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Format Date Pre 1900

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I have a database of guitarists birthdays. The birthday is stored in a MySQL DB in DATE format as YYYY-MM-DD. Virtuoso Spanish classical guitarist Andrés Segovia was born on Feb 21, 1893. I would like the PHP output to be "February 21, 1893". When I use the common date output. this date come out as January 1, 1970.


I understand there is a problem with either the DB or PHP understanding dates pre 1900. (I'm a bit of a nube)  Through a Google search I am able to get close with this code;


while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {

$bday = explode('-',$row['bday']);

$bdayf = $bday[1] .'/' . $bday[2] .'/' . $bday[0] ;

echo "$bdayf";



This outputs 02/21/1893. But I can't get it the final mile and get it to output as February 21, 1893. I have to beilive this a common problem but I cannot find a clear answer.


I thank anyone in advance for your help.


Nick Paonessa




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I'm running;

PHP Version 5.3.10
MySQL Version 5.5.20


Again. I'm  abit of a nube. I looked at that link. It's not completely clear on how to formulate the Query. Here's what my query currently looks like. (My goal is that if today is a guitarist's birthday it will show up in a  side bar.)


$TodayM = (date ('m'));
$TodayD = (date ('d'));


$result = mysql_query("
SELECT * FROM guitaristbday
WHERE MONTH(bday) = $TodayM AND DAY(bday) = $TodayD
ORDER BY bday");


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Your existing code, as you said, is already there. The problem is converting the month.


You can do it manually, but it's a long code.

$months = array(
"01" => "January",
"02" => "February",
"03" => "March",
"04" => "April",
"05" => "May",
"06" => "June",
"07" => "July",
"08" => "August",
"09" => "September",
"10" => "October",
"11" => "November",
"12" => "December"

echo $months[$bday[1]] . " " . $bday[2] . ", " . $bday[0];
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SELECT thedate,
DATE_FORMAT(thedate, '%M %e, %Y')
FROM test.dates
ORDER BY thedate

| thedate    | DATE_FORMAT(thedate, '%M %e, %Y') |
| 1893-02-21 | February 21, 1893                 |
| 2012-01-01 | January 1, 2012                   |


$d = new DateTime('1893-02-21');
echo $d->format('F j, Y');     //-> February 21, 1893
Edited by Barand
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The date for Andres Segovia now looks right (February 21, 1893) but as I've progressed to the next phase of the project, I've come across a new but related issue. In the last issue, I was sorting by name. The next page groups all the Guitarists' birthdays by Month so now I'm sorting by birthday. Because, the (I think) PHP is interpreting 1983-02-21 as Jan 1 1970, even though it looks right (February 21, 1893 due to the formatting solution), the entry is showing up in the January group. Not the February group.
Here's my query;
    $sql = mysql_query("SELECT *
    FROM guitaristbday
    ORDER BY MONTH(bday), bday ASC
The date are in the MySQL database as 1893-02-21 in a field called bday and it's fromatted as type DATE. Again, I'm a nube so I don't manage the DB via a command line. I use PHPMyAdmin. WHen I click on the field name, it sorts it correctly. In ASC order, it puts that date first. When you do that, it puts the query of what you just did at the top of the page.
FROM `guitaristbday`
ORDER BY `guitaristbday`.`bday` DESC
LIMIT 0 , 30
Because I'm not exactly sure where the limitation is (MySQL or PHP) I'm not sure what side to tackle this from. Here is my PHP Code;


echo "<div align='left'>";

// Get format for formatted BDay month
include "/includes/months.php";

// login to db
include ("includes/db.php");

//Perform Query for Header info
    $sql = mysql_query("SELECT *
    FROM guitaristbday
    ORDER BY MONTH(bday), bday ASC
//Show # of Records found
echo "Total records found - " .mysql_num_rows ($sql)."";

// initialize header and set it to an empty string
$header = '';

// mysql_fetch_assoc will return each row from the result set
while ($row=mysql_fetch_assoc($sql)) {

$id = $row['id'];
$name = $row['name'];
$bday = $row['bday'];
$bday2 = explode('-',$row['bday']);
$bdayf = $months [$bday2[1]] .' ' . $bday2[2] .', ' . $bday2[0] ;
$month_no = date('m', strtotime ($bdayf));
$month = date('F', strtotime ($bday));

// we only want to print the header if it hasn't been seen in the result yet
if ($header!=$month) {
echo "<div class='Titles'></br>";
echo "$month";
echo "</div></b>";

// means the current header display is for the nonth name
$header = $month;

// include formatted City/Firm

echo "$name - $bday<br/>";

//close align div
echo "<div>";



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The mysql ORDER BY works fine for me

mysql> SELECT thedate,
    -> DATE_FORMAT(thedate, '%M %e, %Y') as formatted
    -> FROM test.dates
    -> WHERE thedate < '2012-01-05'
    -> ORDER BY MONTH(thedate), DAY(thedate) DESC;
| thedate    | formatted         |
| 2012-01-04 | January 4, 2012   |
| 2012-01-03 | January 3, 2012   |
| 2012-01-02 | January 2, 2012   |
| 2012-01-01 | January 1, 2012   |
| 1893-02-21 | February 21, 1893 |
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the easiest way to do it would be to have the guitarist have date columns with the month, day, and year in them, possibly hour, minute, second, and day of the week fields in them.


Well, stop doing that then.

date will NOT work with pre 1070 dates.

the date function will work with dates pre1070, only IF you put them into two column data spots with the overflow in the 1st column, unless you tested that idea already, and it gave you an error.

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