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annotation critique


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hey guys,


i discovered annotation validation recently and liked how easy it is to validate general class' and form enitys...so i decided i'd write my own script...i don't normally ask for feedback, but as i jumped into the deep end creating an annotation handler, with no experience of using/writing one, i'd like to ask if i could get some general feedback please.


i've read some documation on symfony2 and phpdoc but that's about it.


annotation reader: reads and gathers comments left for properties and mehtods as well as namespaces


namespace Annotation;

use Exception;
use ReflectionClass;
use ReflectionProperty;
use ReflectionMethod;
use ReflectionFunction;

class Reader
	private $class_name;
	private $properties = array();
	private $methods    = array();
	private $namespaces = array();
	public function read($object)
		$reflector        = new ReflectionClass($object);
		$this->class_name = $reflector->getShortName();
		foreach ($reflector->getProperties() as $property)
			$name     = $property->getName();
			$property = $reflector->getProperty($name);
			$value  = $property->getValue($object);
			$tags   = new Phaser($property->getDocComment());
			$this->properties[$name] = array(
					'tags'  => $tags->phase(),
					'value' => $value
		foreach ($reflector->getMethods() as $method)
			$name   = $method->getName();
			$method = $reflector->getMethod($name);

			$tags        = new Phaser($method->getDocComment());
			$parameters  = array();
		 	foreach ($method->getParameters() as $parameter) 
        		$parameters[] = strtolower($parameter->name);
			$this->methods[$name] = array(
					'tags'        => $tags->phase(),
					'parameters'  => $parameters
		$contents = file_get_contents($reflector->getFileName());
		preg_match_all('#use\s+(?P<namespace>[\w\\\]+)(?:\s+as\s+(?P<alias>[\w]+))?#i', $contents, $matches);
		for ($i = 0; $i < count($matches[0]); $i++)
			$alias     = strtolower($matches['alias'][$i]);
			$namespace = strtolower($matches['namespace'][$i]);
			if (empty($alias))
				$alias = $namespace;
			$this->namespaces[$alias] = $namespace;
		return $this;
	public function get_class_name()
		return $this->class_name;
	public function get_properties()
		return $this->properties;
	public function get_property($property)
		if (isset($this->properties[$property]))
			return $this->properties[$property];
		return null;
	public function get_methods()
		return $this->methods;
	public function get_method($method)
		if (isset($this->methods[$method]))
			return $this->methods[$method];
		return null;
	public function get_namespaces()
		return $this->namespaces;

annotation phaser: used in the reader, this phases the tags and returns a nice array?


namespace Annotation;

class Phaser
	private $annotation;
	private $tags = array();
	private $patterns = array(
		'vars_params' => '@(?P<tag>var|param)\s+(?:\\$(?P<parameter>\w+)\s+)?(?P<type>\S+) *(?P<description>.*)?',
	    'return'      => '@return\s+(?P<type>\S+) *(?P<description>.*)?'
	public function __construct($annotation)
		$this->annotation = $annotation;
	public function phase()
		foreach ($this->patterns as $tag => $pattern)
		return $this->tags;
	private function vars_params()
		$vars_params = $this->match($this->patterns['vars_params']);
		$vars   = array();
		$params = array();
		if ($vars_params)
			for ($i = 0; $i < count($vars_params[0]); $i++)
				$tag       = $vars_params['tag'][$i] . 's';
				$parameter = strtolower($vars_params['parameter'][$i]);
				$data = array(
						'type'       => $vars_params['type'][$i],
					    'descrption' => $vars_params['description'][$i]
				if ($tag === 'vars')
					${$tag}[] = $data;
					${$tag}[$parameter][] = $data;

		if (count($vars) > 0)
			$this->tags['vars'] = $vars;
		else if (count($params) > 0)
			$this->tags['params'] = $params;
	private function return()
		$return = $this->match($this->patterns['return']);

		if ($return)
			$this->tags['return'] = array(
					'type'        => $return['type'][0],
			   	 	'description' => $return['description'][0]
	private function match($pattern)
		$pattern = '#' . $pattern . '#';
		if (preg_match_all($pattern, $this->annotation, $matches))
			return $matches;
		return null;

ok so i was a little confused to how the annotation validation process is kicked off, after a lot of thinking all i could come up was this:


annotation: where my class is injected so it can be validated on __call  & __set


namespace Annotation;

use Exception;
use ReflectionClass;

class Annotation
	private $object;
	private $reader;
	private $validator;
	public function __construct($object)
		if (!is_object($object))
			throw new Exception('Validator: Unkown class object.');
		$this->object    = $object;
		$reader          = new Reader;
		$this->reader    = $reader->read($object);
		$this->validator = new Validator($reader);

	public function __set($property, $value)
		$this->object->$property = $value;
	public function __get($property)
		return $this->object->$property;
	public function __call($method, $arguments = array())
		$return = call_user_func_array(array(
		return $return;
	// entitys 
	public function validate()

and finally my validator, which validates propery/method var, parma, return, constraints


namespace Annotation;

use Exception;

class Validator
	private $property;
	private $method;
	private $value;
	private $arguments = array();
	private $reader;

	public function __construct(Reader $reader)
		$this->reader = $reader;
	public function validate_parameters()
		$method = $this->get_method();
		if (empty($method['tags']['params']))
			return $this;
		$i         = 0;
		$arguments = $this->get_arguments();
		foreach ($method['parameters'] as $parameter)
			if (!isset($method['tags']['params'][$parameter]))
			foreach ($method['tags']['params'][$parameter] as $tag)
				$type      = $tag['type'];
				$value     = null;
				if (isset($arguments[$i]))
					$value = $arguments[$i];
				if ($match = $this->is_namespace($type))
					if (!$this->validate_namespace($match['namespace']))
						throw new Exception(sprintf("Validator: Parameter $%s must instance of %s.", $parameter, $match['namespace']));
				else if ($match = $this->is_constraint($type))
					$response = $this->validate_constraint($match['alias'], $match['method'], $match['arguments'], $value);
					if ($response !== true)
						throw new Exception(sprintf("Validator: Parameter $%s %s", $parameter, $response));
					if (!$this->is_valid_data_type($type, $value))
						throw new Exception(sprintf("Validator: Parameter $%s must be %s type.", $parameter, $type));
		return $this;

	public function validate_return()
		$method = $this->get_method();

		if (!isset($method['tags']['return']))
			return $this;
		$type  = $method['tags']['return']['type'];
		$value = $this->get_return();
		if (!$this->is_valid_data_type($type, $value))
			throw new Exception(sprintf("Validator: Method %s must return %s type.", $this->method, $type));
		return $this;
	public function validate_property()
		$property = $this->get_property();

		if (!isset($property['tags']['vars']))
			return $this;
		$value = $this->get_value();
		foreach ($property['tags']['vars'] as $tag)
			$type = $tag['type'];
			if ($match = $this->is_namespace($type))
				if (!$this->validate_namespace($match['namespace']))
					throw new Exception(sprintf("Validator: Property $%s must instance of %s.", $parameter, $match['namespace']));
			else if ($match = $this->is_constraint($type))
				$response = $this->validate_constraint($match['alias'], $match['method'], $match['arguments'], $value);
				if ($response !== true)
					throw new Exception(sprintf("Validator: Property $%s %s", $this->property, strtolower($response)));
				if (!$this->is_valid_data_type($type, $value))
					throw new Exception(sprintf("Validator: Property $%s must be %s type.", $this->property, $type));
		return $this;
	private function is_valid_data_type($type, $value)
		$type = explode('|', $type);
		foreach ($type as $type)
			if (strcasecmp($type, gettype($value)) === 0)
				return true;
		return false;
	private function validate_constraint($alias, $method, $arguments, $value)
		$alias      = strtolower($alias);
		$namespaces = $this->reader->get_namespaces();
		if (!array_key_exists($alias, $namespaces))
			throw new Exception(sprintf("Validator: Uknown constraint %s.", $type));
		$class = $namespaces[$alias];
		if (!class_exists($class))
			throw new Exception(sprintf("Validator: Unknown constraint %s."), $class);
		$constraint = new $class;
		$method     = $method;
		if (!is_array($arguments))
			$arguments = array($arguments);
		$constraint = call_user_func_array(array($constraint, $method), $arguments);
		if ($constraint->is_valid())
			return true;
		return $constraint->get_error_message();
	private function validate_namespace($namespace, $parameter)
		$namespace = strtolower($namespace);
		$aliases = $this->reader->get_namespaces();
		if (array_key_exists($namespace, $aliases))
			$namespace = $aliases[$namespace];
		if ($value instanceof $namespace)
			return true;
		return false;
	private function is_namespace($string)
		$types = array(
		if (!in_array(strtolower($string), $types) && preg_match('#^(?P<namespace>(?:\\\\)?[\w]+(?:\\\\[\w]+)*)$#', $string, $match))
			return $match;
		return false;
	private function is_constraint($string)
		if (preg_match('#^(?P<alias>\w+)\\\(?P<method>\w+)\((?P<arguments>.*)\)$#', $string, $match))
			return $match;
		return false;
	public function set_method($method)
		$this->method = $method;
		return $this;
	public function get_method()
		if (is_null($this->method))
			throw new Exception('Validator: Method has not been set.');
		else if (!$method = $this->reader->get_method($this->method))
			throw new Exception(sprintf('Unkown method %s in a class %s.', $this->method, $this->reader->get_class_name()));
		return $method;
	public function set_arguments($arguments)
		$this->arguments = $arguments;
		return $this;
	public function get_arguments()
		if (!is_array($this->arguments))
			throw new Exception('Validator: Arguments must be an array.');
		return $this->arguments;
	public function get_property()
		if (is_null($this->property))
			throw new Exception('Validator: Property has not been set.');
		else if (!$property = $this->reader->get_property($this->property))
			throw new Exception(sprintf('Unkown property $%s in a class %s.', $this->property, $this->reader->get_class_name()));
		return $property;
	public function set_property($property)
		$this->property = $property;
		return $this;
	public function set_value($value)
		$this->value = $value;	
		return $this;
	public function get_value()
		return $this->value;
	public function set_return($return)
		$this->return = $return;
		return $this;
	public function get_return()
		return $this->return;
	public function reset()
		$this->method    = null;
		$this->arguments = array();
		$this->value     = null;
		$this->return    = null;
		return $this;

how my annotation validation works on a test class (Person)

use Validator\Constraint as Assert;

class Person
	 * @var Assert\Not_Blank()
	 * @var string
	public $name;
	 * @var Assert\Not_Blank()
	 * @var integer
	public $age;
	 * @var Assert\Email_Address()
	 * @var string
	public $email_address;
	 * @return array
	public function get_credentials()
		// working 
		return array(
				'name'          => $this->name,
				'age'           => $this->age,
				'email_address' => $this->email_address

use Annotation\Annotation as Annotation;

$person = new Annotation(new Person);
$person->name = 'John Doe';
$person->age  = 101;
$person->email_address = 'someone@homtmail.com';


its all singing and dancing, although there is still a lot to do like implment a gernal validation for single/multiple entitys and tidying up....but i really don't know if i've gone around the right way of doing this...have i over thought it?


and i know its a lot to look at but any feedback/criticism would be appreciated



thakn you!

Edited by Destramic
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I haven't read the entire code, but I'm fairly sure you can make it a lot simpler and more robust if you use the official phpDocumentor parser instead of implementing your own (by the way, it's parse, not “phase”).


thanks for tip...on reflection of my attemp above i can see it's very poor...i'll give phpDocumentor a look :)

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