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TCP and ACK : cURL function : double data


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I have a PHP script using the cURL function.

This script send the data by a web service.

It works often without problem.


Sometimes, he sent a double data : same data by two times.

I checked the log file this script (by curl_getinfo) on "total_time"


When this script works correctly (it send the data only one time) : the total_time is less than 6 second.

but when the total_time is more than 7 second, (this is a casual/occasional situation), my script send same data by two times so it is double data!


So the web service send the ACK(Acknowledgment) which takes a long time (more than 7 second) and then, the TCP send again same data to a web service.


How can I avoid this doubling ? By increasing this time waiting / time limit


How can I define this time limit for 12 second?


Could you help me :



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The real problem is actually something different: Your service is unable to recognize duplicate submissions (those can happen for all kinds of reasons, not just TCP issues).


So the first thing you should do is introduce a nonce (number used only once) to your request and make your service reject all requests which have a duplicate nonce.


For example:

  • Generate a sufficiently long random ID for each request and send it along with the payload.
  • On the server, create a table for all used nonces. A single nonce column declared as the primary key is sufficient.
  • Whenever you receive a request, you try to insert the nonce into the above mentioned table. If that fails due to a duplicate value, you cancel the processing. Otherwise you continue.
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Hi Jacques1, many thanks




The real problem is actually something different: Your service is unable to recognize duplicate submissions (those can happen for all kinds of reasons, not just TCP issues).

When you say "your service", is it web service which I use, isn't it ?
So this web service provided us by our supplier.
So I can not any control this web service : I must ask to change to our provider ?
Or I must add something in my script ?




So the first thing you should do is introduce a nonce (number used only once) to your request and make your service reject all requests which have a duplicate nonce.


What is a nonce ? It means a token ?
Where can I put this token ?
I can create a unique/single token with "microtime" + order number, is it right ?
Before "curl_close"  line 84?
Here is my code :
include 'includes/info.php';
include 'includes/functions.php';

$micro_date = microtime();
$date_array = explode(" ",$micro_date);
$nowDate = date("Y_m_d__H_i_s__",$date_array[1]);

define('KEY_SECRET', $key_shared_secret);
function verify_webHk($dataIn, $hmac_header)
  $calculated_hmac = base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha256', $dataIn, KEY_SECRET, true));
  return ($hmac_header == $calculated_hmac);
$hmac_header = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_HMAC_SHA256'];
$dataIn = file_get_contents('php://input');
$verified = verify_webHk($dataIn, $hmac_header);

$dataInDecode = json_decode($dataIn);
$dataInDecodeArray = json_decode($dataIn, true);

$nowDateFile = date("Ymd");
$orderNumber = $dataInDecodeArray['orderNumberJsn'];

$logFileName = '\sent_response_' . $orderNumber . '_' . $nowDateFile. '.txt';
$logFileNameConnexion = '\error_connexion_' . $orderNumber . '_' . $nowDateFile. '.txt';

$orderNumber = $dataInDecode->orderNumberJsn;

foreach ($dataInDecode->lineItems as $objProd)
				 case 'TraderPeekABoo' :
					$errorNumberCurl = NULL;
					$errorTitleCurl = NULL;
					$searchID = funcFind(array("*-","--","=="),$objProd->nsm);
					$productID = $searchID[0];
					$priceItems = $objProd->priceItems;
					$pricesTaxs = (array)$objProd->taxLines;
								$tax1st = !empty($pricesTaxs[0]) ? $pricesTaxs[0]->priceItems : 0.00;
								$tax2nd = !empty($pricesTaxs[1]) ? $pricesTaxs[1]->priceItems : 0.00; 
					$total = $priceItems + $tax1st + $tax2nd ;

					$commandXML = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
									<traderId>' . $orderNumber . '</traderId>';     	 
					$commandXML .= '<commandItem>
												<faceValue>' . number_format($total, 2, '.', '')*100 . '</faceValue> 	';			   
					$commandXML  .= '</commandItem></command>';
					$urlWS = $url .	$productID. '?account=' . $account . '&key=' . $key ;
					$curl = curl_init();
					curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $urlWS);
					curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
					curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
					curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
					curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query(array('xml' => $commandXML)));
					curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
					$dataOut = curl_exec($curl);
					$infoOut = curl_getinfo($curl);
					$logData = "\r\n" .'Information transfer :'.  "\r\n" . serialize($infoOut) . "\r\n" .'result :'."\n". $dataOut. "\r\n";
						$errorNumberCurl = curl_errno($curl);
						$errorTitleCurl = curl_error($curl);
						$dataLogError = "\r\n" .'CURL\'S Error number: "' . $errorNumberCurl . '" and Error info: "'. $errorTitleCurl. '"'."\r\n";
						file_put_contents($logDirectory.$logFileNameConnexion, $dataLogError, FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX);

					file_put_contents($logDirectory.$logFileName, $logData, FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX);
				  // echo '<p>NOTHING</p>';
Edited by tonton
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Double-check the service documentation (or ask the provider) to see if they support any kind of unique transaction ID or nonce to prevent duplicate submissions.


Then I wonder how the workflow looks like. Your own script also seems to be a webservice. Are you sure that it's only called exactly once?


Finally: You said that the service fails to send any ACK segments. Did you actually see that in a packet sniffer, or is this just speculation?

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Hi Jacques, thanks for this.

Finally: You said that the service fails to send any ACK segments. Did you actually see that in a packet sniffer, or is this just speculation?

This is just speculation. Because I think that the cUrl doesn't retry automatically but the TCP protocol does : if TCP not getting its ACK so it re-sends the packet a couple of times, does not it?
And this situation is very rare/exceptionnel 1%!  When the "total_time" (by [curl_getinfo]) is more than 7 second.
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