatever reference location is in the code, Jfolder is not there. 

Can any php expert of any type help me correctly reference my Joomla installation? Joomla was unpacked into public_html so when users went to www.mysite.com they would see the Joomla website instead of the default installation of www.mysite.com/joomla 

What do I need to edit in line 34 to reference my Joomla installation in public_html? 


P.S. I have considered RokBridge support but RokBridge provides this Joomla extension for free but requires you to pay $30+ to ask a question about it which I do not think is appropriate. If I have an answer, I want to be able to help someone but unfortunately RokBridge does not share my perspective. So hopefully I've come to the right place for support! 





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