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PHP MySQL .csv Import


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I have some code that I edited for importing csv into mysql using PDO to bind parameters. I thought it was working before, but tested it again and the issue I have is that only one line (the fourth line) of the csv file is getting imported. The first line is the header which are the table field names. The first method below is what's used to parse the csv files and bind the field names with the data. The second method, loops through. I need another pair of eyes, so if anyone can help me figure out my issue, I would greatly appreciated.

    public function getSQLinsertsArray($sqlTable)
        $data = $this->getCSVarray();
        $queries = [];
        $fieldsStr = "";
        while(list($k, $field) = each($data))
            if(empty($fieldStr)) $fieldStr = implode(", ", array_keys($field));
            //$valueStr = "'".implode("', '", $field)."'";
            $placeholders = array_map(function($col) { return ":$col"; }, $field);
            $bind = array_combine($placeholders,$field);
            $queries[] = DB::inst()->query("INSERT INTO ".$sqlTable." (".$fieldStr.") VALUES (".implode(",", $placeholders).");",$bind);
        return $queries;

    public function queryInto($sqlTable)
        $queries = $this->getSQLinsertsArray($sqlTable);
        while(list($k, $query) = each($queries))
            $q = $query;
		if($q > 0) {
			return true;
		} else {
			return false;
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you basically want to import all data in CSV file to the DB right?

if so,

$csvFile = "test.csv";
$csvSeparator = ",";
$csvFileLength = filesize($csvFile);

$handle = fopen($csvFile, "r");
    $csvData = fread($handle, $csvFileLength);

$data = explode("\n",$csvData);

This will seperate the data to seperate arrays, which you can append to a variable and execute it.

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@jairathnem, thanks for the reply, but I already have a method that does that in the class already. It is the method $this->getCSVarray() which you can see is called in my code above.

Edited by parkerj
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Just in case my issue is with some other method, I am posting the whole class:

class CSVimporter {
    public $csvFile;                    // Full path to csv file
    public $topLineFields = true;       // Is the first line of the CSV field names to use
    public $fieldSeparator = ",";       // Character that separates fields
    public $fieldEnclosure = "\"";      // The character that encloses each field
    public $fieldNamesArray;            // Array to hold the field names of the file content
    public $rowWalker = "";         // The array_walk function to call for each row's data array
    public $fileHandler;                // File handler for csv
    public $showDebug = false;          // Show debugging information
     * Constructor
     * @file        string          The filename (with full path) of the CSV file to import
     * @params      array           OPTIONAL: Extra parameters to send to the constructor.  Array example:
     *                                  array(
     *                                      topLineFields => false,         // The first line of the CSV file does not contain field names
     *                                      fieldSeparator => ",",          // The CSV data fields are separated by a comma
     *                                      fieldEnclosure => "\"",         // Double quotes enclose each field containing commas
     *                                      rowWalker => "formatMyData"     / The name of the function to call to format each CSV line before import.
     *                                                                      // This function can be used to convert date strings to timestamps or modify
     *                                                                      // any other data before import.  This is the name of a function that you supply.
     *                                  )
     *                              Any or ALL of the above array values can be specified.  They will override the default values of the class
     * @return      void            No value returned
    public function __construct($name, $temp, $params = NULL) {
    	$this->csvFile = BASE_PATH . 'tmp/uploads/';
		$this->csvFile = $this->csvFile . basename($name);  
        if(move_uploaded_file( $temp, $this->csvFile )) { 
            return true; 
        } else { 
            return false; 
        if(!is_file($this->csvFile)) die("The CSV file (".$this->csvFile.") does not exist.");
        // See if additional parameters were passed in
            while(list($var, $val) = each($params))
                if(isset($val)) $this->$var = $val;
     * Set the field names for the csv data
     * @fields      array           If the first line of your CSV file does not contain the field names of the data, you can use this method
     *                              to create them.  Heres an example of a CSV file with 7 fields that we want to specify names for:
     *                                  array("Field 1", "Field 2", "Field 3", "Field 4", "Field 5", "Field 6", "Field 7")
     *                              The parameter is an array of string values that will be the field names of the table
     * @return      void            No value returned
    public function setFieldNames($fields)
        $handle = fopen($this->csvFile, "r");
        while(($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, $this->fieldSeparator, $this->fieldEnclosure)) !== FALSE) 
            $fieldCount = count($data);
        // Make sure number of field names match
        if(count($fields) != $fieldCount) die("There are ".$fieldCount." fields in the CSV file, you have supplied ".count($fields)." field names.");
        $this->fieldNamesArray = $fields;
     * Gets and array of the csv contents.  This method is mostly used by the class and really isn't needed to be called.
     * @return      array           The array returned is a multidemensional array of the data in the csv file.  The data is returned in an array like this:
     *                                  Array
     *                                  (
     *                                      [0] => Array
     *                                          (
     *                                              [field1] => value1
     *                                              [field2] => value2
     *                                              [field3] => value3
     *                                          )
     *                                      [1] => Array
     *                                          (
     *                                              [field1] => value1
     *                                              [field2] => value2
     *                                              [field3] => value3
     *                                          )
     *                                      ...
     *                                  )
     *                              Each array key ([0], [1], etc.) represents a row of data from the csv file
    public function getCSVarray()
        // Make sure the field names array is set first
        if(!$this->topLineFields && count($this->fieldNamesArray) < 1) die("You must set the field names");
        $line = 1;
        $dataArray = [];
        $this->fileHandler = fopen($this->csvFile, "r");
        while(($data = fgetcsv($this->fileHandler, 1000, $this->fieldSeparator, $this->fieldEnclosure)) !== FALSE) 
            // Set first line as field names
            if($line == 1 && $this->topLineFields) $this->fieldNamesArray = $data;
                $info = [];
                for($i = 0; $i < count($data); $i++)
                    $fieldArray = $this->fieldNamesArray;
                    $info[$fieldArray[$i]] = $this->formatFieldData($data[$i]);
                // If there is a user defined array walk to format row data, do it here
                if(!empty($this->rowWalker)) array_walk($info, $this->rowWalker);
                $dataArray[] = $info;
                if(count($data) != count($this->fieldNamesArray))
                    if($this->showDebug) echo "The following line was not included, because the number of fields did not match:<br /><b>".implode($this->fieldSeparator, $data)."</b><br /><br />";
        //echo "<pre>"; print_r($dataArray); echo "</pre>";
        return $dataArray;
     * Get array of sql insert statements to put the data into a table
     * @sqlTable    string          String representing the name of the MySQL table in which to place the csv data.  The table must have fields
     *                              with the same field names as the imported data.
     * @return      array           Array of sql queries in string form to insert the csv data
    public function getSQLinsertsArray($sqlTable)
        $data = $this->getCSVarray();
        $queries = [];
        $fieldsStr = "";
        while(list($k, $field) = each($data))
            if(empty($fieldStr)) $fieldStr = implode(", ", array_keys($field));
            //$valueStr = "'".implode("', '", $field)."'";
            $placeholders = array_map(function($col) { return ":$col"; }, $field);
            $bind = array_combine($placeholders,$field);
            $queries[] = DB::inst()->query("INSERT INTO ".$sqlTable." (".$fieldStr.") VALUES (".implode(",", $placeholders).");",$bind);
        return $queries;
     * Run the sql queries to import info into db
     * @sqlTable    string          String representing the name of the MySQL table in which to place the csv data.  The table must have fields
     *                              with the same field names as the imported data.
     * @return      void            No value returned
    public function queryInto($sqlTable)
        $queries = $this->getSQLinsertsArray($sqlTable);
        while(list($k, $query) = each($queries))
            $q = $query;
		if($q > 0) {
			return true;
		} else {
			return false;
     * Delete uploaded file after import completion successfully  
     * @param    bool      
    public function deleteFile() 
        if( file_exists($this->csvFile) ) { 
            if( unlink( $this->csvFile ) ) { 
                return true; 
        } else { 
            return false; 
     * Format the field to clean the data
     * @field       string          CSV field data that needs to be cleaned
     * @return      void            No value returned
    public function formatFieldData($field)
        $field = str_replace("\\".$this->fieldEnclosure, $this->fieldEnclosure, $field);  // Remove escape chars
        return $field;
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