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Newbie requests help - INSERT problem


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Hi Guys,

Sorry for the Newb question, but this is stumping me, and I am not finding any posts similar to my problem. I have created a simple PHP/MySQL guestbook on my website, and it actually works when you use IE. But I tried it using Firefox the other day and I got a "Couldn't Execute Query" (from my code) error.

Here is the code:







or die ("Couldn't connect to server");


or die ("Couldn't select database");

if ($button == "Submit")


foreach ($HTTP_POST_VARS as $value)


$query="INSERT INTO entry (name,comment)

VALUES ('$name','$comment')";


or die ("Couldn't Execute Query.");





The code is sent three POST variables - $button, $name and $comment. My database has a table named entry. Entry has three fields - time, name, comment. Time is a TIMESTAMP field with the default value set to NULL so that MySQL will insert a value. Time is also the primary key. Name is setup as a STRING, and Comment is setup as LONGTEXT.

I believe my error is just the format that I am using for my INSERT string, but I am not yet skilled enough with PHP or MySQL to determine what I am doing wrong. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you,


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if ($button == "Submit")


foreach ($HTTP_POST_VARS as $value)


$query="INSERT INTO entry (name,comment)

VALUES ('$name','$comment')";


or die ("Couldn't Execute Query.");




Firstly, that "foreach()" loop will execute the same insert 3 times if there are 3 POSTed values.


Secondly, you need to collect the variables from the $_POST array (use $_POST instea of $HTTP_POST_VARS if you are using php version above 4.0) in case "register_globals" is OFF (as it should be) on the server.


[!--PHP-Head--][div class=\'phptop\']PHP[/div][div class=\'phpmain\'][!--PHP-EHead--][span style=\"color:#0000BB\"]<?php

[/span][span style=\"color:#007700\"]if (isset([/span][span style=\"color:#0000BB\"]$_POST[/span][span style=\"color:#007700\"][[/span][span style=\"color:#DD0000\"]\'button\'[/span][span style=\"color:#007700\"]])) {

    [/span][span style=\"color:#0000BB\"]$button [/span][span style=\"color:#007700\"]= [/span][span style=\"color:#0000BB\"]$_POST[/span][span style=\"color:#007700\"][[/span][span style=\"color:#DD0000\"]\'button\'[/span][span style=\"color:#007700\"]];

    if ([/span][span style=\"color:#0000BB\"]$button [/span][span style=\"color:#007700\"]== [/span][span style=\"color:#DD0000\"]\"Submit\"[/span][span style=\"color:#007700\"])


        [/span][span style=\"color:#0000BB\"]$name [/span][span style=\"color:#007700\"]= [/span][span style=\"color:#0000BB\"]$_POST[/span][span style=\"color:#007700\"][[/span][span style=\"color:#DD0000\"]\'name\'[/span][span style=\"color:#007700\"]];

        [/span][span style=\"color:#0000BB\"]$comment [/span][span style=\"color:#007700\"]= [/span][span style=\"color:#0000BB\"]$_POST[/span][span style=\"color:#007700\"][[/span][span style=\"color:#DD0000\"]\'comment\'[/span][span style=\"color:#007700\"]];


        [/span][span style=\"color:#0000BB\"]$query[/span][span style=\"color:#007700\"]=[/span][span style=\"color:#DD0000\"]\"INSERT INTO entry (name,comment)

        VALUES (\'$name\',\'$comment\')\"[/span][span style=\"color:#007700\"];

        [/span][span style=\"color:#0000BB\"]$result[/span][span style=\"color:#007700\"]=[/span][span style=\"color:#0000BB\"]mysql_query[/span][span style=\"color:#007700\"]([/span][span style=\"color:#0000BB\"]$query[/span][span style=\"color:#007700\"])

        or die ([/span][span style=\"color:#DD0000\"]\"Couldn\'t Execute Query.\"[/span][span style=\"color:#007700\"]);




[/span][span style=\"color:#0000BB\"]?>[/span]


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Hi Barand,

Thanks for the reply. And thanks for helping me clean up my code. I visted the PHP.net site after I read your reply and looked up some of the functions that you used, and agreee my original code needed improvement.

After much tinkering around, and some modification to my code, I actually found that the reason Firefox and Opera were not submitting entries correctly was because of the window configuration I was using. I was submitting the info from a child window that also closed itself when the submit button was pressed. Firefox and Opera close the window so fast, the information was never submitted to the database. I have fixed the window and everything works great.


Thanks again for all of the help. I would have been looking in the wrong direction for days I'm sure. Cheers,


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